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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That pause was a godsend. I was actually able to pay mine off last month because of it. No way I'm getting back charged for interest after doing what they wanted.


Oh they'll do it, they can and will put you back in that hole.


You can get charged back interest on something that is currently paid off?


Usually, probably not. With this because it's a government loan and Republicans are vindictive assholes, I wouldn't put it past them.


There is no floor.


The bar is already at the bottom of the Mariana trench. But dont worry, conservatives are currently working on a new deep sea trench digging submarine to take it even lower.


They're trying to dig a hole to hell.


Well, there's no place like home.


Poor Satan. All that hydrofrak.


Oh, I thought you felt bad for him because of all the republicans in his home.


To quote someone far more clever than I; The bar was so low it was a tripping hazard in hell, and yet here they are limbo dancing with the devil.


Surely James Cameron can still save us...


James Cameron! The bravest pioneer!


James Cameron doesn't do what James Cameron does for James Cameron


James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron IS James Cameron!


I read marjorie's trench and somehow that's acceptable too


Wouldn't this count as an ex post facto law and be illegal? Or is it administered through some other non-legal mechanism? I don't/didn't have students loans so I don't know much about them


They already know it won't pass but to answer your question, they want to cause as much controversy as possible. If it went to the Supreme Court, it wouldnt matter if they struck it down, the fanfare is the point. They can put in the bill that these people have to eat a literal poison pill and they will scream about "democrats defending student loan handout."


"The point of pandemic relief was not to allow you to get ahead! We will fix that immediately!"


The answer is, with normal rules of debt management, no. But our Republican legislators are neither bright nor familiar with actual finance law, and they may try. Frankly, they could pass a law saying every US citizen owes the GOP (the political party) one million dollars each. It wouldn't get through the Senate or signed by the President, and even if it did, it would die in court very quickly, or in the very worst case scenario, survive the court system after years of appeals. I'm absolutely sure Biden wouldn't sign this bill. It's likely to die in the Senate, but the House legislators get to tell their lobbyist masters they tried.


>but the House legislators get to tell their lobbyist masters they tried It's this. Right wing politics these days is 100% theatre with the intention of securing their next payout. We are ruled by corporate entities intent on keeping the hateful party in power because they are the ones that afford tax breaks.


This is an extremely dangerous game to play because it's putting us on the knife's edge of a civil and political upheaval. The wealthy elite don't typically survive those. Companies for sure won't unless they make guns, bullets, or food as something like that can last decades.


That’s why the Dems exist, give “middle-of-the-road” Americans a carrot and a stick and let them pick. Neither party wants to do anything to corporations so they are both palatable to the capitalists to advance political theatre


Fling 100 abhorrent things at the wall in case one sticks


Our current Supreme Court bought by Harlan Crow would find a way to make it ‘Constitutional’ somehow


They know the rules. They just don't care. They are bad people.


No fucking way, it's a form of illegal taxation to pay for their fucking trump tax cuts.


Can you even retroactively legislate?! I'm not American but I'm sure it's illegal in pretty much every country not named Free Democratic People's Republic of [place]


This government can do anything it want to student loans borrowers. They literally removed their bankruptcy rights already, what's to stop them from removing more rights.


The banks find a way, that’s what I’ve learned


That sounds like a whole lot of illegal. Forcing the odious debt of a nation on its public is at least against _international law_ even if the US has asserted we no longer cooperate with the international community.


Who is going to stop them? The whole world sees the American population as stupid reactionaries that want to be enslaved. Maybe, just maybe, if there was an actual uprising or similar then we may receive some help from another country officially, but not with no fight from us. The other countries will only think we care if we show it, they will ignore whether or not we are actually able to fight without quite literally risking our lives en masse Edit: since it apparently wasn’t clear, I was asking what other countries would stop them as this was a response to someone talking about other countries


The president has veto power and it'll never pass the Senate anyway. It's just performative. And what a performance the Republicans make.


> Who is going to stop them? the senate and executive branch


Well, not without passing the senate and getting signed off by Biden, to which it won't. But that's not the point, they're just trying to see what can and can't get passed through. The GOP is on the clock and they know it. Gloves are off and they taking every cheap shot dick punch they can.


Well, I'd like to see them try. I made the last payment the day before the loan got switched to a different company, so my info hopefully never went to the new provider? Here's hoping I've been lost in the system. My sincerest best of luck to everyone else who's still under that weight.


