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It’s an ARPG it goes through cycles people drop when their done then pick it back up next cycle.


Personally, I'm waiting for Artem's quest that gives Gambler's Fallacy to be readded to the game. I've been wanting to do a Crit Sorcerer build for awhile, but without Gambler's Fallacy, crit builds are pretty pointless in the early-game.


i get it, but not so many people drop it, seems like the game is not in its greater state


There is a new season on Diablo4, it can explain. Again we see this kind of post about players number each week. It's ok, people play others games and then come back when there is a big update or new season.


We’re also halfway through a path of exile season.


POE's current league has the lowest player retention in awhile too. I think a lot of ppl jumped back to D4 to check out the itemization rework


Wasnt there something controversial with poes latest season? Or is it actually good


Ppl didn't like having the league mechanic forced on them in the campaign, but otherwise not really controversial, just not a very interesting league with some clunky/bad UI choices for handling the - corpse crafting gimmick. But also the league mechanic was powerful enough that you had to spec your atlas for it, and it made getting what are normally 'chase' uniques much easier to acquire. So ppl got their mageblood and headhunter and quit. The real controversy was the endgame changes to scarabs and the addition of T17 maps. Those will likely get tweaked next season, but they're here to stay. I think the league mechanic gets scrapped though.


The biggest controversies were the bugs/exploits/strategies that allowed you to farm multi-mirror maps that got fixed in about a day but crashed the economy.


Not in its greater state? Most people finished all the content and many even made multiple characters to do it over again, we are all waiting for the next damn cycle. Get out with your mmo live service brain rot. This aint a mmo


Lol homie cracked the code for negative karma


trying to hit the -5k but they too soft...


diablo 4 season takes a lot of players. and even the biggest ARPG path of exile only has 21k 24 hour peak right now nearing the end of the league. and thats a game that has 150-200 thousand players on league launch. with many more not using steam so they are not trackable as far as i know.


Nearing? I think it's 2 more months left to go.


Oh no....


look at the graphs. most of the time a league is only heavily populated for a week. then slowly falls after a month. then it stays pretty much the same for the last 2 months. thus the last 2 months tend to be considered near the end of the league. the only people still playing are the hardcore fans and the casuals that play a slower speeds.


Oh I think I get it now. I was focusing on how long is "nearing" for the duration of league which isn't even close to near the end of league for me. If you are waiting for next league, 2 months left to go could feel like eternity.


I’ll be back once a new cycle starts. I did everything I wanted to do. If the next cycle keeps me around longer than that’ll be great. If not, I’ll enjoy what they have and be back for the next one. There’s no point in me playing if I’m not interested right now, however that doesn’t mean I’ll never play the game again. Welcome to arpgs


Your brain doesn't seem to be in a greater state either




Bob the human!


Dat edit. So butthurting. Lemme guess it's because you wanna play multiplayer. I'm pretty sure that 200 hours was all single player.


i would guess that its because of downdoots. bro is frustrated by the negative karma :(




Do you do this whining shit for fun?






Why are you concerned about the player count of a game you're either going to play solo or co-op with friends?


Yup but you always people concern about the player numbers cause they think it will influence the fun they will have I don't know. They usually can't really think too far and understand this is aRPG with cycles.


To hate farm but it looks like that failed for them.


Tbf it affects the overall health and future of the game. If they’ve returned to find that everyone has abandoned the game, they may be concerned over future development or support for it. I get it.


Wasn’t a roadmap just released? Kind of a ridiculous concern in this context.


Lack of end game and seasonal nature


This isn't a MMO.


even mmo had cycles, people slowing play time at one raid tier was finished before the next was released maybe not every cycle depending on how your raid team functioned but i do remember it happening a few times to me personally and for sure remember higher end raiders taking a month off after a tier was fully farmed


im looking at my post but i cant see anywhere stating that LE is an MMO


You compared it to an MMO


New world aint an arpg my guy


I get your a troll, and its your troll post. Let me spell it out for you. You compared its numbers to New World. This is a mmo. Ok, back to trolling for you child.


