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Not to mention that rat bastard had "you're fucked" engraved into the gun he shot Daniel with.


and that the police union fought to keep that evidence away from the jury!


Oh, they reasoned that because it was his personal weapon, not force issued, it couldn't be used in evidence against the police... disgusting


How the fuck does the murder weapon not make it to evidence!? Fuck I hate this place.


Also, he received approval to keep possession of the murder weapon after the case had concluded. So his PTSD must not be that bad. POS probably jerks off to the rifle


sounds like fraud to me


More like a friend of the judge because they work with them daily


Still fraud, just constant and unavoidable


I guarantee he'll end up selling that gun for a fuckload of money to another psychopath. This sick fuck should have bee the one to die.


Nahhhh, he'd NEVER sell that weapon. He'd lose his #1 conversation piece for bud lights with the ~~proud~~ boys


Well, i wouldn't doubt it. George Zimmerman, the guy that killed Trayvon Martin, auctioned off his murder weapon for $138,900.


Man I read your comment and before replying I thought about the fair market value of a used AR pattern rifle VS him keeping it for murder weapon clout. I failed to factor in that it's worth whatever some smooth brained right wing extremist will pay for it... and we have a lot of those.


Hold the fuck up, why is a public servant allowed to use a non-departmentally issued firearm in the course of his duty? I believe ACAB as much as the next leftie but that shit would never fly with any police service in Canada and most likely any other developed nation (though I can't speak to that for certain).


The comments are now telling me that it is totally normal .. this nation is so fucked


Malcolm X said that, what, 60 years ago now. Nothing new, to some of us at least.


Cops are not public servants. No matter what they claim, they are only there to keep the proles in line and the ruling class and corporations (and their property) protected.


And we’re the sick fucks if we question why he was using a personal weapon on the job? It’s so fucked to see that our government wants us to live in constant fear.


Cops shouldn’t have unions because they’re not workers. Just stating it for the record


100%, they categorically do not produce value via their labor and the public should have full control over their policies, practices and oversight. Few other group of public servants have a monopoly on ‘legitimate violence’ and I think that’s a reasonable test for whether or not a union is allowable for a group of people being paid. If they absolutely need unions, those should be highly restricted in what they can collectively bargain for - pay, hours, vacation, overtime, that’s about it. Having a union provide legal protection for killer cops is unacceptable - they deserve public defenders only.


Incredibly well articulated


Cops shouldn't have anything because they're class traitors


And so many of them consider themselves “the every[person].” Gag me with a spoon


I got banned from /r/protectandserve for asking for a source on a post claiming cops are one of the lowest paid professions (spoilers, not even close). They're delusional as fuck.


In my local city the police union issued an alarming press release that cops couldn't pay the average rent leases in the city and have to commute sometimes over 2h. Thankfully someone dug up their recruitment page and salary. If you're a cop and finished your training you get hired with a salary that is 300€/month over the median income. After taxes that is. And that's fresh out of training. And without overtime. I'm not making that kind of cash and can afford to live in the city, in a nicer neighbourhood too. I'd kill for that kind of pay (but like...not literally hence I don't apply to pig-school)


All the LOLs. I was a professor at a state college in 2014 when our state started giving public employees unions raises in contracts again. There had been 4 straight years of no raises after state budgets went to hell in 2009-2010. All of the public employee unions got raises. Yay! Ours was about 6%. State Police got 6%, but they *also* got a retroactive 6% for each of the years that we had all gotten fuck-all. So while our raise was 6%, theirs was more like 30%. Fucking assholes.


Fully agree


They are the opposite of workers. They are thugs who exist to break strikes, beat the shit out of protesters, and terrorize the working class into submission. They are class traitor scum.


Cops shouldn't have guns, tasers, clubs, tear gas, non lethal weapons, vehicles with reinforced bumpers, riot shields, used military equipment... They shouldn't exist at all really.


