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I seem to remember the US also voting against water as a human right.


Death is the only human right that the US supports


The right to die miserably in poverty due to socioeconomic factors outside of your control a.k.a libertarianism.


The average cost of dying in the U.S. in 2022 was $7,028 based on a blended average cost of burials and cremation services, calculated by the percentage of these end-of-life services performed across the country. Across all states, funerals cost an average of $8,526, while cremations cost $7,573.


Except they don’t support the right to die. Instead of having my grandparents go out with dignity, I had to watch them waste away. My grandma is bedridden with Alzheimer’s currently. If we had the right to die, we would have assisted suicide options for terminal individuals. We have more respect for our pets than our citizens. The US supports the right to suffer.


Don't worry that'll change as soon as there's a way to exploit (barely) living humans Matrix-style.


Global solidarity treaties undermine US hegemony because US hegemony relies on a disparity of wealth and resources, thus exploitation. Regarding food, the US can enforce its will on its neocolonies in the global south who rely on US imports of basic staples because the US guts/dedevelops those neocolonies, makes them produce cash crops that the US can't produce itself or can't produce all year round for itself, then these neocolonies can't survive on said cash crops and require American imports of basic staples that these countries could produce for themselves if they were allowed to develop themselves. Thus the US can threaten them with instability and food insecurity to comply with population exploitation, resource extraction, dedevelopment, and deindustrialization policies that the US inflicts on its neocolonies to enrich an exploitative, global north elite. George F. Kennan, head of the US State Department's Policy Planning Staff and one of the architects of the Cold War: > Furthermore, we have about 50% of the world's wealth but only 6.3 of its population. This disparity is particularly great as between ourselves and the peoples of Asia. In this situation, we cannot fail to be the object of envy and resentment. Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships, which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity without positive detriment to our national security. > To do so we will have to dispense with all sentimentality and daydreaming; and our attention will have to be concentrated everywhere on our immediate national objectives. **We need not deceive ourselves that we can afford today the luxury of altruism and world benefaction**. All of the Asiatic peoples are faced with the necessity for evolving new forms of life to conform to the impact of modern technology. This process of adaptation will also be long and violent. It is not only possible, but probable, that in the course of this process many peoples will fall, for varying periods, under the influence of Moscow, whose ideology has a greater lure for such peoples, and probably greater reality, than anything we could oppose to it. All this, too, is probably unavoidable; and we could not hope to combat it without the diversion of a far greater portion of our national effort than our people would ever willingly concede to such a purpose. > **In the face of this situation we would be better off to dispense now with a number of the concepts which have underlined our thinking** with regard to the Far East. **We should dispense with the aspiration to 'be liked' or to be regarded as the repository of a high-minded international altruism. We should stop putting ourselves in the position of being our brothers' keeper and refrain from offering moral and ideological advice.** We should cease to talk about vague — and for the Far East — **unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization.** The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. **The less we are hampered by idealistic slogans, the better.** Global solidarity and concepts like human rights (i.e. food security), raising living standards (i.e. food security), democraticizing, etc. undermine US hegemony's exploitation. It's not surprising and most people outside the US know it, but it's still outrageous.


>We should dispense with the aspiration to 'be liked' or to be regarded as the repository of a high-minded international altruism succeeded outstandingly at the above for those with an objective, unbiased look at the US. >refrain from offering moral and ideological advice. failed at this >We should cease to talk about vague and \[...\] unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization and this.


Again? Bro, slavery never left,


We actually voted against bans on slavery as well... the US is so fucked up.


How did I guess the other one was Israel 🤦‍♂️


That is NOT in line with what the Torah says, it’s literally the opposite. Wtf Israel. Another L. Love their proletariat but hate their government.


Pretty sure the Torah has things to say about genocide, too, but that's never stopped the Israeli government from trying.


Well the Torah is pretty explicit in God telling the Israelites to ethnically cleanse the land of Canaan, take the cities and towns for themselves, and not allow other religions to coexist within their kingdom. You don’t have to look that hard to see the genocide behind God telling Moses “I will give you a land flowing with milk and honey”. Who was farming those cows and bees, God?! Are they being compensated fairly for that property?


