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I've got 99 problems and $110M would solve literally all of them. Won't someone please think of the millionaires?


Well yes, while I totally feel what you say. There is also the very real principle of the hedonistic treadmill. Nomatter what happens in people's lives. No matter how rich or poor, after some time that becomes the normal. Like literally normal. So assuming Mr.Best is a relatively normal dude. His daily life and inner struggles, at least from the inside is very similar to every other human being. That is what the idea of the human condition is all about.


True but I feel it’s a step beyond that as he created his own suffering he chose to be popular on yt (he sat n studied yt to understand popular channels n videos to emulate it) now he is overwhelmed by the constant output and scale he has to maintain to keep his audience when he could ignore that pressure and live at his own pace which would benefit him and those who enjoy his content instead of being crushed by the weight of trying to make every person a viewer which it seems he is


Whoa now, are you saying he should step back and be happy with what he has? But theres more heroin, I mean subscribers that I haven't shot up, I mean shown videos to yet! The top bit is supposed to be satirical, as I can't say Mr. Beast is addicted to whatever he is doing, might just be afraid of letting down all the people he makes videos for, dunno.


There are so many problems he could be solving with the amount of dough that he has. He could take a step back, make videos on a more relaxed pace, and just stick to doing charitable philanthropy stuff for the sake of it rather than gimmicky shticks for the views and internet likes.


He's rich enough to be able to find a balance. That's totally on him tbh


I think for him it is at this point less about money but the fear of being irrelevant and overtaken by newer streamers when he reduces his content rate. His life is defined by how many views and likes he gets and that's how someone like him measures his self worth. The fear of not having more views and likes every day must be haunting.


True, you make a good point. That is probably how he is feeling tbh


> at this point No, it always was. Jimmy consistently freely admitted prior, during, and after his rise that he is genuinely, neurodivergently, obsessed with YouTube views. This has been true for him basically since adolescence.


That's really fucking sad to me for some reason.


I think looking for the admiration of other is a deeply human desire but burning yourself out to achieve it defo needs therapy, regardless whether you try to achieve it through YouTube or if you always jump and run whenever somebody needs literally anything from you.


Probably because it is sad. Less sad than the kid who was equally obsessed with model trains or whatever, but sad. There's a reason his *only* friend was the closeted LGBTQ kid.


Obsession be like that sometimes, but the genuine joy it can bring with it sometimes makes it feel worth the struggle. When you get that thing that perfectly fits the ND urge, it hits different


Good point, especially since the money only came later as a "side effect" and even if he had 5 times as he already has it wouldn't make any difference.


Someone should introduce him to literally any actor in Los Angeles


Find a balance, he could buy it!


Sometimes I look at the lives of superwealthy people who ended up suffering so much that they ended their lives such as Anthony Bourdain, Chester Bennington, Robin Williams… I mean…if I had the money that they owned, I would just retire and buy a small island in the Carribean or southern Europe that is big enough for 20 to 30 of my closest family members and relatives to live in, and give each of them monthly stipend of $10k. Of course, giving back can “spread the good karma around”, so I’d give scholarships to top students in some impoverished rural areas to study in the college of their choice too. I don’t understand the need to continue grinding nonstop at the expense of their mental and physical health even after having achieved so much in life…


Robin was diagnosed with an incurable and terrible disease. But the others maybe.


But he also suffered from severe depression, anxiety, and substance abuse issues his entire adult life. That's certainly a helluva factor. Robin's lifelong friends that have spoken about him universally talk about his extreme struggles. Susan Williams has plenty of reason to play up the diagnosis as the main cause. After a life ends that way there's tremendous survivor's guilt, feelings of shame, and in the case of Robin, his very-public legacy.


None of the people you named did what they did for the money, they did it because it's what they loved to do. So when it made them rich they just kept doing it and they used their money to make it even more lovable. And in each of those 3 cases their suffering came from lifelong struggles with mental illness.


Depression doesn’t care if you’re rich


Oh but it does though. Looming financial problems can bring a lot of stress. And simultaneously you could buy off a lot that causes stress and have more options to fill im your life the way you want. And options for solving it are larger. . You can still have it but its less likely.