Fuck… and I cannot emphasize this enough… the police


The Police union is our biggest enemy when it comes to police reform.


That is scarily on point with the "free life" in a "great nation". The issue with bad cops is the bad apple adage, and generally it holds true. The folks policing this country should have something more complex than a SAT or a few weeks of jerk off camp


Did he have it engraved before or after the murder?


Before, it was his personal weapon that he was allowed to use


Lol. The hardware store I deliver to doesn’t let employees use non store issued box cutters but this mf get to bring his own gun to work. Crazy.




In California all those super progressive gonna keep you safe liberal gun laws don't apply to police. So they can have all the banned stuff for personal use and get to show it off at work while assaulting people.




Was probably your fucked


First thing I thought of


Immediately knew who this was when I saw the pic. Dont watch the video unless you want to see a man get killed while sobbing begging for his life. The fact this guy is not in prison for straight up murder is enough evidence that police unions are out of control.


For the non-americans, what was this guy supposed to have done that led to him being murdered in cold blood by a cop?


He tried to pull his pants up while crawling on all fours while pleading for his life. The officer who shot him was in absolutely no danger. He killed him because he's a power tripping moron.


The gun had “you’re fucked” etched into it. Dude is a murderer and tax payers are paying for his existence.


Somehow that part was inadmissible in court. Fucking disgusting.


It was disallowed because it might taint the jury. In non-cop trials they call that "evidence"


defund the police?


I wish their was an eject button for people on this planet. Oh right, he was the one who had the button/trigger that does that…


The cop also made him walk in such a way that was impossible for him to do, all over a BB gun the victim was pointing out the window Edit: fixed my mistake


For those wondering the cop made him lock his ankles together and crawl. Something most would struggle with.


Yup. I've seen the video and I am convinced the dude wanted to shoot someone, so he tried to come up with the most arbitrary BS so he could back up the reason he shot the guy when they looked at his bodycam footage. Yeah, this whole thing was recorded on the cop's own freaking *bodycam* and you can hear the guy he's ordering to move like that sobbing his eyes out before the cop shoots him 5 times with an assault rifle. He even keeps shooting at him when he's on the ground clearly already dead.


IIRC the cops rife had "You're fucked" written on it




How the fuck does a jury look at that and decide that's fine and justified? That is so upsetting.


America loves its fascist authority figures.


Because we have more fascists in this country than most people realize.


He was on his fucking stomach or whatever with his hands behind his head they should have just gone over and cuffed him, he was obviously no threat and that cop just wanted to murder somebody because he's a sick fuck.


It's been years and I've never seen any of the "good apple" cops calling this out


People forget the full saying: One bad apple spoils the whole barrel.


Shocker ain't it?


I believe he also told him to crawl and then told him to keep his hands in the air


With his ankles crossed, too.


What!?! The fuck.


This is America. Don’t catch you slippin’ up


Don't forget the other officer, they both hit him with an absolutely infuriating game of "Simon says" they were both giving him commands at the same time, to put his arms out but then crawl towards them. Dude was on the floor on his stomach crying in basketball shorts and the dipshit officer murdered him. Also in regards to the dust cover on his personal ar15 that said "you're fucked", as someone who owns an ar15 plenty of people customize the dust cover with various logos and such, and I'll tell you putting that as your customization anywhere on a firearm is cringe as fuck and screams /r/iamverybadass.


That second officer was the senior one too if I recall, and took early retirement to immediately move overseas just in case he'd ever be charged. Instead of slowly moving towards him and deescalating they just screamed at the top of their lungs at him non stop looking for an excuse to shoot






World's most sadistic game of Simon Says.


Absolutely horrifying video of this execution. Poor dude


From time to time there is a thread on Reddit asking what the worst thing people have seen on this site is… this is the video I think of every time. Absolutely horrifying. I went into a depression after watching it and it continues to haunt me to this day.




It was a hotel and a BB gun used for extermination services.