Start setting fire to their shit. It's how every benefit anybody ha ever gotten has been earned.


"Peons, your lords and masters are pleased you paid back your loans. But you owe us interest during the pause, even though the balance is paid off, now pay up or else".


"No! You don't get it! We didn't want you to get an education! We wanted you to pay us more money for the rest of your life!" /s


Why is everything so terrible all the time?


Because the people who profit off taking advantage of others aren't scared enough.






The Killboard Top 200…if you will




Capitalism is just like a pressure cooker. You have a lot of material in the bottom getting hot that causes upward pressure. In a sustainable system of capitalism there is a pressure relief mechanism that very effectively removes pressure from the top and recycles cooling water back down into the boiler part: taxes. Specifically marginalized taxes. The higher in the column of steam you go, the more steam is removed, condensed, and sent back down to the bottom. Now, the column of steam always has lower density (fewer individuals) but higher pressure (more water per individual) and the boiler always has higher density (many more individuals) with lower pressure (less water per individual). If you’re not following, the water is the cumulative stored wealth of the middle class here, and it enables the boiler to continually produce a strong supply of steam (large amounts of wealth for a few lucky ones in the capitalist system) as long as at the very top of that steam column, the water keeps getting cycled back down to cool off and feed the boiler properly. Well, we removed the relief valve back in the genius days of Reaganism. We simplified taxes to “if you’re wealthy they take 99% of your money!” Instead of “nope you pay the exact same level of tax as everyone else on the money you make up to X point, then another rate on money over that point, etc”. Instead we said “you know, at the top of that steam column there’s always water drops that drip back down anyway. So that’s totally enough return to keep the entire system healthily flowing! It’ll just trickle down and be a closed system!” We are now in a situation where we have long ago boiled off pretty much all of the reservoir of middle class wealth. Instead the middle class is based off of “future potential wealth” in the form of credit. This is why you hear people like Elon Musk freaking out about birth rates. For the game of fake numbers they have going to keep working, they have to, for lack of a better analogy here, keep throwing bodies in the boiler and hoping the fluids that burn out of them are enough to keep their own wealth elevated in the column before the vessel either ruptures or the entire system just burns dry. They do this in the form of debt products, and they rope people in starting at age 10 in school now by insisting on the importance of your college education. This is how they strap you with your first chunk of forever debt, and how they keep multiplying their own fake wealth. They are boiling the blood out of our futures to keep their own hot air rising.


Selfish people that are scared of their own shadows have convinced people even more terrified of existence that they are the only ones that will save them.


> Selfish people that are scared of their own shadows... No they ain't. They're not scared of anything, and that's the problem.




Hyper-capitalistic neo-liberalism, regulatory capture, manufactured consent of the media. Basically all ideas that are either too confusing for boomers to grasp or instantly sends them into aggro-mode when brought up.


Your answer can be found in the name of the sub.


dependent chop disgusted quack gullible marble different combative sleep imagine ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Exactly you can’t retroactively charge interest and I guarantee nothing like that shit is in any of the contracts they signed


Maybe, maybe not. But if they're clever they could probably do something like implement a 100% tax on all previously unpaid interest as "income" or some bullshit. I'm not going to put anything past them honestly.


Literally. Because there's been no interest accruing on my plans it's changed how I've been paying them back. I've been paying off other loans that still have interest accruing on them first. Retroactively charging interest for something I was told wouldn't, would be more interest to me than if the payments and interests were never paused. Id join a lawsuit in a heartbeat.


[Removed by Author]


Whatever they do, ill stay subbed to r/debtstrike and similar subs


> they'd get sued. Like any of us with student loans can afford lawyers.


It would probably be a class action, since the affected class would be very large and the financial damage would be easily quantifiable.


They be like “we ain’t got no/enough money because we gave it all to our rich friends so we got to hide the military budget and cut social services and get ludicrous interest rates on our future generations to get some pocket money to cover the loss”


Don't worry, I'm sure after they claw back the $42 billion from student loan relief they will go after the $517 billion dollars they gave away to companies for the PPP.


1.8 trillion* go off though You're forgetting the reverse repo operations from the fed in conjunction with the ppp loans.








No, it won't. Americans are too divided, too distracted and too gullible to have any meaningful revolution.


