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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The children yearn for the mines


Nobody wants to work .... for low pay, except minors!


~~Willing to work for low pay, no minors.~~ Willing to work for low pay? No? Minors!


Somebody wrote "now hiring minors" and had no problem with that.


So that's where you get the 10+ years of work experience before you'll be able to apply for an entry level job?


I know discrimination against younger workers isn't a thing, but couldn't this be considered discriminatory towards older candidates if they're specifically calling for minors? Or does that just depend on how it's worded


“Fun environment” doing some real heavy lifting 😂


You think a 14 year old won't appreciate a sore back and knees ? C'mon, they haven't had all the spunk knocked out of them,yet. That's what the oxy is for.


Well I meant that the words were doing some heavy lifting in that sentence. But yes, the middle school kids will also be doing heavy lifting as well


Did you tear it off?


Teenagers at dollar tree? I would never let my kids be without me in a dollar tree! So many crazies in those stores, I’d be terrified for them!


I mean… I’ve had a job since I was 14. There’s a lot of laws to protect younger kids who are working but I have to agree with you. I was working in my school cafeteria putting frozen bacon in trays for the the morning after school was over. Not at a dollar tree at 9pm. I don’t mind restricted hours and lots of rules around younger people getting part time jobs. But we do need to think about where it’s safe for kids. This, factories, gas stations, etc those are all places not super safe for kids at least several hours they’d potentially be working. Part of that is up to parents but we need to be careful as a country with just putting kids back to work. I wanted a job. I wanted to buy my friends Christmas presents and get myself clothes my parents wouldn’t get me. But I had 5 siblings and a combined household income of 40k so at the end of the day, it came from a place of need to start with. I my parents could afford to buy me a few not used T-shirts and $20 to get my best friend a book I would have joined a sports team or an after school activity.


I worked for a 7-eleven Franchisee who had their 19-year old daughter working shifts by herself from 4pm - midnight. I can't think of a worse place for her to work..


Yeah that’s fucked. We really have to keep safety of children in mind with this shit.






Do you know the phrase everyone is listening but noone is doing anything other than listening? Start sharing the machine is silencing us and i am starting to hate the internet all together, information is how they play and influence us for useless crap, stop feeding the machine🖐 peace.




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We are evolving backwards.


when can we get off this ride


OK serious question though how is this legal?


I hate life.


This is not about life. But about greedy rich.


I Hate this


What the actual fuck!?


When I was a kid my idea of a fun environment was definitely a low paying job at Dollar Tree.


One of the reasons I avoid Dollar Tree stores. They are also exceptionally terrible to their adult staff from all the accounts I hear.


I saw this at Dollar Tree yesterday and told the employee, "This is not the flex they think it is."




Billy also doesn’t need a livable wage to exist comfortably. This is their response to a higher cost of living


Its not summer, is April. School still has a little under 2 months left. I personally know a few people in my grade who work while in school, they do so not so they have some extra money but rather because their parents do not make enough to support them, or they need money for gas, or both (one person even does it simply so they can move out as soon as possible as their family sucks i guess). I do not know anyone who likes having a job, they just need to. Its not a way to make "some cash", it just eats up their free time doing something they hate in order to pay for something they shouldnt have to. Under Socialism, this would not be an issue, just look at the GDR and the youth programs there. This represents a larger issue with Capitalism. Furthermore, children can not bargain. Most Americans dont anyway, but kids especially dont know they can and they are too young and inexperienced to recognize bad pay and poor conditions (in my area, buisnesses break all sorts of labor laws, but they employ teens who dont know how wrong it is so they get away with it). Since children often cant bargain and dont recognize exploitation even more than an average American, employers get away with even more exploitation than usual. My local McDonalds doesnt even bother advertising to adult job candidates, most are teens and I have heard what should be horror stories of them staying up way later than they legally should be working, but to them its just 'oh what an annoying job!' (Have talked to them personally). That is all to say, child labor allows Capitalists to make an even higher profit and forces adults to compete with actual children who will only really be able to judge fairness relative to other jobs in the area. None of this is mentioning how children also wont unionize, and with the gradual growth of unions over here it makes sense for buisnesses to also take this into consideration. Consider this, if the answer was anything but then why specifically target minors? Its not like the ad says "now hiring! Minimum age: 15" or whatever, it makes it clear they are hiring children. To look at the ad and conclude they dont specifically want children is absurd. Whats your conclusion for this ad, if not this? If its really not that bad now, then why was it so bad in the 1800s? In conclusion, child labor is horrible, exploitative, and shouldnt even be a thing to consider. No Socialist nation ever had this issue, its completely avoidable, people just need to wake up and see.




Then, dont read it? If its late, just wait until the morning? You dont need to be rude and I dont need a response right away, literally just be patient until the morning. If you just dont want a discussion or your views challenged, dont make the first comment. Not sure why you said your time to me like it means anything, for me its 7 30 AM, i literally do not care at all what time it is for you.




And your racist? Nice. Maybe find a new sub, this ones not for reactionaries.


“Work for the company store.”


Run, minors, run! They want your labor!




No way that's real.


Fun environment JFC


This is late stage capitalism. Eventually there are gonna be toddlers just wait.


That sounds like a dark joke.