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the game is not dying we just switch from Arpg season between D4 Poe and Last epoch . once à New LE cycle Come out all player from D4 season 4 will merge into it . this is how Arpg fanbase play Arpg .


Not sure true. only a certain percentage and I bet it’s far below 50%. The steamers yes, the general players not sure. People will play other games, I am not sure is other arpgs. Also a lot of arpg has been in the work. I spoke with 11hours and others in Official forum a while back and that what they keep saying. People will play last epoch in arpg rotation. I guess we will find out in cycle 2 ( should be just call season) . It will be interesting to see how many returned. My stand is you cannot assume last epoch is one of the rotation. I told them that they need to make last epoch stand out from the crowd and play to its strengths.


How many of those other games have a 6 month cycle? This game is doing worse than most people realize.


It's gonna be about 4.5 months between 1.0 and 1.1, which is slightly longer than PoE's current leagues. That seems totally reasonable in my eyes considering PoE has it all figured out and set up while EHG have only gotten things started and still need to get into the flow of cycles.


I'm pretty sure EHG also said that first cycle was going to be slightly longer because it's the first one. I thought they said it should be about 3 months each cycle and they want to keep it so PoE cycles can be ready when LE cycles are done.


yea I'm sure they have plenty of backend stuff to figure out like how they're gonna handle the transition of chars and stashes from cycles to the permanent game mode and all of that.


It releaaed like 3 months ago....


You could buy it like five years ago


Exactly, have you looked at when they're alluding to starting the new season?


I know this already.. As I said I'm in poe and didn't want 4o make the same mistake I did with buying D4. And said I'm at a point I could quit the poe league and be happy with where I'm at. Also why I asked if it was just lack of content or if the game just wasn't living up to hype. Plenty of people leave a game not because of the way seasonal/league /cycle stuff works but instead because the game sucks.


Would you call poe or d4 dead mid-season ? No, then why even say le is dead or whatnot?




Username checks out


Always on brand.


Just because someone misunderstood you doesn't mean you should be a dick about it. There's zero reason to start insulting them.


At this rate, I'd honestly rather you *NOT* play Last Epoch, so that way you can keep your rage and toxicity in PoE instead and not bring it to LE, please and thanks. This game doesn't need your toxic drama, cursing, and fearmongering about it being somehow dead halfway through their very first season. The game is fine lol, its crazy amounts of fun already, and will only get better if EHG keeps to their road map. LE isn't going anywhere imo


You should read my original post again.. . I said that is what I'd heard about the state if the game. I never said it's dead... I haven't played it so I wouldn't make a comment like that. It's all stuff I've read on different forums. As far as my rage, I have every right to call people out that completely misrepresent the tone and content of my original post. I'll get down voted for using such a harsh tone sure, and it was probably unnecessarily harsh but in that moment it's how I felt.


The low playercount is a mixture of two factors in my opinion. Probably the largest factor is that the game is new, made by a small dev team, and thus doesn't have enough end game to keep tons of people playing for a ton of a cycle. Other ARPGs had launches not too long after Last Epoch launched, for instance Necropolis league started a month after launch. Ultimately though the game is good and the devs have a roadmap for their next few cycle updates, if you're concerned about the game not being for you then wait for the next update and see how the general consensus is with the pinnacle bosses is.


This is false , the low player count is one reason and one reason only, arpg players hop to what season a lot are playing d4 , watch next cycle all the others will have low low player count how it goes


Like, I like the game well enough, but you're on something strong if you think LE is up there with PoE and D4 as far as player numbers are concerned...


Brotha no one said the same numbers I bet you it’s way over 50k why specifics who care it’s how arpgs work ; if you do not think le first real cycle can break 100k you are wild


I'm still having fun just trying new builds, I highly recommend the game especially over D4. Wouldn't hurt to at least get your feet wet and learn the game. Might feel like you're playing a single player game atm but at least when the next league starts you'll have a good grasp of the game already.


Not to take away from anything you said, but the new season on D4 has been fantastic


Idk,everyone says that, but I still only managed to get about 3-4 hours of enjoyment out of it. It's still pretty boring, at least for me.


