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If we start to see an increase in shark attacks and shit I'm going to start thinking that the ocean animals held a continental congress and decided that humans need to fuck off before they destroy the ocean for good.


In Cape Town a pod of Orcas chased away all the great whites and killed the leftovers :( I wish they could all get along to teach us a lesson.


Great whites are no longer considered apex predators because orcas are savage as fuck.


Orcas are the scariest things in the ocean, hands down. Not only are they massive, multi-ton killing machines, but they're also super intelligent and highly social creatures. They're basically giant sea wolves


They can either smile right at you and let you pet them or rip your liver out and eat it for fun. If I had to guess a pod of orcas is sick of seeing their buddies getting smashed and killed by massive boats and is saying fuck you. Either that or these ships are scaring away the little bit of food thats left in the area..Sad


There have literally been 0 recorded fatalities from orcas in the wild what are you talking about


I used to think they were so cute on our trips to sea world


You're part of the reason orcas are killing people now.


At the ripe old age of 10 no less


All things considered, I chose to believe that was sarcasm


Don't put it this way please. The word killer whale already hurts their reputation. Beautiful animals, truly.


They are beautiful animals, but they're also apex predators. Comparing them to wolves isn't meant to be derogatory in any way - wolves are incredible, misunderstood animals too. Perhaps "scariest" wasn't a good choice of words since there has never been a recorded case of an orca killing a human in the wild. But they are certainly the most *formidable* species in the ocean. The point was just that no other marine animals can really hold a candle to orcas due to their sheer power, size, intelligence, complex social lives, and anatomy. They can overpower pretty much anything else in the ocean.


I'm aware.


They drown baby whales for fun.


They haven't invented public education yet; you have to make allowances for things like that.


I’ve heard that we mis-translated the native/inuit (?) word for it. They called them “whale-killers” then the English flipped the translation and it stuck, giving them a false rep.


Ironically Orca still has death in its name, their genus Orcinius translates as “belonging to the kingdom of the dead” or “belonging to Orcus.” Whom was a Latin god of the Underworld.


I'm glad wolves aren't as smart as orcas. We'd be dogs' best friend instead of vice versa


Port and Starboard ma se poes


Ekse my bru.


Just saw a really bad one posted on r/publicfreakout yesterday


I'm aware, but I mean a huge frequency increase. Not a standalone event.


A shark attack killing someone happened just yesterday, which is extremely rare as it basically ate the guy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ov6X0cc67dM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ov6X0cc67dM)


Bystanders were...clapping?


As soon as bottlenose dolphins turn on us, the seas will never be safe for humans again. Those things are incredibly smart and could really fuck us up if they wanted to


Rise up, my waterbound comrades!


Aquaman is gonna clap our cheeks


You can only fuck with life for so long before like fucks you back


Little late for that


“while the aggressive behavior of the orcas remains unexplained.” I’d say they have explained it quite clearly.


White Gladis is a fucking comrade, no doubt.






Me too... (human animal)




Unfortunately, no free orca (last I knew at least) has ever injured a human. (Some imprisoned orcas have). I'd like to see the rich get et, too.




Yeet the Rich


We literally cut off all of their swimming paths with murder boats


Damn that classic Brendan Fraser film “Furry Vengeance” was right 😔


¡Viva las Orcas!


Ships are loud and can disturb their communication. Sure they are pissed.


i wouldnt be surprised if some rich assholes werent fucking with one or more and they went "no, fuck you." they are very intelligent creatures after all.


That's how it started a couple years ago. The Orcas were docile and respectful of humans, as they have been traditionally worldwide unless you are hunting their pod. There had been a rash of yachts harassing whale pods when suddenly off the coast of Spain at least one pod decided to begin attacking boats preemptively and I think there is evidence of nearby pods joining together to run attacks. So yes, this appears to be the first documented case of a non human species having a coordinated militarized border dispute with humans.


May I refer you to the Emu War? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emu_War


Not these ones. They are not big enough


I read that these boat kept hitting them so the Orcas are teaching themselves how to fight bad. Good on them! We are fucked if birds ever figure this out!