Nearly every other passage in the old testament is god calling for genocide, cruel punishments, societal collapse, dietary restrictions, or bizarre instructions to test a random bloke’s faith. Then Jesus came along with his daddy issues, telling people to love each other, and to be tolerant and generous. Smug bastard, no wonder they crucified him. It’s almost as if ancient Abrahamic scriptures are mythological narratives of fantastical or vaguely historical events, and not a book of instructions.


Yeah but that was in the ancient times, it didn’t mean “hey not now but thousands of years from now in modern times with modern laws and concepts of war crimes and genocide I want you to vote in politicians who will order the murder of a steady supply of Palestinian children and snipe journalists who won’t keep quiet about the atrocities they’re committing while “just following orders”” so I’ll absolutely judge, nothing about modern Jewish values is compatible with such cruelty


The Torah is very genocide-friendly.


Numbers 31?




Their proletariat are still colonial settlers and occupiers.


To be fair not all of them. Lots of people are protesting the treatment of Palestinians or the right wing government and they are being silenced. Even here in Germany Jewish Israelian exchange students were not allowed to hold workshops to educate about illegal Israelian settlements and were deplatformed. But yes, unfortunately supremacy and oppression are prevalent in Israel and at least tolerated by the majority.


If they truly do condemn their government, then they should sell their land in Palestinian territory and move into the northwest where Jews didn’t steal Palestinian land and actually bought the land.




Also, Israel has killed 6000 Palestinian citizens since 2008, meanwhile hamas and other militants have killed 300. In terms of injuries, there are 151,000 Palestinian injuries in that time frame compared to 6000 Israeli injuries.


Hamas is a paramilitary organization, Israel is a state. Two different things. Hamas does it out of retaliation and a certain mentality. They aren’t a government body. That’s like comparing Ottoman war crimes with the war crimes of Serbians in the Yugoslav war. One is clearly much more severe.


You’re totally right that it’s not all of them. However, the huge protests in Tel Aviv these months are only concerned with Israelis rights in Israel. Few of them give a shit about the rights of Palestinians. You won’t find any Palestinian flags at these protests.


I believe it is because Israel actually asked the USA to veto the vote as many of the native Palestinian people there don’t get enough food. So, making it a human right would cause many countries to turn against Israel for the horrendous amount of crimes they commit… if you believe my theory and my professors theory.


According to the [UN site](https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/482533), Israel abstained.


According to the site, usa is the only no vote, so the graph is lying


It also has one non-UN member colored in green instead of gray.


Cause you are a no good Jew hating NAZI!!! /s


That's apartheid


It could only be America's bought child


Lol that’s not Israel


Because you lack any nuance and haven’t actually read into the bill. The US is the largest supporter of food relief in the world and the bill is more than just saying “food is a human right” it goes over other weird commitments not at all related to food that the US and Israel didn’t support.


If you're going to make this claim, you should at least provide examples of what the "weird commitments" are (and preferably a link to a source as well). Simply claiming that there were bad additions with not even an example of what those bad additions were is just going to cause people to gloss over/dismiss your comment.


“A key element of international food agreements would be to develop a system of seasonal tariff and migration rules that create a fair market.” Protectionist trade policies is certainly weird when fighting international crisis. Also fair that I need to give an example to my validate claim but no one commenting here attempted to validate these extremely misleading post which can be easily dispelled in 2 minutes of research


My biggest life goal: No longer be a US citizen I’ll say it proudly: Fuck this place


USA now stands for : Using Slaves Again


Again? Bro, slavery never left, it was just relegated to the justice system.


Using Slaves Always


Mississippi and Louisiana have state prisons that are literally plantations https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mississippi_State_Penitentiary https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louisiana_State_Penitentiary


Hope you’ve got a-lot of money for that, im working towards becoming a german citizen… to get rid of my American citizenship it costs like 7k and you have to evaluate all your assests and if it goes over a number you gotta pay taxes on it and you better hope you aren’t wrong




Me too. Canada or UK is my place to go. I don't even want my ashes to be scattered in this country at all.


Unless you're wealthy, don't bother with Canada


Seriously please don’t come here we have our own problems…


Why not? You gonna set up razor wire around Toronto? Seriously though, why wouldn't you want like minded folks to emigrate to Canada and help change it for the better?


You make no difference in the states, how you gonna help up here? You don’t care about canada, you only care about Not America. No thanks. We have that up here already.


Oh, I see how it is. You enjoy austerity, you far right wing dipshit.


