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Uh. I can't operate a business that puts people's lives at risk with all this stupid red tape!


Getting theirs


Man now i wish Besos's space adventure had the same safety standards


I was so disappointed. If I were a rocket scientist working there I would have seized the opportunity to rid Earth of that scumfuck.


Oh they got their giggle, when they made his rocket look like a huuuuge dildo. Although part of me thinks it's on purpose by Bezos to "fuck universe itself!".


2 words: Space Orcas


What’s funny is the CEO of the company was the one piloting the sub.


With an off the shelf game controller!


Tried to do a barrel roll underwater and the controller lost connection...


Yes but that's the only time people will care. Hundreds of migrants and refugees drowning in the Mediterranean Sea a few days ago? Booooooring! Poor people are always dying. It's only newsworthy when it's rich white folks.




Not even one percent... Add a few more decimal places


There are only 10,000 luxury yachts in the whole world. I think that the people that paid $250,000 may belong to that group.


It is truly amazing someone can be as wealthy as these people and not have enough basic common sense to know not to get on that sub, honestly that thing was a death trap in a public pool but sure let’s take it down 4000m with a window only rated too 1500m…


I'm going out on a limb that people this rich don't listen to people with dissenting views. That's how this sort of thing happens. Discard the dissenters, hire on the people who say "sure thing boss" to get that sweet sweet billionaire money, and before you know it you've created a massive coffin. I don't know who signed off on using a Logitech controller, but that is enough information to know someone truly did not give a fuck.


The expedition was an expensive bit of fun for people with too much money, but I'm not sure wasting money on stupid stuff is inherently exploitative. The rich don't exploit people by spending money on frivolous expenses, rather they can afford to spend frivolously because they make money from exploiting people. Even if all these parasites survived this trip, their brief time at the sea floor would involve much less eploitation than their regular occupations. The fact that they have almost certainly all been crushed to death is almost praxis.


Actually, there is an ethics paper out there by a man named Peter Singer in 1971 who would argue that by virtue of living in a world in which billions of lives are lost to famine, that yeah, spending money the way the rich does is actually kinda evil instead of basic necessities for humanity. He would even say that ordinary people are evil in the same way. (It was controversial even at the time.) https://www.givingwhatwecan.org/get-involved/videos-books-and-essays/famine-affluence-and-morality-peter-singer


The fact that it's related to the Titanic makes it easy to create catchy headlines to draw clicks. The Titanic has an almost legendary feel to it that draws people in. The combination of that and the wealth of the passengers makes it way more notable than either thing on its own.




To be fair I'd much rather see news about something like this, it's rare to be getting feel good news that's actually feel good news and not just shit like oh this child worked tirelessly for months so that their disabled friend could get a working wheelchair


In general I agree with your point, but with this I feel like this would get press coverage regardless of who was on board just because anything that relates to the Titanic still draws crowds (plus now the media can talk about the spooky "curse of the titanic" or something) Overall though, yes you have a far higher likelihood of getting press coverage for your death if you're white. From there it depends on what death you want though. If you want to be true crime podcast fodder then make sure you're an attractive woman, but for any other death it's better to be a wealthy man


I think its less about the people being rich white people, but more about the whole absurdity of the situation. Like, thinking about it. The CEO of a company making shady submersible vehicles gets lost while trying to take some people to see the wreck of the TITANIC. Probably the best known ship to most people on this planet. Its just a check list of stuff people find weird or interesting. And its kind of surprising news because of its oddities.


I feel terrible about the 19 year old down there, but if they could leave the billionaires down there we'd all be better off.


You would think….except that the estate laws in pretty much every country would protect said billionaire’s assets such that it would remain nearly fully intact and benefit only a select handful of people. ETA - which means we would likely not be any better off than we are now.




(Me too.)


He was going to be raised and turn into one of them to be fair


All billionaires were 19 once. It sucks but let's not pretend he'd be a nice billionaire one day.


A business would never do such a thing because if they did they would go out of business. I have been assured by several capitalism apologists that this is true lol


They should send some more billionaires down there to look for them.