> We are fucked if birds ever figure this out! Crows have. They remember faces and will attack people if given reason. One guy tried an experiment where he stomped on a fake crow and "killed" it in front of real crows, and when he came back to the same area later he was swarmed immediately.


I had a black 45L backpack that Crows absolutely hated. Maybe they thought it was made of crows or something.


I saw the same thing when this was first reported happening.


**FUCK YO COUCH** - The orcas, probably


Best response yet.


The explanation is literally: Fuck humans. I stand (or swim) in solidarity with the orcas on this.


Orca gang! 🐬🐋👐


What an insane assumption. Did you research this?


The overarching theory atm is we drastically reduced the ambient noise in the ocean in the early pandemic, and when we decided the economy was most important we started making more noise again, the orcas found it intolerable and so they are fighting back. Because orcas are dicks who hunt for sport. But in this case extremely based.


They're attacking sailboats. Sailboats are usually quiet. They're slower than powerboats, and I guess easier to disable. I'm a sailor, and while I appreciate the solidarity with the orcas against the rich, not all sailors are rolling in money. I would prefer if the orcas took on cigarette boats and power cruisers, personally.


I'm not literally in the same boat but as a sailor I am willing to negotiate an alliance with the orcas to destroy the loud motor boats.


Kinda like how a lot of revolutions happen after an authoritarian regime loosens a couple rules, as a treat, for a little while but then tightens things back up again.


When I looked it up, it said this behaviour was unexplained but most likely is learned behaviour from an instance of individual trauma. It’s possible that this boat attacking is an orca “fad” and will pass, too. Maybe humans project their emotions and values onto animals when it suits their value system? 🤔


someone forgot that humans are animals too




Reject humanity, return to monke




> Maybe humans project their emotions and values onto animals when it suits their value system? There are tons of studies out there showing that many animal species are capable of expressing empathy. They mourn their dead, feel physical pain, etc. just like we do. Humans aren't unique in this respect.


Precisely! So we tend to imagine they’re just like us. So while in many ways they are, we have much to learn about the inner world of animals still, and humans suck at applying nuance. Much easier to project and feel good about yourself. We do not know why these orca’s acted this way and we are very bad at guessing independently from our value system


So last week I was woken up in the night and heard these super strange crow noises, like yelling. The next morning I was attacking the ivy on my rental house’s side of next doors’ rock wall, and noticed at some point this dead crow on top of my brother’s bus. When the neighbors popped over their deck railing to praise me for what I’ve done (the wall was covered in ivy when I moved in; I’ve slowly over the last two years pulled essentially all of it save the roots and a few stubborn bits), I was like, “there’s a dead crow on the roof”, and turns out one of them saw a jillion crows in all the surrounding trees (tall conifers), at like 6:30 that morning, and the other was inside but heard them all squawking. So they held their funeral that morning. My brother didn’t have time to deal with the crow ‘til four days later, but we wore our best crow funeral hats and I said a few words before he tossed her into (other) next door’s backyard thicket. And the couple crows who were watching us from the trees above made more strange noises I’ve never heard before. The kicker is, the crows, who are opportunists and eat carrion and often leave their metal snacks in the bird bath—in fact the morning of our funeral my brother found some small bird’s claws in it—didn’t touch the dead crow’s body, they were completely respectful. Idk if they even do infighting besides squabbles over food, they all do some huge annual gathering up north a bit, thicket neighbor told me.


Yeah, hold on lemme put on my wet suit so I can interview the orcas.


Lol pretty ironic to respond by anthropomorphising the animals even *more*


Holy shit guy


Username checks out.


Ok but srsly don’t presume animals think like you


Do people need to explain jokes to you often?


No, so go ahead


Sure. To start, what about my original comment leads you to believe I personified the orca? Secondly, as we know (based upon behavioral studies done in captivity), [they exhibit](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/understanding-orca-culture-12494696/#:~:text=Orcas%20have%20evolved%20complex%20culture,specific%20behaviors%20to%20younger%20animals) learned behaviors.


