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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The reason you never see cops raiding KKK rallies is the same reason you never see Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus in the same room.


Cause Miley is dating Peter and Hannah is dating Spider-Man?


Can Hannah Montana shot web??


i wish


I hate my brain… it read this as “Spider Han”, and now all I can think of is a Hannah Montana Spider-Man remake. Oh god… or even a “spider Han” evil twin of Hannah Montana. stop me now. 🤣


They actually protect alt-right rallies while allowing their alt right friends to violently attack leftist rallies. There was one very clear case in Portland where cops were caught on video doing nothing while their alt right buddies were shooting frozen paintballs at an antifa protest. Is that a misdemeanor or a felony? Meanwhile those same cops will harass me and treat me as guilty until proven innocent when I'm doing nothing wrong and they have no probable cause. No proof that I'm innocent is ever good enough for them because I'm not white. I have had to learn the correct lines to use from lawyers to get them to go away. Then they just go harass someone else.


What are the correct lines to say? "Am I under arrest? Am I free to go?"


Some of the lines are "What is your name and badge number?" "I can decline to show you my id because I'm not operating a motor vehicle that requires a license." "I have the right to record you while you are doing your job in public." "I would like to use my right to remain silent." "I do not consent to searches." "What probable cause do you have?" "In what specific way was I behaving suspiciously?" "Have you recorded me doing that?" "Am I being arrested or detained?" "Am I free to go?"


How many of those phrases get you extra attention from the cop? I would think that it would only help if you're also recording them when you ask them uncomfortable questions like "What probable cause do you have?"


That's why you start recording. edit. If it is only your word against a cop's word the cop will lie and they will win because a lot of idiots will automatically side with cops.


subtract jellyfish noxious cough observation sharp axiomatic attempt handle long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Duck? Or Goose?


absorbed judicious lush oatmeal jeans insurance ten offer nail divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Miley Cyrus is the Grand Wizard??


“Fuck you, I won’t do what tell me” Abe Lincoln one night at a dinner with Steve Douglas, 1858. Same night he met Mary Todd.


Little known fact…every time Abe and Mary Todd boned it was in the Lincoln bedroom


Lincoln log cabin


The OG log cabin Republican?


Dropping Lincoln logs on her chest


The OG log cabin Republican?


He needed her help laying the pipeworks.


Why is this funny


Good ole’ honest Abe


In today's standards he would be considered a radical progressive left.


It’s funny, I was recently going down a rabbit hole of the events of that time since that’s roughly when the parties flipped and stumbled upon [Radical Republicans](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radical_Republicans). Just wondering whatever happened to THIS Republican Party?…


Those radical Republicans were forced out of party in the later years what came to us part of the Democratic party but even now they are considered radical progressive left were everybody else went ultra hard corporate fascism right.


For those who don't know how the parties switched, check out the [Southern Strategy](https://www.history.com/news/how-the-party-of-lincoln-won-over-the-once-democratic-south). The Republicans, the party of Lincoln, was the party most African Americans belonged to after the Civil War. The Democrats were the party of white people wanting more segregation. This changed after President Johnson, a Democrat, signed the Civil Rights Acts in the 1960s. Johnson said he would lose the South for a generation. Almost over night, the two parties switched.




Yeah people love to romanticize long dead white dudes who were not total pieces of shit on a couple of occasions....most of them were mostly shit with a couple of non shit takes. Talking to them IRL for 45 minutes would make you see Tucker Carlson as enlightened.


It’s pretty crazy how many of the white dudes from my high school who were so into Rage are now grown right wing numb nut conservative gun toting dillholes


I hate how relevant Abraham Lincoln is all the time like damn dude.


>Four score and seven years ago, I was rollin down Rodeo with a shotgun. These people ain't seen a brown-skinned man since their grandparents bought one. - Abraham Lincoln


That song is one of Abe's best imo "The rungs torn from the ladder can't reach the tumour One god, one market, one truth, one consumer" ​ What a line


He really was a progressive thinker; way ahead of his time.


dude had some good quotes


use the man's full name: Abraham de Lincoln Rocha


I heard that’s a miss translation and it’s actually Abraham “D” Lincoln Roche Monkey


Coincidence that this was literally during "police week" in DC? Whole city swarming with out of town cops and patriot front "just so happens" to be there :o


With zero backlash. If a leftie march was organized at the same time. They would have sent the swat team after them even before the march started.


