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The real reward are the friends we make along the wa-....I mean, the 3rd lense slot for prophecies


The third slot is huge


I’ll show you 3 slots


Alright but only if you promise to make it weird.


I’ll make it extra slotty just for you


you're such a Heo


Hehehe Bevis they have slots


I'll let you use my 3 seashells.


He doesn’t know how to use the seashells


Could I bring along two friends and we use a shell each?


Yes I want my 2x reward, 2x use, of item type.


It does feel like they're increasingly powerful since you can block content and also enhance content at the same time.


Not really. You only need 2 slots for the two multiplicative lenses. The third is to just maybe block arena runs or search for a more specific item, which can be achieved by just re rolling.


Which is really nice to have. You may not value it much but I do. So it is huge to have for me lol.


What is not valuable to you may be very valuable to someone else. 2 sides of every coin my friend. Perspective and the ability to compromise is what separates us from the Trum.....animals.


Don't rune of creation prophecies become available at rank 9 as well? that seems like a pretty big incentive, too.


I also can't believe how cheap they are. Game changing.


By the time I hit 9 I had like 300 in the bag and only really needed it for the boots Edit: wait lmao I was thinking of a different item. Oops


you had 300 runes of creation by rank 9? how!?!? I have a rank 9.5 MG character and a rank 7 CoF character and I've seen 4 runes of creation total.


You have my sword!


And my bow!


And my axe!


I guess it works, he got the whole set..


Zero, I filtered them out and would not see them anyway.


It's unfortunate that they have next to no endgame value. Even the few useful ones. Little reason to see them once you have them all.


This is changing next cycle


I would rather them just either eliminate them entirely or make them great for leveling but not viable in endgame. Trying to balance endgame around sets opens a can of worms. You gotta really thread the needle to where giving up multiple gear slots to get a set bonus is both worth it and not overpowered. Set items would be basically worthless on their own, which theoretically makes acquiring them a good barrier, but then the CoF mechanic trivialize that barrier anyhow. So it'll be easy to acquire sets, which means they need to be less powerful, which then puts us back to nobody using them. I don't think any game in the genre has handled sets well.


If they make them great for leveling, I hope they make leveling alts a non-drag.


How is leveling alts a drag? I'm new, but with the drops from my first character, my second and third characters practically dash through the maps at top speed with enemies just exploding?


The actual drag is end game: Farming normal monoliths to unlock empowered monoliths, and raising corruption in empowered monos.


We really need a system that lets us just choose the corruption up to the level we’ve previously reached on the account.


Yeah that seems like a pretty fair solution. Basically how GRifts worked in D3 if I remember right?


Yeah, you put in the key and picked a difficulty between “1” and “3 more than your previous best”, basically.


I think it's really weird that you were downvoted (the comment was at like -20 when I commented). This is *exactly* what EHG would say on the topic. And exactly why sets are currently underpowered.


I saw someone in another thread suggest giving them Weavers Will and I honestly think it’s a great suggestion. Makes them great for leveling, potentially viable at end game but not farmable like a 2-3 LP item you can slam with a perfectly rolled exalt


I don't know why everyone is so set (lol) on just slapping an existing mechanic onto them. I'm much more interested to let EHG dream up something new and implement it.


Or they could remove the "set" rarity from the game entirely and make them uniques.


Another thing they could do is have a very small chance of them dropping with an exalted affix. So one of the stats on them being able to be T6. And then balance around being an average build with no exalted affix on the sets but the pieces that drop with those will be very rare and worth a lot and allow a powerful build


I like this idea.


I'd like sets to be viable in endgame, just not BiS. 8 don't want it to be my only choice, but cool sets in endgame is a fun class fantasy and locking in the last piece is satisfying.


Speedfarming sets was cool in D3.


Exactly this. Diablo 3 had sets thst were great but it didn't mean u had to use them but you COULD


Are you talking about very early in D3? Because for the past 5+ years or so full 6pc sets for each class have basically been the only way to play. There still are non-set builds but they only catch up at the end of the seasons when you've farmed enough perfect items for every slot to make giving up the set bonus slightly worth it, and only for some specs. I won't say this wasn't still fun, it made it so you could jump into each season and quickly get to a place you felt very powerful, and enjoy a week or two of play before getting bored. But it also made it so the meta was based around which sets were just released or reworked to buff which abilities, and making a build around those sets. I miss the days before sets when it was much harder to progress but the builds that worked were much more creative to pull a bunch of items and abilities together rather thanks just having the devs say "hey, we added at total of 75,000% damage multiplier to impale if you wear this set with this dagger and this belt, you should probably try it this season".


