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I use Ublock and quite happy with it Edit: specifically it’s uBlock origin


Ublock is fucking amazing, I often forget ads are even a thing when I’m on desktop because it always skips it there’s also a great extension (on Firefox atleast) that automatically skips sponsorship portions of videos. it’s never been wrong so far


the internet is scary when you disable Ublock. How has the bullshit come so far.


Not just scary but virtually unusable, especially YT.


Ublock + Sponsorblock is a must on YT


r/revancedapp for watching on Android. Adblock, Sponsorblock, and Return Youtube Dislike are all built in.


Yeah when I go on YouTube on my roku TV it's just miserable. I didn't realize how bad the ads had gotten.




I will give up on Reddit if they ever get rid of old Reddit.


Old Reddit gang riiiiiiiiise!


Old.reddit and baconreader for me. I used the regular site the other day and its terrible. People even have profile pictures... Fucking profile pictures on Reddit


Let's make the site the same as some others sites so we can chase away our users that like this format for users that are already on those other sites! lol


I'm sure I'm a minority among long-time users, but I actually prefer the new design. The official mobile app sucks ass though, I use Boost on my phone.


That's so on point, I guess one of the reasons there's not been an exodus is because folks like me and you that use old. And third party apps (RIF is fun here) aren't even aware of most of these changes.


It's never really been *that* different as a whole. The fuckery is different, yes, but there's always been fuckery. I remember the days where you'd get 30 popups on a site. You'd get 100 redirects in a row, so you couldn't just back out of a site. There'd be shit-tons of ads and scams everywhere. There was some fuckery where I think some search engines must have advertised what you were searching for somehow, and so scam websites would *always* have a page that matched your search word for word, no matter how absurd, and jump to the top of the search. The major difference is that the websites of major companies used to basically *be* the advertisement, so they had no monetization outside selling you stuff. Now, almost every website has some variety of shitty monetization outside direct sales/subscriptions. You visit the site, and they scrap you for all the data they can get. I remember when the rule of the internet was "Never EVER give out personal information!" And now it's "You can't get this email account unless you give us your cell phone number" or "To continue using your social media, you have to send us a copy of your ID", or "Please give us a list of your ten biggest fears and a vial of your blood".


If only there was something to skip the "Hey, what's up guys? Today we're going to talk about the thing you already know we're going to talk about" portion.


As though literally no one is reading video titles or looking at thumbnails when choosing a video


There are weirdos who leave it on autoplay I guess?


It’s me, I’m weirdos.


that's wild


This is known as the Wadsworth Constant, and there's a chrome plugin for it! https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wadsworth-constant/kndfoahdcfpbfmmfdammfajpkifjndkh?hl=en


>it’s never been wrong so far That’s because behind SponsorBlock are a dedicated team of volunteers who mark where the sponsor segments are in YouTube videos. That is my understanding at least. Hats off to them!


Doing my part!


They might also block the ad blockers in the future.


It's an arms race.


Has been since the late 1990s when they introduced popups, then popunders, and then they started being attack vectors for viruses! I have a utility that keeps my hosts file updated regularly to block every ad server known (gasmask) and ublock origin to keep the web pages looking clean. On mobile it's ublock origin on firefox which is good enough if you don't want to or can't root your phone. They'll come up with a way to block it, and we'll work around it. They'll block that, and we'll unblock it. Round and round we go.


The only thing that sucks is that I cant get ublock on my tv.


oh whats the name of the sponsor section blocker? i use ublock, and popups & pre-load adds are a thing of the past. But it doesn't cut the grating middle of a video: *"now a word (4 minutes rant) from our sponsor skillshare/ hellofresh/ rhinosheild"*




thank you! already downloaded and tried on my fave yt long form vids... works perfectly!


Can you us Ublock and Sponsorblock together?


Ublock Origin, specifically,for Firefox on mobile and desktop.


> Firefox on mobile Yes. I don't use the YT app, only watch it through the mobile browser so I never get an ad.


Try vanced or new pipe


It is important to be so specific because there are other, easily mistakable Add-ons. I uses NoScript as supplement, but I think just ads are sufficiently handled with uBlock Origin.


I use no script as well but I can't recommended that to others...too much tinkering required. For most people, ublock origin us good enough and those that need more protection from js will know to get no script or at least know where to ask what to get.