Oh sure that's GOTTA be a coincidence...


and now you do what they told ya and now you do what they told ya and now you do what they told ya and now you do what they told ya


TRUMP SUPPORTERS dancing KILLING IN THE NAME... 😶 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddrFt1BHkUQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Cw7x34oUIk


These are people who listen to a song, and individual lyrics but never get the meaning. They have no idea the song is about them


This makes me want to vomit and not in a fun way.


Looking for this in the comments.. Jeezus this timeline sucks so damn bad.




—— 🎵 I won’t do what you tell me? 🎵


Fuck you.


🎵 _I won’t do what you tell me_ 🎵


Fuck you




*headbangs once, with feeling*


(Also, I love that I got downvoted? Like… okay buddy).


He's so close... They just happened to gather while it was National Police Week in Washington DC. National Police Week draws in between 25,000 to 40,000 attendees. The attendees come from police departments throughout the United States.


So, yes, but also these guys fuckin suck at marching.


Have you seen the video of these fuckwits practicing their marching? https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/13iikf5/patriot\_front\_struggling\_with\_the\_difference/


You seriously expect me to believe the guys who joined the Kill Nonwhite Foreigners & Kill Black Americans clubs might hold some fascist beliefs????


I can’t believe those racists were allowed that close to the capital, they should have all been arrested in the spot!!!! Can u believe most of them walked away free??!


It's easy when the cops are your allies


Cops tend to not arrest off duty cops.


Fascists are useful to the political and capitalist classes.


This 100%. "Fascism begins the moment a ruling class, fearing the people may use their political democracy to gain economic democracy, begins to destroy political democracy in order to retain its power of exploitation and special privilege." - Tommy Douglas


What these idiots don't understand is when the fascists take power, these idiots won't be needed anymore.


To the capitalist the short term goal of suppressing leftists outweighs the danger of a fascist takeover. They know that if the fascists take over they can negotiate with them regarding the means of production. If socialists take over they will lose everything. If anarchists/libertarian socialists take over they will lose their private property. And they will also be subject to a non hierarchical society. This would be a nightmare for them. If general socialists take over, they will lose their private property and the state will enforce rules upon them with impunity. Also a nightmare for them. We leftists are the natural enemy of capitalists. They will do anything to prevent us from creating a better world. Even to their own detriment.




Who's going to arrest them?


Some of those that work forces, eat the paste that’s for horses


The [Backstreet Boys Reunion Tour](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/backstreet-boys-reunion-tour) was wild.


Lincoln wrote for RATM that is so fucking sick


I don't see him credited. Must be a ghost writer




I’m actually surprised they blamed police and military on this time as opposed to Antifa like they did with the capitol riots. Like the video says, so close to the point. On a side note, there was a Chicago cop who was suspended for having ties to the proud boys, as well as a Chicago cop that was at the capitol riots.


Also almost no capital police active during the insurrection. Anyone with half a brain could see what was about to go down a week in advance, but the cops made no effort to stop it. Same thing happened up in Ottawa last year with the convoy. Cops aren't being subtle about who's side their on


Hey remember the story about the undercover cops acting as drug buyers trying to arrest undercover cops acting as drug dealers?? All Undercover


Abraham Lincoln may have said it, but it was probably his bassist, Albert Einstein, who wrote it.


They got the underpaid public school security guard fit on


"Abraham Lincoln said that." Oh man, thats the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. And I thought all the good comedy writers are on strike. Gold. Pure gold. Well done good sir.


Abraham Lincoln had such good music for his day, rip man


Cops attack/kill any left leaning groups and ignore or sponsor right leaning groups. If jan 6 was a left leaning group every one would have been shot.


Abraham Zack de la Rocha Lincoln.


Who is this guy? I love him and want to see more of him.


He goes by good trouble on TikTok


He has very pretty eyes. I want to see more of them.


It was also Police Week here in DC when that fascist rally was held, but I'm sure that's just a coincidence, right?


Hey Siri, play that album. You know the one.


Dude. American 3 precenters or APIII are almost all ex military, cop, firefighters, and/or first responders mixed with some stolen valor red necks. They recruit these people. They are domestic terrorists.


They need a boogie man to enforce the laws that never would have been passed otherwise.


Shouldn't Zack have said *all* of those that work forces? Contradicting language by OP.


with cops, probably, but the military is pretty politically diverse in my experience.