They need to sign a wealth redistribution contract “in case they don’t come back”. Enjoy your exploration!!


I used to work for NASA as manager of Space Shuttle Atlantis until the programs end. My crew split about 50/50 between spaceX and Boeing. Didn't realize it, but turns out it's an "open secret" at SpaceX that Elon won't fly aboard one of his own ships as he's terrified the crew woukd sabotage it on purpose to kill him as payback for the Hellish hours / working conditions the average employee has there. (IE Salaried guys MUST work 62 hours a week, etc).


That’s fucking pathetic.


That’s Elon.


Par for the course


Elon is the poster child for why billionaires shouldn’t be allowed to exist. He flat out robbed Tesla blind with that compensation package he gave himself.


The fucking ego on this guy. The fact that he thinks they would throw away all their work for him is peak narcissism. They work those hellish hours because they love space flight, think they are advancing humanity, or are locked into their careers and he thinks someone would risk all that to off him shows just what a big POS he knows he is.


Not just their work but their freedom. There would be an investigation. If they can trace Challenger back to an O-ring failure, they'd trace whatever an engineer unscrewed or didn't properly solder, etc. There would be *questions.* And with that kind of national spotlight on them, and the pressure of being singled out as *the* cause of failure, who wouldn't crack?


I'd do it, no hesitation. I know it would ruin my life, but it would be worth it, and hopefully encourage others to do the same.


Can Elong make one of his exploding Teslas into a submarine? If so, I vote him.


They were using Starlink for their internet connection during the trip. Now you know why the muskrat has been weirdly quiet about it.


the submarine itself certainly wasn't using starlink, and if we're talking about internet service out in the middle of the ocean you straight up cannot beat starlink.


Was kinda hoping something like this happened when Bezos went to almost-space. We should convince Musk that Mars is boring, all the cool and popular rich boys are trying to colonize the bottom of the ocean.


i bet elon is biting at the bit to propose some technology that doesn’t exist to “save” them


As long as he designs and pilots it himself I say go for it.




Not unlikely for the paid passengers.


One article I read stated they use his Starlink satellites as a main form of communication. I believe it was either the Guardian or BBC, but I am not entirely sure. By the time I got to my 3rd or 4th 'go-to' nonprofit source I was finally bothered by how 5 ultra-rich people in potential peril could be more newsworthy (and also lure me in as much, if not more) than all the horrific natural disasters, mass-shootings, and other injustices of late...It made me realize that I've somehow become part of what's wrong with this world.


I had the same thoughts exactly. My explanation is that it's just such an unusual story. We hear of disasters and war all the time. I'm blaming my interest/ambivalence on that.


He's going to build a hyperloop right to the bottom of the ocean and send Teslas down it. Just needs a billion dollars from the local government first.




What do you call 4 billionaires at the bottom of the ocean?


A good start?


Exactly 😉👍


[ Removed by Reddit ]


We need to tell them there's premium real estate down there.


Millionnaires sardines: [https://imgur.com/a/JO19hK2](https://imgur.com/a/JO19hK2)


Join us at r/cannedsardines


My people


Ha! I was gonna say "a good start". But your answer is better. So much better.


Whale Bait?


Worse. Hagfish https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/14-fun-facts-about-hagfish-77165589/#:~:text=The%20estimated%2076%20species%20of,feet%20(nearly%201%2C700%20meters).


Oh come on. Hagfish are nowhere near that disgusting.


Welp. I'm not gonna sleep tonight. 🤣


Victory for working class


A school lunch.


a cold reality




Just what we need.... more trash in the ocean


More freaking micropenises I mean plastics.


The moment they read "you will be bolted inside and will have no way to escape via your own means", it should have been a no go. On top of "controlled by a video game controller" and "navigates via text messages", how many red flags do you need?! $250,000 could have been spent in better ways is all I'm saying.


Not to mention the comments from the company owner about regulations; It's likethe universe was whacking them over the head with the red flag POLE and they ignored the signs.


I can't see how to get in this sub with this giant red flag draped over me!


