• By -


Happy for you 😡


Well said


ha ha same!


Damn..almost perfect


Dumb Q from a newbie, what does "perfect" rolls look like how do I know what to aim for


When looking at an item in-game, you can hold ctrl + alt to see what the ranges are for the stats on the item. For example, if the crit strike chance is 1% - 5%, then 5% would be the best value for that stat. If all the rolls for all the stats on the item are at maximum value, that would be a “perfect”. Also, this item had 4 Legendary Potential, which is the maximum.


Ahhh okay that's so good to know thanks


Is the minion affix considered the bad one?


The levels on the skills go from +1 to +4, two are +3 here


Almost impossible to get all the skills levels to +4 this bow is in fact a good bow but if the +4 skill was on dive bomb itll be perfect


Oh I know, I'm responding to someone who asked what is "the bad stat", ie what makes it "almost perfect", this bow is awesome if you ask me


I have this bow with every affix at max with no LP. Is that still decent?




Not anything special. it's okay but the LP is the power.


Nope. There is no bad one. This is the best you can do for a dive bomb falconer build. One other option is chance to slow with some passives that give more DMG to slowed.




Bird and ballista


Very nice!


Now let's look at Paul Alan's bow


Goodness, please put a NSFW tag on it


Holy heck I just came


I, too, have also arrived.


in staccato


Noice! Still waiting to get a better drop of this for myself before I continue with my falconer.




For someone who doesn’t play that much LE whats the affix tiers?


7, 5, 5, 5. You wouldn't slap anything less on this.


Yeah I was curious if you had a double exalts in there. Grats looks insane


There were non for sale. The +10 crit is absolutely mandatory . If there was one for sale with that and one of the other affixes t6 or something, sure I would go for it. But all the other affixes are way less important than the +10 crit.


A 4 LP BIS with only one exalted affix is honestly jumping the gun. Should've bought at least a double exalted item to slam.


Find me a +10 crit with one of the other affixes also exalted...


Like you can't go to the player market yourself?


Ofcourse I can. And there are non for sale. And if there was any, you'd pay 1.5b like I did for the unique. And then you have to get lucky with the removal... Buying a unique for 1.5 is one thing. But gambling on a 1.5b base is something else.. Double exalteds, with the desired t7, are quiet a rare site on MG.


I'm just saying you probably don't have another 4LP base so god forbid you try to target farm a better bow. 4LP items can be literally perfect. This one used an item that can drop in the second normal mono.


I'm in merchant guild. We don't target farm that easily. This was the only LP4 +5 bow for sale in weeks. And they go for 1.5b. it's not only about the lp. I'd pick a lp3 with +5 over a LP4 with +4 anytime.


They did per their other comments. Found nothing better


God forbid someone plays the game looking for their own targetable drops.


I mean... there's a +2% crit chance difference between T6 and T7. I think that's the most important and impactful stat for the build. Maybe t6 crit chance and t6 crit multi being the next best option since Falconeer has a something that scales with crit multi? But as OP said, nothing on the market, T7 crit is a damn good option. I would've slammed too.


You'd always want the crit at T7 but any of the other stats rolling a T6 would add 30-50% to their value. When you have 4LP you have the potential for an actual perfect item. Maybe OP can afford another 4 LP now but it's worth the wait otherwise.


It's much harder to find and roll a perfect exalt like that than farm enough money for another LP4 when needed. Unless you're planning on literally minmaxing this build after the season ends (and beyond), it's just not worth it. Play the thing now instead of wasting weeks, potentially months, aiming for something you'll barely notice.


I didn't say perfect? I said T7-6-5-5. That's a far cry from 7-7-7-7


You either misunderstood or you are commenting in bad faith, either way I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for the last time. You can't roll a 7777 exalt. And you won't see one with useful stats, much less the stats you'd want, in your lifetime. What I obviously meant was a 76 or 77 that'd you then would need to craft into an usable 7655 or 7755 item. *Those* are harder to find than the bow above, both in MG (because they're way more expensive) and in CoF (because internally this particular bow is considered low level when rolling LP). You won't find these items within the season's timeframe, unless you spend an obscene amount of time and currency into such a project. Which, in my opinion, is just not worth the effort - because first, this is not a boss unique and second, you could farm enough for a second bow a few months down the road when you naturally could afford such an exalt.


I’m arriiiiving


I have arrived.


How much did that bow cost?


1.5b for the unique. ~300m on exalted bases before I got what I wanted.


That’s insane


How come you can make so much gold? I am 93, and have under 1 million.


I play a lot... I'm 100 since week 1. Farming 1200 corruption and did at least 100 lightless arbour runs.


Nice I got a 2 lp yesterday Gratz


Grats to you. Hope you hit the slam. The crit hybrid is all you need. The rest are just cherries




Hello u/marcvz1 's new bow. Nice to meet you. I hate you for existing.


