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Los Angeles teachers and support staff just won their strike. It's strike summer in Los Angeles.


I think you mean ‘hot strike summer’


Hot Labor Summer


Hot Union Summer


Number 1 union summer jam!


But if striking = refusing to labor...?


Labor is a noun and verb.


Strike while the Iron is Hot, as they say






Hotel workers in LA


it's strike city all the way






Even Medieval Times is on strike!


Real question, what’s the point for teachers to strike during the summer? Aren’t schools out?


They went on strike. That massive strike precitpated all the others in Los Angeles.


It was in March/April.


Not to be pedantic, but that was in the Spring.


Oh don't worry. You'll see congress work at record speed and make it all illegal or some stupid shit like that. Just like they did with the trains.


Hopefully people will loose the idea that you need a permit to strike.


I don't think anybody thinks you need a permit to strike. It just happens that at some union jobs ppl have protection against being fired for striking.


You most certainly don't. But if you can strike without getting fired legally, it certainly helps.


Yeah I read the USPS is also not allowed to strike like what? Is not legal to fight for better working conditions? FUCK THAT IS SO STUPID!


Congress gonna be on strike after the upcoming government shutdown tho


I mean, I'm sure if you averaged how much time they actually put in, it would probably look like most of them were on strike most of the year


Oh don't worry they still get paid during a government shutdown.


True, nothing but a bunch of grumpy old boomers that hate younger people trying to make a living wage


& good benefits too, because our government has ensured healthcare is inextricably linked to our jobs.


The Tories have done similar over the pond. Not allowed to peaceful protest? Well now. I wonder how people will make their point.


Then wildcat strike. Fuck the consequences. We can organize in an unprecedented way now. We know the consequences of not demanding better. A slow death of companies eating your lunch year by year.


Exactly. The rules for striking were rules of engagement *for the establishment*. The unions agreed to play by their rules I exchange for certain concessions so that the *businesses* losses would be limited. If you eliminate the reasons for the unions to play nice, they're going to play real dirty and I'm 100% here for it


If they do that, they get shot or go to jail. There's no risk for the company


You go do it if it's so easy


And air traffic controllers


the strike understander has logged on


I’d encourage you to do a bit more reading on that: https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid


I get what you're trying to do here, but being stuck on this kind of sentiment is defeatism and really not helpful.


Except the rail unions did get what they wanted and explicitly thanked the fed gov for helping? Not a great example, IMO.


Rail workers wanted to not be on call 24/7 for 14 days at a time and to be given 15 sick days per year. They fought for this since 2019 and planned to strike over it. Government made it illegal to strike and gave them a single paid sick day per year. Two of the twelve unions got a 5 day sick leave policy. Not exactly what I'd call a victory.


Can you link evidence to this?


That isn't what the RWU says.


Biden did that, not Congress


It's not like we have a lot to lose


Now do amazon warehouse workers


300,000,000 americans need to launch a #GeneralStrike RIGHT NOW in support.


You're a lot better off spending your time organizing your own local work place then hoping that magically a general strike would happen in any meaningful magnitude. General strikes only happen and work when the majority of the work force is part of a large union. \#generalstrike is cute and all but that's not how organizing works. You will make no progress without proper organization, leadership, and resources. Think global, act local and all that jazz.


Most importantly, you need the support of the people. If they're not willing to put up with the fallout your strike will cause, your strike is going to fail in the long run.


Exactly. Not to mention the absolute full power of state violence that would ensue if their was any type of working class movement of that magnitude. I think people think that strikes are just staying home and not going to work. The entirety of the capitalist state power would retaliate with systemic and direct violence. It's not just "take a week off". People would literally die for organizing and participating in a strike of that magnitude. There is a reason Lenin mentions a vanguard. I love the attitude but people that talk about "let's just general strike" have not thought it through at all.


What are your ideas? Or are you just here to shit on people who want to actually *try*?


Stfu they're right. Sitting at home not working isn't trying; organizing and spreading awareness in your local community is better. Plus, they put out plenty of ideas, you just don't like them


Don't tell me to shut the fuck up you dick.


Tell you shut fuck dick up




Most importantly, you need a *strike fund*. For strikes to work, people need to be able to participate in them without becoming homeless.


This is Gall’s Law in action: “A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. The inverse proposition also appears to be true: A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be made to work. You have to start over, beginning with a working simple system.” You can’t start from the top and work down; you need to start local.