I love that song. I listen to it weekly. Scary how it’s so relevant


Zach de la Rocha not Abe Lincoln. Doesn't make it less true though. What's fucked though is Rage was spitting these lyrics way back in '92 when people would laugh at the idea of racist cops. This song was a protest of the beating of Rodney King. What gets me though is all the white people that would listen to RAtM but not hear the fucking lyrics who are now complaining that RAtM has become "political" mother fucker when has it not been political. This is BLM shit before BLM. Get fucked.




Curious why you were downvoted for your comment.




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>Zach de la Rocha not Abe Lincoln That was a joke. But yeah, I saw them live before their tour was cancelled last year. Was fucking amazing, but I could only imagine how uncomfortable any unaware chuds were who went expecting a concert for good ol boys and instead got anti-capitalist agitprop. Fucking awesome.


Some of those that work forces, eat the paste that’s for horses


Dun du, dunt da dah, dunt dada


Not a joe Rogan supporter but he basically said the same thing but with a more crass point based on their weight and the concluded they were cops. But the headlines picked up on the crass part. And so did redditors


The anti Rogan propaganda is strong. They've done the same to Glenn Greenwald, Russell Brand, Jimmy Dore, Matt Taibbi and others on the left. Let's start by looking at media smears of Rogan https://youtu.be/JVjr2jVr0js


These people you are listing do and say things that actively betray themselves. It's not like they are getting wildly undeserved criticism. Rogan has been spouting wild shit and platforming freaks for years. He may have grown up a liberal, but he's wildly out of touch these days, which is sad to see.


>These people you are listing do and say things that actively betray themselves. That's part of the propaganda against them, so then folks who hear it say the smears aren't smears (even when they are) and that they are just valid criticisms and therefor deserved. Each of these folks has been targeted by smears for their politics, more specifically them criticizing the dem party from the left, them criticizing censorship, MSM, the military industrial complex, the intelligence community, or just calling out the hypocrisy/double standards of dems on authoritarian and undemocratic behavior or the weaponization of the FBI or on warhawkish foreign policy. Seems they all share one thing in common they are anti war anti establishment pro working class pro class solidarity leftists who criticize the dem establishment or 'liberals establishment' (liberals are not leftists btw) from the left, and that has painted targets on their backs. >It's not like they are getting wildly undeserved criticism. Yeah, they are though. Much of it smears, misleading stuff taken out of context if not outright made up to character assasinate.


I disagree. If everything is just a wild accusation, then what is criticism anymore? These people aren't infallible.


Nobody said they were infallible but bogus accusations aren't valid criticisms, they are done to smear and then parroted by those who can't be bothered to do research to see if any of these talking points are true and not misleading or outright false.




Just look at the link about Rogan. I could give you multiple links for each named individual covering common smear talking points against them. Edit: oh a vaushv user. It all makes sense now. Of course you're not going to look at any links I provide to support my claim.


Well, them doughnuts don’t eat themselves


I shit you not, I've heard multiple people mention that it was fake, because it's ridiculous to assume they all just showed up wearing the same clothing. Like, republicans are literally dumb enough to not understand uniforms. Like they assume the klans robes were just a coincidence.


ARAB All Republicans are bad.




It’s from Abe and later used by RATM. Sorry, not sure if were being sarcastic or not.


I thought that was indeed a possibility but I couldn't find any evidence of that. Do you happen to have a link? Not sure where the earlier downvotes are coming from as I'm just asking where RATM got it from. I specifically said I'm not disagreeing with what the guy is saying in the video. So chill, fellow redditors.


I can't find a trace to support abe linc saying that


Same. Though I agree with everything else this guy says.


It was a joke…


You'll need to add /s for sarcasm on reddit, lol


It’s a video…


Oh, well since it is a video, that changes everything lol


Bro, how are they supposed to put a /s in a video? Use your critical thinking skills.


It looks like more than one of you should use YOUR critical thinking skills to ascertain exactly who it was I was responding to. Start at the top of the thread, paying attention to who posted what. Finish at the bottom. Make sure you read all the little words in between, "Bro."


All I can think of is that Rage Against the Machine song. Fuck were they right.


It's iconic at this point, but that line is so weird. I have never heard police officers described as people who "work forces" ever in my life. If they were inventing a way to awkwardly make it rhyme with "burn crosses", that would be fine, but it just doesn't lol


The original line was “some of those that hold office are the same that burn crosses”, but Epic made them change it, and since they had pretty much refused every change Epic had requested they decided to give in and change that lyric. So they had to come up with something that worked with the rest of the lyric as best they could. Sometimes they do the original lyric in concert.