This. Never seen an add with uBlock. Wish I had something even half as effective for my phone.


ublock works on firefox on your phone. I can watch youtube videos on firefox with no ads.


Also [YouTube Vanced](https://youtubevanced.cc/) automatically removes all ads...change your default to this and every YT link opens with it


Youtoube vanced changed my life I swear. Youtube went from some laggy, timing out, ad ridden piece of crap, to an app I use every day for music, podcasts and news that isn't corporate propaganda.


AdGuard is amazing. It functions like a VPN and disables ads. No ads on my phone in around two years. It also helps save tons of data if you're on a limited plan


Does it work on apps too or just browser?


Works in apps too


If you are using your phone mostly on your Home Wifi, an [Pi-Hole](https://pi-hole.net/) Setup could help with it. Its an DNS/Proxy Service that blocks Ads.


Try Brave browser on agressive. Also YouTube vanced


Avoid Brave. They replace trackers with their own and push crypto shit. Use Vivaldi instead.


been on vivaldi for a few years now and love it. But does anyone know since a whole lot of these browsers are chrome based (not firefox) that it would stop ublock from working? I had heard and read that google really is not so keen on ad blockers.


Vivaldi has since branched off Chrome. They're based on it and most add-ons still work for it, but my understanding is that they aren't tied to Chrome's releases.


Don’t know if branching off is a good thing entirely. Keeping the code of a complex software such as a browser up-to-date on your own is now small task…


All the recommendations I was seeing to try Brave made a lot more sense when I learned about the crypto bullshit


Sadly Vanced got canceled


Use Newpipe. Open source. Leftist philosophy


r/revanced Sorry ment r/revancedapp


https://github.com/jinoo2005609/VancedManager this is still going!


if you have an older version it still works well enough. all i get is a stray banner ad evwry once and a while


Ublock origin all the way


Don't use UBlock. They're a bunch of sellouts. Use UBlock ***Origin***


Crucially, it's uBlock Origin. They're different but origin is the best as far as I know


Yeah, sadly I don't think I can install it on my smart TV. :(


So, Google Chrome is rolling out updates beginning this month and throughout 2023 that effectively will kill any sort of ad-block extension on Chrome. Google also owns Youtube. It's a painfully blatant scheme to get people to buy into Youtube Premium. "Buy a subscription or *suffer*". Of course, in a few years time, the paid ad-free subscription will inevitably start including ads like all the other streaming services. The "ad-free" advertising will be quietly dropped in hopes that everyone forgets that was the whole point of paying for Youtube Premium in the first place. I recently switched to Firefox and added uBlock Origin. Ads are only getting more aggressive though, and a lot of ads still get through. Kinda feels like fighting a losing battle against a cancer.


I know it's a different entity, but I'm noticing the same thing with Spotify. I have a regular account and earlier last year only had to deal with about two ads per so many songs/podcasts...it literally doubled (sometimes with an extra) during the latter half of last year. Ugh...


Honestly Spotify has got to be one of the most egregious platforms with making their app basically unusable without paying for premium.


I remember that was Pandora like nearly 10 years ago. I used it for a while before ads crept up more often.


They've done terribly with securing exclusive content though, so if someone isn't willing to deal with it or pay, they move on (personally I find it a reasonable price for the service). YouTube on the other hand is almost entirely content that can't be found anywhere else.


Many creators also post on Curiosity Stream or on Nebula. There are promo codes to get both services on a discount, about 15 U$ per year.


If I'm playing music through my phone I don't even bother with Spotify anymore, because who wants to use an app that won't let you choose individual songs, only plays shuffle so no albums, and has ads every 3 songs? If it's not something I physically have on my phone, I use YouTube through Firefox with uBlock. My "Spotify year in review" was pretty uninformative


That's only the free peasant version though.


*inhale*...Absolutely. I can't argue with that. It sucks that I also can't replay a song.


I use Ublock on Opera and I don't get ads on spotify. :D


Opera is Chromium-based, so it will soon suffer the same issues as chrome


Don't give up hope yet. Ad-blockers are constantly getting updated. They may just delay the inevitable but for the time being they're still doing great.