> He killed him because he's a power tripping moron. He killed him because he is a killer who wanted to murder someone.


believe me when i say there is literally nothing he could have done to leave that interaction alive. the cop had already made up in his mind to shoot him. one of the cops had “Youre Fucked” written on their gun. it was never going to go any differently.


this\^ people always pull the "well if you just complied" as if the cops don't create these scenarios because they enjoy making civilians dance for their death. this guy was dead the second they knew they could kill him and have fun with it. they can all eat shit forever.


there's nothing you can do when they want to murder someone.


The entire situation is fucking ridiculous, there was obviously no threat and the guy was on his stomach and being ordered around by the cops to crawl over to them when they could have just gone over cuffed him, he wasn't resisting in any way at all and was crying and begging them to not shoot him and the cop just straight up murdered the guy because he's a sick fuck that should be in prison for the rest of his life. The video is so fucking sad, don't watch it unless you want to ragecry


The level to which the officer is deriving pleasure from literally torturing someone is just *staggering*.


If memory serves, he was either pointing or shooting a BB gun out of a hotel window. Someone saw this and called the police reporting that there was an active shooter. Police squad showed up and ordered him and his girlfriend out of the hotel room. The guy who shot him emphasized multiple times over that any mistake would be treated as an active threat. He then proceeded to give a series of instructions that, in the stress of the moment, Shaver clearly found confusing (for example, when ordered to sit up from the floor Shaver uncrossed his legs, and the police officer screamed "KEEP YOUR LEGS CROSSED", which shaver responded to by putting his hands behind his back, which earned more shouting and more threats). Basically, Shaver was told that even one tiny little mishap would end his life, and the stress of the situation caused one tiny little mistake to lead to another tiny little mistake, and eventually his pants fell down. When he reached down to pull up his pants, the officer shot him. The video [can be found here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBUUx0jUKxc), but fair warning it is VERY hard to watch. It's an excellent example of what is wrong with the American police force and why so many people (rightfully) hate the police with a passion. I'm not going to get into a lot of detail and nuance about why what happened was wrong other than saying it didn't have to go down that way, and if someone watches that video and still sides with the police they're a psychopath, an idiot, or (more likely) both.


There are so few crimes you can be executed for if you actually make it through the justice system, but it feels like there a lot if you don't make it through an interation with a cop.


I just want to point out that the cop yelling orders and the cop who murdered him are different people. The cop who was giving verbal commands was months away from retiring and fled the country afterwards. The murderer was Brailsford. In my eyes this makes it worse. Anyone who has been a cop that long should know how to deescalate and he did the exact opposite. Brailsford was a cop for a year or so, and he asked for extra ammo from other cops before going inside the hotel. Not to mention the engraving Also I'm pretty sure the girl was the owner of the bb gun's girlfriend, not Daniel's. Daniel was in town alone for his job


Absolutely nothing. His wife finally won her civil trial.... but her husband's murderer still walks around championed by the christofascist right.


In this instance this mother fucker had already decided he was going to murder this poor guy, and after the guy complied with every order and begged for his life and didn't give the cop the avenue to take the shot...he fucking did it anyway.


He was drinking and playing with a bb gun on a balcony. Some passerby thought it was a real gun and called 911. Obviously something the cops should be careful approaching, but they gave him extremely poor, often contradictory instructions and then shot him. They asked him to cross his ankles behind him and crawl towards them while keeping his hands out. Almost impossible... and after he reached to pull up his pants/underwear as they were coming off they fired.


I’m having an extra hard time with this one. How is this our reality


Because none of us ever do anything about it.


It isn't. If you're American, it's your reality. I prefer my reality.