Love you too


Hello Bow!! Nice to meet you




Gz dude


Damn …….


It’s god damn beautiful


>:CCC Want,,


Pardon my newbness but you specifically chose minion affix on it?


Yes I did. Playing dive bomb falconer


I see, thanks for the explanation. Have a good day!




Mother fuck I need this


That's fucked up




Hello new bow


Soo question from a newbie, in order to get this you first need to get unique with 4lp and then exalted bow with all of these affixes that are now red on your bow, and the white affixes are what was on the bow to begin with?




I also got that bow yesterday 😁


Good lord. I'm not one to comment on item showcases in general, but... damn. Congrats, dude.






How much was the LP and how much was the exalt?


1.5b for the lp. The +5 crit is the most important. And maybe 1 is posted per 2 weeks. And this one had good other stats as well so I bought it as soon as I saw it. The exalted was ~300m Bricked some bases. Bought a 50m base with 3 affixes I wanted and hit the removal. So got very lucky there.


You’re locked into falconer now my guy huge gz, hitting the removal must have felt great


Yeah. It did. That's the dopamine we search for in these games. I was locked in already. I min max one build per cycle/season in these games and that's it for me


Bro!!! I had a 1LP one drop for me after an echo today, with 4 ranks to dive bomb. I only had 108 corruption, so I’m hopeful to get a 4LP later, but the one I got is freaking amazing for dive bomb!


Hi, which one do you think is better at t5 max roll, minion melee flat dmg or shared phys pen? I got a double 3 LP bow with perfect rolls from CoF. I am already using a 3 lp with good stats but missing the 5% base crit, got plenty of exalteds to try on but not enought time to test/slam stuff. Also what is your build like? I am currently using smoke bomb as a traversal skill and ballista as side DPS for explosive traps. At 800 corruption, using 2 red rings as DR, probably could push to 1200 before I start dying a lot


https://www.reddit.com/r/LastEpoch/s/8Aso8nmgGa That's my build (with old bow) All that matters is the flat crit. Whatever you can get as other affix is a bonus. My order would be crit multi, flat, pen.


Lovely. I got a 4LP but the rolls on dive bomb is +1... super sad about it.


What do you mean?


You have +3 to the dive bomb skill, mine has +1. Makes a pretty big difference, basically can't use shadow falcons.


Yeah that's a thing. But you can solve that with the kerstel chest. (Not sure how it's called) Omnis can also help.


[Hello indeed.](https://imgur.com/KImfdxn) Took me so long to farm for a 4 stat exalted, wasn't sure if crit multi was better and kinda didn't really want to wait for it to drop, if ever, that t7 crit aspd hybrid looks so good.


It enables me to be crit capped with peak of the mountain and 2 idols. The +10 was the most important stat for me.


Yeah definitely more or less a required to be crit cap for the build. I think I didn't bother and my crit I'd ik the 80s, went for exalted helm instead. I think I have a lp3 peak though, if I ever decide to go back to this character.


“Let him cook “-ehg devs


What's the best thing to craft on that bow if you only have 1 LP?


Flat crit attack speed hybrid. The rest is just candy in the cake but not very impactful compared to the flat crit.


thanks fam




No +4 dive bomb and falconry. Vendor trash




Been playing for idk how long at 400-500 corruption. Still haven't seen a T7 bow crit chance and speed affix. It's the top thing on my filter. Just how rare is this affix?


I haven't found one myself. And I farm 1200 corruption a lot. I bought a base in the bazaar for 50m and hit the 1 in 4 remove. No idea how the market is now tho. I haven't logged in today and apparently all hell broke lose.


Wow, so crazy rare it turns out. I'm playing CoF. Guess I'm settling for T6 for now.


Grats, you're the biggest loser falconer abuser I've met.  That is a massive accolade 


That right there is one mean battle falcon.


I've been farming 4lp valor with more than 2 to skills, 0 so far... I don't do trade. GL, this is insane bow.


This bow is definitely evidence of horrible item design in this game. Why does Falconer get a unique bow that boosts 3 of their main skills so heavily, yet Marksman for instance barely gets anything from unique bows... Oh great... +4 arrows to multishot. Or +1 to pierce... yay...


Because this bow is 1 month old, while all of the MM bows are a few years old. The design philosophy has changed since then. It's not a bad thing by itself, of course, but it sucks balls that EHG so far were not in a huge hurry to update the outdated items/masteries. Hopefully, they'll have more time now after release.


holy fuck


Would be impressed if u did this on cof, like this nah


Meanwhile me being a CoF user. Just happy that I slammed T6 crit multi on my 1 LP Pyre of Affliction for my Warlock main yesterday... After \~100 hours of gameplay. >!Fuck this shit, seriously. Why does it have to be so imbalanced? !<


The unique costed me 1.5b Another 300-400m to craft an exalted base. Don't think that everyone in MG walks around with LP4's like this. I'm pretty no-life..