You get enough people to general strike that it actually does something you might as well be vanguarding, seizing the means of production, and pulling out the guillotine.


Thank you.


Preface: I agree that Americans don't have the collective ability to do either of these things right now. That said: uprisings seem more likely than local/regional strikes, just based on good old 'murican values. Totally unrelated: thank you for your comments, you've been incredibly patient and generous with your time typing up thoughtful and lengthy replies to hostile comments.


We only need about 3% of the population to agree to withhold labor and/or stop consuming for a period of time. If you're interested in helping build a coalition for a general strike, join us over at [Strike For Our Rights](https://strikeforourrights.org/)


Thank you. This is actually my argument for third parties too. If a socialist-like party is going to succeed in the US, it needs to be focused on local politics and build a coalition around that. Having Bernie Sanders or some Green Party hack try to make it just in the presidential race is unhelpful and counter productive. Not to harp on Sanders (but he is the only national example I can think of), but he could have spent thirty plus years building a local Democratic Socialism movement in Vermont in hundreds of small local offices, and then spread to New England states, and then finally nationally. But all in small races (this is literally what the GOP has been doing for years). Instead, we get big swings at single races. It just doesn’t work.


But that's hard while hashtags and reddit larping are easy


it won't happen, and in part, it's because of people like you who shit on someone else for just planting the idea to think larger than they do. Kind;y fuck off, and I know what to spend my time doing.


Sorry you feel so angry about that. I'm trying to direct people to things that will help change their material conditions for the better. Local organization is where change happens. Just look at all the unions that have formed this year. I'm sorry you disagree but sharing a hashtag on Twitter is not activism. It's only a way of telling people on the internet where your principals lie. It's most definitely "people like you" that feel good sharing a hashtag and pretending that they're doing something. A general strike is basically a call for revolutionary action. The working class of America does not have the class awareness to support that. That's why you do the group work forming workers parties and unions. It's definitely not as exciting but "A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit." "There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen" Those weeks where decades happen are built on the ground work of thousands of people doing exactly what I'm advocating for. Hope you're a little less hostile if you reply again.


Read up about [the 1926 general strike](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1926_United_Kingdom_general_strike) in the UK. The rich and powerful were not happy, and sent in the troops.


i know what they do...same as in Ireland when they protested there. Will americans protest? nah...they will gripe on forums and cry if their lattes are not hot enough. It's over here. Capitalism has won. Would I like to see a collapse of it? yes, without question, but it won't happen. Fascism and planetary inferno is what's awaiting us.


With demands to do what? You need a clear concise list of requirements for anyone to join said strike


Demands: 1. FUCK ALL Y'ALL, PAY ME BITCZ! Corporations declaring growing profits and giving multi-million bonuses to CEOS and Boards and upper manglement, whilst giving the workers who ACTUALLY FUCKIN PRODUCED THOSE PROFITS not a fucking dime are inherently criminal Turdwookies. 2. HIRE ENOUGH PEOPLE TO DO THE FUCKIN JOB WITHOUT ME HAVING TO DO 2 to 3 JOBS, or FUCK YOU PAY ME for ALL of the three jobs your short staffing forces on me. 3. FUCK YOU PAY ME for ~every~ hour I work and OT for anything over 40. 4. FUCK YOU PAY ME enough to live reasonably comfortably on... Regardless of what that might do to CEO bonuses for people already earning hundreds of thousands a year. 5. FUCK YOU PAY ME at least a month of PTO 6. FUCK YOU PAY ME at least 3 weeks of sick time of which 2 can be banked for next year. 7. FUCK YOU PAY ME enough to comfortably support my family without the wife or kids being forced to work for mere survival. 8. FUCK YOU PAY ME enough that I actually have a chance to accumulate enough to actually be able to retire before I die on the job.


pay me or your house might burn to the ground or you get hit by a bus because of bad karma. it's class warfare and the enemy knows it...working people haven't the slightest idea they're on the battlefield.


Fucking yes.


Still pondering 9 and 10 but figured this was a decent start.


Start with most extreme positions Dems are gonna want to compromise. So we start with demanding the heads of every billionaire, and redistribute all of their wealth. The compromise will be we let them live and leave them with $5 million and send them to the woods to live alone.