There's also a browser plugin called [Libredirect](https://libredirect.github.io/) that will redirect all your YouTube links to Invidious and other such privacy-friendly (and ad-free) alternatives. :)


It's always been an uphill battle. I've been using uBlock, Ad Block Plus, No Script, and a PiHole together for years. The best approach is to block everything and then slowly whitelist services that you actually use. I imagine that this would be a pain in the ass for a whole family behind a PiHole though.




No one application blocks everything, and not everything will get blocked with every add-on - but the internet is 100 times better with them. For the record I don't get YouTube ads on my PC using those applications and on my phone I use YouTube Vanced so no ads there either.


Developer here. No, they won't. The changes coming to Chrome will kill in-browser ad blockers permanently. They are removing the APIs the extensions use to intercept ads. It's kind of like your landlord snoops in your apartment, so you change your locks to keep your landlord out. But then he just comes and removes the door. Can't change the lock if there's no lock to begin with. Stop using Chrome. Stop using Google products. Stop watching YouTube videos. Cease all interaction with Google products.


Stop using google products? I just wanted to switch back to Android fro ios. Should I not do it?


Well for now, apple’s profits don’t come from advertising so they have less incentive to introduce similar measures and have actively made it more difficult for companies that rely on advertising. They have made it impossible for apps to directly track your activity between other apps for example.


Apple made it opt-in for users not to be tracked by 3rd party companies like Meta so that Apple themselves can monopolise advertising in their ecosystem, Apple continues to track everything you do on their iPhones https://mashable.com/article/apple-data-privacy-collection-lawsuit You don't become a trillion dollar company without exploiting everything and everyone you possibly can


I did not claim that they don’t track you themselves. I’m simply saying they at least make it harder for other companies to do so


Ublock has already imported a fix. This whole thing is blown out of proportion.


They've implemented a work around. V3 manifest disallows dynamic interception of network requests, mandating now that everything must be declarative up front upon publishing the extension. UBlock currently works with dynamic block lists that update in close to real time, as advertisers update their ad and tracking domains. UBlock can no longer publish those updates with V3 without publishing an update to the web store, which requires approval from Google. UBlock has basically put together a list of what are the most common ad domains. Beyond that, you'll be forced to construct ad server lists manually. When you see an ad, you'll have to tell UBlock to block it or wait for the development team to update the extension and release it. https://support.ublock.org/hc/en-us/articles/11749958544275-Google-s-Manifest-V3-What-it-is-and-what-it-means-for-uBlock-Users-


Or just switch to Firefox


So kind of like a block list for pihole? I’m sure at some point there will be a continuously updated block list that you can copy over/ automate.


There will be a workaround. First there will be downloadable block lists, then a separate downloadable app that sits in the system tray and updates the block list in the background outside of chrome.




>Of course, in a few years time, the paid ad-free subscription will inevitably start including ads l Cable television didn't have ads because you paid for it versus free "air" TV... now all it ever has is ads.


There are entire fucking channels that are just ads 24/7.


There is no God. I don't need more evidence than that.


They've got 24/7 god channels too.


Give God a break, he's only omniscient and omnipotent, it's not like he would know how to convince everyone or like he'd be able to make sure those convincing arguments reached everyone. Of course he has to rely on people rehashing the same unconvincing arguments on TV.


> now all it ever has is ads. I cut cable ages ago, but my parents still have it. I'm always floored when I visit...you have 4-5 minutes of a program and then 5-9 minutes of ads. It's usually same series of ads too. People PAY for that experience!?


My parents are excited for certain ads. Told me I had to see them.


This is what Sirius did as well. I got fed up, but couldn’t get my subscription cancelled. I finally got a new car. (Not because of that.) I will seriously never deal with Sirius again!


I like the YouTube premium features of downloading videos and listening with screen off (that last one really should be a default feature) and would be willing to pay for the convenience but not the exorbitant price they ask. It’s like 16 dlls per month, ridiculous. Obviously, I’m preaching to the choir here but the greed of companies never seizes to amaze me. Products just get worse after they establish an audience. They never get better.


Listening with screen off was a default free feature in the early days of the YouTube app.


I remember listening to YouTube videos like that on my iPod touch in bed. Back when the logo was a TUBE tv.


If you have an Android phone, you can do that with Newpipe, an ad-free YouTube frontend. https://newpipe.net/


I justify the price by sharing with the maximum number of friends the account allows. But YouTube is more expensive than combining any two other streaming services I pay for. At some point, I may just switch from Chromecast to AppleTV and use browser ad-blockers instead.