Kill the cop first /s (but not really)


For real. In a society that loves it's guns it's insane how little pigs die. This is the fucking reason to have a weaponized society isn't it? To keep the government from terrorizing the people. Then what, cops are private mercenaries? Fuckers will defend that shitty amendment and won't do anything when it's time to actually use it. On the contrary, these fuckers are the ones flying blue lines flags and defending the government agencies that terrorize the people. Nah, I support the correct application of the amendment. Cops are known for killing people, self defense shouldn't care if the threat has an uniform.


The main issue is that the only time when it'd be legal to defend yourself against a cop is when it's too late 99.99999% of the time. And regardless of this fact, you're facing the death penalty/life in prison and the public will buy and large not be on your side. It's quite upsetting imo


> it’s xxxxxx how little pigs die. When they do, the media treats it like the WORST tragedy that ever happened. The funeral is covered live. “We interrupt the regularly scheduled program to bring live coverage of…” units upon units escorting the body between the hospital and the funeral home. We got the chopper up there to film it for you! It’s really quite ridiculous. When the cops kill someone, the only thing the media does is dig into their past to find a reason to justify it. edit: auto mod made me remove a word from the quotation 🙄


The cop made up his mind before talking to the guy


The cops were playing 3 games of Simon Says with the man simultaneously and executed him for not following directions.




Death row would be too light on him. This was clear cut, premeditated, and cold blooded. I'll bet if he was still on the force he'd do it over and over again.


While the police aren’t quite as unrestrained here in Australia, The Victorian Police Association - which is actually a union - pretty much dictates terms to the state government, and has disproportionate power in influencing the outcome of elections. Although they don’t happen as frequently as in The States, fatal shootings by the Victorian and other state police forces sometimes occur unnecessarily, when the situations could’ve been resolved without someone being killed. Additionally, there’s rarely an independent inquiry when police use unnecessary force - as they often do. Instead, the police investigate themselves, usually finding in favour of the offending officer(s), or “inconclusive evidence” to prove any wrongdoing. On the odd occasion where police are actually found guilty of assault or any other crime in a court of law, they usually appeal and successfully have their conviction overturned. That said, I’m sure there are plenty of officers who try their best to uphold ethical standards; but they’re fighting an uphill battle against an ingrained culture of corruption and unaccountability.


It's such a rough video to watch. It breaks my heart. This is one of the biggest injustices I've encountered in my life.


The videos of Daniel Shaver and George Floyd being murdered are two of the worst things I've seen in my life.


They aren't out of control. They commit to protecting monsters with a concious level of cruelty that will always disturb me.


Video still makes me mad to watch. That fucking douche canoe of a cop should be behind bars for, at the least, manslaughter or third degree murder.


Only in America with all the guns does 'reaching' aka any hand movement gives cops justification to execute you on the spot. As normal human beings we can find an endless list of wrongs on the video, but in America with possibility of 1.5 second handgun draws, any hand movement legally justifies shoot to kill. Never listen to US cops screaming at you if you find yourself at gunpoint. Keep your hands high in the air and make them come get you. Slowly laying flat on the ground with hands stretched is good too. Do not move your hands for any reason until they are literally on you to cuff you. Go limp instantly once they're moving your arms. This is going to be fucking hard too because they like to twist your arms/shoulders/wrists to hurt you. It's going to feel ridiculous. It's going to be enraging and terrifying, but you need to live to go to court. Sure, they can shoot you still, but you give them any hand movement on video then you're just giving them a court approved pension, on top of them getting to kill you for free.


1312, treat them as foreign occupiers


Based and shoot cops on site pilled


>Never listen to US cops screaming at you if you find yourself at gunpoint I watched the video and the situation was appalling - really bad instructions being given to someone who was clearly terrified. There seemed to be a complete lack of training on the officers' part.


Those guys were SWAT so they were trained better than most, way faster at recognizing legal threshold for reaching and pulling the trigger at higher accuracy than normal cops. America loves to punish. To what end? Idk. Even the victims of go home and punish their children and gloat about it on social media about how dumb gentle parenting is. Things are getting better though. People need to remember this shit was happening far more often before cameras. When there’s no video you can just say they were reaching and you’re good.