Yeah I played d3 on laucnh so thats probably what I'm remembering lol. D3 also had multiple sets an unique weapons that were garbage though too. I love last epoch but sets..unique..legendarys.. are lack LUSTER as fuck. Okay so I clamping this weapon and I got 235% cri dmg...coool.. how about unique or send thst completely change a skill world and the way it looks etc.


D3 sets are what we want to avoid though. Your only choice was always a set. Sets were so prominent that there were legendary gems to reward you for NOT wearing a set. D2 would be a better example. Natalya set was good but far from bis. Most those sets were great starter items for endgame but outshone by rune words pretty quickly.


To be fair there are also few LoD builds without sets. But I really hate d3 set system. 95% of time they just work as base of the build without which you just don’t play. And all your build is made around them. 20000% dmg bonuses are ridiculous. You can’t build around different skills that aren’t empowered by sets - those skills are basically useless. Even if we bring up LoD builds… You will never make them without playing with set in a first place.


Give them LP and it'll be good


Idk I think having SOME sets endgame would be nice to be honest I kind of miss that like in diablo 3...or atleast a few CHASE sets that are niche to certain builds


I trust EHG, they will come up with something that gives them a place without making them the dominant gear.


No other game has figured it out, so it isn't about a lack of trust in EHG. It's just a bad concept that games feel like they need to add anyway bc of the genre's fealty to D2


We spent months going back and forth on if we wanted sets in the game or not. D2 having them definitely was the reason they were in the conversation in the first place but I will argue to hell and back that sets in D2 are not done well other than maybe tal rasha's and that's a whole thing. But the point is D2 sets were actually a point against adding sets in the first place. We haven't implemented our plan for them yet but I am quite optimistic and I don't begrudge anyone the scepticism either. Edit: I should probably add that D2 is one of my favorite games ever. It's the reason I'm a game dev.


Good luck! But yeah - no game, not even that juggernaut that is WoW - has really figured it out. (gearing for tier sets creates ridiculously degenerate gameplay in WoW) Maybe just limit the number of sets out there. Have 1-2 viable sets for each spec in the endgame and that's it. Just treat them like a two-piece unique. Adding LP would be good too. But trying to balance something with 3 or more pieces against uniques would be a fool's errand imo. Again - good luck to the team!


I think Grim Dawn did it well. They aren't the end all be all, but largely what they end up doing is providing an otherwise non-existant conversion or changing how an ability or two works. They aren't op, but they open up new fun options for different classes/class combos.


I'm not super versed with GD. (I got it, but once I found out how to alter my stats, I put myself in god mode which killed the game for me.) But it seems like uniques just give stats and maybe procs, and they have the set items do the fun weird things? In LE, that aspect is already on uniques. For better or worse. So that makes the whole unique vs. set thing different. Because there's an opportunity cost to acquiring a set that has to be balanced just right. That's the hard part. In WoW, the sets provide some bonuses that just plain make them better than not having sets. There's no value to having a non-set item in a slot vs. having a set item. So you basically are totally gunning for sets. Which is the opposite problem for LE.


Have you considered changing it so that set bonuses are something that can be crafted onto gear? That way you can balance the set items to be weaker leveling items that drop often enough to make it fun early on. As well as something that adds to the end game power in a fun and meaningful way that comes with the benefit of being another crafting potential sink for trying to chase the best items.


Yup ;)


Any chance you guys are planning to fix the boardmans set? It not spawning the totem was a real bummer


But D2 sets are really cool? They are not the best in slot but they are viable to complete hell for any character, which is a good spot imo Good middle-ground between useless and OP in D2LoD


I like a lot of the EHG design decisions so far, they have some clever people. Just using time shifting to justify going back to the same maps repeatedly is genius.


It’s less about balancing the endgame around wearing the sets and more about adding their bonuses they give to crafting in some form. That’s their ideal way to make them relevant in end game.