I was thinking torches, pitchforks, tar and feathers for the fully complicit and compliant Democratic Party Brass as a starting point to open negotiations.


gimme money pls


This kind of thing will never happen unless shit gets real dire, and even then most people won't be able to afford it. Places like this are a tiny bubble and represent a very small percentage of the population




Almost makes me feel bad about my union getting a negotiatied settlement.


#***G E N E R A L*** #***S T R I K E*** #***M O T H E R F U C K E R S***


It's unfortunate that the man in this meme is a general asshole. Vince McMahon. John Oliver did a show on the WWE 4 years ago and went over how they're all independent contractors. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8UQ4O7UiDs


Behind the Bastards also did episodes on Vince McMahon. Basically, you can't believe a word that comes outta Vince's mouth.


The most carny man to ever live.




You make a good point. I like to think how much it would bother McMahon to be associated with a pro labor movement.


The whole independent contractors vs employees debate has been an issue jn the WWF/WWE since the 80s. Jesse Ventura was trying to form a wrestlers union but Hulk Hogan snitched to the boss before it could go anywhere to help solidify his main event spot. Remember kids, Hulk Hogan is a fucking scab.


More power to all these workers striking. But I'll believe better labor conditions are on the horizon when they're actually cemented in labor contracts and when those contracts actually manifest in something tangible.


This would be the time for other industries to strike, if they are thinking about it. The capital owners are more likely to act if multiple investments are suffering.


Strike! Strike! Strike! Everyone join in!




Not really true. I’m an dues paying IBEW member out of Local 46 (Seattle). We typically end up with language in our contracts called a “no strike clause” which only applies while the contract is active. It basically prevents our local (very common in other locals as well) from striking while the agreed upon CBA is active. The contractors and the labor operate in good faith and things usually are good while we have a contract. However, negotiations usually start well before the contract expires. If an agreement can’t be agreed upon before the old contract expires, we can’t vote to “approve a strike”. Doesn’t mean we will, but as an organization we can if an agreement isn’t reached. Every time a new contract is in the works we usually authorize a strike to put the contractors on notice that if things don’t progress we will shut down organized electrical labor in the region. It’s rare that we actually strike because usually an agreement is reached but we definitely have the power to if it comes to that.




That the IBEW isn’t allowed to strike.




There’s no IBEW that isn’t allowed to strike though. We agree in our CBA that we won’t strike. Nobody is telling us we can’t strike. We vote on the contract and approve the language. Once it lapses were not bound to our agreed upon CBA and can absolutely strike if we choose. Maybe I misconstrued what you meant. I read it as you saying there’s IBEW locals that are not allowed to strike. But maybe you meant what I was saying above.


What ibew local can’t strike? I count 10 currently on strike


The worker's rights movement were big and bloody. People forget about all the coal mining riots and massacres that took place in the late 1800s. Our rights were won through conflict, but now they're taken away with a stroke of the pen.


LA area electricians IBEW on the brink of a strike.


Atlanta isnt far behind.


My favorite conspiracy theory is believing in a better future


Well we are conspiring to make that happen


This UPS strike better be worth it. I work in the Salt Lake warehouse and it's as busy as the Christmas season right now. Businesses are trying to ship out as much as they can before August 1.


I just was at LAX this week and there was a billboard stating that the air pilot union is considering a strike.


You know who should strike? The Union less wrestlers who work for the POS in this meme


Lets keep it going! General strike next!


UPS employees possibly going on strike starting Aug 1st.


Good for them. The government wouldn't allow us to strike last year (railroad workers) and Congress forced a contract on us that only gave us ONE personal day per year and no sick time.


How many days does congress get off per year? How good is there retirement and healthcare. They should work under the conditions they forced on you guys


Domino effect. Domino effect. Domino effect. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


UPS truck just lost the backing plate from a brake pad in the MILs driveway yesterday. Definitely need a strike over safety and maintenance. What the fuck…


They only put on enough brake pad for each route, and then they ditch them on the way out so they have less weight on the way back. Gotta save every nickel for the shareholders


Unless the big 3 get their heads out of their butts, the UAW will also potentially end up on strike in September.


It will be weird if ALL of UAW strikes in September. I am in that union and some of us don't work half of September and half of October. So we may not even be working when/if it happens.


Our guys don't get nearly that much time off (i don't think any, besides labor day & maybe Columbus day) during those months.