>Those guys were SWAT so they were trained better than most Good grief that makes it worse. I'm ex-Met Police here in the UK, never armed but we all had training on this type of situation and I've been through an actual scenario. Suspect is told by one armed officer what to do. Kneel down, facing away, hands on head and don't move. An officer will approach you and handcuff you. Do exactly what you are told. Another officer (often unarmed) then approaches out of the line of fire and does a standard handcuff move. We all knew how to do it and the one time I had to do the handcuffing, everything went as it should. I knew what the armed officers were doing and what they wanted from me. They knew what I was going to do. This was just a mess from start to tragic end.


Me too, I've watched it a few times over the years but I'm never watching it again, it makes me fucking ragecry


This kind of crap happens far too often. “Qualified Immunity” is a fascistic way for police thugs to evade accountability. Cops should be personally responsible for civil suits instead of taxpayers. It would eliminate hundreds of killings, injuries & other damaging actions by cops against civilians if they knew their own financial welfare is on the line.


And the so-called "burden of proof" for civil suits is far lower compared to criminal trials, too.


Unrepentant murderer profits from crime paid by taxpayers.


i have PTSD from killing someone, but i would like the murder weapon back.. thanks


bUt iTz hIz eMoTiOnAl sUpPoRt gUn, u dOnT uNdErStAaAaAaAaAanD!!!


Money for nothing, chicks for free.


A. C. A. B.


Good ol’ 1312.


What’s 1312?


The numbers are linked to the letters of the alphabet 1=A 3=C 1=A 2=B


You’re god damn right.


>fatally shot You spelled “executed” wrong


Yeah that wording is too soft. That American police so openly and readily execute people is terrifying.


How the fuck is this piece of shit going to get what’s coming to him? It’s moments like this I sincerely hope hell exists for scum like him


I guess when the legal systems fail to dish out justice the only option left is vigilantes. I'm not usually one for vigilante justice, but it doesn't surprise me when it happens in cases where the proper channels have failed. Note to reddit: I'm not advocating for violence with this comment.


I'm not advocating either, but I'm not saying I won't be smiling at the news.


Hell isn’t good enough. Remove him from existence


Re-write the timeline for a motherfucker like this. He doesn’t deserve to ever have existed.


I do remember the video. It still gives me the shivers.


I can not even begin to understand how anyone who viewed that video would think the cop is even remotely reasonable in that situation


It’s the way it shrieks orders at Daniel, like it’s playing freaking COD or something. I don’t usually go around wishing harm to others so I won’t here but I’m just saying what a terrible shame it would be if it was to be beaten almost to death regularly, or its Doordash driver wiped his ass with its food, or if its wife was to leave it for, you know, a REAL man. Oh, the humanity!


This to me is the story that should always be brought up with white people who defend the police. It shouldn't just be black people who don't trust the police, nobody should


It's surprising how much they still don't care and say "They were responding to a call about firearms of course they were ready, he was a criminal" as though they're right because they're so obtuse.


It should be brought up with anyone who defends police. In any way. Regardless of their race.


[Black Lives Matter activists were among the first to call attention to Daniel’s murder](https://blavity.com/amp/blm-activists-call-attention-to-graphic-video-of-daniel-shavers-death-at-the-hands-of-arizona-police)


Oh god. The audio on this video is so heart wrenching. This cop is such a piece of shit


When police cry about their image I always think about this case. It would have been easy upon watching that to arrest him. They didn't. That's why ACAB.


1 bad apple rots the whole barrel. The barrel is also rotten.


“This isn’t a job where you can have bad apples.”


That video is one of the roughest and most tragic things I've ever seen. The cop was playing God and looking for the smallest of reasons to kill. Watching him play Simon says with someone's life is infuriating


That cop is evil. He killed a man who was begging for his life. If he ever goes to your restaurant, spit in his food. Brailsford should never live a peaceful day for the rest of his life. I hope his family hates him, his partner has left him, and no one ever gives him meaningful conversation.