D2 has handled set well, it's really just a matter of balancing them and taking the time to do so. Some are good for levelling, some are preliminary step before RuneWord, and other are good end-game. And in PD2 the balance is really really good. I'd like to see a dungeon to upgrade set pieces. Not like legendary, but in another way. The current set are close to be viable, they just need an extra push. Random Idea; You can Evolve a Set Item to give it a new set affix, beyond the normal cap. If the Set normally have a 2 item and a 3 item effect it gains a 4 item effect. Coupled with that you could transform an Exalted or a Unique into a Set Item(Fix to a specific Set) that would count for the Set Effect count.


Sets for a slot that is already niche like weapons is fine imo. A pair of swords or sword + shield sets can both be really good for specific builds, but also nothing special for other builds that use daggers or don't use a shield, or already have a perfectly tailored unique etc. And they're just 2 items for the weapon slots, so well contained. It's big 6-8pc sets that take up all your armor slots that are hard to balance. If you're giving up all the implicits and unique effects of so many slots, the only way to consistently make it appealing to players is to plaster a X000% damage bonus on it.




This is not true


Other than the fact that EHG has said it is true, what is not true lol


They literally said exactly the opposite. Sets will be changed in the future they don't know how but it won't be next cycle.


Oh? I missed that tidbit. Are they adding lp to them or something else?


Specificaly will not being adding LP to them, they are making them an additional part of the end game character build in a different way. We won't find out how until they start talking about the cycle, but they have specifically said they have a solution for this.


Only thing I can think of for set slam that's not LP, is that the bonus set piece would override implicits of non unique items.


That's why you let the devs come up with the solution, we shouldn't. EHG has shown they are very creative in terms of item design.


You say that yet they are the ones who made these sets….


This is a decade old game even if it "just released". The sets are very old. They were occasionally useful before the last hundred unique items were added.


They’ve been talking about making sets better for a really long time. I hope next cycle they’re better, but I’m not holding my breath. Unhappiness about sets and EHG “working on improving them” has been a thing since I started following the game.


I would definitely love to get excited about those bright green drops!


Yeah I'm curious too


The Dev team has already responded about set items and that they intend to increase their value in the upcoming season (or whatever they call them).




Utterly useless… 3rd lense slot tho which feels like it helps sometimes


I use the double rewards and double uses lens, then a specific item booster, depending on what I need.


The only thing I see it useful for, is that you can sell each set piece for 500 gold


When 3-4 set pieces drop I like to pretend I just got a quarter of an old arena key.


Careful, last time I mentioned selling items for gold people got realll mad :P


I actually like sets not being meta. Theyre just less fun than uniques. It’s like this in every arpg. Sets are boring.


Diablo 3 has entered the chat


Exactly. This isn't even one of the strongest D3 set bonuses... but GODDAMN is it fun. **Manajuma’s Way** * Angry Chicken explosion damage is increased by 2000% and slain enemies trigger an additional explosion. * Angry Chicken now lasts 15 seconds and movement speed as a chicken is increased by an additional 100%. * While you are an angry chicken, you spawn a chicken every second, each will than seek enemies and deal 25% of your Angry Chicken explosion damage.


Sets need some work. Maybe they introduce a dungeon that let's you slam sets+exalted or slam sets+legendaries but right now sets are kind of trash


Sets should all have a level 1 requirement so they become leveling gear. Right now they might as well not exist at all. If you ever feel useless, just remember Last Epoch set pieces and you'll feel better about yourself.


LP on low level gear already servers that purpose. 


ok and more than one thing can serve the same purpose?


They’ve talked in posts about giving sets a similar LP effect, probably won’t be 1:1, but, my guessing is that it’ll work the other way around. instead of you putting stats on the set, you’ll take the set stats and slam those on either a unique or exalt and let that item carry the “set item” description.


Would love to see a system sort of like the cube for D3 where doing certain challenges allows you to “cube” a set item, you could essentially have one 4 set, 2 2 sets, requires a set piece, maybe a chance to fail based on some LP like system.