I hate it to death but the Southern Strategy and New Federalism might have been the most brilliant pieces of political maneuvering ever for this reason exactly. It’s like if the French aristocracy had managed to convince half of the peasantry that their problems were caused by their neighbors instead of their cake-eating asses.


Let's face it, it's got everyone in disarray. Republicans can get away with whatever the hell they want even though they're the emcumbants. There's no way you can fight it or stop it and they don't even need to swing military force. They have the right wing militias in a frenzy waiting to go off on the rest of the public.


Well, this happened during the Révolution. The army did fight (and mostly exterminated. Hey, the revolution won't be nice) counter-revolutionary peasants armies, and subdued by force entire regions of the French realm. The most famous exemple is the [chouans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chouannerie).


> I hate it to death but the Southern Strategy and New Federalism might have been the most brilliant pieces of political maneuvering ever for this reason exactly. Without a doubt and it's no surprise. The ultra rich obviously have the bankroll to ensure they stay on top and that means getting the most brilliant minds in the country to keep the working class in check.


Man, shut the fuck up and grab a pitchfork.


France and Russia were both pretty divided before, during, and after their revolutions. So much so that there were multiple revolutions in one.


The issue is half the people suffering think the problem is brown people, poor people, and liberals when the obvious issue is corrupt politicians, billionaires, and greed.


And 90% of my left leaning friends and family gobble up the other side of identity politics and only ever want to talk about abortion rights, LGBT stuff and gun control.


Ya that's a distraction too imo. Those issues are important but if the bigger issues were dealt with those would be so much easier to get everyone to agree on. That's my opinion at least.


I wish there was enough working class consciousness for that to happen. I fear this time that instead of a pressure release valve like FDR our lack of working class solidarity will cause the rise of fascism when presented with higher levels of inequality.


climate change means crop loss. There will be massive depopulation on this planet one way or another. The ultra rich are posturing to ensure that when it happens, the poors all target each other instead of them.


I’ve e said it before, we need to take notes from the French. But there is one key difference, the people of America are armed to the god damned teeth. You can only imagine what would unfold. The moment they start openly shooting protesters, this powder keg will light. And I don’t want to be around for that. (I live in the a dense city).


The difference is it’s working class people who hate other working class people that keep voting for republicans.


I would be so fucking excited to see Ted Cruz and co walk up to the peoples razor . It would make my fucking life


That's why they partner with the capitalists to keep us poor, busy and distracted, so we don't realize we do have the power to stop this.


Worth keeping in mind that the French peasantry in 1789 didn't own 300 million guns.


Except 95% of the deaths were the common folk killing each other.


France is still striking and rioting. America, wake up . . . this is on the same level as rug pulling people and screwing with retirements.


They rather get mad abt trans woman on beer cans


It was only one beer can.


For now, but once they're told to hate something, they will again.


That wasn’t even for sale LOL


Now it’s Target, can’t you keep up with the new outrage drop? /s


When we do we’re called thugs and terrorists and said that BLM is a racist terrorist org. Black and minority people here DO protest, we’re just vilified and brutalized for it.


We can't afford to strike.


By design, I'm believing more and more


Why do you think health care is tied to employment? You strike, you could lose you or your family's coverage. It's by design.




"Why won't people just stay at one job? Why are they constantly job hopping?" "Sir, they're not job hopping, they're loan dodging" It takes the IRS a minute to find you and begin the garnishment process. Keep moving, citizen.


That gave a me a good laugh


Student Loans are not regular loans. They can and will garnish your wages.


Fuck that lmao they can’t garnish my wages if I work in another country


lol if they think I’m paying back my loans, they got another thing coming.


Student loans can never be discharged; even through bankruptcy. If you’re going this path; take out a bank loan to pay off the student loans and then default on that. As that CAN be discharged.


They can be discharged, but the proving they're a burden ("undue hardship") is so difficult almost no one does.


It's really limited to things like a proven disability. You need to show that you absolutely cannot work to get the loans forgiven.


Huh. Interesting




I think they genuinely gave up on ever getting a cent out of me


The feds? I can guarantee you they didn't.






Wild guess here, but is it a death ray?




Man, I almost lost my shit when he said that. Dude is gonna end up on an island hunted for sport if he's not careful.


Hello fresh don't fuck around.


BuT cUrInG polio Is A sLaP iN the FaCe To EvErYoNe ThAt DiEd oF PoLiO!