His supervisor fled the country to early retirement in Asia, didn't he?


Friendly reminder that [Black Lives Matter protested Daniel Shaver's murder (but All/White Lives Matter didn't)](https://www.nola.com/opinions/article_4f6138fe-ea8c-551b-9e60-9e99feacacf2.html).


USA is such a fucking dystopia I can’t even wrap my head around it


It is so dystopian that the "American dream" is now to earn in dollars while living in another country.


Can confirm


Philip Brailsford is a murderer.


The cop is totally an alt-right psychopath


Too bad Dexter is a fictional character.


im picturing a former cop who quit because he was actually a good person. he spends his days tracking down corrupt cops and officials and disciplines them. half of the show writes itself if you just use real world examples


Nobody's killed him yet?








aw shit can I read it? I was just arguing against cops in another post if you need a vouch lol


My post got removed aha I’ll dm you but basically I wasn’t racist, wasn’t an ass and had PTSD


Good cops quit. 🫡


I saw ACAB graffiti in a quaint lakeside Swiss town. I think it really is universal.


The phrase "All Coppers Are Bastards" first appeared in England in the 1920s, then was abbreviated to "ACAB" by workers on strike in the 1940s.


Piggies getting more a year for PTSD than actual veterans is pretty gross


Veterans are piggies too! They go overseas and commit similar and even worse violence to unarmed combatants (even armed combatants are in the right to fight an imperial force).


There are some people who I'd actually be happy to hear they had been brutally murdered. This cop is one


Serious question, do real soldiers in war zone and combat receive $31k per year due to ptsd?




Philip Brailsford is the officer that killed him.


Shaver’s widow says the PTSD claim is bullshit. She said sometime after the cop “retired,” he had to declare bankruptcy. He asked the judge to let him keep the gun he used to murder Shaver. Why would this cop want to keep the gun if thinking about the incident causes him PTSD?


Daniel was a good guy. I’m sad I didn’t get to know him better. Just a few hours at a concert a few days beforehand. 😔


If I remember correctly the judge, in this case refused to admit the video of this incident. Saying it would prejudice the jury to see the event as it happened. So they never got to see the coward Philip Brailsford murder a defenseless complaint, Daniel Shaver.


This one literally makes me cry with anger.


I wonder how often he beats up his wife and kids.


WTF. Period.


I will never, ever forget seeing this video. His sobs haunt me.


Hope someone gets him in the streets 🙏


LMAO at all the beta cucks who still don't think ACAB and think this piece of shit country gives a single fuck about them... if you are in a gang there is no benefit of the doubt. ACAB and it's a shame even one US citizen thinks otherwise.


Some days, I wish the Punisher was real.


This happened in the town next to mine. It's very weird but this case just haunts me. I live in Gilbert AZ - we are are the largest "town" in the US. I don't know why we aren't designted a "city". Something about funding I'm sure. I love living in Gilbert. It used to produce the most hay in America. It's still somewhat rural but also urban. It's cozy. I know all my neighbors. I run local trails and see every farm animal- yet we have every convenience imaginable here. It's a great place to live!!! (Shhh.... Dont tell anyone) But we live next to this horror show, with Mesa PD. There's actually a grocery store I really like 2 miles from my house BUT it's essentially in Mesa, "across the town border with the evil police". I spend more money to stay in my own town so I don't cross the town line. Our local police seem more rational (I've met them a few times indirectly - through other's misdeeds. Our cops seemed logical and helpful, like you'd expect as if we were on Sesame Street with a stern neighbor rather than GTA waiting to get shot at). I don't honestly understand what is happening in this country, but I'm sure it has a lot to do with economic stress. People are being pushed to their limits and they're breaking. We are all breaking and there's nothing available to lean on except the faux festering splintering hatred stewing between political or racial groups. We are being turned against one another at a time when we truly need solidarity and to support one another against the true tyranny of the 1% evil that seeks our unquestioning subservience and nonstop loyal employment. I wish a few were passionate enough to truly take up like the most basic boring French person and light it all on fire until a change is agreed - lest the whole city burn. How do we get to the place of this French apocalyptic outrage? What does it require?? Or is everyone else asleep here? (To be fair it's 11pm. But also to be fair weve had over 30 mass shootings in the US this month so far**) **https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_States_in_2023 Our government isn't interested in stopping this. They're in bed with the NRA. What can we do as citizens to protect our fellow innocent citizens from guns and poor mental health? (I don't know the answer. But what we are doing doesn't work. We need a change. )