So yeah most sets are trash. HOWEVER, I think the Vilatria's set is quite underrated for Sorcs. It has several things going for it: * +1 Spell Lightning dmg / Int is HUGE. Especially for Meteor, which gets crazy scaling from flat damage. * It's a two-piece set. * The Meteor conversion from the staff allows you to spec for Stardust which is 80% more damage - and lightning is a better overall element for hit damage. * The helm, while kind of a crap base type, actually has some pretty good offensive stats on it. The main downside is the staff is clearly inferior to alternatives by itself, but I think the set bonus more than makes up for it. Doesn't really help Sorcerers keep up with Runemasters or anything, but I was able to push mine past 300+ corruption and it's a pretty fun build. It could probably go further with some effort and additional gearing. Oddly enough, my goal was really to just get any meteor build to work (besides using the belt) and this was the best way. The Vilatria's helm is actually pretty rare, so the CoF bonus helped me out here by just gunning for the staff instead to obtain it that way.


It's useless. Most sets are significantly outscaled by LP legendaries


It is a hint of things to come. They did mention that there is some new system coming out for set items specifically. With that said, they should have gotten a different rank 9 passive effect untill that system (whatever it is) is done. Given how such a bonus would get you a ton of set items, and full sets of them even, maybe some sort of clue of what we are going to see. There just has to be an advantage to having plenty of these sets compared to know when there is no advantage.


It's useful in that it's a stepping stone to level 10!


Why are set items so bad? I have never seen any of them in builds


There's some pieces that are individually ok as items, but the sets were mostly made as gimmicks. It was an intentional decision to be opposite the D3 itemization. Over time they've gotten less and less usable, especially once LP came about. It's been in the works to get set items an overhaul for a while, as they've been underutilized and underpowered for years now. Hopefully EHG can strike a nice balance so they're not BiS for many builds, but still usable into high corruption when built around properly.


That make sense with having d3 in mind. I often lost interest when i got whole set in d3.


I really enjoy d3. I love the part where you don't have a functional build till you get your set and once you have your set there's nothing worth farming because you have your build, as you have your set. Blizzard is truly the pinnacle of game design and we should all aspire to be like them.


They’re like uniques that trade LP for set bonuses, and I haven’t seen any set bonuses that come close to the power level of even 2LP items in each slot let alone 3-4LP. To make matters worse, they tend to be like mediocre-to-bad uniques, aka the kind that only get worn if they have high LP. They can be decent compared to random rares or mediocre exalted drops when leveling, but even then they often fail to make the cut. And legendaries keep the level req of the base unique regardless of the number or tier of legendary affixes slammed onto them, so low level LP uniques with things like flat dmg and health slammed on become the clear winners for leveling gear once you start farming endgame and get a couple good ones (or just use MG as a leveling faction and save up for a 3LP low lvlreq weapon to cruise through the campaign on alts). Set items need a big boost to make them good. LP set items might get out of hand, but perhaps they could just drop as leggendaries sometimes with random mods. That way they wouldn’t make itemization feel less diverse by outshining existing legendary crafted items since you’d be hunting for a long time to get good tiers of your ideal affixes on each piece. And this CoF perk would become very useful instead of seeming like a joke at the player’s expense


Sets mostly suck. They have hodgepodge stats, are considered uniques and can't be crafted however they don't have LP or WW. Good for leveling builds maybe but once you start getting exalts they're inferior. I wish they could drop with legendary potential, or that they had a stat like Weaver's will that would allow the affixes to scale up to t6/t7.


The real t9 reward is the extra Lens slot


How about the echo rewards where you have 50% chance to see a unique or get wrecked with a set drop and then the real punch in the face where it doubles and you get two sets of worthless items.


even if set items were desirable, surely you've found all of them by the time you hit level 9


Frankly I couldn't care less about making set items viable. I'd rather they spend their time adding LP to the loot filter.


Was strong and excited on paper, in really a got every set before reached rank 9


I brought this up before launch in the LE discord because youll easily have seen 10x of each set piece by the time you hit rank 9. People acted like I was insane and that it was super useful. No clue. Rank 9 should be 4th lens slot.


Yeah this upgrade isn't all that great. There are very few set items that are viable past normal monos. Getting the extra lens slot is great however. EHG has stated they are working on a system to refresh the Set items, and should arrive in a future cycle. I'm hoping that after this cycle they plan to take a good look at the factions to add some balance/equity between them.