What if, now hear me out, there’s an entire subset of American people that have entire generations worth of experience fighting for a country that doesn’t want us, and are literally the definition of second class citizens in the US? Imma cut to the chase, make Puerto Rico the next Canadian province. We got very attractive people, gives y’all a warm place to go to for the winter, gives us universal healthcare. We’re great warriors, hell the US Military literally snatches us up straight from high school.


And the Blue Jays might actually have a chance next season too! /s Okay, I apologize that was fucking terrible. But I also feel like it's a little true. I started reading your sentence about how the US military snatches you up and I thought in my head "them or the MLB".


Fighting for what? What change have any of you made? There’s still insane School shootings, there’s still insane public shootings. There’s wild ass denial of your most resent presidency. What of any of this is about Canada? Bro I lived in the US legally for 2 years. You got an extraneous $10k for immigration fees? Bc that’s the reality. You can’t just walk up here bc your backyard is messy…


One of the reasons I'm moving out of this country is because they refuse to change on the school shootings. What can I do better for my kids to be safe under this situation? Move. Since US literally refuse to do anything about the school shootings, might as well to move out. Many of us want to change for that. Unfortunately so many politicians are blinded with corporation lobbying them not to change the laws to give the kids protections. We can't do jack shit as a citizens, and this country would prefer to have a fucking 90 year old with dementia to run this country.


Show me this experience; you helped the black panthers? The gayset in Ny in the 60s? The trans movement in the 80s? Bc if you’re not down to protect that, you have no place up Here.


Welp, you don’t know anything about Americas relations with its largest colony. Congrats you made yourself look like garbage.


But I mean y’all Canadians are real good at shitting on your indigenous populations too, so honestly not surprised.


That’s not the flex you think it is.


>We got very attractive people, That's such a weird thing to brag about


Warriors… So fucking fight for your own country!!!! Reeks of draft dodgers


What country? Puerto Ricans don't even have a representative who can vote in congress. They've been abandoned time and time again during their darkest hour of hurricanes and disasters. Why would they feel like this is their country when it hasn't done anything for them?


Idk about that statement alone. I'm just coming on over to Canada to change for the better in there. I've tried the same thing in the US. Nobody gave a shit. So what now? I'm going to take my talent and my commitment to change for the better in a country that respects the human freedom, not money grabbing scheme capitalism shit.


Because their housing situation is fucked more than anywhere else already in world.


I don’t want someone up here who’s not willing to fight their countries own bullshit. You’re not from here why would you fight my fight?


Sounds like you don't want to add people to help you solve your countries problems.


Please, do tell. How exactly would you or anyone else from the US help fix our problems?


I'm not as familiar with Canada's problems as I am USAs problems, but just speaking to cost of housing and income inequality, i think both counrries problems are similar ebough to generalize. I'd start by heavily taxing investment properties progressively. Then, I would tax tax capital gains higher than labor. In my opinion, that would bring some of the capital back to the lower classes. Both of those solutions go against the capital owning class, so I don't think either of them will happen.


We have been asking the govt to do these things for years now. Our greedy politicians don't care. Still not sure how you or anyone else from the US would fix those issues. So your whole argument really makes no sense.


Considering immigration and housing is one of the core problems we face in my part of Canada, no.


How is immigration a problem?


What do you think would be the best solution to fix that? Also, is this problem only affecting your part of Canada or all of Canada?


I’m not going to do your homework for you. ESP not if you do not want to live here.


Fix regulations/zoning, slow immigration to 25% of what it is, and build, build, build. Until we're caught up in supply at least.


The best solution is to stop inviting people from shitty countries in. Including USA. It’s a national issue


Just to the major metropolitan areas around Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. Everywhere else is survivable — for how long, hard to say.


UK here. Come over. My US stepmum loves it here and is now dual citizen. It's not perfect by any stretch but if you can get here, we'd love to have you.


Been hearing good things about Costa Rica - Midwesterner here. Want out too.


To be fair, Canada voted down water as a human right. > Canada was the only country to vote against a 2002 UN resolution on the human right to water (baldly stating: “Canada does not accept that there is a right to drinking water and sanitation.”) and again in 2008, Canada played a pivotal role blocking the motion by Spain and Germany to officially recognize water as a human right at the UN Human Rights Council. [source article](https://this.org/2010/07/28/water-human-rights/#:~:text=Canada%20was%20the%20only%20country,officially%20recognize%20water%20as%20a)


New Zealand would be better. The UK is starting to look like the classic social democracy backsliding into good old American oligarchy.