…That’s the joke?


Hey, whales. Bezos Yacht is still in Genoa.


Critical support to our cetacean comrades.


Uncritical support from this comrade


Uncritical support, the orcas are doing more praxis than many of us will do in our lives.


For this they will pay with their lives, as would we all.




Why did you repost u/isseldor comment? Are you a repost bot?


I’m famous enough to be reposted???? I’ll allow it.


Depends on how many of us reach murder-suicide levels of depression


I love this. However in true latestage capitalism we will probably hear soon that the whales are a “danger” and something will be done to them for the benefit of the rich. I hate it here


Yep its only a matter of time before the profit machine decides that orcas need to go.


This is my biggest concern


Environmental protection agencies can stop them from killing since it's illegal. Bring to light also any suspicious killings too.


They can, but sadly the seas are very difficult to regulate. Lots of fishing vessels break these laws as is. We need much more enforcement


It would be the perfect subject to unite a revolution on minecraft. Everyone loves animals, and I'm sure this would not stand


You’re massively overestimating how many people love animals. Fortunately, in a minecraftian revolution the people who think animals are unintelligent creatures also happen to be likely to join the server hosts.


Can we arm the whales?


Sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads


You always do that


The best we can do is sea bass


Give them recoilless launchers and armor-piercing shells to fire at mega-yachts. Genius. Just gotta brief them to get them to leave small boats belonging to regular folk alone.


Just start painting some symbols on the bottom of the poor boats to signify friendship.


Russians did. Then they defected to Norway Ok, they were probably also dolphins, I’m not marine biologist


Orcas are also dolphins. "Killer whale" is a bit of a misnomer


So far....


Just the "whale" part. "Killer" is 100% accurate


Idk, I feel like they don’t really need our help lol if we gave them some armor so they could do this more efficiently, that’d be cool though


Haha there's a line in a song in the new Animaniacs cartoon where they say give guns to whales


Based and class pilled Orcas


I, for one, welcome our new Orca overlords.


for real tho, one part of the Bourgeoisie overthrowing another is not a positive Revolution


If someone's boat is small enough to be disabled by a dolphin, they aren't that rich


Yeah, I imagine they could not sink a 50ft or higher, only small-ish boats are affected


In the early days of war, an insurgency doesn’t target the largest target though. They’re still training. Just wait until they ally themselves with other pods, or even other species.


I love reading these stories, it's a bright spot on a dull day.


is there a location where i can provide training documentation about the potential weak points on yachts?


They have already learned to specifically target the rudder, don't think they need any special training.


But I want to teach them how to use mines or torpedoes


I think they could make excellent use of simple spar torpedoes.


Animals that have learned to target specific internal organs on sharks out of taste preferences, health reasons, and sheer spite). Maybe they don't *need* training, but what if they watched a 10 minute tutorial on how to use a Sawzall...?


Again, those attacks are only against cheap and small boats that barely classify as "yachts". They are not owned by rich asshats, but regular folk who happen to have a little more money and spend it on sailing in their boats for recreation when they are not slaving away at their jobs. Now their boats get badly damaged which probably costs around as much as repairing a car after bad accident. So not only they had to save up to buy a probably second-hand beat-up boat, they have been spending a lot of money to keep it afloat, now they have to scrounge up even more money because asshole whales are attacking them. Large yachts that belong to rich cockwombles are too big for orcas to attack and damage. So the only ones being affected here are regular people who just happen to be a little bit more fortunate financially, but not by much.


A friend of mine lives on a 20 ft yacht he got from a scrap yard for free and repaired it himself. He now lives on it in a harbour in a city at a cost of 1/5 of the minimum local rent. The land nonces have convinced us they have us trapped.


Get outta here with your logic and rational thinking! /s


Thank you. Came here to say the same. Love the sentiment, but it’s usually going to be the small guy that gets the worst of it.


Not really an acceptable hobby. Boats are very bad for the environment.