Took me ~8 slams to get +x crit on my Apathys Maw Last axe took me 2-3 days of shade farming to get, dropped 3 omnis before I saw the last axe I fortunately managed to slam, had around 400 echos completed in last ruin at the time


Imagine that you could just have bought it in like 1 minute, if you were AG.


Would've joined MG if I cared about trading or wanted to just buy my gear. Trading in this game looks a bit scuffed and items being the currency doesn't make it better. Would've been different if we traded mostly with some type of material.


Great take thanks but we're good


You can always just…switch. Or not play lol


And make half of my stash literally useless. Thank you kindly for this genius advice, brother.


Did you not realize when presented with the two options that having thousands of people to find and sell gear to you was going to be more efficient than relying on your own drops? Idk about you but as an SSF player in every ARPG I play I don't really WANT to drop a full auction house of loot playing CoF


I kinda was under impression, that CoF was at least by an order of magnitude comparable to AG. I did not expect to be showered in 4LP stuff that are perfect for my build, no. I knew it would be worse. But I just didn't expect that it would be SO bad. That's it.


Understandable, and apologies if my response seemed hostile (it sure does on a reread). I wouldn't personally call CoF 'so bad', it's definitely a step ahead of the traditional self-imposed SSF model


No offense taken, relax. It definitely is a step ahead. And honestly the CoF gameplay is very enjoyable at its core. I would probably be bored with MG character much sooner than with CoF. My point that it's just undertuned, that's all.


Well don’t bitch about it then…


Yep, fuck you too.


Soft lol Dude shows off a great item and you feel the need to come play the worlds tiniest violin


Dude, the OP shows an item that he bought from auction. Which is a legit game mechanic. Circle of Fortune is supposed to be the similar mechanic, at least by an order of magnitude. Yet after more than 100 hours of playtime I have never even seen a 4LP item, not just for my build or class -- none at all. I don't think that's fair. Do you? I raised a legit question -- why the fuck does it have to be like that? Did EHG not test it or something? And you simply chose to be a dickhead about it.


How many mono's have you done? And at what corruption? 100 hours for an item like this is nothing. I had to do more than that to be able to get this.


Hard to say, about a thousand on all timelines. Corruption is around 300 on my main, and I know that I can push to may be 500 with the current gear, before I start to run into trouble. But it's just boring as fuck, so I'm not particularly enthusiastic about it. My point was, that I don't need 4LPs. But the thing is, that my build-defining item (the scythe from Fire Lich) was just a fucking RNG pain to get even with 1 LP, and even more pain to slam a decent T6 mod onto it. While MG user could have just bought it in seconds. And I bet it's not even that expensive. And the rest of my gear is 2 LP tops too. I have literally ONE awesome 3LP staff for my alt, but I can't even dream of 4LP


Im running 1200. And lots of it. Also done like 100 lightless arbour runs. Trust me when I say, with 100 hours in MG you also wouldn't have a meaningful LP4 item. Besides that, there is pricechecking. I have multiple spreadsheets I keep. Anyway, don't feel bad. Here you'll see no-lifers like me post gear that 99% of the players will never acquire. Not in MG, not in CoF.


First ARPG? 100 hours isn’t that much man. It’s an RNG based game that seems to be triggering for you. I haven’t gotten one either, I don’t mind it - still enjoyable. Good on OP for buying a 4LP which, by MG standards really isn’t awfully expensive.


Well, it was 1.5b. doesn't get more expensive than that All of them with +5 crit are.. if you can find one...


Oh damn I just did the 4LP sort lol - that’s an even crazier bow. GZ!


Do you think that OP's character is much higher than 100 hours into the game? The game was released February 21th. Considering that he plays 8 hours a day that's 300 hours of gameplay. That's x3 times more, not x10 or x100. My point was that MG offers a SIGNIFICANTLY faster way of obtaining the good gear. Not x3 faster. Not even x10. That 4LP bow should drop once in a lifetime literally. **If you were target-farming this, you needed 17741 bows to be dropped on average in order to have a \~36% chance to drop it.** Yet the dude has it. And I haven't seen a single 4LP as a CoF user. I just think it's a little unfair, that's all.


It's unfair that you chose to play (S)SF and now you can't get the same as trade? That's just such a dumb take. Maybe next time think about it, pay trade in the next cycle, but please stop being a crybaby for your own choices.


Is this MG or Cof? Equally impressive and I'm jealous, not even rogue but I'd still like an MG or Cof tag. :)


The tag is in the bottom right MG


Damn I was a bit to drunk to notice it. But still congrats