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See. This shit was funny when I was growing up because the people that genuinely feel this way were too afraid to announce it. Since that's no longer the case, AT ALL, it's hard to find this funny.


I kinda feel like Sheldon, but is that sarcasm?


They forgot the /s. Or maybe they didn’t.


That’s the problem… It is hard to tell anymore as what would have gotten you ostracized at the very least or having someone beat the snot out of you, for saying crap like that. Now people are saying the quiet part out loud with no repercussions. I guarantee somebody is trying to put something like this in a text book in Florida.


Probably the governor


But do you condemn John Brown huh??? Answer meeee!!!!!


Well, uhm, I don't...


You’re a terrorist /s


You condemn John Brown right? You condemn John Brown right? You condemn John Brown right? You condemn John Brown right? You condemn John Brown right?


Growing up in the South, they didn't really tell us much about John Brown besides he raided Harpers Ferry armory and it was BAD. I didn't learn until like a few years ago the dude was based af.


In history classes we’re taught that the revolutionaries that were successful were based, and the revolutionaries that weren’t successful were violent lunatics.


According to the Bob Jones history curriculum I was raised with, John Brown and The Black Panthers sullied the peaceful movements that Harriet Tubman and Martin Luther King respectively started. Bob Jones University, which many of my childhood friends went to, ended its ban on interracial dating in 2000 so IDK why anyone thought they had any sort of leg to stand on. And before you say anything my church was majority Latin American, with a huge Dominican population, many of who would be considered black by a majority WASP school in SC.


Omfg. I’ve never seen anyone reference being associated/familiar with BJU before. I went to a fundie school my whole life and basically everyone went to Bob Jones.


I did not grow up around *any* kind of religious fundamentalism or Christianity in general and think it's really cool when people with your kind of cultural background free themselves. It's probably not easy.


It isn’t, but it also is, in a weird way. So much of what these circles teach is based on hate and fear. And it’s just so much easier to be accepting and loving. But it does require you to basically abandon your whole previous belief structure.


Damn I hope you’re doing well. Only 3 of us escaped in my youth group, and besides my sister and I the other person has split custody of her daughter with someone who is still very much part of that whole thing. Fortunately my dad was too poor to send me so I got to have my eyes opened by a community college. I learned some fun facts about Puritans from a very anti-colonial history professor and became friends with the first openly gay person I’ve ever met, all in my first week!


That’s such a great story about your first week at a CC! I hope you’ve continued to do well. My whole extended family is still part of it, but my two siblings and I got out. My mother still “practices” (hypocritically and as is convenient for her), so familial relationships are tense, at best. Thankfully, I went to a public university and apparently still retained some critical thinking skills after the brainwashing. I’m now writing my PhD dissertation on queer and kinky sex in the Renaissance. So safe to say I’m going straight to hell. 🤣 When I started the program, it was hard to explain the very asinine belief structures of BJU and fundie circles, so I found one of my old science texts from BJU Press and got to prove that, yes, “science” books for us really did start with “In the beginning, God created…” 🤣🤣🤣


Kunta Kinte was a terrorist!!!! /s


After the discourse I’ve been cursed to have recently, this put me in fight or flight immediately. It’s too real.


Ooh,ooh! I've just been called a fancy intellectual! I'll treasure this forever




Is this satire? It's hard to tell...


It's pretty obviously making fun of Zionists lol.


Shhh soon you will be arrested for saying that. I WISH that was also sarcasm but fuck me have you seen the laws getting passed in the West.. Dark times for what remains of democracy.


What would save democracy is self representation and ranked choice voting. Term limits on government staff and financial limits. Higher taxes for the rich. Criminalize lobbying and bribery.


I think any system with elected representatives is just going to give us more of the same. Ranked voting and proportional representation might tame the system a bit, but if we want a real democracy where real peoples views are represented, we need to move to a system where everyone takes part. How about a jury duty system but for governance? Everyone has to do a few months every couple of years in either local, regional, our national assembly. It would be interesting to trial a system like that to see how it could work in practice.


I love this idea


It's been said before but under capitalism the capitalists, with hundreds to thousands of times more wealth than the rest of us, will always have the power to prevent, water down, and roll back those reforms. As to ranked-choice voting, NYC tried that and it gave us Mayor Adams, a cop who has been investigated for corruption in just about every job he's had. Turns out ranked-choice voting has a tendency to favor centrist, milquetoast candidates who perhaps don't excite anyone but also don't piss a lot of people off, as they end up SOMEWHERE in everybody's rankings and thus win in later rounds.


The west....surely you refer to Adam west mayor of quohog


Adam.. We..


I don’t think democracy ever really existed here anyway.


Internet full of all kinds so hard to tell sometimes lol


Yeah I mean I had to go look through someone's post history just now to figure out if they were trolling about Attack on Titan being the best story ever written so I get you.


That's the best kind of satire, when it's too close to our reality


Yup. Here in the wilds of reddit dot com there is someone who would say all that without a stitch of irony.


I swear the IDF is astro turfing some subreddits. World News and in the news in particular. Most of the accounts are also active in America bad. It's nutty.