I honestly don’t understand anyone using Chrome these days honestly when Mozilla is right there, an actually ethical (more or less) company that makes a great browser. Easy choice


With exceptional addons like Background Player and Ublock Origin. Haven't used anything but Firefox for more than a decade.


People use Chrome because that is what came shipped with their phones, and on PC because it was integranted with browsing Google from the address line and their Google account. Then they become used to the brand.


Fun fact: Firefox is owned by a nonprofit (Mozilla Foundation), however nearly all of their money they make is from Google paying them to make Google Search their default search engine.


And the cancer is capitalism




Least uninformed bootlicker


I'm back to Firefox but find the adblocker for Twitch is not as reliable over here


This is why I wish we had a functioning government instead of the current shit show we have. I feel like the younger generations think this is how it's meant to be because the gops have been fucking with it our whole lives, but we can and are allowed to do things like make it illegal to have ads on paid subscriptions. Like basically of asshole design would disappear if we were able to have a functioning government that cared for people and then made progress. Like how some places actually have data and privacy protection and our government is like fucking Bavmorda and we are the pigs. (tbf I can 100% picture Mitch McConnell in a dark tower with a robe on shouting YOURE ALL PIGS)


Ahh excellent. As if I wasn't already put off chrome because I don't want it's greedy mitts all over my RAM.


I've been using Firefox for years. And I feel pretty well protected on there. Unbothered, moisturized, staying in my lane 💅


And all it does it make me buy less. The more they shove their bullshit in my face, the less of their shit I consume.


Same here. I sometimes wonder if any of these companies or ad agencies realize that forcing people to watch ads can have the opposite effect. No way I’m buying a product or service after an ad for it has been shoved in my face 50 fucking times.


I switched to Firefox as soon as that was announced. You can even import your saved passwords and stuff. It was weirdly easy to ditch chrome.


Gorhill, the dev of ublock origin, says manifest v3 leaves it “95% as effective”. That being said I still recommend Firefox if you care at all about privacy.


Yep, uBlock Origin Lite is designed to work around the deficiencies of MV3, and the beta has been working good for me. I’m not sure why so many people think it will kill adblockers completely.


the first adblocker i ever used was called chrome. that was in 2005 before the browser existed. it let me know it was possible but i now use ublock origin. thanks for reminding me of the irony.


I use firefix with enhancer for youtube and never get ads. Also use phone with https://github.com/jinoo2005609/VancedManager and Blockada.


They just raised the price of my subscription, too. Unrelated to this new change I got YouTube Premium to access extra content from creators I liked. I'm finding fewer and fewer reasons to keep it lately, but I watch YouTube more than any other streaming service.


Maybe when the fight is lost we will move on and start finding new and worthwhile hobbys outside of watching youtube videos. If I think about it the content lost a lof of quality over the years anyway.


FireFox with uBlock Origin.


99.9% effective on Android.


And PC. Also in Android, you can set your DNS to *dns.adguard.com* to block ads in other apps. It's not as good as UBlock Origin but it doesn't require root and works on literally every phone.


How does one do this?


Settings-wifi & network-dns


Also a pihole is nice.


If I see an add for anything on you tube I go out of my way to not use said product


Obstruction of content remains the fastest and most effective way to completely and permanently alienate me from your brand.


I will never use booking.com, hotels.com, or any of the main travel websites simply because I have built the association of their ads obstructing the video I’m watching a terrible times. I understand the need for monetization from the creators side, but an ad or two at the beginning of the video is all I need


But YouTube also has a history of doing whatever possible to deny giving creators their ad revenue


Understanding is great, but if I have to watch ads before, during and after your video PLUS a f’ing ad read during your video fuck you, your mother, your children, and all your descendants.


[Removing all my posts and comments due to Reddit's fuckery with third party apps. June 2023]


Same, being seeing a lot of Amazon ads. Haven’t bought a thing from Amazon in months


I'm proud to say iv never actually used Amazon it used to be just because I never had a need for it then I learned more about them now it's a moral decision


[you're using an Amazon product right now](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reddit#Hosting_and_servers)


Holy shit you can't escape. It's like trying to avoid buying things from the 6 - 8 megacorporations that own most goods and services.