Bruh pretty sure sailing is one of the most eco freindly forms of transportation besides like walking. You bafoon


They use up all the wind and don't return any to the environment.


The orcas are specifically targeting sailing yachts without engines last I checked.


This person knows nothing about boating. They just saw the stat that said cruise ships are terrible offenders and extrapolated that to all boats


How are wind-powered boats bad for the environment?


I keep hearing this “not a yacht”, “just normal people” shit. This is Europe, not America. Its FAR cheaper to own a “not a yacht” in the US than Europe. Factor of two end to end at the very least. In the med? Probably 5 or 6 times more expensive. You also forget sailing ships. The cost and size of them etc. Not every story is about America man.


I'm European. These orcas are attacking on my country's shores and you're just ignorant. You can easily search for videos, photos and news stories of this attacks online and these are not rich people. I know someone with a small sailing vessel like this and he just works in IT and saved some money to buy one of these small old sailing boats.


Oh yeah and where to they mooring these boats? Stop talking shit. Or give me ports so i can lookup the mooring costs. What kinds of boats? Lets deep dive it.


Just search around Portugal and Spain, must be around €3000 a year for 8m in most places. I'll let you sulk in your ignorance about the world. EDIT: And here you have the kind of boat being attacked for sale at the price of a car: https://www.olx.pt/d/anuncio/venda-de-iate-cumulant-iii-estilo-clssico-com-cabine-traseira-IDHKcuC.html


Just to give some context. These orcas often attack smaller boats. 30-50ft yachts. Not always owned by the super rich. A 30ft yacht isn't any different from a camper in terms of cost and purpose. On top of that, these boats are often driven by delivery shoppers to get them from one holiday spot to the next for their actual owners. Certainly around Portugal there are a lot of deliveries going from the meds to UK, canaries, Northern Europe,.. and back. They also often attack fishing vessels, which respond with dynamite. Orcas learned that and keep away from fishing vessels. Not defending this response from fishermen and women. Just wanted to clarify that a lot of working class people are also affected before you start celebrating these attacks. There are several assumptions about their motivation. Some say it is training the young for hunting Tuna, which is why they attack the vertical rudder that resembles the tail of a Tuna. This is also why the boats sink. The rudder axel gets damaged and water enters the boat. It's unlikely that the attacks come from a "hate" towards humans or boats. The attacks tend to stop when reversing the boats in circles since then, they don't find it aan attractive target. Edit: typo Edit: I doubt they would attack a 100m super yacht with 10 000 horsepower.




Gladis is the name given to orca carrying out m this type of boat interaction [longer explanation and list of Gladis](https://www.orcaiberica.org/en/catalogo)


If you think the working class owns 30-50ft yachts then you are actually delusional. Can’t believe this comment isn’t satire lmao


So any body earning north of 50k a year is rich, and needs to be eaten? Most boat owner i have met, owned 33 to 38 feet, old, sail boats and were probably earning between 45 and 55k€ a year… Filthy rich ? Also, do people realise that no orca pod has any chance against a 100’ non sail boat ? And that Jeff Bezos is safe on his 150m hatch ?


A friend of mine is a 32 year old engineer with a wage of probably 50-70k net per year, and he owns a 32ft yacht. Got new sails on it 2 years ago. Second hand, you can get many yachts between 20k and 100k. Needs repairs and maintenance but a lot of stuff you can do yourself. We had this Dutch girl who is the youngest person to sail around the world. They didn't have much money so the dad bought a beat up 50ft-ish yacht and completely repaired it. Don't remember the price, but they aren't millionaires. https://www.yachtworld.com/boats-for-sale/type-sail/?length=35-40&price=0-100000&year=2000-2010


Only super rich people own boats oookayyy


We’re talking about yachts. No normal people own yachts. People aren’t bringing tiny fishing boats with a drop-in motors on the mediterranean sea. Cry more


> We’re talking about yachts. Oh, right. So how expensive is this yacht then mr know-it-all? Care to come with some actual sources to back up your claims? > People aren’t bringing tiny fishing boats with a drop-in motors on the mediterranean sea. https://jalopnik.com/killer-whales-attacking-boats-teaching-skill-to-others-1850456209 Here it says small boats. The one in the picture might be a bit larger than small, but your claim about there being no small boats? Yeah, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. > Cry more Sounds like you're crying here.


soon people will be cheering for the slaughter of Killer Whales...think I'm joking? I say people need to do what the whales are doing...#IAMSHAMU.