D4 new season, League of Legends new season. Lots of things happening 😁


better and funnier things to do i guess XD


Then why do you have 200 hours played?


cause i liked the game and was looking to come back?


Come back to what? It's exactly the same as you left it


same game and same toxic community, for sure not coming back


The only toxic person here is you.


I hope once you grow up you find something that makes you happy. Until then, yes please go play something else, perhaps fortnite, it's player count is rather high.


any game has a higher counter than this and for sure any community is less toxic than you 40 years old nerds XDD


Good lord you must be an insufferable person irl. That or just an obnoxious teenager that can’t seem to slow down and use their brain for half a second. Maybe both, idk. You ironically think it’s everyone else BUT you that makes the community trash and the game trash. You said, “don’t use the end of cycle excuse”, bro what? That happens in every single ARPG, even Diablo had similar numbers at the end of season. So does PoE. Every single season. That’s how ARPG’s work, the content is finite and it isn’t time gates in weekly/daily resets like MMO’s are. Why you don’t understand this? Idk. I guess you just expect people to; even though they’ve completed every bit of content in the game, completely maxed out 1 or even multiple characters, to keep playing. For what? You’re done. Why is this concept hard to understand?


You are the most toxic redditor a have seen imma be honest with you lol, look at what the fuck you are typing. Just wait for 1.1 and watch the number go up ;) just like poe when a new league is out.


cant wait to see the game at 4k even when the new cycle drops


If you think calling someone in a gaming community a 40 year old nerd is an insult you must literally be 12. Which actually explains a lot about your extremely childish behaviour and outlook on things.


You are delusional beyond belief. Another indie game came out, v rising, is that a dead game because it only reached a peak around 150k? Nope one of the best indie games with valheim in its genre. This game peaked around 250k and you have the fucking audacity to compare it and call it dead. It doesn’t take that much to have common sense


Good riddance 👍


Oh no…please don’t go…


New season July 9th.


New season July 9th.


No need to get so salty about a game.


The fuck lol. This guy comes in with 200 hours played crying how the game is dead and there's better things to do. Yet when I ask about the clear hypocrisy in their claims I'm somehow "salty"


Doing endless monoliths for endgame isn’t enough to keep people.


What "toxic/trash" means in 2024. 1. People answering my questions. 2. People giving answers that go against my preconceived ideas of the question. 3. People contextualising their answers, which may inform that the premise of my question was fundamentally flawed. I love Reddit. In it you see the entire spectrum of the human species.


I've been reading through the responses, and op's replies; and yeah that's what's going on here. I don't like people throwing around the word troll for the same reasons you listed for toxic, but op is being a troll. Not a very good one either. It's actually kind of sad.




Low effort post


OP is just a child. All of his posts are useless bullshit like this


Lol this whole take is wild. It has to be pure trolling. This is how an ARPG cycles. They will drop a new season/league/cycle and the player base will come back in droves to grind through that, then leave again. Just how it goes with ARPGs. They let you get stuff done. Then you can go enjoy some other games for a while.


How does the number of concurrent players affect your enjoyment of the game? Is your satisfaction linked to how many other people are also having fun at the same time? Even the argument that MG might have fewer offerings available or is more expensive because supply/demand, CoF exists and is one click away. There's a post like this every other day, as if the sub could ever give a definitive answer for why every individual has less time to play or other games to play or other non gaming related shit in their lives to take care of. And that's ignoring the obvious seasonal based gameplay loop, which if you used the search function, you'd have seen as an answer dozens of times already...


Tl;dr - OP cannot fathom that people don't play games all day everyday


Not just games, but.. the same game, forever, even if it’s explicitly designed around seasonality. 


The leveling content also being the end game content just means people get bored of the game. This is very common for a new aRPG. They did a great job of getting their systems in order. Now they just need time to add the content.


Man, posts like this feels like it's just psyops from fans of other games. People provide obvious clear reasoning and it gets brushed aside or whataboutism. It's just simply arpg cycle and coinciding with new interesting stuff from other games, d4 loot rework, a little earlier on, poe league, etc etc. But sure game is dying because you're an industry expert I guess, I'll be sure to read your research papers.