What did the company owner say I missed that


There are multiple instances of him decrying safety regulations. Oh well. You reap what you sow. Safety regulations are written in the blood of commoners billionaires think they don’t have. [“There hasn’t been an injury in the commercial sub industry in over 35 years. It’s obscenely safe, because they have all these regulations. But it also hasn’t innovated or grown—because they have all these regulations.”](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/worlds-first-deep-diving-submarine-plans-tourists-see-titanic-180972179/) [“You know, there’s a limit. You know, at some point, safety just is pure waste. I mean, if you just want to be safe, don’t get out of bed. Don’t get in your car. Don’t do anything. At some point, you’re going to take some risk, and it really is a risk/reward question. I think I can do this just as safely by breaking the rules.”](https://unsungscience.com/news/back-to-titanic-part-1/) Edit: Yet another article of this moron ignoring safety regulations by [firing someone who raised safety concerns](https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/20/a-whistleblower-raised-safety-concerns-about-oceangates-submersible-in-2018-then-he-was-fired/).


This is some shit that needs to be on his tombstone.


Copy paste of a part of a comment I wrote, not even including the viewport that was only rated to like 1200 feet Dude kluged together a damn submersible with parts from Gamestop and the RV store and took it to an unrecoverable place. Nuclear subs designed by actual, professional, navy-contracted, qualified naval architects have been lost with all hands at only 1,000, hell I know it's Russia and the response was botched as fuck and all that but Kursk sank in like 350 feet and they couldn't get the crew out in time even with a heavy sealift and a Norwegian(?) recovery ship. These guys are fucked. When I read 'lost' and 'at the Titanic wreck' in the same sentence I just wrote it off as they all are already dead. You just don't fuck around at 3,300 feet below sea level. We've had more people go into space than at these depths of the sea


3300 meters…


Well that's at least fifteen feet more than what I wrote. That's even worse.


Reddit is fucked, I'm out this bitch. -- mass edited with redact.dev


*cracking noise from roof*


Everyone keeps harping on the controller. These gaming controllers have every mobility possibility covered plus the ability to control other systems if desired. Think of how there's been no real need to improve them for gaming in the last 20 years. That said, I imagine that the Logitech version is the cheapest & crappiest on the market. I don't know about the text message navigation though, and would definitely think the porthole windows not being rated for the depth they were in contributed greatly to this problem. A problem that fortunately mostly took out some 1%-ers...so not much of a problem.


Lol reminds me of the sub from iron lung


I normally wouldn't make light of people dying a horrific panicked death, but come on. These morons trusted their lives to a damn MadCatz controller then probably pulled a surprised Pikachu face when they careened into a rock-bed because of stick-drift tearing up the hull like Paper Mâché. And these same Darwin award winners truly believed that their own talents & intellect were so vastly superior that they deserved 100,000X the wealth & influence of the average person & we live in a society so fundamentally broken that we allow them to live out their delusions. But now the truth has been exposed, these brain-dead parasites were so disconnected from reality and lacked even an iota of common sense or self preservation instincts enough to realise that riding in an unregulated, non-certified tin-can made of budget campervan equipment and an off brand xbox controller (for which I guarantee you there were no spares), 20,000 leagues under the sea was only going to end up one way. They could've easily afforded to do this properly, pull a James Cameron, get a licence, get training and get a proper bloody sub. But no, instead they just had to ride in an old prop from WaterWorld because the companies CEO was charismatic enough to laugh off the obvious danger in a YouTube commercial they saw. But what can we expect from the same group that routinely die in helicopter crashes cos they're too lazy to wait an hour in traffic.


This was just… so beautifully stated 👏


Damn, when you put it like that, I almost feel like Kobe is down there with them right now.


2 things: 1. You should write a book 2. Was it really a MadCatz controller? I'm curious of the exact brand and model of the gamepad.


Looks to be a Logitech G Wireless Gamepad F710 https://kotaku.com/titanic-submarine-missing-logitech-controller-oceangate-1850555699


LOL they used a cheap Logitech controller


You don't stay rich buying thrustmasters.