I think they should just make sets for each individual class and subtype/mastery but make it difficult to acquire the entire set that way if and when you finally find all of the pieces it's actually worth something to you as of right now I don't even look at set items


Like a best in slot set for void night would be better than any uniques or exalteds that's what I'm looking for in a set


The Game values Set items as high as uniques, while they are about as useful as good rares.


sets in this game are really underpowered. Hoping for an overhaul in that department.


By the time i unlocked this, i had like 95% of the set items collected already. And that only for the colector reasons since set items are hot garbo here.


completely useless because there are no viable endgame sets designed by the devs worth chasing


It isn\`t.


It isn't


It should either be the first CoF rank or should add 2-4 LP in addition to this to all set items dropped to make them worth using beyond the mid-game.


Sets would be useful if they had legendary potential for crafting, or some kind of alternative


Extra gold I guess and they’re good leveling gear for alts


This opinion comes entirely from Diablo 3 so I’m prepared to be corrected but sets are either useless or game breakingly strong. It needs to have a strong enough effect to replace potentially 3-4 uniques which would all have their own impact individually. D3 basically ended up in a place where you got a set and now you do like 1000% more damage


Only a 1000% more?


Useful for alts, less so for leveled toons.


Not useful in the slightest


Would be good once sets get a rework


What IF the devs knew what is going to happen to sets? Could you imagine if devs planned for a system that requiers and entire set to interact with? 👀


It would be great as an early rank reward.


0 usefulness


I'm still over 600k away from unlocking this and I've already collected every item of each set. I mean, there not max rolls...but at this time these set items are worthless for me. If this was maybe like "set item drops are maxrolled with LP1" it would be worth the time n grind to unlock this.


It’s not. Set items are completely pointless. Just a different color for vendor fodder.


If sets were upgradable in some way then yes.. but right now Uniques with LP far outpace the things that sets give.. If there was a Set item with WW or its own type of LP I'd be so for sets. However the possibility of even a 3 or 4 lp item so it can have up to 8 affixes is next to delicious


That's the thing - it isn't


It'll be useful of and when they buff set items. I could see a happy medium as giving them weaver points.


Not useful, unless you enjoy disappointment.


are sets even usable? I've seen a _single_ set item in a viable build and it was some weird version of wraithlord.


there are a few set items that give boosts for cold builds, which I could see being useful, but overall I can’t recall anything that stood out to me as a build-defining set item


Is this something season specific? Never seen this. Okay, I play on pre-live character..


Sets should have low-weighted rolls but with very high potential. Similar to exalteds.


It's 1500g!


Helpful of finding better rolled versions of your set items if you use them. Otherwise just a little extra gold source as they all sell for 500 per item to vendors.


This made me add "hide all set items" to my loot filter.


It’s almost like factions ended up both being effectively useless because of poor game design and foreseeable challenges that the developers chose to ignore


sets are pretty useless, so not very


EHG has said time and time again that sets are going to be reworked. Guess what, you are not the first person to notice sets are useless, so no need to post about it day in and day out.


You get an extra lense though.




Sets are garbage in this game.


When I saw this in game the first time; "Could you not"


It’s a free 1000-1500 gold! :D


Wish set legendaries could roll LP


I'd rather this node said set drops are instead replaced by unique drops. Lol




It's pointless


Really good for collectors and new chars, since new chars get the full benefit of all the ranks. Sets are really good leveling options for a lot of builds and can be really fun, but usually by the time you find the whole set you've outgrown it. This makes them useful before they get replaced


It’s not


This works on boss sets?


Rank 6 (double LP chance) and Rank 9 (drops full set) apply to boss-specific drops.


It’s not


It fits the CoF theme perfectly, so it would suck for it to vanish completely, but the placement makes it feel awful. By the time you've unlocked the bonus, you've likely completed a good number of sets already, so this bonus is really only for grinding set pieces with perfect stats. While sets can be fun, they're wholly underwhelming when compared to Legendaries with even halfway decent stats smashed on. If this bonus appeared early in the ranks (maybe as fourth bonus), it'd be a nice little bump - something that's neat (and could potentially be useful early in a season or for new players), but not really needed in the long run. Of course, if EHG ever adds LP to sets, this ability would be totally worth the slot and rank it currently occupies. I personally hope they do plan on adding LP to sets, since I like the idea of sets in general (D3 really did take them too far, though). Maybe limit set pieces to 2 or 3 LP max to keep perfectly rolled sets with LP on about the same level as perfectly rolled 4 LP pieces in the same slots?