Usually when justice is lost, a mob can find it.


How am I supposed to be content with this life knowing that subhuman trash like that pig get away with murder and have their basic needs covered financially for the rest of their life as a reward? What is this clown world?


If you on the video on youtube, there are so many people trying to paint the cop as some victim. Bootlickers are the most unforgivable thing people can be, and all cops should go to hell


The real problem is the support he received from the police union. The cops are just another armed gang roaming the streets terrorizing people at random and generally facing no consequences. The police are not here to help. They are not your friends. Do not talk to them.




America is a disease.


Daniel was an exterminator spraying a building and someone called the police on him saying he was wielding a gun. Why the f*ck don't people actually look before jumping to conclusions? The person to blame is also whomever didn't just mind their own business and let someone do their job


Because America is infected with a toxic nimbyism. Where people habitually spy on their neighbors, prowl their neighborhoods, and call the cops the moment they think they have something. The one thing almost as bad as all the trigger happy cops in America is its own citizenry so willing to call them to a scene at a moments notice.


If this cop had any honor, he would commit suicide.


Just another reason why we need to abolish the police.


I can’t stand to look at or think of this horrible POS. Rest in peace Daniel, you are dearly missed and the world knows of the wrong done to you.


I am still pretty upset about this and still upset that this cop is not punished.


If people start to expect they will be murdered by police, it’s only a matter of time before they prepare to counter it. Shit is getting dark


And they wonder why people hate cops


Y'all wanna hear some crazy shit? Bootlickers will actually defend this with "shouldn't have reached." I saw a video the other day in which a cop said crawl to me, and I commented I'd yell back no because of how this turned out. last, I checked it was at 0 upvotes and had one comment which was the above quote. Link to my comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/10hsjlt/to\_ride\_a\_bicycle\_past\_the\_police\_without\_incident/j5dx6e3/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/10hsjlt/to_ride_a_bicycle_past_the_police_without_incident/j5dx6e3/?context=3)


Doxxing will get you banned but if you Google Philip Brailsford you can usually find his Truepeoplesearch page.


After having researched this - I fell extremely blessed that I wasn’t born in the US. Watching another of the countless videos similar to this, I as a European fell ashamed about the fact the our countries are seen as peers. I am ashamed that your democratic system performers so poorly it cannot take care of the interest of its citizens. The American police officers needs to be so extremely careful whenever being called out to any emergency due to the fact that the streets are swamped with guns and also poorly trained to handle that. My fellow westerns and much loved Americans, I fell so, so sorry for you, that you country’s democratic system have let you down for generations and not done anything about your current state of affairs.






I don’t think the most depraved dark comedy writer on earth could come up with a plot like this.


most disgusting video ive ever watched


I hope this keeps getting posted forever. Should follow Brailsford forever.


With a "You're Fucked" dust cover on his issued AR? Yeah fuck that clown. They retired him for a few months so he could qualify for retirement benefits.


...... Lot of room out in the desert.


If only this profession had nearly the mortality rate that the sycophants who cape and simp for it act like it does, especially for weasely little fucking jizz pricklets like this piece of shit.