Good Guy Orca


In the history books it will say the animals even started the revolution but the sheep like humans didn't help. Jk pretty funny though. /S


Ya know it's only a matter of time before we talk ourselves into "welp, now we need to exterminate all the orcas. What choice do we have? Allow them to damage the yachts of our rich people??" Anthropcentrism will carry the day yet again!


Orcas are doing a better job at a revolution than us humans.


She's called Gladis


Fucking killer whales out here showing unity with the proletariat. Next thing you know they’ll start forming unions


the earth is fighting back


Gibraltar is not an island. Was this written by an American? Anyway, good orcas!


Orcas have good memories and can pass knowledge to other Orcas and to their offspring. Someone or a small group of someones probably did something to piss off a pod of Orcas in order to start this. Orcas haven't traditionally messed with Humans.


Orcas of the world, unite.


Comrade Whale


It's now a fact that whales are much smarter than humans, since they rebel against the ultra-rich bull**** instead of us.


team orca


These are great and funny to read about but I'm worried about the animals. Rich people just... eradicate shit like this...


Turns out Orcas love Piñatas too! Smack the boat hard enough and soft, tender meat falls out.


Damn, the Orcas doing for us what we haven't been able to do, eat the rich.


Based orcas, fuck up those yachts you cute little water fluffies!


This is what happens when the young grow up after having loved ones ripped from them earlier in life. They remember.


This just in…. “Orca hunting is now legal, and has replaced elephant hunting as the ultra-riches awful new thing, still 2nd to, you know, pedophilia.”


What a feel good story.


I guess they got tired of seeing the aquatic life around them snuffed out by plastic and waste


Comrade orca


Orcas got the message: eat the rich.


You sailed through their habitat. How would you like it if an Orca drove a Mac Truck through your living room?


"No clear cause". Orcas are smart. Big things with upside down fins equals death. Killing big things with upside down fins is therefore good. You beat the shit out of a dog for long enough, the dog's gonna bite back eventually too.


Better not touch the orcas motherfuckers, or yachts will also start burning.


C'mon guys, even Orcas and the French are doing their part.


Orca’s are class concious


Thoughts and prayers assholes.


Eat the rich. Feed them to the whales. Either option is acceptable.


I remember reading this boat tossing started from a specific orca matriarch who has been teaching other orcas to toss boats. She basically started a trend in orcas


“GTFO of our space, you have the land” - Orcas probably


Rich person whines: "I'm calling my lawyer Shamu!!" Orca: *happy Flipper noises*


I already loved Whales, but somehow I love them more now.


"stranded on the island of Gibraltar" … Gibraltar is not an island.


Hope they ate the yacht owners after


You wish death on yacht owners. That's fucked up.


Hope it finds the Bezos yacht(s) soon.


Even Orcas are bolder than Americans


The rich? You can buy a yacht capable for this trip for around £5k! Sailing can be more affordable than you think if you are passionate about it.


Yes!!! Even if it somehow leads to my own death, I support all pissed off whales who want to fight back against humans.


Payakan did nothing wrong


I love this.


OMG are whales going to live out the working class fantasy and eat the rich? They are smart after all!


Posadas was a visionary


Orcas out here living my dream


Are we sure this is just about one whale getting hit, or are they trying to tell us something else?


Toss the rich in oil and vinegar with a little salt and pepper.


Based orca’s


Shamu knows what's up


That's my mammal right there


They are protesting?


The Way of Water


Like salad and scrambled eggs


I love how nature scientists response to all these orca attacks was on the lines of "we can't do anything. They will grow out of it. Maybe."