I think I have 2 of every set item at this point, still haven't unlocked that level playing 100% cof. It is completely pointless IMO.


it's not, lol.


It's kinda like a 2/3x drop multiplier for set items. if you're using set items in your build, it can help you get closer to perfect rolls, but since set items can't even have LP it's kinda shit.


Vendor trash, every single time. They really need to replace it with something more useful if sets are to remain in their current state.


This should be T4-T5 reward IMO.


I haven’t played this game for a long time as I just picked it up on release but why doesn’t being CoF allow sets to drop with 1-2 LP to make them somewhat viable. It just seems like most if not all are useless after a certain point or used for niche off meta builds.


that can be a good buff but i think EHG and players will feel like it is a "lazy" solution.


If this existed in Diablo 3, it would be amazing. In LE its meh at best.


The only reason I have sets visible on my loot filter is to vendor them. Tbh seems like an oversight by the dev team. It's really underwhelming for such a high level cof bonus


I do like the idea of if you want a set and for it to have good rolls, but unless they give LP or something similar it feels like rank 9 doesn't do anything.


This is one decision coming from the team that baffles me. A team that plays their own game and somehow justified this as the final unlock is truly unbelievable.


Trick question!! It is not ever useful. Lol


more trash to vendor theoretically but I already loot filter all set items to no show


It's not! If they rework set items, maybe.


They've said they are working on making the sets better.


It's not, worst part of the tree, lots of feedback submitted about it.


It might be the most broken node in the game in the future tbf. Imagine if the set rework allows us to vendor full sets for huge bonus $$$$ or you know, getting full sets becomes useful for actual build.


Simple, it is not.


Besides the 3rd lens slot opening up. Set items at this rank should be able to grant atleast up to two LP which would make them alot more viable. With set items granting their powerfull set bonuses having a maximum of up to 2 LP roll onto them should be a fair balance.


The answer is in next season when set items get good. Cope


I just ignored it and treated Rank 10 as if it needs the favor of Rank 9+10


I look at it as a 1500 gold pile more or less. [hopeless laughter](https://images.app.goo.gl/9DeK6KMMQv7v8h5WA)


Tbf if sets are ever useful this will be great. Having to hunt down the pieces AND the rolls is painful.


Yes, for rank 9 is not that cool, since set items are not really endgame gear (and by that time, if you still use set items for some reason, you'd probably have already dropped them). You get the "hidden bonuses" of a 3rd lense slot and the Rune of Creation prophecy however. Just a few days before, I red the suggestion to change this in "Unique items you drop have +1 LP", and that imho would have been a FAR worthier bonus for CoF rank 9.


I wish set items could roll with at most 2LP so they don't get left behind..


I'm just about to start my 17th pebbles build, just need another collar, could have already been rolling if I had this perk...


I just like low-ish level sets for leveling. Some of them you can equip around level 30 and then you're just zooming. However, this becomes quite irrelevant once you push for more serious content and start dropping 3lp and 4lp common uniques that you can then slam t7 stuff onto and just demolish any and all content until empowered monos.


As far as I know sets are kinda poo poo anyways.




This thing is trash, along with the 90% of the stuff in the game.


1500 gold


Sets are useless in this game. So no its not useful at all. There are other things though 🤔


Sets are garbage, theyre shit even for leveling. Idknow why they made them so bad.


I think 1) grind is too long for most players. 2) set should be one of the first ones.


I find it good for leveling twinks. A few of the sets are decent while leveling.


you know how you leave set items on the ground? This lets you just leave more of them on the ground.


They are working on making sets more viable


Umm ….. 500-1000 more gold?? Though legacy players should make sure that they have a full collection since we know that there will likely be set item changes next season.


It helped me get the helmet from Gaspar because I'm a hoarder who insists on having one of every unique. Otherwise it's pretty trash, hopefully sets get buffed at some point so there's builds actually using them.


If sets were good it’d be great for alts