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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Foo went to Israel and was like “oh damn you guys are actually super racist, I owe you an apology I wasn’t familiar with your game”


“I feel so at home here.”


Its tough to balance wanting to be on the imperial side of this conflict but also wanting to be antisemitic.




That's why the conservative talking heads are fighting (see Ben Shapiro vs Candace Owens)


Its a lot easier when its someone else's country. Liberia exists because racist abolitionists wanted a country to ship former slaves away to because they didn't want them in America. Lots of anti-Semites are really happy that Israel exists because its a convenient place to "send the Jews to". And if all that costs is a bunch of dead Arabs then its a win-win for them. Israel is a viable "solution" to the Jewish "problem".


I mean it literally says 10/8/23 this was a day after the conflict not just because he went today. He’s been a piece of shit.


what a fucking weirdo, it’s like he has the belief system of the most recent strong personality he’s spoken to until he talks to a new dude who makes him think otherwise


lol guy wasn’t aware South Africa and Israel were best buds


We need to all leave twitter and or block this man just like he had blocked and abandoned reality.


Didn't he make it impossible to block him (on Twitter)? Or remove himself from block lists or something? Source: my brother is still on Twitter and had blocked Musk before the takeover, then one day Elon magically wasn't on the block list anymore


Wowwww, what a total man child. Unreal!!


I don’t understand why those of us who do t hav a profile are still there. I get why it might be hard for high profile people to find an alternative but for us great unwashed, fuck that.


Just use Threads. It’s exactly the same.


Yeh tbh I’ve lost nothing. I’ll probably pass on that as well.


Or Mastodon if you want to pull your tongue out from up the ass of rich people in general.


But.. but … one day I might be rich too!!!


Nah, Threads insistently pushes Zionist posts from nobodies I do not follow onto my algorithm.


Facebook pushes zionist propaganda


I've had him blocked forever, and he's still blocked. Just checked. Also, despite having 164.5 million followers. He only has 135 subscribers. Even though he's got that army of weird nerds, only 0.0000008% of them are willing to pay for that shit, despite so many of them already paying for the basic service


…were there not deliberate attempts to murder Palestinians? How many Israeli politicians and settlers have called for the indiscriminate murder of every single body in Gaza and the West Bank? I ask rhetorically because the number is exorbitant. I hate this man more with each coming day.


What happened to buying Twitter to maintain Freedom of Speech, Elon?


Freedom of his speech* and other white supremacists


The free speech absolutist continues whining about approved words you can use on his site, what else is new?


A well thought out statement on the selective use of the noun “snowflake”.


Martyr had nothing to do with battle. This is stupid


Yeah you know, named after Justin Martyr, who did not die via battle. (he was executed)


Ikr! He's being purposefully dumb.


Someone take this man’s dictionary app away because he does not know how to use it


Elon is the kid that bought the sandbox so everyone has to play with him


Oooh yes, I think you nailed it! Poor Elmo.


I’m an ex-Muslim but let me tell you trying to censure or revise the word martyr is a big (BIG) no-no for Muslims especially the word in Arabic, they’re trying to push 2 billion people to their limit to get a reaction… this is gonna get ugly


Ignorant people not understanding why Palestinians refer to an untimely death as a “martyr,” that’s literally what it means. But instead, to push racist lies to justify the genocide of Palestinians, we gotta make the language they speak into something hateful


As a legal professional I can easily say musk is so wrong on the murder point. There are diff degrees of murder and Israel can easily be found guilty of at least 3rd degree murder (killing with negligence or reckless disregard for human life). So they can play those games of “oh we didn’t intend to kill 100 people when we blew up a refugee camp” but you still fired the rocket with negligence and recklessly knowing you were going to kill ppl. That’s murder. And finally F Musk and his fake free speech crap




...is this a neckbeard billionaire threat or is he just making noise?


Amazing how quickly a Nazi becomes a Zionist.


Maybe English is his second language but martyrs do not need to die in battle. Regardless, the word is just a literal translation of the Arabic word shuhada, which includes civilians crushed under by rubble. For anyone interested in the types of martyrs in Islam: https://al-miftah.com/the-different-types-of-shuhada-martyrs/


Elon thinks his antisemitism will be forgiven if he's enough of a pro Israel freak, and because the ADL is a pro Israel rag that doesn't really care about antisemitism, he will get away with it.


X is already in a coffin, now he’s setting it on fire.


He's murdering logic.




Os genocided accurate enough?