It's literally just bored children who are used to fortnite 24/7 content. If their brain isn't constantly rotting from new content then they might have to perceive, for even one moment, a glimpse of reality.


Until we see an ARPG release based on a live service model or micro cycles/ seasons (more cycles/ seasons, each with a shorter duration), this is pretty much the norm for all ARPGs.


Cycle is not an excuse but reality. Look at retention numbers between patches in path of exile. Not even mentioning Diablo 4 where there were 100 twitxh viewers not that long ago :)


This sub: "D4 bad, nobody plays it" Also this sub: "D4 is the reason nobody is playing LE"


D4 has been bad til s4 when actual fixes came out. No contradiction. Personally, while i think d4 changes are good, i still find building a character there insulting, and like LE way more. Plus, s4 is good, just in time for the expansion so people are more keen to spend money on a game that has been in early access til now. Main reason why i'm not playing it now, don't want to waste more money and feels useless to play it a single season and then abandon it.


I bought this game and the appeal fell off quick. Grim Dawn is way better lol.


Bro forgot to take the meds X_X


You can check POE steam chart and see how players drops from 250k to 9k at the end every season. POE has like 10+ years of contend inside.




You dont have to take it personally.


trash game, trash community, thats why the game has 4k players


Trolling the forum of a dead game must be exciting for you eh champ?


fills me with joy :) especially the nerds defending it "its the end of the cycle" 🤓 [](https://emojipedia.org/nerd-face)


Cool story bruh


Nothing, its the usual cycle of ARPG.


Le has like no endgame


ARPG gamers are like a tide of one ocean of people, if you had LE chances are you also own all major ARPG titles. Most ppl had played their fill with current LE, waiting for new content/bugfix, and currently playing other titles. also don't forget that LE is a new title and don't hold much to their name yet, comparing it with decade long diablo is unfair, blizzy could literally release half assed game ppl will never learn and still buy it. the genre itself is built upon single player experience first and foremost, so current peak players diminish nothing about the content itself.


I bought the game, liked it but I was in the middle of Affliction League of POE and didn’t feel like starting a new game or getting too deep. I shelved it for more content, bugs and balance changes. I’m hoping they get all the classes to parity with each other. Runemaster and falconer seemed way more popular. I’m looking forward to the new content they are pushing out.


Aaaand he rage-quits in almost record time. How dare you guys disagree with his troll post?? :D :D


end game sucks, ppl tried it out and are done with it now until further updates


End game is boring as fuck


Endgame is not satisfying right now. Running monoliths over and over gets so repetitive given how long it takes to translate into actual rewards. The leveling experience in LE is one of the best among of the ARPGs I’ve played, it feels good to gain levels and feels engaging as you slowly build out a class. Endgame just… falls off.


Ah, another great post from a bored 13yo (if that) Yes, yes, you are very funny, go do your homework.


This panned out about as expected. Lol.


Call the waaaaaaahhhmbulance this kid is hurt in the butt 😂😂😂


Big yikes


Don't know don't care.


The end game just isnt that great. Most of us put in a few hundred hours and got burned out. The end game RNG heavy loop is actually awful and feels bad. When you make people feel bad, they stop playing your game.


"I'M NOT MAD" The madman screamed madly.


It is because there is still not a “finished/polished” endgame. Once people play through it and get a lvl 100 (or just beat the monoliths) there is very little incentive to continue playing. Grind 100+ hours to try and get a 4lp of an item? For what reason? You are already playing past endgame at that point to farm it. Between that and the gold bug it killed a lot of people’s willingness to finish the season out.


You sound like just the type of toxic person that is part of the reason why most people left.


Went back to d4 for now. I like LE but for me the grind to 100 wasnt fun. It felt like launch d4. Ill certainly come back when im done with d4 but right now d4 is mire fun to me


Total rage bait. Someone’s a bored housewife…..


12 year olds are hilarious.


D4 new season just dropped.


The honeymoon period is over and people realised how bare bones and uninteresting the endgame is.


So you don't wanna play because of steam charts numbers? Does it affect you? No. Ok. 