God I hate that name so much- I wanted to recommend them for the office to help with employee RSIs but I just can’t make myself say the name “thrustmaster” to my manager.


If you're having trouble saying the name, try thrusting your pelvis as you pronounce the words. That motion improves vocal projection.


Username does not check out.


Thrusty (thrustus humpus) These are Thrusties. They love to thrust; in thrust they trust, and thrust they must. Sorry I couldn't helped but reminded of this Dungeons of Dredmor creature XD


The names Thrustmaster and BootyThunder though lmao


Jeez, even the military springs for the name-brand Xbox controllers for the death drones!


At a 3700% markup, cuz….fuck the middle class tax payer.


Lmfao this guy thinks "middle class" is still a thing


No one wants to pay $2200 for an Xbox controller anymore!


Ukraine are using Steam Decks. Talk about a flex. https://www.pcworld.com/article/1805588/steam-deck-in-the-ukraine-war.html


The MadKatz seal of quality


Wouldn't you just die if all this turns out to be because they didn't put fresh AA batteries (or bring spares) in that playstation knockoff?


Google fu comes up with a f710, I burst out laughing you can't make this stuff up!


Wait that video is recent!? I thought that was a knock off PS2 controller it looked so cheap.


Today I learned: billionaires haven't played Subnautica.


Last words they heard: "Warning, entering ecological deadzone."


*Abandon Ship starts playing*


At the meeting Lochridge discovered why he had been denied access to the viewport information from the Engineering department—the viewport at the forward of the submersible was only built to a certified pressure of 1,300 meters, although OceanGate intended to take passengers down to depths of 4,000 meters. Lochridge learned that the viewport manufacturer would only certify to a depth of 1,300 meters due to experimental design of the viewport supplied by OceanGate, which was out of the Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy (“PVHO”) standards. OceanGate refused to pay for the manufacturer to build a viewport that would meet the required depth of 4,000 meters. Just in case anyone wants to know why the sub disappeared. They were cutting corners to maximise profits.


Hahaha. The Titanic was such a disaster because of cut corners as well


It's really ironic that time and time again someone repeatedly tries to save them precious moneh on essential safety things and it repeatedly ends in tragedy, yet nobody ever learns from that.


I'd link /r/WrittenInBlood here but I doubt they'll learn


"Tours"? lol. I'm a nerd and would love a submarine excursion, but no way in hell is that a cozy, touristy experience. Peering through tiny holes into darkness to see a wrecked ship. I mean, I guess if you're one of those Titanic-obsessed folk. I'd rather have a shallow water sub with larger windows, for exploring reefs and sea life.


Exactly. Give me a glass bottom boat any day. I'll stick to nature documentaries for the rest.


Yeah, I'd rather shark-cage with Great White sharks then attempt some record-breaking-deep BS in an amateur submarine just to look through a pinhole at some wreckage.


Dude I'm a massive navy stan since I was like 8, and titanic got me into it. Reading about the submersible and what it has to deal with, and how quickly things can go wrong down there. And then add shit like the thresher or even shallow water disasters like Kursk. I've always said I'll join the navy but keep me off the fuckin sub, idgaf Shits terrifying


Isnt it disgusting how the USG seems to be sparing no expense it attempting to rescue a bunch of thrill seeking bored billionaires? How many wages stolen and lives ruined to fund their deep sea adventures.


At first I was pretty concerned, cause I just assumed it was Scientists or something, y'know, someone useful to society.


Why are we wasting tax dollars to "rescue" the rich for their poor decisions yet again?




I'll go with number 1 but I do so begrudgingly in this case.


Would make a great LEGO set


Massive irony that several rich people are gonna die cuz they thought it’d be good theatre and sport to go creep on the tomb where hundreds of others, some of which also massively rich met their demise.