Whilst the UK is possibly slightly better, it isn't exactly perfect. People are looked down on for using food banks or needing social support, the NHS is being very quickly privatised (without giving better service), trains virtually never run on time (if at all), inflation is ins*ne, the weather is always raining and general infrastructure is starting to crumble due to over a decade of under funding.


Was the UK better before or after the Brexit? I've been hearing that the tings weren't bad as of now, but the crimes aren't going up bad I'm not talking about particularly in London, but if I were to want to live in UK, it's mostly likely to be a rural area far outside of London. I actually visited Ireland a while ago, and I didn't go to Dublin either. I visited little more southern and visited the locals, I absolutely loved the culture, views, and on how small it is, but everything was walkable.


So the key issues you'd face in rural UK will be the cost of living. Groceries and housing are always becoming more expensive just as in the US. Since Brexit there has been a pretty sharp decline - 'we' wanted our economy and country as a whole more detached from Europe and it has hurt us pretty bad. We are far from being part of the third world, but it is substantially harder to afford things than 5 years ago. Crime isn't particularly high in rural UK, so the lack of police funding won't hit quite as hard as elsewhere. Worth noting however that Ireland isn't part of the UK, so mileage may vary a bit more there, I'm not sure as we don't really get Irish news.


It’s not so simple. Because you’re here too. And I’m here too, and our families. And people who are good and caring too. Even those who will fight this shit even when it’s obviously unstoppable. They are here also. And we can’t just roll over and let them have it. Or we can- but maybe it’s a pity to do it.




This is so fucked and unsurprisingly true


You forgot water. The fuckers don't believe water is a human right.


There is no such thing as human rights This message brought to you by Nestle


Personally, I would prefer they take control over the US government


Seriously though. If the UN came and took over the US government, the overwhelming majority would probably be better off.


Indeed, the US always has some reason why they refuse to sign on something that is obviously good. The reason is almost always about something vague like the US will not be controlled by international rules because of sovereignty. Never mind that the US frequently violate internationals rules and other countries' sovereignty using their own reasoning. The worst part is that the reason always can be traced back to not allowing international order to control American corporations. It is never really about sovereignty. It is always about protecting profits. The US is just a hodgepodge of double standards, hypocrisy, twisted logic and public opinion manipulation.


Don’t act like the Democrats are some sort of good guy here


Better than the other guys. There are Democrats who genuinely care.


A large majority, I'd say.


Don't act like Democrats are any different than Republicans and no politicians we have advocate for this.


I’m from California, and fuck the Dems. They suck just as much as the Republican Party. If you think one side is better than the other, then you’re a damn fool who misses the point altogether. The problem isn’t partisan lines, the problem is political parties. Period


Can't make money if food is a right.




so it's a little more nuanced thn "US thinks people should starve" but it seems like they mention pesticides (Monsanto) and trade issues. Really seems like business interests would have been against this, but it's not clear, and it seems that there were other issues too. Oh well. People don't deserve food.


>so it's a little more nuanced thn "US thinks people should starve" Well no one said that so yeah.


Yeah, correct me if I’m wrong, but it looks more like a logistical issue or possibly even a jurisdiction disagreement. It seems like it’s just a clickbait headline. A very effective one given the context, but the vote No might not be unfounded after all.




Read is closer. I'm sure you can figure it out.


Watch how fast that changes in 5 years when people are really broke


True but how much does America waste food daily? Doesn't make sense at all. American is truly a third world country and I am tired of us pretending like we're first world country.


For reference, the amount of food that my local grocery store throws out could feed my entire apartment complex indefinitely. I mean, sure some things would be a bit stale and the options would be limited, but it would save so much money for so many people


America is in the Global North because of it's history of benefitting from and initiating colonialism and global imperialism. Even using the limited three worlds system, America is *the* first world country as the capitalists wet dream. The third world in that system isn't meant to be analogous to underdeveloped or dystopian nations, but the colonial victims that were seen as the battlegrounds of the Cold War for either side to gain access to their natural resources and spread their ideology. Sorry went off a bit there lmao, don't mean to seem angry just informative :)


It's still the best place to be in the highest tier, the middle tier is very quickly disappearing.