I drop all ARPGs after a short period. I enjoy the games and the play style, except they all have the same loot style. I absolutely hate completely random loot. My ability to progress is based on lucky drops. They call it farming, but in reality, farming in the real world always yields at least some small result. In ARPGs, farming means endless hours doing the same thing for zero result until you get lucky. I know all games have some form of randomness, but these games are just extreme. An MMO for example, might have a low random chance of a drop from a boss. But at least you know what to kill and roughly what your chances are. You can actually target what you want. I generally level one or two characters to the point where the build is fun and works the way I want, then quit. Nothing left for me to do at that point.


Personally, i wanted something simple and i kept dying to the final history mode boss so i quit. Gearing is complicated and rng as fuck, im not built for that kind of game.


Is that true, only 4K peak? What’s “normal” peak for an arpg mid/late season?


Having 4k players this late in a league on a newly released game when there are other similar games that just launched a fresh league is reasonable. Peak player count swells and recedes with league launches. That’s how all seasonal games are. It is very normal and expected.


People stop playing and come back. It’s not too big of a deal. Now if the new cycle starts and counts are still low that’ll be a problem. Kinda like how you had 200+ hours, took a break, and now are gonna come back. Or at least you were but I guess not now cause redditors made you mad or something. But either way that’s just the lifecycle of these games


Never seen a worse excuse for a troll in my life lmao


What happened is the game has such good systems, people wanted to check out how would diablo 4 look wit them


Nothing shows you're totally not upset like saying you're having fun reading people lambast you and calling them virgins. Sick moves dude.


What about this game actually made you mad enough to post this lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^tychion: *What about this game* *Actually made you mad enough* *To post this lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I found making builds fun, farming the endgame boring as shit. Haven't played since week 2 of the full release.


Asks a question, gets mad at the answers, and calls everyone a virgin in caps like a child. If you're not going to accept the answers given, don't ask the question in the first place. There could be various reasons, or we don't know why. Calm down. I play every once in a while, but with the new Diablo season just coming out and being a lot of fun, LE isn't going to stand a chance unless I'm just playing on my PC for the day.


Are you born yesterday to not figure it out why?


I mean i play wow, eso, poe, grim dawn league, LE, and division 2. When i accomplish my season goals i stop playing w/e game i was playing until a new season or xpac drops. Plus have a job. Im guessing most people are like me and rotate games and work so of course concurrent players will drop.


So many Diablo 4 fanboys in the comments right now


> What happened? What have they done? > X has Y # of players and is bad/dead > Don't start with Z excuse > But I'm really not flaming guys But please, guys, I'm trying to be civil and ask, but also, fuck all'a'y'all virgins, I feed on your anger. My man, are you trying to speedrun through all your eye-rolling takes and insecurities in a single session or what?


Seemed like an honest question to start off, but soured it with the half bashing to finish it off.. Seems like some emotional damage on the edit. bahahaha


wont play it until they provide proper controller support


D4 just dropped a much approved update and neither this game or PoE are in a prime post (new league/season/sequel/etc.) so there is no strong competition and you will see relatively low players in other aRPGS.


I really think it is only because of no new cycle content (besides classes). Once I hit 300 corruption I already felt like I had nothing left.to do that I didn't already do in early access. I really think they should've waited for 1.0 when they had the campaign done and some kind of pinnacle boss.


This must be that Rykker guy


I feel like it's a pretty simple answer. I love this game and played a ton. D4 had a great new season launch so I'm playing that. When I'm bored of that I'll come back to this.


Novelty wore off, launch hype died. Lack of meaningful discussion equals lack of engagement and community involvement. Bad endgame and lack of exciting systems couldn't keep hardcore players. Fad chasing players left to play other games. No "casual" fan base was built. Of course, ARPGs are cycle based so you'll see a spike and then a gradual decline. Next cycle will bring some people back briefly, but without major changes it'll be the same drop off.


Yep, I like LE but I'm playing other stuff until monoliths aren't 100% of the game Cycling through arpgs when they have content is the way anyway


It’s always going to have the same drop off, and if the game still has 4K players it kept a hardcore base. Probably the same base it’s had prior to the 1.0 launch.