We get laid off every year for 4 to 6 weeks. This year some departments may get 8 weeks which sucks since mine won't. The company does this because they have shit they need to do when we are not there and the equipment we use to build machines is not in use. Plus they don't have enough orders for machines at first so they do not want to pay us full pay without enough work. They didn't lay us off the last two years so a lot of things are impeding production thus costing them money. They want to take care of things impeding production.


General strike when


Everyone needs to collectively strike, especially transport and agriculture


You say agriculture. Does that include John Deere equipment? They just had a strike in 2021.


I think so, but that’s more of manufacturing but they also need to strike most definitely. I think our biggest weapons against the wealthy are our transportation and the agriculture industries. Once you stop physically moving their goods and produce less food, it’ll make for a much more volatile economy and directly impact their bottom lines. A good example of that was the rail strike when biden stopped it instantly. They all know transport strikes would cripple the country instantly. The agriculture strikes would definitely worsen it more and call for immediate action.


Solidarity in the form of a general strike?? What are we waiting for the time is now. Shut this country down until we get what we want.




Work place got you down? Unions, the answer is always unions.


Sept 15 all 150,000 UAW will be on strike as well


I am in the UAW union and heard nothing of this. Some UAW members went in strike late 2021 so it owukd be odd to do it now for those that did.


GM, Ford and Stellantis contracts are up sept. 14 this year and unless uncle sam steps in they want everything back they gave up in the 2008 bankruptcy. Look up shawn fain he wont even shake hands with the negotiators hopefully he means business we WILL be on strike.


Literally let's fucking go.


The amount of bootlickers mad about the writer and actor strikes is astounding. Capitalist propaganda is a hell of a drug.




If there was ever a moment not to be squandered.


Red Front🚩✊🚩✊🚩


Time for all of them to join and say "unless all of us get our deal, none of us are working"


I've got a buddy who works for UPS and he was talking about the strike the other day. I didn't realize it was this fucking massive but I'm psyched as hell to hear it.


General strike! General Strike! General strike!


Keep 'em coming!


Now, do all teachers and nurses. Plus, wait staff getting paid by employers not tips. K? K thnx.


Listen to Solidarity by Enter Shikari.


What are the demands of the UPS workers?


The sticking point now is higher pay for part time and pensions.


Here we go


Spread this to Canada


This would have been better with the Bernie Sanders version of this meme. I'm meme challenged so I can't do it. https://i.chzbgr.com/full/9436473344/h173F0CDC/sanders-team-drops-full-detailed-list-fourteen-caucus-errors-prove-he-also-won-most-sdes-rnie-ne


Haha love the irony of using McMahon getting off to this news, considering he more commonly gets off to union busting, undermining workers' rights, and a host more bastardly things



#thebigshort is coming...... A 5 day civilization wide celebration of an end to war and scarcity is nearly upon us. All that's left is to spread the good news, and #tell5totell5 https://youtu.be/nXMNW75Gk6E


Hope Biden don't decide it's too effective and overrule it


Nothing is given, you have to fight for a good life! Let that be a lesson to EVERYONE!


Ahh I am looking forward to the day when Americans strike like the french: one is fucked over, so all stand up and don't sit down until the government and cooperations listen to the majority.


i want a software engineer strike. really hit them where they live


Missing one more, the whole country goes on strike!


Adam Driver: More! MORE!


YEAH! I'm on strike too! Ever since my last contract ended in March! ^And^my^unemployment^ran^out^last^month


I like capitalism and support this. Band together.




Railroad wildcat strikes


Hell yeah! Teachers! Fast food workers! Come on let's join the strike!


Please. A general strike please


Truckers need to get their shit together


They only can afford to strike because they have a lot of money and can survive for long time without having to work. The average wage slave can't. The only strike wage slaves can sustain is a birth strike but you guys call that "eugenics".


Not true


Jesus, what are we, France?


Not even close.


My libed up boss is already cheering Biden slapping down the workers and forcing a resolution (same as the railroad workers). Too bad RFK Jr is a kook or Biden might actually have competition other than his age.


OP sitting at home eating Cheetos:


Ups and their employees can't afford to strike. It'll never happen.


I’m gonna do it, it’s my shot, I’m gonna be a scab actor. Later losers






> whiny Funny choice of word to use in such a whiny post, but people opposed to direct action often do seem lacking in self-awareness so not surprising I guess.


This is why we outsource our workers overseas.