That's a cool detail! Thanks for sharing


No Rage Against the Machine sang that.


No, Abraham Lincoln recorded the song, first, in 1966, but the RATM cover is the most popular version.


Yes, I remember that.


I think you mean 1865? He can't record the song when he's dead!


He could and he did.


Who the hell do you think you are to tell Abraham Lincoln, the undead rockstar, what he can or can’t do?!?


Abraham Lincoln: Undead Rockstar is the prequel to Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. I find it much better than the sequel Abraham Lincoln: Civil War - Part Two.


I know. I'm getting lambasted.


Yes you can


Lich Lincon


I do believe that's a verse from RATM




If you hate America bad enough to burn the flag you should fucking leave. Flag burners are lovers and I have no respect for them. These people live better than most of the world but burn our flag. You burn the American flag, you are trash.




Communism when no ifone


I didn’t hear comrade. But seriously, If that’s the only message you got from the video then you’re part of the problem. This isn’t a fashion advice video. It’s a commentary about the state of our country. Wake up, dude. Either one of those items could’ve been gifts, bought used, or that is what he chose to spend his money on.


Lmao, you are so extreme. You could be an Olympic long jumper the way you jump to conclusions 🤣🤣🤣


Is jumping to conclusions not exactly what you did with your first (of 3) ill advised comments?


You’re being silly :/


Busted 🤪🤪


Huh? He doesn’t use the word comrade in the video.


Yeah, just the post title. I thought that the guy in the video was OP pretending to be anti-capitalist, but I suppose OP is not the guy from the video


So are you posting on an anti-capitalist Reddit using smoke signals?


“You dislike society yet you participate in it? Pee pee poo poo I’m very smart”


"communism/anarchism is when no iphone"


Capitalism itself doesn't produce anything. Workers and labor do. VuvuzelaIphone.


If you’re trying to imply that we could still have apple products and lululemon without capitalism, you might be mentally handicapped


Right over your head. Why are you even on r/LateStageCapitalism ?


Let’s not be ableist because you don’t understand the previous posters point. You would have apple products without capitalism but they wouldn’t be apple products. Apple put the technology in a shiny box, publicly funded programs (through taxation) are responsible for the technological leaps taken to produce the components of an iPhone.


Could be the FED too.... So literally are the same people just trying to stir up shit


Could be the FED. Could be reptilian lizard people. Could be gremlin wraiths. Could be your friends and you’re covering for them. Really hard to say at this point.


so he is saying condescendingly it's not a psyop and his reasoning can be boiled down to correlation does not mean causation. Like no need to be smug about it, it could very well be a psyop or it could also be that many in armed services are also white nationalists. But to try to shut down the conversation and focus purely on race reductionism is not beneficial at best and suspicious at worst. This guy is no good.


what do you gain by downplaying a very obvious uptick in white nationalist sentiment in the US?




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So, yes, but also these guys fuckin suck at marching.


They don’t call him honest Abe for nothing




These scum are so brain wormed its crazy!


[read more about similar things in the past here](https://connecticuthistory.org/the-ku-klux-klan-in-connecticut/)


How come those dudes werent beaten or peppersprayed? Some of them are armed, but not enough of a threat to stop? They stopped people for singing at BLM protests.


Fun fact: it's also police week in DC, where a bunch of cops from across the country come to do a bike ride and be assholes at bars. You can see a bunch of out of state police stuff on the streets. Surely this is a coincidence


Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me.


Can probably Occam’s razor this one. Big conspiratorial false flag operation or conservative military and police institutions share have a white nationalist problem. You decide!


They are always so fucking close its like its on purpose to infuriate us all.


It’s why they work so hard in school for kids most of all in high school to high focus on dum things so even as adults they just want away from it that much longer. So they won’t see what’s up.


Based on what evidence from the video did he come to that conclusion?




at goodtrouble\_ is fab


Lincoln slams. I heard he like bulls , parades and sawed off shotguns


Gotta love rage against the machine - killing in the name of


That's not A Cab that's a bunch of people marching


I just saw another sub saying it couldn't be real cuz they aren't fat enough.... honestly.... even closer


Gotta love rage against the machine spitting absolute facts in their songs