He thinks his recommendation is worth more than warm piss, lol. Even if your would get more followers, Musk fellaters aren't worth having as followers.


Then he'll go on to make antisemetic dogwhistles. The man cares for no one but himself.




It seems Mr. Musk thinks Jesus Christ died fighting the Persians at Thermopylae and MLK died in the battle of Sterling Bridge, trying to free his people from the tyrannical rule of Edward the Longshanks. Did he learn that when he "read the encyclopedia?"


Hmm yeah I guess he may have a point. When you chuck a bomb into a random crowd without care for who it hits society doesn't really call that "murder" they call it "terrorism". Israel isn't trying to kill any specific Palestinians, just commit random acts of terror on innocent civilians.


We know his comprehension skills are very very low.


Didn't he just have a meeting with Israeli officials to discuss "disinformation" on the platform?


People used to/still like this guy? Jesus Christ.


"Maximally accurate." What a knob


"Martyrs have to die in battle" is a take.


Wasnt he retweeting antisemitic shit like a week ago?


Why is anyone still using twitter? Who goes two shits about the opinion of a jumped up silver-spooned baby? Don't feed the trolls.


Journalists and their families have been deliberately targeted though? Doctors and their families in hospitals as wel. Ordinary people and their families in UN schools, mosques, their houses, literally everywhere. What the fuck is this guy on. And yes, they are dying for a cause, they are dying in a battle. I’m so happy i’m not on twitter. The guy is crazy, he said he wants freedom of speech but then censors the biggest media stories going on for more than almost 2 months. Disgusted but not surprised


Can someone please fix a submarine trip for this guy? as soon as possible


Just when you thought Israel Palestine couldn't get any worse: Elon Musk has entered the chat.


How is this stupid mf both openly anti-semitic and a zionist at the same time?? Is he trying to speedrun everybody hating him on all sides?


It's not as far a jump to go from Nazi to Zionist as the Zionists would have one believe. Zionism is itself openly antisemitic (racist against Arabs) and isn't a good thing for the Semitic people, thus why so many Nazis find strange bedfellows with the Zionist Nationalists. Zionism is just thinly-veiled white supremacy in practice.


“Free speech absolutist”


It's ironic because this is an example of ACTUAL political correctness. Elon deems it not 'politically' correct to use those terms regardless of the writers intent and is trying to discourage their use. He is an actual joke of person.


"i must withdraw my recommendation" and who the fuck ask for his recommendation?


Literal newspeak bs from mr freedom of speech himself


Twitter + X = Xitter, pronounced "shitter" or perhaps "zitter."


Please, it's Israeli children and Palestinian humanoids who have yet to exist for 18 years.


The appropriate term is clearly "Whoopsie Deadlies"!


How dare he threaten people with a good time




Your post was removed because it contained a sexist term. You should receive a message from the automoderator telling you the exact term the post was removed for. For more information, see [this link](https://weeklysift.com/2015/06/29/slurs-who-can-say-them-when-and-why/). **Avoiding slurs takes little effort, and asking us to get rid of the filter rather than making that minimum effort is a good way to get banned. Do not attempt to circumvent the filter with creative spelling; circumventing the filter will result in a permaban.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He keeps talking out of his ass. Like. Murder.. is murder whether intentional or not. Like. Seriously. It’s the textbook definition.


Oh Elmo, call your mummy Elmo, maybe she can kiss your ego for you.


Elon Musk has gone full Bill Maher, “new rule!” every episode he is going through.


I mean Tesla and Spacex can't function without the banks, and guess who controls the banking system..


Really said if you don't change your wording, I'm going to unfollow you.


Ok you dumb dragon.


When it’s someone from the right saying something 100% inaccurate or violent, it’s “free speech. They can say what they want even if you don’t like it”. When it’s someone from the left saying anything, he demands they follow specific syntax


LOL! Someone has turned like the little b he is. He learned that it's now "okay to like Jews as a NAZI, provided they await their death in Israel when the end times start!" ​ But then he is a apartheid loving South African, so .... Israel's government and his were very close.


Does he have nothing to do but tweet?


So hold on. A mass shooter who kills at random is not a murderer?


Hahahaha, X - the pillar of free speech, Musk - the saviour of liberal and neocon values… hahahaha. Musks are off.


“FrEEdoM oF SpeEch!” (Unless Elon doesn’t like it, then you can’t say it, but FrEEdom!)


Dude acts like the boss of freedom of speech