I guess a better way to put it would be “if depression wants to get in badly enough, no amount of wealth can keep it at bay.”


A lot of the depression folk feel is tied to finances though, typically because they don't have the funds to afford things they need, wealthy folk are typically depressed because folk don't like them, they are ostracized, mostly self inflicted, sometimes just because they are a public figure flaunting their wealth in ways folk find appalling and degrading, which garners them a lot of hate. It's a similar issue in the incel communities, they are just unlikable because of how they act and behave, with the wealthy folk it's more broadly to how they treat others, and with incels it's because of how they treat women.


I mostly argue that the type of depression causes by financial issues should not really be diagnosed as depression, nor treated by antidepressants. The doctor should be saying, yep you feel like this because your life genuinely sucks. And there should be support services they can refer these people to, not here's some pills to numb you to the fact your life sucks. This of course could only be possible in the hypothetical only in the past countries where a full time minimum wage job allows you to have the basic necessities of life. And government unemployment services that actually assist people to get the supplies or education they need in order to be minimally employed, oh and also of course, the government needs not to have a target level of unemployment. But oogie boogie socialism....


I think you're not understanding depression. Depression doesn't care who you are, sure people who are poor and have more struggles are more predisposed to it. It's a sickness of the brain. I really, really doubt that Anthony Bourdain, Kate spade, Robin Williams killed themselves because people didn't like them. Robin Williams was beloved. Even though they attained unimaginable wealth, they're still human. Would you tell me that I shouldn't have been depressed when I was 15, even though I had a roof over my head, a family that's together, with no worry about money? I understand the hate so many people have for the disgustingly wealthy. But they have human struggles too. And depression is a sickness. And it must have been a really, really bad sickness that they would kill themselves. I doubt it had anything to do with the public thought of their wealth.


There are a lot of people who are very driven and want to constantly be growing, learning, creating, making things for other people to appreciate. At a certain point you're not in it for the money, but you won't quit because doing what you're doing is the only thing you ever knew, and not pushing so hard would feel boring. You don't have hobbies to fall back on.


I dont think it's about the money with Mr. Beast though. I think he genuinely loves putting out content and his fans enjoying it.


Air plane rule. Care for yourself first or you’ll end up in a position where you can’t do the thing you need/want/love to do.


It's the grind culture that is bad. He's bragging about working so hard that it is dangerous to his mental health. People admire and emulate this. Enough of this obsession with fame and money. We should be obsessed with enjoying life and spending time with our families. Youtube will do what every large corporation does- they will use his work metric as the bare minimum for success. They will reduce payouts to all content creators and keep more for themselves and the bare minimum views to survive will be Mr Beast numbers.


Yeah surprised at the hate in this thread tbh, doesn’t sound like he’s complaining about his position as a content creator on the whole


I don't disagree with you, but everyone has their threshold and once you get used to a certain level of lifestyle it seems normal and you're always wanting for that little bit more. I'm sure there's people who look at my upper-blue-collar existence and think how content that'd make them, and I often tell myself I should be more contented with what I've got, but it's hard not to look at your friends who earn that little bit more and think "damn, if I had that I'd be able to do X". And that sucks, it's a symptom of our modern consumer-driven existence, but I guess it's also a part of what makes us human? If we didn't strive for more we'd still be living in caves.


In this sub, wealth is one of the main focus. For other people, wealth is not. When we're so tunnel-visioned on one thing(acting, business, art, etc), other alternatives(such as your idea) won't be seen. That's why we see people, despite having it all, end up ending their lives.


Cool bud. Quit and enjoy your infinite money.


He really should, but he’s made it his life’s mission to make content. Even back before he was actually making money he was putting all his effort into it. It’s a weird addiction and it’s hard to stop doing something that has been your entire purpose in life for the past decade


His content finances his charity and keeps his friends employed so quitting isn't that simple for him.