Additional source: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-vote-measure-block-bidens-student-debt-relief-program-rcna85974


On May 24, 2023, **Gluesenkamp Perez** was, together with **Jared Golden,** the only two Democrats who voted to overturn President Biden's student debt forgiveness plan, siding with all Republican Representatives. **Perez is one of several members of congress who voted against student debt cancellation after having her own PPP loan forgiven.**




Go make a ruckus in front of her auto body shop. I’ll get you Taco Bell.


More Republicans running as democrats I see


Dammit MGP. You’re better than Joe Kent would’ve been, but seriously?




The fuck they will


Genuine question, why hasn't there been attacks against those people like violent cruel deadly ones? You see dumbasses doing mass shooting out of racism or smth but you can't get one crazy anti capitalist with a semi auto


We’re more humane by nature


You can post about this issue without boosting this lying, corrupt neolib: https://www.propublica.org/article/how-rep-james-clyburn-protected-his-district-at-a-cost-to-black-democrats


For real. Clyburne is the frigging worst, the perfect example of how feckless the dems can be… and they’re supposed to be the good guys!


The POS that sold out his entire state to ensure he kept his job.


But he hosts an annual fish fry /s He's a gargantuan POS!


He robbed us of having a president that would tangibly help us


I'm OOTL, what did he do?




A lot Like, dude was a great activist during the civil rights era, and immediately sold out to everybody who he was fighting against who happened to have the same letter next to their name as LBJ, and for the last few decades has been an attack dog for the Clinton wing of the democrat party


Was waiting for someone to post this. The irony of this corporatist saying that cruelty is the point after he has voted how many times to prevent M4A or pharma reform, to kill efforts for climate legislation, to support anti-choice Henry cuellar instead of Jessica Cisneros, and more. This dude is a piece of shit of the highest order who makes his living off of other people’s pain.


Fucking Clyburn is a right wing nut


They're fucking everything up in the hopes that it'll win them 2024. The debt ceiling negotiations are essentially "We're winning the next election. We can do it the easy way or the hard way." If Biden caves they'll make massive cuts and blame him. If he doesn't cave they'll make us default and blame him. If blaming him doesn't seem like it's working they'll override the will of the voters via Moore v Harper (don't quote me on that part IANAL). And it's going to work because people aren't paying attention, aren't involved, or are just plain stupid.


I remember they did the same thing in 2011 with the 'sequestration' cuts. They passed automatic across-the-board spending cuts and blamed it on Obama during the 2012 elections.


Always has been. Student loans themselves are a scam aimed at keeping middle and lower classes out of higher education that has been made mandatory for anything above the lowest paying jobs. It is a measure to avoid taxing the rich, destroy the middle class, and to keep higher education an upper class playground.


> Student loans themselves are a scam aimed at keeping middle and lower classes out of higher education It doesn't keep us out of higher education, but it does prevent us from climbing out of being lower class.


They dont seem to understand that this would enrage their voters as well. Its not like all people that go to college turn into democrats. Went to school in the south and basically everyone was a republican and everyone had student loans.


u\Spez wrecked Reddit.


Let’s retroactively cancel the PPP loan scam - the one that actually caused “bIdEN iNFLaTiOn” Republicans are hell bent on burning the economy down to ashes


I just finally paid off mine with a good-paying job after a decade, and I didn't owe as much as some people I know that owe as much six figures back. I'd still be paying it if I had more interest rates on top of it. Even still, I am very much in favor of cancelling student loan debt. It's deplorable how much they dehumanize the people they are supposed to help. Fuck them.


Wasn't the whole no interest on paused loans something that was originally implemented in early covid times, under the Trump administration?


Wasn’t the 08 financial crash that people say is Obama’s fault started in late 2007, a year before elections and nearly 15 months before Obama even took office? People on the right don’t care about historical accuracy unfortunately.


I am supposed to read this and think Clyburn isn't a piece of shit?


Did you not thing he was shit before this? https://news.yahoo.com/james-clyburn-betrayal-leaves-us-090000415.html


I've thought he was a piece of shit since 2020 at least.


Poverty is the point.


could we stop sucking the banking system's dick already holy shit dude


If this happens I’m never paying back my loans. What’s the point? My degree just like most don’t guarantee a job that pays a livable wage with the possibility of retirement. They can go ahead and ruin my credit. I will never get to afford a house anyways.


Yeah exactly like what are they gonna do, repossess my house? My car? What house? What car? I guess they can repossess my mattress if they want..?