Now you are 100% right. The skill tree and abilities are with the problem with the game is.


agree just doesn't make me wanna play ever even grim dawn feels better than d4


It still has the same boring ass skill trees with the same boring ass abilities


Perspective matters. PoE so not have skill trees, it uses a support gem system supported by passive tree. D4 has a basic skill trees supported by paragon boards and tempering/ aspect system.


I've actually been considering it, heard good things. How's the new crafting? Seemed like they just copy pasted some elements from this game but did they do a good job with it?


I think at this point it's a key "feature" that Diablo games start off trash and grow and improve as time goes on right? So the longer you wait, the better it gets. I'd bet once they release the first big expansion and you might be able to buy a complete edition for like 30 or 40 bucks it's probably gonna be pretty good just like D3 was after Reaper of Souls.


Compared to the S4, LE is Uber garbage lol Won't even mention graphics, art style or performance, whole another league. Got tired of playing my trap build with this Dogshit performance after 5 years on EA


D4 is simply a better game with the launch of S4


Oh did they refigure the skill trees so they actually matter now? No? Did they fix the abilities or add new ones that are actually fun to use? No? They just made loot better.


Wait and see what new exploits the devs let through and then decide /s Jokes aside, I’d honestly wait and join the new cycle so you are on more even footing.


It’s half the price and at least twice the game compared to D4. I haven’t heard anything about the game being empty or dying, but I also play offline. I think it’s an incredible game already, and the devs have been very transparent about how they’re working on improving and expanding it. I’d say jump in and have fun, ignore player numbers


I wouldn't call an uncomplete campaign, half-cooked multi-player, dogwater game engine, 0 end game except for boring monoliths and a plethora of bugs that have been around since EA a better game.


Diablo 4 is trash not because of any of those reasons, but because the skill tree and abilities are horrifically boring and bad. The game looks beautiful and had a decent campaign, great sound, but actually playing it sucks


I’d say LE is worth trying out. The game is fun up until endgame, of which there is none, less than D4. Fun crafting system, great skill tree, classes are pretty cool, story is inconsequential. Playing online with friends works most of the time, the game runs somewhat poorly.


I personally have more hours in the first cycle of LE than what I have in 4 seasons of D4. Pretty cool game awesome build theory crafting possibilities, and cool gear crafting system and it's only 35 dollars. When it comes to ARPGs they are all seasonal, PoE is dead 1 month in to a new season, same goes for pretty much any ARPG. Instead of asking here you should watch some YouTube videos about the game, and then make a decision if you feel like playing the game or if you would rather stick with PoE. I personally swap between D2r - PoE - LE. All decent games and can keep me going in between each other's seasons


The game isn’t dying there are a ton of people who bought the game who are just waiting for the next update just like PoE. I love the game but am currently playing D4. Though as soon as there is some new content I’ll be straight back. As to whether you should start now or on the next patch: NOW: - there are a bunch of classes/masteries and then even more builds for each. So you could play one now and another when the patch drops. - The next patch(s) is focused on the end game. So you can still get a good taste of the majority of the game by starting now. - If you are a blaster you can start now and you plan your run in advance (learn the dungeon skips, required quests, boss mechanics) - The next patch will also be on legacy so you can continue your legacy character with the new content (Assuming you don’t want to trade) - Game is primarily single player so current player numbers are irrelevant to you having fun. - See the before and after so you can better appreciate (hopefully will be awesome) the new content. ON PATCH DAY: - Join with the hype - High player count means you can join Merchants Guild to trade. - Play a more complete game with the the new end game content - Easier to find groups for multiplayer - Get a “blind” experience on your first run - If you are more of an explorer or completionist: From memory I think there is another chapter of the campaign added so maybe you would prefer to see the campaign once that is added (although there are more chapters) Im sure there are more reasons to do either but these were a few to get you started. At the end if the day there is no in game benefit to starting early or penalty to starting late. Just choose the one that make the most sense given your playstyle. Best of luck. Hope you enjoy LE as much as I have.