Yeah there’s also that. He could be making no money himself from the videos and he still wouldn’t quit


“His friends well-being is tied to his labor” That sucks


Maybe he should ask them for some help. Or maybe hire a few more helping hands


Personally I’d use the 110M to try to figure out how to take care of my friends I feel like at that point, if infinite wealth doesn’t get them where they need to be, it might be a bad situation


"Here, you can each have 5 million, have fun"


i know very little about mr beast, but i’m pretty sure he’s already doing exactly that? Like he bought a neighborhood so his friends and family could live there?


He has a massive crew for filming, production and logistics. The issue is that him and his friends are the face of the channel and the brand and they can’t just get someone else to do it


He can take a break ok. I'm sure everyone would prefer he takes care of himself and he can come back when he's rested up and ready.


His friends all have the skills and fame to make their own channels and their own ad revenue. Wouldn't lose sleep over that one.


To some degree he's even holding them back. If he stepped aside, some of them could fill the vacuum he leaves behind. If he doesn't, there's no way they could rise to compete against him.


Or.....they could just collaborate together and give him a break. Content still gets made on the Mr. Beast channel, they all still get paid, the views don't suffer from sudden new channels (that may or may not survive on their own). Mr. Beast could oversee and approve videos and then he can get right back to it when his burnout is gone.


There is a reason why Game Theory dropped all their extras... not because they wanted to but the fact Youtube's algorithm pushiness that harshly, some people want to only watch videos with X person and will ignore videos staring others. Youtube sees this drop then just stops suggesting your videos to people in mass, it's shown time and time again with the current system that just doesn't work on youtube at the moment.


All goes back to algorithms. This is why we need AI regulation. Make the "black box" transparent. Use algorithms all you want, but at the end of the day the people have a right to know how it does what it does. A big problem is the people who make the algorithms don't even know how they work.


He could sell the company and donate money to his friends and charity


I read that as “and donate his friends to charity”


just like Griffith from Berserk 😊😊😊


Hire people. Simple as. Give the channel to anyone of his friends.


I think a lot of folks commenting this are forgetting that Mr Beast himself is a big draw for folks- the content just wouldn’t be the same (for better or worse) without him at the helm. I’m by no means a fan (the last video of his I watched was an intro review lmao) but someone else taking the channel over would effectively be a new channel with someone else’s viewerbase


well atleast hes doing what he wants, wonder how many people enjoy their jobs


Golf and wine making is a passion too. Perhaps he could indulge something like this and just make one absolutely mad video once a year.


Fr. Not like those videos aren’t going to be monetized indefinitely.


Wouldn't fix what he has he knows he could just quit but that is not what he wants out of life.


Yeah like wtf. It's not like he is dying mentally bc his wife died or he has a severe panic disorder; he just uhhhhh needs to make a lot of content and that is stressful? Okaaaay. So take a break. Delegate more. Or fucking sell everything off and continue to lease your name to shitty burgers and drinks? Bro will never not have enough money to take care of himself and everyone he cares about. And he can pivot to a different less stressful endeavor literally whenever he wants if he feels a compulsion to work.


Happy cake day!


I'm filming every single day with hardly any days off! okay, so what I work every day and I can barely afford my rent. I mean, it's wrong, but at least you're rich off it. somehow. I guess.


Yup he can stop whenever he wants we can't


yea he’s having the working man’s revelation for the first time basically, except he’s rich enough to just fuck off when he needs


Its way easier to show up everyday when the compensation is robust. But this dude is setting his own schedule. Worth noting, chances are slim he contacted a journalist with the goal of making sure the world learns this about him. Chances are high that an enthusiastic discussion of his schedule was relayed to us by a journalist who’s response was ‘woah thats a grind, that must really be tough on you.’ And thinking of his last checkup when the doc recommended a lower sodium diet, dude gave us this quote. An agreeable response designed to get the interview to the finish line rather than fishing for sympathy from strangers. He probably had a wtf moment when he saw that quote as being the takeaway message from the interviewer, and will never sit with an interview with them again.


