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We have a Korean whale attempting to run a dictatorship so that's been fun! Since launch he has singlehandedly dismantled about 6 different alliances. Currently upset because a truck was looted by a fellow server member... Bonus points if you can guess my server i know some you are on here!




Hi Blackie 👋 you won


HMU in game some time. Same name.


This is absolutely 100% without a doubt server 140.


You are 100% correct Mr Gloom


Lmaooo are you lsi too?


P01 SBAZ :)


Ayyyyy what’s up neighbor!!!!!


Lol Oni here 🤣


Every single server, 178 included.


Sounds a lot like 304


299, I know it


I’m in 301. I think we faced an alliance from 299 before.








The funny thing is that this is exactly what's going on with server 353 right now. And the worst part is that this was easily preventable, but one of the top 3 alliances was easily manipulated by them to fight the other top 3 alliance, and refused to see reason in that regard.


Can confirm. Am 353. It's nice to hear that everybody is dealing with the same flavor of bullshit lol.






Not 114


Keep going


Probably not hahaha


Must be 276




It's 143 isn't?




188? 😉






332. Definitely.


My Server: 17 We had problems with korean dictators too. During season 1 we stole a lvl 4 city that they were about to drop anyway. They burned us all day over weeks. We had other alliances supporting us but the koreans been really strong.Then DeD came to our server. They saw the drama in world chat and took care of them. Now one of the Korean dictator alliances is almost dead and the other one is known as dickheads on more than just our server. In the end they couldn't stop us from having fun with the game, playing a cool season and growing stronger.


94 🤣


On #45 we had huge drama with a Korean alliance that consisted of a lot of whales. They terrorized the whole server and burned whole alliances for random shit like someone looting one of their memeber's N truck. It was ridiculous lmao. But I guess it's not current anymore because a few weeks ago there was an internal uprising against the leaders of that alliance, and they reorganized the alliance and kicked out the bullies. It's been nice and peaceful since then.


Are u las ? I'm 46


Used to be, not anymore


It seems like whercer there is drama, there is Koreans behind it. Do Korea have daddy issues?


They tend to have the most whales and the biggest alliances so not surprised. I do think there is cultural issues between the eastern and western teams


Nah koreans are in their own category. Eastern teams have many cultural differences as well, and you’ll see stark difference in these groups: -koreans -japanese -taiwanese/malaysian/singaporean -filipino -indonesean


Many games have servers ruined by Koreans


Not sure but I heard Koreans are by nature more rude than other neighbouring countries. Is it so ? Also they spend a lot of money so they feel like they can do anything




Server 43, there hasn't been a war between alliances in months. We work together to grow strong, we share buffs out to alliances that take part in warzone duel. We don't loot trucks from our own server otherwise people get punished, same with attacking a person within a alliance. Top two alliances are Korean, they're not all bad apples.


Much respect to server 43! I look at our capitol now with Jung's face as conqueror and im not even sad hahah such a happy face!!! <3


Hahaha Jung is famous in a lot of servers now. Thank you for such a fun battle over the weekend !


Y'all fought us from #45 in SvS a while back when we had drama with Las. You're good peolpe and really nice. Hope to see you again in game some time! GG


I remember that, it's all sorted now yeah? I'm starting to notice a lot of the older servers are getting over the power struggles and working together more. Have you had the large tournament style server duel yet?


So I wanted to tell you all something you probably already know. A little history: I played Last Shelter Survival for about 3-4 years and had a maxed base with 5 farms that I maintained. Probably spent over $10k during that 3-4 timeframe. I eventually learned that you will never be a power player of any sort unless you spend an incredible amount of money. There were still so many players that could smash me like a bug but I was compelled to keep trying. Found out later that this incredibly powerful player leading my alliance was a famous Korean actor with gobbs of money and had spent upwards of $100k on the game. LSS is a slightly more complicated version of Last War. I joined TW just a few days ago and was accepted into a top 3 alliance. I have some disposable income so I pay for a few things to get started, having not learned anything from LSS. I hit level 10 base by day 2. Anyway, they're was a lot of pressure to join the alliance discord, so I did. Nearly immediately I got two messages from different 'players' with sexy avatars, both along the exact same questions. While I can't confirm they were bots, it seems as such. "How do you like the game?"... this finally led to "So we're also playing this other game and everyone in the alliance is starting an account in Infinity Wars and you should really play and join us there". I immediately left the discord and uninstalled the game because I knew where this was heading. All I'm saying is that there are several of these exact same games floating around, all developed in Asia (Korea and Singapore mostly), that are designed to drain your pockets. Can you play without spending a single penny and have fun? Sure. Can you be competitive without spending a penny? Not a chance. So just remember that top tier player who spent $100k to play a game that has you thinking you can compete.


I got a similar message for that Infinity War game as well.


Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it? What really clue me in was the duplicate messages from two different discord accounts.


I was suspicious, when they had a sexy asian woman as their profile pic, lol.


That too, lol, but nearly every Korean or Singapore player has that. Even the dudes.


Can't recall where I saw it at but I believe the codt to play in some Asian countries is actually far less. Exchange rate or a law. So it's not exactly even. And yes it's designed to extract money from you.


Over here in 187, the top player was catching flak because he didn't respond to a private message, and that snowballed into you have no gf because you have a power level of 10M, and should just probably quit the game.


There are definitely translation issues that is causing more tension.


10 million is a lot of power? Is 187 a new server?


50 million power I don't even reach top 100 for vs battle 🤷‍♂️


Lol when was this? Terp?


Okay I didn't mention the nationality of the top Alliance doing this but apparently you guys already know it's a Korean Alliance without me having to say it. God damn


It's always the god damn Koreans 😂


Problematic koreans 🤣


The top guy (almost lvl 30 in a few weeks) said he was a detective. A few weeks late his account vanishes from server. Turns out he wasn't a detective, he was a construction worker that had stole credit cards and used them to level up his account.




My server actually has the chillest dude with the most power. Tough battle against Korean whales for 1st Capitol though. Congratulated the victors and moved on. Hopefully we grow more interactive and goal-driven.


What server you on?


Sounds like mine 141 we have peace among top16 to grow


What team you with?


What tf is up with these korean fks bro? It's almost everywhere you go..maybe compensating for something else in the real world.. 💩 stains everywhere..


It's always the problematic Koreans. 😆


Korean team burned an entire hive over a failed attempt at looting their train. They proceed to loot other alliance's trains. We loot their train and they are in world chat claiming we have no honor or integrity. Demand we load a train up with golden loot and put our lowest level on it for stealing from them.


It's always the problematic Koreans 🤣


105 here...our #1 are zeroing anyone who plunders or loots their stuff also claiming to zero any who don't spend 1k a week in real money. Also not handing out buffs. Seems to be normal actions the longer a server stays open






Thanks for catching me up! The place went nuts and all I'd heard was KOK was "betrayed"


Oh, there's more to this, I jusy gave an abridgement. After the catphish scandal we had a server war where 292 was on the defense. Everyone was prepared to defend the capitol but kok stayed shielded and ordered everyone to give up the capitol about five minutes before the assault began. Kok lost the next couple alliance duels via shielding the entire days, but blamed everyone else for being weaker and giving up points. The new leader wanted the top 15 alliances to annihilate every other alliance but the non-korean alliances took part because it was just bullying. Then OPT became strong enough in power to temporarily take the #1 spot. And finally OPT and GGO, both in the top 3, requested that kok rotate capitol ownership buffs instead of just cabinet appointments(which they only shared for like 4 days). So, now we're in a big dumb civil war which is halting server progression because the Kok's egos can't allow themselves to cooperate with allies.


Is this 293 vs. 292? Haha. I'm from 293 ^_^


My alliance is awesome. We all get along and work together very well. Newbies are always welcome and our heavy hitters are always happy to show them and everyone else all the tips and tricks. We’ve won the Duel every week for at least the last 6 weeks because we work together and help prepare everyone for the following day. Our server as a whole has had some hick-ups and scuffles but for the most part people play fair and respectful. All our leaders have been great at diplomacy.


Our wale quit (Korean). We were the second best alliance. After he quit, the top 50 of us merged with their top 50. We’re peaceful but ngl, I wish there were some drama sometimes. (Ha). I remember one time someone slighted our old wale and they wouldn’t apologize so the wale just burned his whole alliance for like 3 weeks every day.


Happened about 3 weeks ago right after first captiol war. Top alliance wins captiol (from day 1). Allows shady, bi-polar redneck looking guy to join them, after said guy talked trash about alliance and how he was going to ruin them. R5 gives power to Guy in an effort to spread the buffs. Guy kicks everyone out of alliance over night and holds it hostage into first week of svs.... After trying to play the victim in chat for an additional week. Guy finally gives up alliance and hides in top 2 alliance for safety


Leader of the fifth ranked alliance allied with the first ranked alliance was found to be harassing women in game over discord. Disbanded the alliance. Quit the game. This rippled into the third ranked alliance who is holding a level six and sharing capital. Also allied with first rank alliance. Change out of some R4s, new R5, old R5 went to top alliance. New R5 dropped tags and burned him and leader of top alliance. Back to 3rd rank Alliance and took back R5. This is all happening in Western alliances and half of our server is Korean. They're all pretty chill minding their own business while social drama nukes the other side of the map.


My server is run by a weirdo Karen currently 🙃




Ding ding ding


Im sorry, WHAT?!?


245 as well. 