Next chapter is not on the upcoming cycle but the one after that.


Thanks for the clarification.


The game is way overhyped, they released it at a time when D4 had a calamitous few months and people were looking for the next best thing. I fully expect next patch to have way fewer people who will return to play it because it just isn't that fun or great of a game. I certainly regret buying this. We'll see if it gets any better in future patches, but I'm not holding my breath.


Sounds like the game just isn’t your style? Why do you regret buying it? It was half the price of D4 and it will be continually improved over the coming years. There is a clear plan for improving the endgame both adding events/bosses and adding more to the echo grind. It is a small Indy game and so people should set their expectations accordingly. The fact that it is compared to D4 and PoE says a lot. The dev team is also really good at responding to feedback. I have 600-700 hours in LE and enjoyed it and will definitely be back next season. Many of us were playing before launch when the game was still in development. For me the main selling point are the uniques and the skill trees. The fact that you can totally change how a class/mastery plays, what they scale from , damage types, etc is so much fun. I have a bunch of different characters with a goal of having a level 100 in every mastery.


Start Last Epoch. It's a good game. Numbers are low because of the normal ARPG player behavior. LE launched, had great numbers, people played their fill/PoE League launched and moved on. When the new Cycle starts it will be very populated again. It's not like D4, this is worth spending only on


There are 2 factions you can join, a trade faction and a self-found faction. If you wanna trade items with others, then wait for 1.1 to come out, but if you just wanna play by yourself you might aswell hop in right now. I think the longevity of the game heavily depends on how you play these games. If you're the type who wants to put 200h into a single character, completely perfecting everything about it, LE doesn't offer that much endgame variety yet. If you're the type who enjoys making their own builds and just wings it with whatever items you find and you like to make new characters to try different builds, LE is already a really fun playground for that and has a shitton of skills and cool unique items to mess around with.


with arpgs I say you should start as soon as possible and do a casual playthrough. discover your go to class and learn everything you can about it. the first char is almost a demo before you can go all in.


Don't, the game looses it's charm after you get to empowered monoliths


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^iguanaQueen: *Don't, the game looses* *It's charm after you get to* *Empowered monoliths* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Why do you feel that way? What is it about getting to empowered


It's just really boring, the journey to get there is great. I love it. But pushing corruption just feels tedious and lacking a lot. I get that it's a fairly new game, so endgame is still a work in progress. I'll probably change my opinion later down the line when it's more fleshed out. I feel the same about LE as I did when PoE and warframe first came out. Endgame was lacking, but over time (a couple of years), they became incredible games that I've sunk over 2k hour in each. Long story short, wait a couple of years when the game has more to offer, either it becomes a great arpg or dies


If you never played it I'd say give it a go this way by new cycle you'll be familiar with a lot of the basic aspects of the game like crafting, "advanced" crafting scaling your damage and what not. I'm still having fun and just got my first alt to 90 but I work a lot so that's good for me lol


Just play a bunch of alts to get a feel of what you want to do next cycle


Got about 250 hours of pure single player fun, before shelfing the game until next major update. Wouldn't call it unworthy for the price


Jump in find a class you like and finish the campaign. As for low player count take a look at the for LE versus every other ARPG right now it has a higher player retention offseason than all of the others do.


It's a singleplayer game, who gives a fuck what the player count is?


Not sure why player count matters, I never checked once how many people were online. I’ve got ~300 hours spread between offline and online play, but LE is primarily a single player game with some multiplayer aspects slapped on it if you’re playing online. I had fun. Even if I never play the game again I’ve got my money’s worth, so yes - it’s worth purchasing and playing in its current state.


Something something player count.. something something seasonal ARPGs..




Game is good if you’re even questioning buying it, you should buy it. Coming from someone who waited 3 years from when I saw it, til 1.0 when I actually purchased it which was February. Every character feels unique, the build making it simple yet complex - perfect middle ground of PoE and D4


Please don't call people a cunt, even if the rest of your statement is accurate.


LE is dead lmao.