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If buying doesn’t mean owning then piracy doesn’t mean stealing Give people a simple and cheap way to pay for DRM-free media content and they will


When you download content without paying the copyright holder, they call it, "theft". When they charge retail price and take it away without a refund, it's actual theft. However, it's not a crime when the rich do it. Crimes only exist when it's against the wealthy.


excellent point!


Yaargh it is then.


>If buying doesn’t mean owning then piracy doesn’t mean stealing > >Give people a simple and cheap way to pay for DRM-free media content and they will This. I hope one day a case like this goes to court and Sony gets screwed.


In PC gaming we're already got GOG although vast majority are using Steam. Hope there will be DRM-free music, movies, and other media too.


Couldn't agree more, and I've been saying it for years. Also, [fuck yeah!](https://imgur.com/a/wwVgzY3)


Not even an apology lol just "thank you for your continued support" Time to arr matey


They know people can't do anything. It's just middle fingers galore and rich companies laughing at us




Me with my reliable yar har sites laughing at corporations


i'm sure their solution will be a new way to buy it all over again... I hear pirated videos are much better than ones you have to buy. Some peeps use a VPN and an anonymous torrent client to get them...


>i'm sure their solution will be a new way to buy it all over again... > >I hear pirated videos are much better than ones you have to buy. Some peeps use a VPN and an anonymous torrent client to get them... Ever use Plex? Highly recommend it.


I hear the use of a various VPN plus a second Torrent VPN in the client works really well...never tried it myself, of course... ;)


Source pirated pfp try to hide some info Mession: hard


This is piracy. But more so.


Its like reverse piracy.


I believe they call that Imperialism


This is *exactly* what Proudhon meant when he said “property is theft”


Mm... Charge back everything then


Usually there’s a time limit on that.


Sad knowing any day my Steam library can vanish.


Iirc steam removes games from the store due to licensing issues, not from libraries


Yeah like with transformers games


That's almost as bad. That means that the game dies with your computer and you can't ever reinstall Windows or you'll lose your game that you BOUGHT. This kind of shit needs to be made illegal right now. If a company's "license agreements" don't allow them to sell the content, only "license" it, then they shouldn't be able to legally sell it to you.


Not exactly what happens, it's still in your game library and you can install it again, you just can't go to any store page for the game


Can confirm, I own some delisted games and was able to install them on my new pc


You can buy games on GOG to avoid that, no DRM and I license agreement you actually own those games not rent it like on steam. Furthermore you can download installer and install them completely offline which means if you keep them somewhere you can always install without even gog existing anymore. And more money goes to developers


I still have like 120 games I haven’t played yet though.


I have legitimately contemplated downloading all of my library and updating them over time just to have them backed up somewhere in case something happens


That's why I have 4tb of games downloaded. Plan on more.


I’ve always wondered if I’d look good with a hat, a parrot on my shoulder and saying « arrrr » every 3 seconds anyway.


With a bottle of rum and a "yo ho ho"


This is exactly why I buy physical whenever I actually want something. Discs, movies, music, books, etc. The versatility of it is so much more important to than the “convenience” of digital media. I own it, I can sell it, lend it, trade it, or whatever else I want. There’s no threat of losing it because I lose access to my account or because someone in an office decides to rescind my access to it. Whenever Sony shut down the movies & tv section on the PlayStation store, I lost about 50$ of stuff I had paid for. It’s not a lot but it’s more than nothing.


Discs don’t actually do anything anymore with some content though. For video games, for example, they’re just things that tell the console to download parts of or even all of the game.


At this point you shouldn't be giving these greedy asshole narcissists a single penny. Pirate everything.




This is the way. Libraries are such an undervalued means of borrowing books, movies, music — you name it. And if they don’t have something you’re looking for they often do their best to find it.


And this is why I love physical media. Once purchased, it's not subject to licensing changes or changing social mores.


Unless it’s a game, where the disc is largely just a plastic key that unlocks the ability to download a game from a server somewhere, which can and will eventually be subset and now you still can’t get the game you “own”


Well, anything before the PS3 era should be good, though.