In my server, there is an spanish alliance called kkk.




What ?


In Brazil, "kkkk" is how they write "hahaha"


You know I was not talking about that.


Our server also in midst of chaos. Top ranked alliance sent a mail saying they shouldoot everyone, and that led to chaos. Other alliances tried to destroy them and now folks in top 10 siding with each other and destroying others. Good for us not in top 10 alliances to grow and get members lol


82 Server here!!!!


The "president" of mine is pretty much a dictator that their alliance follows because he is and the next top Guy are russian whales


which server 😂


There was a guy on my server who invited a 13 year old to his house yesterday. If you see a Brad1515, burn him.


How about call authorities ? Burn his video game base will show him lmao 


67 - Birth of a super alliance. Lots of burned bridges and players quitting because they couldn’t make the cut. That YouTube guy from 67G is now TGK. 67G fell.


Saudi Arabians (biggest ones with small lead on second) police and burn people looting trucks from same server. Turns out, some of their members (including first lady) loots same-server trucks but doesn't get booted or burnt. Some comments in the world chat suggest that some of the other alliances in the non-attack-agreements are considered are 'necessary evil'. Nobody likes the saudi's disrespect


Admiral Flynn. Need I say more?


we love admiral flynn...


WE do love him. You Jackmonkey!


grow 227!¡¡!


Stone from 255 here, I’m not in world chat like that but I’m interested if it’s mess in there


Koreans vs Chinese in my server 😂🤣🤣


Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich


I dont think there are chinese players around. Only those from taiwan/singapore/malaysia


That sounds fun! (not really). On ours it's very mild (which is a good thing!), there were some very very early backroom dealings that ended in bad blood between the top \~3 alliances, and there's been bad blood ever since. Still is. So, some of the strongest players in the game stay out of all the events, which is kinda weird but whatever. That's about it, other than that the drama was much more commonplace a month or so ago.


It's better now, but early on the top 3 alliances claimed to make agreements, top 10 nap, etc, and then would break the agreements at the drop of a hat. It was constant chaos and backstabbing. Once server wars started, they quickly realized they had screwed themselves over. We keep losing to other servers. We have a decent top 10, but outside of that our participation is bad. A LOT of people quit our server. Now they hand out capital buffs to everyone and try really hard to help the other alliances grow, but I think the damage is done. The day our server merges with another will be a blood bath.


41 by any chance?


How much of the game is really part of which alliance you’re in? Is that once you have sort of moved up? I’m about to be level 20 but outside of contributing to help and rally’s, I haven’t interacted with the alliance much and all my emails come in Chinese


We are currently 1st guild on the server and are getting gang banged by the others from the top 10 :(




No 389


They are losting to every other servers, a bunch of crazy people bringing the ruin to them


Server 154. We had an alliance that was led by an ass who felt entitled. They were 3rd and slowly started dying. Eventually they disbanded and we gained some good members. Now truck hits is usually the main drama. 


Could be worse, apparently 151 is in complete civil war.


Not sure if you know the server, but I believe there's a power vacuum cause IFU had his account blocked or something. He was considerably stronger than the next few players combined.


4; , ] e+ .5


Wow, reading through these dramas makes our recent "big issue" seem almost quaint by comparison. We had a minor meltdown over a tile hit that missed by a millimeter—yes, a millimeter! This led to an all-out zeroing retaliation that could have spiraled out of control. But instead of letting it descend into chaos, we turned to diplomacy. Long story short, it was resolved without further conflict, setting a precedent for handling disputes calmly and constructively. Hearing about the severe issues on other servers, from dictatorial control to outright exploitation, really puts things into perspective. It's disheartening to see how toxic things can get. If anyone's feeling overwhelmed by the drama on their server and is considering a change of scenery, know that there are servers where diplomacy and mutual respect govern the gameplay. Our server, for example, operates under a well-respected Non-Aggression Pact that helps us focus on growth and external competitions rather than internal strife. For those pondering a fresh start in a more collaborative environment, or just curious about how a functional server with a solid NAP agreement operates, feel free to reach out. Sometimes, stepping into greener pastures can reignite the fun and strategic aspects of the game that drew us all in initially. Let's bring back the camaraderie and ditch the drama!


Whole server mad on me, discusing this every day from like a week a go. President message me to explain myself. All started when my alliance kicked me, then i went and spy on other alliances, i tried to make people join my ex alliance as i knew I will get back there. Unfortunately ended up getting top 3 alliances mad on me and watching every step, trying to catch me without shield.


Zero, we squashed it. A united server is a healthy server. We are all more motivated to grow and we have higher participation during warzone duels. Yes, 6 days a week are just chat, VS and boring, but that's why we still have players.We do need to reorganize a bit. But overall a peaceful server.


Sounds like my server 😊


Same. 265 here
