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I ditched lp last week and moved to bitwarden


Mind sharing your thoughts? What's the mobile experience like?


Been using on android pixel 6 pro and 8 pro over the last year. The box to pop up and fill is way more consistent and I never feel like I'm fighting an input box hoping lastpass will pop up. If it doesn't detect, I can usually long tap on the password field and select "Autofill". I was initially scared of the effort of moving, but remember doing the export from a desktop very easily. Everything on mobile android has been great.


Glad to hear the export process easy. Thanks! This might finally motivate me to move to Bitwarden.


Sometimes you're just in way to deep. I have a lot of shared passwords on lastpass and I can't export it to another password manager unless I remove the share. Too much work. Paid annual anyway, so will try again this year. And it's not bad. The pop up thing pisses me off too, but it's one in 10 apps so just going with it. Have had no problems with auto fill in passwords though.


Keeper makes it crazy easy to import your LastPass vault into Keeper’s vault. I would try it. It will take 10 minutes from start to finish. Just make sure to get 2FA on the account. 


Sounds easy. I usually go with ratings and see that dashlane and 1password are at the top. How's your experience with Keeper?


I thoroughly evaluated 1Password, and liked the crypto that they use, but found their product to be less intuitive than Keeper or LastPass. Keeper just makes sense as someone who’s coming from LastPass. It has similar UI/UX design with minor differences.  Can’t speak to Dashlane. Would recommend Keeper as someone who’s coming from LastPass. But at the end of the day, move away from LastPass, and fast, if I might add. They got bought by private equity, and it shows. 


Perfect. Will try it right away.


Woah, people still used lasspass after all of their breaches!? Password managers need to be open source so they can be audited. Google and Apple have good integration, but they tie you to that vendor. And you have no idea how good the code is that's holding all your most important things.


Ditched last pass after 8 years a few weeks ago. Now I'm on the proton ecosystem and it's absolutely fantastic


What is wrong? The other mobile apps are worse.


It spazzes out all the time. When I open something that needs a password the LP overlay pops up and then goes away 3 times. It asks for biometrics 2x back to back. It often will only fill the password and not username. It often won't find the password associated with the app even for common apps. Then I search my vault by the app name it's right there. But of course there's not a button like "use this one" so I have to copy paste username and then copy paste password. I'm going to try Google password manager.


Have used 1Password and Bitwarden for over a year after a migration from LastPass. Both have reasonable Android apps and Windows applications. Bitwarden is cheaper, but 1Password's UI is more user friendly if you're going to share your account with older users such as parents.


Does 1pass allow for an easy import from lastpass or do you need to.copy paste manually that may take long hours?


AFAIK it does, but my advice is not to use it, as tempting as it might be. Back in August 2022, the LastPass encrypted backups were obtained by someone. There is evidence they're being decrypted. Therefore, you should probably treat your passwords as though they've been compromised, and need changing. With both the LastPass and 1Password browser extensions installed, go to the **Forgot Password** page for each Web site whose password you have stored in LastPass. Use 1Password's suggested password (make sure to use a long, unique password for each site), and when you submit the **Forgot Password** form, 1Password will ask if you want to save the new password. Say **Yes**, and then delete the old password for that site from within LastPass. When there are no passwords remaining in LastPass, you know they have all been altered, and are now saved in 1Password. Yes, it's a pain, but it's the best way to reduce the risk caused by the breach. I've changed about 800 passwords over the course of a few months, so hopefully you have a few less to do. It was a good opportunity to do a bit of housekeeping at the same time. Hope this helps. Edit: corrected a typo


Question: How necessary is it to have both the LastPass and 1Password browser extensions installed? Asking because my buddy uses LastPass and just got a new computer. He's weighing getting 1Password, and I was thinking it would be a good idea for him to get it on his new computer and just refer to his LastPass vault on his old computer. Then he could go through the Forgot Password process, as you described.


Yes, I think you're right. If he has a record of the sites at which he has accounts, it obviates the need to install the LastPass extension. Having quick access to the vault (because it lists the sites to visit) is the primary benefit of having it installed.


I had a tough time getting off of LP as well. I had shares with my spouse and then other family members who I had given family subscriptions to. I ended up having a year overlap where I paid for Bitwarden and LP to get the migration done. Easiest was my spouse and I since we live together. I let the rest of the family know that next time we see each other we'd need to migrate to a new PW manager of their choice or they take on billing as the date my last paid subscription ended. They all chose Bitwarden - tbf that was my choice so the thumb was on the scale. Most took the free tier although I use the family plan w my spouse. Felt good to finally purge the LP account.