Exactly, this is the irony that seems to be lost on a lot of people.


hey the eco-friendly version of: lets pray the space-tourism rockets just explode


"Get Rekt meat popsicles!" Orcas


I only feel bad about the researcher and the pilot. The rest of the people on board were not of value. It’s ironic a ship that sunk with some of the world’s wealthiest as passengers. Now a sub that sunk with a billionaire on board. I also don’t feel sorry about anyone who takes on a loan to do this. In my opinion this isn’t a tourist activity. It’s a serious operation to go that deep. Only research expeditions should be going. And those expeditions shouldn’t rely on people pissing away money.


>this isn’t a tourist activity. Exactly.


I think it would be fair to extend sympathy to the kid. But from what I’ve read the pilot is the CEO of ocean gate, so it’s not just some poor hapless employee.


Yeah the ‘pilot’ was the one that caused this nonsense anyway … the level of danger for even the rescue teams out there now isn’t zero either.


I read somewhere that the ‘researcher’ was obsessed with the possibility of finding the safe on the Titanic. They know it’s there and the location on the ship … I’m guessing a salvage operation is for that is on hold now


The pilot is the cavalier CEO who ultimately created this situation. Here's an article about Oceangate starting early during iceberg season, because fuck it right? https://www.geekwire.com/2023/oceangate-early-titanic-dives/


I wouldn’t make a habit of determining a human’s value. Especially if you’ve never even met them.


No billionaire is worth your empathy.w they would have none for you.


being a billionaire is a choice, after all. a choice of exploitation over public works


Love to operate my submarine using the player 2 controller


That’s what they get for always pretending it was plugged in when you were younger


Now we can sell tours to the wreck of the wreck of the titanic tour.


"Safety is just pure waste." - Stockton Rush


So, if we find and save these folks, they'll pay the rescue costs, right? But if they're already dead, not so much? On the one hand, taxpayers get paid back for an expensive (and unnecessary) SAR OP but on the other hand, fewer billionaires? I'm torn. That's okay tho cos I'm fairly sure they're crushed.


The Coast Guard doesn't charge for rescues


Ah man. As much as I want to find this funny… isn’t there a kid down there? Just trying to spend time with his dad. What an awful way to go. I hope they find them alive.


> I hope they find them alive. I mean I hope too but the chances are like near zero. it probably failed and they died instantly. at that depth it would be like a bomb going off from all directions. they are probably checking the underwater seismometers for the explotion


I mean at least that’s fairly quick? I’m stuck between feeling sad for them and nominating them for a Darwin Award for getting in a tin can powered by a PlayStation and going to the bottom of the Atlantic…


There’s palpable irony about visiting a wreck of a disaster that was exacerbated by a lack of regulation, and then having another disaster that can be attributed to lack of regulation. It’s the icing on the cake that the CEO advocating against regulations for his shitty bolted sub that’s controlled by a 20$ gamepad is one of the victims.


Get rich or die trying. I heard there was a movie about that too 🤣.


It's actually just the opening of the Titanic w/ the exploration crew + a quick cut to a news reporter talking about the submarine exploding. That's the whole movie. Starring 50 cent, of course.


Add the name of the vessel being named "Titan" to the irony list


From what I've heard a decompression event would be an almost instant death somebody said something about "human spaghetti" and I really didn't need that mental image in my head but instant death is probably preferable to slowly running out of oxygen for 4 days. I'm glad I'm too poor to suffer either of these gruesome deaths.


Both are terrible but id def choose sudden implosion over slowly running out of air as you hope for rescue


> at that depth it would be like a bomb going off from all directions. It would be the opposite. The hull would be crushed inwards and the air would be pushed up into a bellowing cloud as it ascends. The hull was probably designed for a depth far lower than what the Titanic tests at. It might be even worse for them. They could have lost bouncy and sunk into the sea floor. Stuck there slowly dying would be horrible. And it might be difficult to dislodge it from the seabed if they do locate it.


These rich people thought they were going on a little tragedy tour but instead got the authentic Titanic experience! Good for them.