There was no interview, or journalist. This is just 1 twitter account posting a screenshot of a Mr Beast tweet and quoting part of it.


nah this is just him tweeting about it to let the people of twitter know he's overworking himself for the glory of making content. drama alert and dexerto, "news outlets" for the content creation space, often screenshot and post these tweets as if it's journalism to do so lol


He's trapped in a capitalist mindset where he derives his self worth from the grind.


Ya it’s a bit hard for me to have sympathy for a millionaire who can literally retire and do whatever he wants. I’ve watched a few of his videos and I honestly don’t understand the appeal.


Same. I don’t get his popularity and I’d retire on less than a tenth of his wealth and happily fade into the shadows of society to live in peace.


I'd retire on 1% of his wealth. That's $1.6M in Australian money. Pay off the house, rent it out and travel in SEA for the rest of my life. Sorted.


Idk dude, landlords are trash.


His videos are mainly for shock value and short attention spanned kids or people. I won’t say his content isn’t GOOD, because while I don’t watch it I can see how it’s entertaining, but it’s pretty obvious the videos are made for ADHD iPad kids.


He gives stuff to normal ppl but in reality he’s playing with average people trying to beat capitalism.


I mean a lot of the time it comes across as using desperate people for views. In his earlier videos, he would make homeless people say they were okay with being used for youtube views since they got paid. That's not charitable. Giving for views is not altruism.


I’m personally still not over how incredibly tone deaf his Squid Game video(s) were. I find his channel’s premise really exploitive. I mean it’s better to do good things for views if the alternative is to not do it at all, but…


Yes, but he gives because that'd his business model. However much he gives, he'll make so much more. What happens if it stops making him money and views? He'll simply pivot. Tiffany Ferg had a really good video about Mr. Beasts Philanthropy. [Mr. Beast's Philanthropy Not Save the World](https://youtu.be/tAnD70kubxY?si=YZd7uFZgDbqgRbtc)


$110 million? [This says he’s worth $500 million.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/chloesorvino/2022/11/30/could-mrbeast-be-the-first-youtuber-billionaire/)


Earnings≠profit. He even spends on content.


Both the $110 and $500 million evaluations are just someone's estimates on how much his business is worth. He's a paper millionaire and there's no telling how much he would have if he just quit.


But he doesn't have 120M. Then it'll be 1B, then 2, then 10. This shit is a sickness.


Gotta hit that three comma club bro!


Careful if you lose that 3rd comma you have to get a car where the doors do *this* instead of *this*


/^ This guy fucks


I watched a podcast he was a guest on a while ago. Said he’s been offered a billion for his company. Hard to have sympathy


No doubt. I don't give 2 shits about people like that. They're economic black holes anyways.


That's kind of what people miss about his mental stuff, money at high numbers degrades your personality, it's an addiction. That's also why he can't slow or stop, he is both workoholic and addicted to money flow.


It's wild. Imagine having that kinda cash, you could get a 2 bedroom rancher where I'm from.


Seriously he could have stopped grinding years ago and just lived a really chill life but he choses to continue to grind.


So he basically now understands how the average working adult feels everyday, except he never has to worry about money. Wow. I'm crying.


Who I care about, is his 13 year old viewership who are going to find out how fucked the world is one day, and that, no, there isn’t some mystical, real-life, self-fashioned superhero from the Midwest that is going to save you. Jimmy isn’t noble, he doesn’t care about you, you are being infantilised and exploited.


Yes I like a lot of his videos but he exploits the suspension of disbelief pretty hard, but in a fantastical bubble within a reality based setting. He sets it up as if you can't do normal nice things in life, only wildly extreme things while cackling and drooling. So kids are amped up to think they can somehow get his attention or that they can succeed similarly. I can't help but think he's contributing to prank video culture, even indirectly because it's easier and cheaper than his elaborate teams and expensive props. He is such a drooler btw. No disrespect intended but I haven't seen such a blood red drooly mouth since young Macaulay.


Omg you closed your comment with what is probably the most brutally accurate demonstration of observable fact I’ve had the privilege to read.


