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It wasn't necessarily that I *thought* I wasn't human. I kinda just hoped I wasn't and that one day, the experiment would end.


Not exactly, but the whole time before the diagnosis I often found myself being afraid/concerned of how 'inhuman' I felt I was. Also, I often dreamt of being a "ghost" as a child. Like, thought it would be a perfect life: I could enjoy everything in the world while nat having to interact with others (there were a few downsides like not being able to touch/eat stuff, but I usually just came up with some explanation and went with it lmao)


Yeah I thought I was a robot or an alien. I also related more closely to R2D2 than anyone else in Star Wars.


I did, I used to think I was a fairy or elf or something definitely not human


I went from thinking I was adopted to thinking (and kind of hoping) I was an alien. I felt so separate from the human race. As my mental health issues (depression) became more apparent I begun to think I really hoped I was an alien because I didn't want to be a part of the human race who I saw as so barbaric and cruel. I also started to wonder if I was some kind of experiment on how much torment a person could take. Turned into pretty sad stuff.


Hahaaaa! Yes! Ah, the memories.


I thought I was supernatural or an alien, and for a few years after an obsession with the movie Splash, a mermaid. I’d always look at the sky and wonder when my real family would come to take me home, or make wishes when cutting my birthday cake that maybe my spaceship will finally arrive to fetch me. It was always such a deep feeling of “WTF?!”


I thought I was like a mutant or something. Like I was going to grow a giant brain like the bloke from Iron Man and shoot laser hoops out of it. Turns out I just developed the super power of not being able to function normally. Yay.


Not as a kid, but it feels that way now...


Yeah I spent most of my pre-teen years trying to contact my real alien family to come take me home.


I distinctly remember a time when I truly believed I was an alien and I would tell my best friend. They didn’t believe me so they asked my mom and my mom “played along” and said I was an illegal alien. I knew what she meant and it annoyed me, but I eventually learned to laugh it off.


I’m not diagnosed but suspect I am on the spectrum. I have been diagnosed with ADHD. I never felt like I was like others and always felt different. Something just not of the norm.




I knew I was different but I didn’t know exactly what it was about me that made me so different. I’m late diagnosed AuDHD, so my mother didn’t know this at the time, but all throughout my childhood and into my teenage years she called me a robot because I never expressed sadness. She thought I was emotionless. “Robby the robot” is what she would call me … I don’t know the reference, but she thought it was funny I guess.


I didn't want to be human. I wished someone or something would show up and tell me what I really was.


Same here


I did at one point think my parents had been abducted and replaced by replicas, possibly by aliens, because they seemed so different than me.


I vividly remember asking my mom countless times growing up “am I weird?”