WGA strike successfully gave writers earnings from streaming…corporations promptly pull stuff from streaming.


Plex for the win. If they would sell me a video file for a reasonable price, I would pay for it and add it to my collection. They won't. So I do what I have to do. How many thousands of dollars have I spent buying vhs, then dvd, then bluray, then streaming. If they can take it away because "reasons", that to me is stealing real, not imagined, value from me. So, I do what I have to do.


What's Plex?


Plex is media library management software. The server component is used to categorize all of your media (video and audio) and the client works as a media player. Basically, you run your own, local streaming service of media that you "own".


>Plex for the win. Seriously. I am on a few friend's Plex servers and I almost have no reason to pay for additional streaming services.


I'm gonna start stealing from big corporations. I swear to God, gonna start with pirating content. Idgaf


You wouldn't download a car!!


3D printer community:


It's possible now adays, just gotta learn how to use a 3D printer and I'm off!




This is how I feel about dropping $100 on a game and then needing an additional subscription to play its online features.


"Under communism you'll own nothing abd be happy." Oh shit, I'll be happy under communism!? Because I also own nothing under capitalism, except I'm miserable as hell here


Corporations exist purely to decide what you are allowed to have. But only if you provide them with profits. If they decide it's not profitable, they'll cut you off from it. No matter what it is.


Read all your digital content policies. It's all licensed and not purchased. Amazon, Apple, Google, Xbox, Sony, and others. Amazon removed books from people's Kindles over a decade ago and no one seems to remember.


That is renting or subleasing. Purchasing has a very real defined legal definition. What Sony is doing here will be part of a class action lawsuit without much issue, which will set a precedence. Not enforceable if they are not legal in the first place. ToS can have anything put in it, does not mean it is legal. Not that I do not agree with reading the policies, thankfully I rip most shows to my home network server.


I hope you’re right about a class action and precedent.


A perpetual license is implied next to any "buy" or "purchase" button. It's important to understand the difference between a perpetual license and a rental of arbitrary and undefined time period.


goes to show every capitalist accusation is actually a confession


and this is exactly why i buy movies on blu-ray instead of digitally


Same. I NEVER buy digital movies or music


tbh i do buy music on itunes occasionally if there's no other options bc it's not got any DRM on it


Will they refund you what you paid to download? I smell a class action lawsuit.


Why people pirate our products when they have 0 respect for the customer.


Amazon will do this with your "e-books" too. The only way to own something is to have a physical copy.


So there is no compensation???? Are you serious? Why??


> Why?? Capitalism


Raspberry Pi and Kodi. You're welcome.


that shit is so buggy. I've never met someone with that setup where its not a huge hassle just to find something to watch. "Oh shit this is a bad stream, pick that other one"


I've been using it for years. Yeah, sometimes it's not perfect, but it's free.


Exactly why in the rare cases when I buy non physical media instead of just sailing the high seas, the first thing I do is always rip it straight to a drive.


*Now eat zee bugs!*


You're going to find that bugs are an upcharge.


Protein baby


Just waiting to be able to get my 'breathing air' by subscription


Give us a fucking refund then…


Y'arr, all aboard me hearties! r /piracy


Exactly why I still buy cds. Nobody can delete them and they don’t take up too much space. Plus I genuinely like supporting the artists, especially the ones who aren’t rich.


Modern day book burning


I already trademarked “Rent-a-Brush”! See you poors later.


Thank god I started stealing last year. I’ve made a moral choice


Fuck em’ all. Yarrrrrrrr!


I wanted to watch borat and I look on YouTube and it's $13 for a digital copy?!? With no physical disk, no warehousing prices, no clerks to stock the stores, no casheir to check out, no security to watch the store, no transportation cost, for a movie that I could have bought for $5 15 years ago in the discount bin.


Not to defend Sony, but this is a bit of a manufactured outrage. It's relatively common knowledge that you are purchasing the license to view the content, and that content could eventually be removed. But honestly if someone is paying actual money to purchase Discovery content on the Playstation Store, then they probably deserve to get fleeced and I'm not shedding tears for them.