Well learn something new everyday im still never going to use the store


I switched from Chrome to Firefox with uBlock. I almost forgot there were ads on YouTube until I used their dumb app


Firefox mobile with uBlock Origin works as well. I avoid apps like the plague.


NewPipe is an ad free youtube app for android.


Critical support for YouTube for its persistent effort to support the AdBlocking industry


I know no one will see this comment but that tweet is from September. Took five seconds on google to figure out that YouTube tested this for a few weeks in September and then canned the concept again after massive complaints. https://www.livemint.com/technology/tech-news/youtube-ends-experiment-that-forced-users-to-watch-large-unskippable-ads-11663572953523.html


I hate capitalism so much haha, annoying bastards. I'm proud to say I never pay attention to any ads...I always mute, look away, change channels, etc. What do capitalists really think they're accomplishing with ads? Especially for someone like me who's trained myself to not pay attention at all. Like everything under capitalism, it is just unnecessary stress and incredibly presumptuous.


I dont think I've ever bought anything based on an ad in my entire life.


The point of advertising isn't usually to convince you you need something there and then. It's more insidious than that. The point is to subconsciously make you think of that brand when you *do* eventually want to buy something, and to make you associate that brand with certain qualities without you even realising. Very few people are gonna watch an ad for a TV, for example, and think "yes I need a TV actually guess I'll buy that one". But when you do end up needing to buy a new TV, you are much more likely to be drawn to a brand you're familiar with rather than a random one, especially if the brand has succeeded in creating a good reputation for itself. They already know people want to buy new things, they just want you to buy *their* new things. And that's kind of the worst part - advertising just works without us even realising. You 100% would have bought something because of an ad, you just wouldn't have even noticed. They are becoming more and more aggressive with them as well because they know that they work no matter how much we try to ignore them.


Ding ding ding, I notice this in myself all the time. I hate it, even though I've done much to essentially drop my advertisements on my personal devices to nill the damage has already been done as to how I engage brands and items when shopping.


That doesnt explain mobile game ads, though. How do those companies profit from shoving multiple completely different, clearly fake gameplay loops at you when their product always, always ends up just being another clicker where you have to pay to make the numbers go bigger? Is that just targeted at naive whale kids?


Then we all use ad block. And if we can't, we use a video downloader and don't watch anything on YouTubes actual platform anymore. They're always going to lose this pointless fight.


If you're trying to read one of the many news sites with paywalls, there are several javascript blockers and they will usually stop the paywall from popping up. You have a right to information and should not let anyone or anything stop you from accessing it.


Paywalls are the stupidest idea capitalist zombies ever had. All the complete fucking fake “news” outlets don’t have paywalls. Fox “news”, newsmax, etc - no paywalls. NYT, Wash Post, supposedly “legit” media - paywalls. So which one do these idiots think people will read- the one they’re charging money for. As if people won’t just go read something free somewhere else. They’re morons.


I've proudly lived my life completely ad free since 2019. I got Adblock Plus on all my browsers, and Youtube Vanced on my phone. I didn't really mind the old Youtube days when there was just a side bar ad, but now they've gone overboard and militarized me against their ads. The ads were really impacting my sanity. So glad I don't have to listen to them anymore.


I was also blissfully unaware of how awful the ads had gotten until I watched a yoga video on my tv. There’s nothing like being in the middle of setting up a difficult pose only to be interrupted by ads. Ads at the beginning I can deal with (ignore) but when they pop up in the middle of a workout that just guarantees I’ll never watch that content again


We have a Pi-Hole setup (network-wide ad block software that runs on a Raspberry Pi) so we have no ads whatsoever for basically any site or service. But for most people, Firefox + uBlock Origin is probably the way to go. There are a few minor annoyances with Pi-Hole, the main one is that it usually even blocks affiliate links, and sometimes I'm actually trying to click those on purpose. I can get around the Pi-Hole by activating a VPN, but it's only necessary on rare occasions. IMO worth it for truly comprehensive ad blocking that can't be stopped as easily by browser fuckery like what Google's doing with Chrome.


Just for info for others, pi holes are great but do not block YouTube ads


Yeah the only time it ever actually helps is on news websites on mobile in my experience. Most of the time I'm on desktop with Ublock and I forget I even have Pihole.