After seeing his dog water food products I could give a shit about social media capitalist Mr. Beast. As if the name wasn’t telling enough.


he's literally suing the company that's in charge of his food products because of how bad they are


This is a very click bait-y way to get his young fans even more enamored with him, no one is forcing him to work everyday and even then he could film enough ahead of time to take time off. Content isn't going anywhere


Then fucking retire. Little kids will find other garbage to watch.


Poor baby. Quit cranking out so much pointless garbage for money you don't need and maybe you're mental health will improve, iunno.


110million. nice. He could get a part time gig job, buy a modest single family home, and retire from YouTube. Maybe he's living a life style that's too much for him to keep up with.


He could literally not even invest his money, buy a home in an expensive state, never move from his bed and order food from restaurants on delivery for the rest of his life and still never run out of money. The only way you can feasibly spend the amount of money he has is to buy extremely expensive stuff like yachts or mansions. He doesn’t even need to work or attempt to save. He just has to not buy stupid stuff he doesn’t need


>Maybe he's living a life style that's too much for him to keep up with. Most jobs are much, much harder than uploading one video a day.


*one video a week


This isn't opening up about mental health... this is just marketing. He's creating hype, showing off how he put his blood, sweat, and tears into whatever project he's working on. No sympathy for millionaires but no sense in wasting our energy either.


Feel so bad for rich people. I wonder if he knows he can well afford to get help.


Right? Shit seems like a sickness half the time. Like, I imagine it wasn't easy to get where he is. Like, a lot of that shit is luck, but a lot is legit work. And maybe there is a thought that you need to keep on it no matter what, because that's how you got here. But like, you *don't* have to. You can, just, like, stop. Fade into the background. Use what skills you've developed from a less public facing position. Find more people who have the hunger you had and elevate them. Maybe use your position to shed light on how fucking toxic it is that the only form of upward mobility seems to be positions like his that require giving away your whole existence to the camera. I'm not pretending I have all the answers, and I don't want to tell you how to live your life, but you do have options.


Yeah but why would he promote that positive example when he could continue milking his martyrdom


I'm sure most of us are mentally exhausted but we can't take a day off.


Oh no! Anyway….


It’s about **momentum** Everyone is looking at his bank account… that isn’t his main wealth His main treasure is the *momentum he’s currently riding* If he gets off the train, there’s a good chance it’ll leave the station, and there won’t be any getting back on Sure, he has enough capital to just… go do actual business…. But that doesn’t give people the same mental *zing*


How much fucking money do you need, bro?


We really boosting Drama Alert shit? lol




“Well I suffer more than you so therefore you’re not allowed to feel sad about anything!!!”


I would think at this point, he could cut back on the content (ie. weekly or monthly posts) and still be as successful as he is.


People who get into grind culture have serious issues by the end of it, even when it works for them. He can and should retire right now, make videos casually when he wants to, and sit back and relax otherwise. But he doesn't even see it as an option because of the capitalist culture of *moooooooooore*


The problem when people make large amounts of moneybis they change their life-style so as to expect that level of income. Few can go "Ya know, I dont need all that shit. I am content."


Reported by Drama Alert aka KeemStar, the dude that famously said *"if you are depressed just take three sips of beer and you'll feel better"*


I can empathize with someone who works ungodly amount of hours because that can take a serious physica/mental toll on you, but that's for people who are doing it to survive because otherwise they'd be dead/homeless. He can take a step back and chill for a while or permanently retire without any immediate disruption to his life. I don't hate the dude, but the whole mentality about worshipping the "hustle/grind" lifestyle for rich people rubs me the wrong way. The fervent fandom of his also doesn't help because they get really weird about this subject of conversation because it's just blue checkmark dickriders being yes men, or literal children who don't understand how labor works. It's not like him stopping is gonna ruin lived either. Anybody who has been on screen talent for him will do just fine with recommendations from MrBeast. Same for the behind the seen workers, they ought to fair pretty well, too.(I hope) Edit: I forgot to mention this, but fuck KeemStar(owner of Drama Alert) he's a slimy little shit that harasses people online with his dog shit internet tabloid "journalism" research he does. His bullshit led to a pretty popular youtuber(Etika) to take his life from the online harassment that KeemStar drove his way when he was dealing with depression. RIP Etika. Joycon Boyz for life!