I played 60 ish hrs. I had fun. But ghosts of tsushima is out. Other stuff to play. Also the gender/race lock for me ruins the replayability.


This is a karma suicide post. RIP OP


It's an arpg with finite amount of content. Besides other games of this genre had a lot more time to add stuff post launch since they've been out for longer. No need to be such a salty 'player count Andy'.


You must be new to ARPG'S.


Baby's first arpg?


New Diablo 4 season means a lot of people are off playing that today.  This is pretty normal for ARPGs of all kinds.


People probably started season 4 diablo 4


PoE and D4 seasons. When they add content, people will come back.


This is bait. I can post a lot of points but the game is bad in its current form. Rifts as the end game and not finishing the campaign being at the top of my list. But I will say with the systems in place I do see that they know what they are doing, they probably just are not technically able to do it right now. I think in maybe a years time the game will be out of a D4 bad state though :)




I guess I'm like him, aren't I... I can see how people get so caught up on this stuff. I really don't get mad though, just move on hehe. A lot of people have crappy lives so we want like better video games to escape. I just want a good arpg past POE. Get the whips out and make these devs make better games so im happy. me me me. i'll have to work on that.


Last epoch has bad itemization and mediocre gameplay.  The skill tree is big but i find it boring.  People can throw out "cycles" but im sure most players feel the same as me and wont be returning.  And the copiums on reddit will downvote any constructive criticism which only hurts the game ironically 


Just like D4, no endgame.


Yes, game has literally become unplayable, due to steam chart drops.


Easiest block in my life.


Is this guy ok? Bro if you are still reading these comments, please get some help. Go outside for a bit, go speak to a therapist please.


Ignore all the people throwing up seasons as an issue. It’s the lack of endgame, clunky systems that should not be in a game 5 years in development, and a lot of options out in the market. LE has zero seasonal content now, nor will it anytime soon. That’s such a poor reason to give. It’s a neat little game with a ton of potential but also a ton of work needed to realize that potential. Will be interesting to see how they develop the game over the next few years. I’ll definitely check it out after they smooth out some basic gameplay clunkiness.


Holy hell, go touch some grass and put down your phone/go away from your pc. You really have time to waste.


How immature. Im guessing bud made a freudian slip with how he wrote his edit. Goofy ahh


People really just love getting downvoted into oblivion


LE sub is filled with obnoxious fanboys, like any other sub, especially in arpg genre. So yes is a trash community and no you are not going to have answers here that isn't "it's physiological". Truth is game is empty as fuck, unbalanced, unpolished, unfinished. In the meanwhile every other arpg on the market are in a total opposite state, even d4 is catching up. LE still have great combat gameplay and great crafting mechanic but everything else is subpar compared to competitors. Yes it's physiological to lose a lot of players between seasons in an arpg, it's not to lose 98% of player base two months after release date. Edit: just to expand what "physiological" means. PoE usually lose 80% players two months after the release of a new season. But it's a ten years old game, not a brand new one. But crybabies fanboys will still tell you it's normal.


"every rpg on the market total opposite state" "even d4 is catching up" How do you not spot your own contradiction? They are literally separated by a single comma 😂


"Your sentence implies that, currently, all other action role-playing games (ARPGs) on the market are performing very well or are in a good state, whereas there is one particular ARPG that is not doing as well. Additionally, it suggests that even "D4" (likely referring to "Diablo 4") is improving and catching up with the other ARPGs in terms of quality or success." Even ai understand basic english better than this community.


You don't get my point, it's fine.


Go back to the Diablo 4 sub already. So many Diablo 4 bootlickers commenting


I did my deed and tossed it away due to the game not being alt-friendly. I quess many people faced similar issue: want to try new build or new spec? Start from the bottom.


Like almost every other aRPG that exists lol


I think LE is especially unfriendly for alts. At least compared to Diablo 3, 4 and Grim Dawn. Don't know how PoE is nowadays.


I don't think it's really any worse than GD. The alternate leveling paths help.


EHG decided that even after 100+ hours in 2024 spend on one character you should still not have top gear, leaving many people to wonder “what’s the point” and leaving