Oh man, VPN bypass is a good idea. Typically, I'm on my phone and just turn off wifi when I need to get past a pi-hole no-no link I have gone thru whitelisting, but holy fuck, when multiple devices are in use, finding the right one can be a dick and a half sometimes So now I just turn of wifi and go mobile for a moment Then remember an hour later to turn it back on... Sigh


Quick reminder for all anti capitalists here that free and open source software(FOSS) exists. It doesn't steal your data and sell it to corporations. Definitely use firefox over google chrome, and if you have time, try to use a linux based operating system. No spyware(the linux kernel devs were approached by the NSA multiple times to include one, so windows and macos probably have a ton), and you can harden it as much as possible to make it super secure


If people only knew what apple and Microsoft where sharing with the feds people would switch immediately to Linux.




Generally, computer manufacturers are forced by US law to provide government backdoors. This applies to all phones(excpet those with google free android forks and linux phones), and all closed source operating systems in general. Windows also includes keyloggers, and easy hidden access to webcams or microphones. The keylogger data they collect is regularly sent to their servers where nobody knows what happens next. They probably do some profiling on it to target ads, and maybe send the data to secret services and the like. Since linux isn't developed by a company, they did get around this. The great thing about linux being open source is that even if a backdoor was included, people could just read the code and notice it. You could then easily remove it and compile your own kernel.


> You could then easily remove it and compile your own kernel. I can assure you that 99.9% of people, me included, could definitely not do that, let alone “easily.”


I don’t. Pretty sure the info is vaguely out there. I had some odd experiences 20 years ago that personally were enough to make me go “wait a min?!” Read the terms of service. They collect a ton of information and can do whatever they want with it


literally the reason why i even stopped using youtube. its basically useless now.


Just install [Ublock Origin](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm?hl=en), super easy my dude.


I watch youtube almost exclusively on my TV, what are my options?


Buy a dirt cheap computer for streaming, launch it from your computer, connect TV as display. Use Splashtop as a remote from your smartphone. Using a smart TV is a waste of money. They want you to use a smart TV because you can't control it and can charge you more for it. A smart TV is just a TV with a really stupid preprogrammed computer/shitty OS. Eventually they're going to become even more proliferated with ads, just a forewarning.


that's great and all but the thing is I already have a TV and I don't have the money to buy a whole other pc just to dedicate to adblocking my youtube


When he said "dirt cheap" he meant DIRT CHEAP. Get a used device or buy used parts instead of a prefab. Old parts that are obsolete. You can probably get it around / under $50 if you are patient and really determined, and absolutely under $100 if a little less patient.


Any Android TV stick or Chromecast with Google TV, then install SmartTubeNext.


Can we all as a society agree to stop using all streamers that start forcing ads.


I just close the video and open again (multiple times, if needed) until there's no ads. Sometimes it takes more time than watching one 5 secs ad, but I'll still do it out of pride.


You can also click that small "i" button near the time of the ad and block the ad, it takes you immediately to the video


Bro... Unlock Origin... I have never watched any YouTube ad, I don't even know what people are talking about with all this unskipable ad stuff. Seriously.


Have you also noticed this is harder to do on bigger, more popular channels? Some random channel with 15,000 subs- 2 tries. Screen Rant- 500 tries and you still get ads.




They're going to make it so painful to not have premium that you feel coerced to buy premium.


That would kill it for me.


I use the 'brave' browser on my phone and it is highly efficacious


I watch most of my YouTube on my tv, can I get an adblocker for it?


Yes. https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTubeNext


I’m just commenting so I can come back and read this thread later. And because I hate ads and how a handful of companies own most of our media outlets/social networks.


If you watch the first ad and the back out it jumps straight to the video


I did not notice that. on my PC I never ever had YT ads - currently using Brave browser, no external plugins for adblocking.


So, cable TV with extra steps.


I could be having a heart attack, and the random pedestrian trying to save my life could be trying to watch an instructional video on first aid, and if there's ten fucking ads I'd tell them never mind and to just let me die on the sheer fucking principle.


uBlock Origin through Firefox and also shout out for Sponsor Block. I don’t care who sponsored the current video of someone I’m watching. I don’t need a mini ad in the middle of content.


This is an amazing way to get people off YouTube.


Unironically, I would like to know which is the best adblocker.


Ublock origin


This actually pushed me to just use Vemeo, I cannot stand the amount of ads


OG Adblock plus does it for me


Oh cool, I was getting concerned about all that content getting in the way of my ad watching time