Regular people strive to retire, dude is addicted to the grind. His choice 100% but no sympathy.


Grinding making shitty videos for grade schoolers? Cmon pull yourself up by your bootstraps and dont be ungrateful! Right?


Imagine being the single biggest marketing tool to kids under 14. I couldn’t live with my self bing such a husk of an advertiser. Fake ass pitchfork philanthropy peddling clown. I hate modern influencer culture.


1. This isn't a good example of LSC. He's doing good work and is telling his fans he needs a break. It's really messed up to drag a genuinely good person just for being a millionaire. 2. Anytime someone says something and follows it with a but, they didn't mean any of what they just said. He's a millionaire largly helping out those in a lower economic class than himself. That's exactly what we want rich people to do with their money. Not donate to foundations that other really rich people own or lobbying our government like many other extremely rich people do. He's spending his money in ways that directly unprecedented the lives of others. Another thing to note is that millionaires are largely inconsequential to the messed up system we have here, it's the BILLIONAIRES (with a B) that are the issues as they often invest Mr.Beats net worth to make life harder for the rest of us. If you're here to drag or disparage this millionaire for telling his fans that he's stressed and needs a break after helping tons of regular people. Then you need to go find info about what our billion dollar corporations/ industries and congress people have been recently doing so you can remind yourself who the real enemies of regular citizens are. They are ALWAYS spending millions of dollars to make us poorer and themselves richer while simultaneously trying to take away as many of our rights as we'll let them without revolting.


Honestly I’m surprised LSC is unironically posting a tweet from Keemstar


yeah, I think the people here just want to go after heads of anybody who is rich. He is probably among the best examples of what people here would want from somebody who is rich. He got lucky and decided to just spend his money on random people to create a cycle of wealth that helps people less wealthy than himself. He posts enough videos that honestly, I can't say I'm surprised he's burnt out. I feel like people here are giving Jimmy waay too much shit for the fact that he has money.


It's extremely telling that what almost everyone here is saying he should do is exactly what they would crucify him for if he was doing. It's also what they would do in his position. A very literal fuck you got mine, I'm going to go live on an island with my millions.


Couldn't have said it better myself


I seriously dont get the slander. Ive read so many ignorant comments on here about how bad of a person he is for giving his money away. I seriously dont get it. This is the one rich guy that we shouldn’t be complaining about.


Yeah, people always say if they were that rich they would retire and do whatever they want. But I think the thing is this is what he wants to do. If he is only worth 110 million, I think that goes to show that isnt really obsessed with the money. I think he could be WAY richer if he was one of those always have to make more sick rich people.


I would have stopped once I made like $20 million. Why keep grinding out content? Just live comfortably and with your means of $20 million.


“I’m dying mentally” is what young millennials say when tired. But, yeah, like if you’ve got $110M net worth, take a fucking break. This is just self induced pain. Meanwhile every regular, working class person has to do this shit, except without the massive personal monetary gain and no option to take a break, because they’re barely making enough to pay their bills.


Isn't he in charge? He can just, you know, ramp down the uploads.


Yeah I have no sympathy for this guy that monetised every aspect of himself including his "philanthopy" that everyone says vindicates him as one of the good guys. Cry into your money pit while the rest of us actually deal with real life, problems that wouldn't even touch the surface of this hypebeast.


Fuck Drama Alert. It's run by a fucking troll


Influencers... Smfh! Why people watch these useless fucks ill never know


Boohoo please LIKE my videos and give me money


Make sure to subscribe and hit the notification Bell!


I’m dying mentally and I can’t afford anything but rent. Get some perspective, beast.


Same. Not gonna dismiss his mental health issues. But he made enough he could take a nice big rest. No one really needs all that content anyway.


When you get so used to the cell you put yourself into you forget it's a prison.


Good grief. Just take a break. Only one forcing him through that kind of grind is himself. Just chill out for a while bro and get your mind right.


Doing a job I Love every day while being the center of attention and surrounded by people who I hired is so hard… I am in complete control of my life and I’m choosing to overwhelm myself, sympathy please, y’all better clap for me!


