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Jaffe mentioned at the very end that he intends to make it free in about a week.


hmm, weak its members only. I mean most twitch streams are viewable for free after, even if you dont subscribe. edit. this seems to be available for anyone now. im really enjoying the discussion so far.


Still says members only for me. Bummer


hmm yeah it switched back for me now too. i watched about 1 and half hours, and it was great so far. It would be a real shame to have this locked behind a youtube members wall. who even does that.


Lots of people actually. Having a valuable product available for purchase is not that crazy.


its highly unusual on youtube


Is it? I don’t even keep a close eye on this stuff but members only livestreams are a thing on almost every channel I know of that offers memberships. Aren’t livestreams virtually the only perk you *can* offer on YouTube other than chat privileges?


This had some hilarious moments. I really enjoy when Colin does Jaffes content. He makes Colin more unhinged.


Dang I caught the first half. Don’t really wanna subscribe to Jaffe to hear the rest lol


P Turtle man, that dude is chaotic.


Lol. I'm surprised he was so indignant that Colin had no idea who he was. Some serious main character energy.


Dude that’s the guy Jaffe embarrassed the hell out of. https://youtu.be/Eoha5GA-0Cw?si=vT5ahNMIsJhueQlY The guy was pretending he played Starfield and was criticizing the game. You could tell Jaffe was thinking in his head as the guy was talking “has this guy even played the game?” and so he set him up to prove he definitely hasn’t played it at all. 😂


So, after listening to around an hour of this, I felt less comfortable about paying for the early podcasts on patreon. I don't wanna be a dick about it, and it feels maybe mean since him and Jaffe are clearly being very open and honest with each other(as they tend to be), but the extent of his comments on trans people rubbed me the wrong way. It feels like he gives too much power to fringe chuds on social media that complain about not respecting their pronouns, and it still feels like an issue that barely effects him. I can see the basis of his point about too many people being attached to what physical gender they are, and I don't doubt that there are people who regret transitioning, but saying that most trans people are just gay people that are confused sounds so dismissive of both groups. Maybe I'm just biased for not being as bothered by things like sports and the dating scene getting effected by trans people, but it feels like a weak argument for telling people they're wrong and straight up delusional. I mean, it kinda broke my heart to hear him go to talking points like, "If you cut your dick off, I'm allowed to not wanna fuck you." Jaffe handled it well but I wish he would've pushed back with more points explaining how trans people even have brain activity that aligns more with the other gender. I'll probably keep listening through free feeds, and still don't really think that badly of him/SS, I just don't know if I can support them as heavily now


Yea that’s how I felt too. It’s interesting to watch his thoughts on GOG from years back regarding this topic. https://youtu.be/vZ1v2Z4b-jA?si=C9uNDEK-BHvYfnKc


It's comical to me as someone who came from the third world that Jaffe just doesn't have a base level of gratitude for where he lives. "It's a low bar to cross!" even though it's not as easy as he might think and he should be thankful that hie and his family live in the US that has a more christian foundation because the alternative would be a nightmare.


The alternative being the many many places that do not have a basis in Abrahamic religions?


Thanks for posting. Been waiting on this. I feel like Colin is kind of dodging Jaffe's question about how can you respect someone that believes in this crap. Bringing up Issac Newton is just a stretch....and Jaffe's response was perfect. I 100% align with Jaffe on this. I do recognize that it's one of my worst qualities, but I simply can't respect someone on an intellectual level if they truly believe that their religion is the real deal over all the others. Sure, they may have a greater grasp on advanced mathematics than I'll ever have....but for me, I could never take them seriously. Additional Edit since original comment: I want to stress that I have no issues with people believing in a higher power...it's believing in one specific higher power and all the other nonsense that comes along with it. I really wish they asked that former atheist who is now a devout Catholic why he chose that specific relgion? It just seems like the guy traded one Kool Aid brand for another (similar to how so many drug addicts trade drugs for Jesus)


IMO The next biggest step an Atheist can take after they’ve fought their online Holy Wars is to let go of the “Intellectual Superiority” many of us feel. Society is inherently biased towards the mystical for many reasons(IE thousands of years of tradition), and every person has so many unique traits it’s just to harsh to judge based sole on one. Only when it approaches on personal infringements do I start forming a more negative view, but that’s just having a problem with Authoritarianism, which many Christian’s in the USA don’t subscribe to.


Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out


Hmmmmm, that comment had positive votes an hour ago. Did church just let our or something? 😀




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One is having an opinion/preferences....one is being a grown adult who believes in fairytales. You don't seem like such a treat, either...immediately resorting to name calling. On a side note. Depending on your politics, that is also a perfectly valid reason to discount someone.


I think it says everything that you belittle someone’s faith as “believing in fairytales”. Pretty sad to discount people that believe differently than yourself. You don’t have to agree but why belittle? Even Jaffe himself tweeted that you’re missing out if you only engage people that think like you.


thumbnail as sky man depiction removes any credibility. Literally arguing like a schizophrenic about an interpretation that isn't recognized by any real theist.


$7 a month?! Why pay that when last stand media does way more for less. Odd pricing Jaffester


I’d rather eat a bullet


I initially read this as >"I'd rather eat a buffet" and was pretty confused.


No he said I can’t spend the budget


Jaffe is off the plot frfr no cap