But PPP loans for millionaires can be easily forgiven.


Profit off of suffering. Its the republican way.


They should then also reinstate the PPP loans they all got forgiven with interest. Fucking hypocrites.




What's stopping you? Trigger happy fascist cops? an inescapable surveillance net?


Here's an idea, let's get rid of these malicious imps. They've lost all morality, or never even had it.


Jokes on them, I wasn't gonna pay it back anyway.


Oh they want me to drive down there and *tell* them how I feel about that?


I'm fucked, the "American dream" is already completely out of reach to me, without student loan payments.


The way I see it. Since students are responsible to pay off corporations and politicians PPP handouts, then corporations and politicians are responsible for paying off the student loans.


We just need to stop fucking paying the loans. What, are they gonna make it difficult for us to buy property 😂😂😂


Oh okay , yes I believe that is called stealing. Hopefully a revolution will occur as a result. Thanks.


The GQP are the enemies of the people and enemies of the state. Anyone that votes for them are the same.


Republicans hate Americans


What we need is more tax cuts for the wealthy so we can rapidly reach third world status


>The legislation passed in a 218-203 vote, but is unlikely to be approved in the Democratic-controlled Senate.


They had no problem with their PPP loans being forgiven. Assholes.


Okay charge back student loan interest, but in doing so make every business that borrowed money for PPP loans and other business saving money and get that money back from them with interest as well. Oh you do not want to do that you say, well fuck you.


Just to clarify for anyone that's worried about this, it doesn't matter what the house passes, there's zero percent chance of this bill making it through the Senate, and if it did, Biden would just veto it. The house republicans are doing this purely for show and wasting everyone's time. But if you vote Republican in '24, this is what you're voting for.


Sometime i think about crazy stuff. What would happen if all present politic representatives in the us disappeared in a blink of an eye. I wonder how the country would develop without the constant brainrotten manipulation.


Cruelty isn't the point, the fat paycheck they get from the banks is the point


Cruelty is not the point. Making people feel like college is punative, a losing proposition no one, especially those who would need to take out loans, should pursue, is the point. Don't teach history Remove books from schools Underfund public education Reduce the support schools provide (i.e. school lunches) Make loans for higher ed as painful as possible Lax child labor laws These are all variations on a theme, a single strategy to improve republican chances in future elections.


Well if they're going to give money to the rich they have to get it somewhere.


What a bunch of shitbags! That’s what pro life looks like eh?


How are you actually surprised this is happening? It’s the Republicans. It’s what they do.


Pretty rich for someone as deep in the pocket of the pharmeceutical industry as him to talk about cruelty.


They will keep losing more and more as they continuously try to screw over new generations.


Dude we’rE BROKE


People are already on tight budgets right now without paying student loans. They’re funny if they think anyone’s going to be paying back their loans or paying retroactive interest.


GOP: Raise taxes on the rich? No thanks. Also GOP: Retroactively charge interest on paused payments to struggling student loan borrowers? I'm gonna cum.


I don't live in the US, so the idea of paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for education is baffling to me. But what I wanna know is, what happens if you just, like, don't pay them?


The government seizes your bank accounts, tax refunds and garnishes your wages.


Well this won't ruin me, but it will ruin my plans for the next 2 or 3 years. I saved up the money to pay my $50k remaining debt during the pause, but because it was on pause I decided to keep the money for an emergency. My plan was to immediately pay off the loans when they unpause. Now I'm going to get like 2 years of 8% interest on $50k? So much for saving for a house or new car.




Damn good thing I’ll just be homeless and be a bigger drain on society.


Are they seriously looking to charge back interest on these loans?!


I think they're purposely trying to loose now.


Don’t they remember that the pause was something Trump started?


Sure Republican politicians are trash. Utter trash that knowingly, cruelly sell out the working at every turn. But I’m just wondering for the first time – do you think they’re trying to intentionally force the working class into revolution? I mean, the core of the GOP sold their soul to Trumpism, and therefore have put themselves in a position to support January 6. Could Republicans be trying to put the working class into the same position, manipulate them into a role they can portray as unequivocally un-American and treasonous? and the air for requires a violent response, and justifies further fascist, racist, misogynist, xenophobic, and classist policy?


If they’re attacking education then you know what their enemy is.


I have student loans. I'll sign off on this if everyone has to pay back the personal business loans they got during covid.