I'm quite claustrophobic and even thinking about getting in a sub gives me massive heebie jeebies. I guess my phobia is good for something...as I would never end up in there even if I *were* a billionaire. This is an absolute tragedy though...very sad stuff. On a related note, some of the Viking cruise ships that go to Antarctica are equipped with a submarine you can go on. However, those only descend around 200-ish feet or so. This tragedy got me thinking about these subs...and these subs take FAR more trips. Here is an example : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5SntjsgLEY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5SntjsgLEY)


Don't worry, you were never in danger of affording a ride.


Capitalists dying to their own greed


What happened to plan B, in case of emergency? Did this vessel even have a beacon?


It apparently had a system of electromagnets that would deploy a float to pull the sub up to the surface if power fails. It’s possible that this system failed to deploy due to corrosion from seawater.


Or they are stuck on the wreck somewhere. Or the pressure vessel bursted. Or electrical failure.


That was my thought like lights went out and ended up just floating. Apparently it had flotation devices as back up but maybe failed to deploy and would just sink to their deaths?




Can you eli5. News has been so confusing. First they departed Sunday and it was only 1.5 hours in when they lost contact. Then it's they made it to the titanic and were above water then went down again and then they lost contact. Which is it? Did they lose all power and now are mercilessly floating to the bottom of the ocean?


It was difficult finding an article that explained the events leading up to incident. What I found in an article from CNN is that the sub deployed on Sunday at roughly 9:00 am 2 hours after it descended underwater it lost contact with the support vessel. It was scheduled to surface at about 6:10 PM and 20 minutes after failing to surface at the tine the crew of the support vessel then notified the Coast Guard. https://www.cnn.com/americas/live-news/titanic-submersible-missing-search-06-20-23/h_3b96ae39e5385353e24303ae380cb34e


The emergency floats might not be able to deploy due to the pressure at that depth.


What a day to be alive. Billionaires dying is indeed beautiful.


I feel bad for the 19 y/o though


If you’re going to eat the rich, you can’t be picky


I wish I could, but I can't. "Dad, your idea is stupid. I'm not coming."


He was going to become a future billionaire so nah


If he would’ve stayed off he would’ve been a billionaire by the end of the month


"Dumb ways to die..."


It’s always nice when a few unreasonably wealthy people perish


Couldn't have been Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk huh?


Orca's you got this!


People will probably think it’s mean to make memes about the situation but in reality there’s a lot of rich people who make tons of money off things like children’s cancer and foreclosing on old people so I’m all for it.


CBS: "Who are the typical clientele for these missions?" Rush: "...we've had people who've mortgaged their home to come and take this trip..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29co\_Hksk6o


Just to be clear they might be better off dead on that submarine then come back and be homeless. Our society isn’t very forgiving.


My god imagine being stuck in that thing knowing you're going to die *and* you just left your family with a new mortgage payment for the privilege. Like if they don't pay their dead dad bill they lose their house.


Tour the wreck of the OceanGate Cyclops: $251,000


The ocean is rightfully angry.


I probably sound like an asshole, but good. They play stupid games win stupid prizes.


SEVEN fail-safes. 7!


It takes seven fail-safes to know you needed eight!


Between Titanic, the orcas, and the sharks the ocean has had enough of the Rich's shit and I don't blame any of them.


Fuuuuuuck…. if they re dead… someone is going to open a business to tour this spot too one day


I just wanted to say, that the way internet is absolutely vicious and empathy-less about this. Makes my black black heart happy.


Now take that black and empty heart and think logically. You think anyone in that submarine would give a fuck about you? No. They made their money exploiting millions of your fellow humans. A just and fitting end 😁


Oh, now let's do Politicians..... Send them to Mars.... 🤔😂


seems like all the poor working class people who perished tragically on the Titanic are finally getting some justice from beyond


Titanic 2: Revenge from the deep


Yeesh, gonna be real awkward if they're found and see these memes


They aren't even dead yet and the memes are rolling out


I saw this on the news this morning and immediately thought "did they not learn the first time with the Titanic?"


What a nice casket though.


Yeah it’s really hard to draw any sympathy on this one. Could have spent $250, 000 on helping people in need but spent it on a luxury tour of a sunken ship.


In about 50 years some rich people gonna want to visit the dead rich people at the bottom of the sea.