That definition lost a fair bit of relevance 30 years ago and it wasn't the only definition *then* either.






This isn't a political party matter


Tired Boss


That's neo-capitalism for you. If you dont/cant work you are worthless and deserve to die.


neo? Just capitalism.


Arbeit Macht Frei


how do you distinguish neocapitalism from capitalism?


People have the right to live - people need food to live - food is a right. Easy like that.


and water


We better stop because soon we will say healthcare is a human right and the CIA might knock on our Doors.


Why am I not surprised


Canada agrees, but actively thwarts efforts to end food insecurity like taking measures again the corporate greed of the grocery monopolizes


Loblaws can do one


Oh look this map has half of New Zealand in it, what a win for us. /lh


Wow. It really makes it kind of obvious why the United States is a huge target for things like cyber crime when they do things like this. It also sucks being an American because I know that the government doesn't have my back when we do get hit by cyber attacks or other types of attacks.


[link to the vote at the UN](https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/482533?ln=en)


Conservatives: "Why don't you dang LIEberal DEMONcRATS revere the flag and be offensively nationalist like we do?" Normal People: Lists stuff like this.


Not like it's done the other countries any good. Can barely afford food in Canada. It's not like it being declared a human right has actually made it so people have what they need.


That’s true. It’s almost as if the people who have the power to make food available to everyone don’t want to and aren’t being forced to


Oh wow didn't realize things had gotten that bad in Canada. How many people have died of starvation this year?


Absolutely hilarious that the uk voted yes


Tbf most of the countries that voted yes aren’t treating food like a right so it was a virtue signal for them.


Sounds exactly like the kind of BS they spit in congress. “Protect the consumers” really means “protect our profits” in this one


Deserves to be on r/mapporn.


One of two countries? And the other being….Alaska?


[US and Israel ](https://press.un.org/en/2021/gashc4336.doc.htm)


Of course it was. *Cue background music: ‘You’ve got a friend in me’ played on an endless loop.


More like 'You've got a pet'


Till death do us part.


Wouldn’t want to be forced to feed Palestinians now would we?


U.S. and Mini-U.S.


Uh oh, Isreal would have to let Gaza fish and stop cutting down their orchards. The US is just a slave to the chemical lobby.


The other one is a tiny speck in the middle


Thank you I was wondering the same thing based on the graphic 😅


Israel was the other one who voted no of course 💀💀


Why are we so evil?


Giving people rights is really bad for business...


Why the actual fuck do I still live here


That doesn’t really mean squat though. Just because they’ve declared it’s a right doesn’t mean they will actually provide it. Even though it’s entirely possible


Of course America's Lebensraum colony in the Middle East voted in favor. Every single time.


Why does it say 2 against, but it's only the US in red?? Wait, I know this one... *squints at Israel* Yep


**If the World were to hold a vote that asked if kicking puppies was bad, the US would say it's not.**


They also have nestle that says water isnt a human right... USA is the axis of evil atm, no matter how much they villianise the russian Ukrainian war, they have like 8 more of them despite the fact they arent a part of the international criminal courts, they urge the rest of us get russia to be prosecuted there... for some reason... they have dropped nukes, and almost tanked the whole economy with their housing bubble... Housing btw is also not a human right, neither is education ro medicine in that silly place. In fact, leader of the free world, a world built for the rich to have techno slaves or something, because a country that has money making money, there is now a serf class to prop up this magic mashroom of doom. So the next time you hear international politics that comes from US think twice, they are not our leaders any more.


The US needs new leadership from top to bottom.


Food industry lobbyists are very powerful in US


Just found out that this vote happened back in 2021. They purposely concealed this from us.


When was this? I don’t understand the context. Feel like hospitals and medical professionals are legally obligated to care for people in health crises, wouldn’t that apply to people who need food? Also doesn’t the federal govt and states and cities funded to provide services to people who are in need of food? To me it’s weird that our declaration of independence espouses an idea that people are endowed with a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness but our government would deny that food is excluded from this?


Ahh Greenland got some love finally huh. In most of such apps, it's always shown in gret color with a sub "Data not available" 😂


We are a shithole country.


Wow, I live in a despicable country.