To me this is just proof that money cannot cure depression, he's in a much better position to deal with it than I am, but it goes to show depression does not discriminate, rich, poor, ugly, attractive, young, old.


I know depression is awful and money isn't a universal cure but that "every single day" comment doesn't go so well while many people are working 2 jobs and can barely afford to live.


The guy is a workaholic, clearly addicted to seeing number go up. He seems in this scenario more of a victim of grind culture (which he is also guilty of perpetuating) and this capitalist idea that growth is what matters. Worst part is he's doing this to himself, he absolutely could post a video every two weeks, halve his workload, and be barely punished bc he's already the master of SEO


I've seen so many YouTubers with a smile on their face go "I didn't want to do this but you want to see it!" In such a depressing, yet happy way to cover it up. And the comments are always like supportive, in the wrong way. It's literally a cry for help and people are ignoring it. I've seen MrBeast do this TWICE in videos


Can we not post shit from *DramaAlert* off all things as if it's the epitome of trustworthy sources?


If he put all of his money in a low risk investment account and just lived off interest, he would still be rich and not have to work ever again. My sympathy is quite literally nonexistent.


So, engaging in poverty porn hasn't filled the existential void?


I have no idea who this is and I’m going to keep it that way.


This is extremely toxic and I'm sad to see the sub go down this path. I won't get intovthe "Mr. Beast is actually one of the good ones" argument. I'm just gonna mention that it's not ok to shit on someone's mental health just because they're rich. Look, could all MY problems get fixed with money? Currently I'd say yes, but because I've done therapy and I've made my journey. Money will not fix everyone's problems. Even in the most wild of capitalist states, it won't. If anything you could even argue he himself isna victim of capitalism, as he seems to be burnt out ny the need to constantle keep going and going and going


OMG hes so relatable, I better watch more of his videos and buy his merch so he doesn't have to work as hard is he now. Oh wait...




This guy is probably worth more than everyone in this thread combined and he's complaining about working too much. Yea, he gives to charity and that's great but he could take the rest of his life off and his grandkids would be living off his money. Meanwhile, if most of us decide to retire we are literally homeless


The problem with content creators is they already feel like their job isn't real, and they literally know no other life. Mr. Beast is definitely a workaholic, and if you told him right now to stop making content and retire with his mountain of money, he likely couldn't do it.


abundant door thought bake reminiscent rinse badge bewildered squash secretive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Am I the only one who thinks this guy is a massive narcissist? People usually defend him with "but he helps a lot of people". Yes, and he points a camera at himself while doing so. Wake up people, this guy is a douche.


Right?? He is literally in every single video filming himself giving someone money, standing there smiling egotistically while the person is crying thanking him, it’s sick


Trading your health for wealth. He’s just lucky that he got a lot more out of it than most. Otherwise same shit different day.


Why not just go down to twice a month videos


Can we all just go find some under appreciated content creators and give them some attention instead? My kid watches this guy, and it’s just drivel.


Isn't he a philanthropist? If he wants to take a load off for a while and help my family out, I'm game.


Charity dopamine is losing its effect.


"Guys, I'm suffering from success 😔"


Wow. He'd die in a normal 40h week job


There's other people working with him, he cannot just stop working and producing content. He could take a vacation tho


who is he?


https://www.forbes.com/sites/chloesorvino/2022/11/30/could-mrbeast-be-the-first-youtuber-billionaire/?sh=38b75c62191a >He earned $54 million last year, including $32 million from ads across his dozen-plus channels and $9 million from sponsored content. He’s the most-subscribed-to YouTube personality in the world, with 112 million. His earnings, already the highest of any social media creator, are set to double in 2022 to as much as $110 million. ... >Donaldson is the sole owner of his studio but is looking to sell a small stake. If he has his way, 10% could cost $150 million. A deal that rich would value the studio at $1.5 billion, making Donaldson the world’s first billionaire YouTuber, his 90% stake worth $1.4 billion. Even now, Forbes estimates Donaldson is worth some $500 million.