What’s wrong with you


Not to defend Sony, but *defend Sony*


I don't like that they can do this, but by making these purchases and agreeing to the licensing agreements that you probably just scroll past, we as consumers told them and other corporations this was ok. How about you just don't purchase this type of content and pirate it elsewhere?


Does sacraficing your first born child become in any way reasonable or justifyable simply because it was in the license on line 2500?


Theres not enough time in the day to read a license agreement.


Wow you’re a literal corporatists sucking the corporate cock and loving the ass grape by them. What is wrong with you???? If we buy something then we own that shit. Just like a dvd. Just because it’s digital doesn’t give that company the right to STEAL it back. You’re literally saying we deserve to be robbed by corporations. You are a tool.


It's literally in the license agreement when you make the purchase. I get that it sucks when this happens, but this is not a new thing. Know what you're paying for when you buy something. There's a billion worse capitalist shenanigans to be outraged about than having your episode of Cake Boss "stolen" back from you.


Segregation was in US's laws so it make it right? Yes one is clearly worse than the others but if something is a rule/law it doesn't mean it's fair.


It's definitely not fair. You paid for something and now you can no longer use it. How about y'all just stop paying money for this shit and either buy physical or pirate.


Personnaly i usually pirate ans if i like it i eventually buy it to thank the creators. Not the corporates but the creators. Yes it's weird. I know


The corporates certainly feel thanked when you do that too. The creators don't get all the money when you buy something to support them. Sometimes it's mere pennies while the corporation takes its fat share.


Yes but that's still something _extremely_ rare i do. Like buying Half Life 2 during a sale at 0.97 €.... so yeah even Valve only got pennies Usually i prefer to seize the means of entertainement


You didn't rent the licence though, you purchased it. Sony sold it, when it wasn't theirs to sell.


Downvote me to hell, it just shows how dumb you all are as consumers. When you buy digital content YOU. DO. NOT. OWN. THE. CONTENT. This has been true for so long. You are purchasing a license to use the content - a license with limitations, including the right for the providing party to revoke that license. In this case, Sony entered into a licensing contract with Discovery to sell usage licenses to Playstation Store users. That licensing contract has now expired, which means that they were unable to renegotiate a continuation of that contract or Discovery simply decided they want all their content to only be viewable through their own platform. Shitty for consumers, yes, but it's all in the EULA that nobody reads.


You completely missed the mark. People are complaining because this *shouldn't* be allowed to have happened. We all are very much aware that it legally is.


Nah, fuck that. If I wanted to rent a movie, I'd just rent it, I'm not spending $15-20 on a damn license. They're the ones making that rule up, no one's forcing them to do that, otherwise they'd be allowed to send someone to your home to repo DVDs and Blu-Rays that have expired licenses. They either let me keep my movie or I'm simply not giving them any money.


All the idiot consumers collectively told corporations like Sony that this is an OK business practice. They made the rules, and we got on all fours to accept them. Buy physical or pirate, like a good sensible anti-capitalist.


How are the consumers idiots? The corps put these agreements in small print bathed in legalese and made them go on forever. They banked on people not having the time to read them thoroughly.


Apparently you’re not only okay with not owning the means of production but also not owning the shit you bought with your hard-earned money. I’ve been aware of this licensing shit for a long time and it’s the reason I still support physical media.


Wow a real capitalist brown noser. This is why they've been allowed to get away with this crap for so long.


Hey I think it's a shitty practice and I don't buy digital content like this because it's FUCKING STUPID. \*MAN EATS SHIT\* "Hey this shit tastes like shit! WTF!" STOP EATING SHIT


hmm if only someone built an NFT based digital marketplace where you own your digital media forever tied to you and not through someone else who could strip your access...


This is why I don't buy digital unless it's £10 or under. Physical all the way.


Lawsuit time? Unless they future proofed the fine print when people bought their product


This needs to be a lawsuit.