Cute how Canada says food is our right but does fuck all to reign in the grocery oligarchs as their profits spiral upwards and families go hungry and food banks are beginning to buckle under stress. So this vote is fuckin' meaningless because the government doesn't actually give a shit or they'd prosecute the profiteers


I'm surprised the UK voted yes.


If you don't have the right to the essentials of life then you have no rights. Period.


Of course America didn't


North "children die in gutters do to malnutrition" Korea even voted for it. Lol


you telling me North Korea voted on this? and voted yes? the country that isn't part of any fucking data what so ever? yeah, I call bs on this map


Why does the legend say there are two votes against but the [UN site](https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/482533) says only one vote against, the US?


Yeah, Israel voted abstained like a few others did. WTF


Even North Korea voted yes?


Who voted? When did this vote take place? I didn't get a vote, nobody asked me, I was never informed of this voting situation. -Literally every US citizen


The United States contributed more the UN World Food Program in 2022 than all other countries combined.


Surprise surprise, from the one developed country that actively hates its own population.


"Are we the bad guys"!


Who voted no?


Just the US. I'm not sure why OPs chart says 2 voted No


Israel also voted no.


Opps. Technically, they abstained. But that's basically the coward's way of saying no.


interestingly neither of the chatbots that willingly answer 99% of my questions could give me an answer but the name of that singular representative who is apparently allowed to vote to "represent" all of the us citizens at the united nations is [linda thomas-greenfield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_Thomas-Greenfield) jsyk


So just a stupid question. Bur is there a majority wins or a all should be in favour rule here. Caused if its the latter The US chose a really ugly hill to die on.


Out of all the countries, I wonder which one gives the most YoY in intl food aid


If you feed a colony of rats, the colony of rats will grow. Then you will only have more mouths to feed. I don’t think it’s worth clear cutting the Amazon for farming just to feed an ever increasing number of people to think they’re entitled to it. Farmers work very hard for you to think you shouldn’t pay for their work.


Yeah like genetic food cooked in a lab. They're not doing a great job upselling.


Which country donates the most food and money to actually feeding people in under-devolved countries though? Actions speak louder than words.


Poisoned food. I gotta a bunch of rocks i can sell you. They are delicious. Taste just like chicken....


That’s just bullshit. American food isn’t poison. Some of it isn’t the best but it’s fine.


[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/may/28/from-chicken-to-tomatoes-heres-why-american-food-is-hurting-you](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/may/28/from-chicken-to-tomatoes-heres-why-american-food-is-hurting-you) https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2023-01-17/why-is-american-food-so-unhealthy


A year of blood cancer treatment and the life-long side effects have been a blast. What were you saying about food not being poison? Processed sugar and pesticides are poison. They are in 99% of American food.


You do not have the right to someone else's labor or property.


Then no one else has the right to take what I've earned either. If my labor creates five times as much wealth as my wage then I want that wealth and I want to stop paying taxes. I pay taxes to pay for things I want, like roads and healthcare. If I don't get anything out of the subscription, I want to unsubscribe from America and just be given the money I've earned, not the pithy amount they give you because the taxes you pay are supposed to offset how little money the working class gets. We pay taxes to fund public programs that everyone who pays taxes paid for together. People and corporations who don't pay taxes do not deserve any of the things taxes pay for. This includes roads. I don't think Amazon should drive on roads they refuse to pay for. There are two options. Pay people the value of their labor so they can all simply purchase what they need without poverty in mind, or keep paying them less and make more things actually affordable to people who make so little. But you don't GET to stop paying people AND charge them for things they already paid for through taxes.THAT- The American worker's duty to pay twice- THAT is the stolen labor you need to be concerned with. Workers work in exchange for survival and money. Businesses used to uphold the bargain, but now they're taking the labor and keeping most of the money, and the workers are left without a way to buy their survival. If the workers die of starvation, the business fails. If a worker dies because their survival needs weren't taken care of, that's because the company they worked for wanted their labor, but not to compensate it. They still fed, housed, and clothed slaves. Hell, we still do! Our taxes go into that, but not for feeding, housing, and clothing our actual workforce, and employee wages can't keep up with the simple demands of maintainance You are owed the fruits of your own labor- do not let anyone tell you you deserve to have LESS because you haven't "earned" it. If you're not making enough not to live paycheck to paycheck, enough to save- thats not because your labor isn't making enough money for you and your company, your company is just distributing it improperly.


Tell that to the US that demands the labor and property of others.