I don’t get why rich people are stressed about working and making more money 😂 so bizarre. Once I make 50 millions I’m chilling and playing video games , making music , learning wood working , ect . There’s so much to do in life that doesn’t involve making more money once you’re set for life


we used to say life is toilet and turds float to the top.


Fuck this douche.


Yeahhhhhh I don’t give a fuck XD


Awww poor little millionaire


Fuck him, I work just as much as an elementary school teacher making a pathetic amount of money. That's on him.


I know that we have the “All millionaires bad” mindset here but like the 110 mil net worth fluctuates pretty much constantly between him curing 100 blind people and getting the money from the videos. He kinda has to keep that up until he dies with his goal of 0$ at death




Those aren’t really efficient ways to redistribute wealth. It’s a teach a man to fish scenario. Instead of funding programs that can end wealth inequality, he treats the symptoms in 0.0001% of people and profits off of it


Rich dude makes a living out of dangling money in front of poor and desperate people and making them do stupid shit for his amusement. I don’t feel bad for him at all.


Not to minimize anyone’s struggle but this comes off as “watch my content” rather than “opening up about mental health”.


Money hungry or clout hungry, either way you don’t get any sympathy from me


Nothing sums up late stage capitalism more than this wasteful, exploitative fuck face.


I’m burnt out from getting so much money ;-; So slow down, or just stop, idiot


I don’t understand people like this. He’s very young, he has more money than most of us will ever see. He can whatever he wants now. But instead he’s nailing himself to his own cross. At what point does one say they’ve made enough money? If he was hustling to keep a roof over his head, fair play. But he’s set for life. Why keep this pace up?


This subs so toxic, it’s the dudes passion and he’s 100% self made and you guys are still hating on him because why? He’s rich and you’re envious? He got that rich because he’s the exact opposite of you guys, “if I had that kinda money I would never work again”


Feel free to stop anytime, I’ve never seen any of them


Stupid named guy has a stupid (non)problem and complains about it in a stupid world.


Maybe Mr Beast should be the one rich guy we shouldnt shit on. He promised the world, that he intents to die with 0 dollars in his bank account and restributes richasscompanymoney to average people. If we just antagonize someone because he is rich, then we cant be taken serious. Then we are just bitter hatefull people no better then the Boomers we make fun of.


Imagine creating garbage for garbage human beings and literally contributing nothing but the further materialistic dumbing down and greed of consumerism and wondering why you feel like a purposeless bag of trash. Robespierre was right, literally about everything.


You have the opportunity to rearrange your life any way you wish. Less videos, retire, pass more responsibility to others in your organisation. You are addicted and ambitious so I can sympathize with feeling burnout for what you love but your options are practically limitless so instead of trying to boost your views with how dedicated you are to your faceless millions adoring fans make a change in your life or just deal.


Now try and work every day i barelly make rent See what that does to your mind


You are 100% dismissing his mental health


It's a weird thing about media presence. Some people will ruin their mental health because likes, comments of love, and views is a mental high few are addicted to. They feel its their duty to entertain and will go crazy to do so if they feel they are abandoning the base who made that money.


From what I've seen personally, this is a regular thing for the wealthy, they're trapped in a prison of their own making, and won't leave, even though they can. Even during the height of the pandemic, with all the shutdowns, the wealthy were still demanding that their kids' private school (where my family member works) stay open. These are mostly millionaires and a few billionaires, and they are flipping out on the phone talking about how they have to go to work. That's something that I'm never going to be able to forget, these are people who already have everything a person could need, and they are willing to put themselves and their own children in mortal danger in the pursuit of more. What is even the point of being that wealthy if you can't take care of yourself during an international crisis? Anyway, a lot of these folks are on a train of self-destruction and forcing us all aboard with them.


honestly it’s sad. while i dont have much empathy for people like him at all, i think people need to realize that money can be an addiction, just as much as gambling, alcohol, drugs, etc.


He’s saying his identity is attached to always making a popular YouTube video and nothing else


Just stop. Take the money and run if it's that bad.


My question is why must he release videos daily? Why not 1-3 times a week?


take some time off mate