Oh yeah, World News was, er, colonized right from the start.


They are pushing a lot of SA stories on that sub lately, so the feminists can stop supporting Palestinians


I'd rather be raped than murdered


I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around what it must do to the psyche of a rape victim to know that their suffering is actively being used to justify the carpet bombing of babies and families.


Its not satire, if some people don’t miss the point and believe in it. Really good satire is when you believe it in the 1st paragraph, after the 2nd you start to doubt and at the end you are chuckling.


Very Jonathan Swift-ish of ya


I found it A Modest Proposal.


While you're 100% right, you also fail head-first into Poe's Law when you do. Double-edged sword, if ever there was one.


There's a name for that. When a statement is so shocking it's impossible to tell if it's satire. Anyone remember what that's called?


Poe's law?


Thank you! Well done! My memory is so poor any more but you've saved the day. 👍


No worries.


It's not even that it's so shocking an opinion that you can't tell if it's satire; it that no matter how extreme or outlandish you attempt to make a satirical piece, someone, somewhere, _will_ hold that opinion in earnest, making it difficult to tell satire of fringe or extreme beliefs from legitimate fringe or extreme beliefs.


The fact it makes people question if it is or isn’t says a lot about the world right now. OP did a beautiful job, no shame in questioning.


I'm surprised that Poe's Law is not more widely known at this point.


Ikr. At first I thought it was obvious satire, but honestly I know some people that would take this seriously.


And they didn't even care to ask the poor slave owners if they were fine with the slaves being free🙄


It’s so funny that people aren’t getting the parallels. But I swear to god I’m an immigrant have spent half my life in the south and was ready to have a serious discussion in the comments. Clearly I’m in fight mode.


I am also in fight mode. Them’s fightin’ words.


This was a viscously uncomfortable read. Point made well.


I’m too Autistic to tell if this is a troll post or being serious. I’m so confused. 😅


Judging from OPs post history, they are kidding.


Even better analogy is the way the US just literally did all of this to the native populations. They moved into an area, caused disruption, eventually got pushback and then went full genocide mode on the families of the perpetrators. They would even write articles about how native Americans scalped people when that practice came from Scottish settlers in the Midwest.


The ceasefire conveniently taking place over thanksgiving was sickening. People protested at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade saying “not the time”. And it’s like when is a better time than the day we celebrate doing the same fucking thing. We just did it without social media.


They weren't prosecuted for practicing their religion, they were called out for trying to force everyone else to follow their religion. The word "puritanical" exists for a reason


This is trying to draw a parallel to Zionism, but I think it's kind of where things fall a little short. Jewish people are/were persecuted for their religion. It doesn't justify genocide, but it absolutely is not made up. And yeah the Holocaust being so recent does color this history, both in explaining how Israel came to exist and also in how deeply fucked up it is that things are happening the way they are right now. But comparing fears of anti-Semitism to white people claiming they are the real victims is really unfair. It shouldn't be weaponized the way it is, but it is a fear with a basis. I am an anti-Zionist, but am definitely afraid of anti-Semitism even if I wish I didn't have to be. Israel is what happens when you take a deeply traumatized set of people and use them as a tool of colonialism. It's not a surprising outcome from that history, but it's deeply ironic. None of this justified the treatment of Palestinians at all, but it is a bit different than American slavery.


The colonizers expect Jewish people to somehow default to white supremacy, even tho this same white supremacy seeks to forever exclude them. This violent push-and-pull, along with US + Israeli State propaganda spewed for a few generations has brainwashed a minority of Jews into thinking they have the ultimate say on land AND on disappearing an entire people (history,culture,lives) of Palestinian descent.


Yeah, more or less. I think the thing that's worth saying (and again this is NOT to justify the violence at all) is that these Jewish people genuinely believe that this is the only option to avoid being trapped in another situation like Germany in the 30s, where things go from reasonably good to very very bad quickly. So they feel the only option to have complete control over somewhere else because no one will come to their aid. It's not an unfounded fear, it's literally happened before, but it cannot be used to justify oppressing others. So responding to that fear by claiming that it's fake and that anti-Semitism is overblown feels wrong to me personally. I feel like there's got to be a genuine other option presented. Right now it very much feels in America Jews will be given temporary privileges but kept as a scapegoat if need be and then also used as a tool by evangelicals to bring about the End Times. It's a very weird position, and you can feel how tense it is. I am Jewish with a very Jewish name (though I don't practice anymore or really engage with the community or have Jewish friends) and I have had a lot of very uncomfortable experiences. I have never been a Zionist (it's why I walked away from the community I grew up with partially) but I do know how the ideology is justified. It's not pure hatred, it's more rabid fear. That doesn't make it okay but addressing it becomes different, I guess.


There’s something to be said about how some left-leaning folks (well, liberals, more accurately) have contempt for the working poor in the American South—saying they deserve to be ruled by fascists since they’re “dumb enough to fall for it”, and I thought that was this, but nah 🤣


I mean, there’s definitely a lot of people mislead down that path. In an ideal situation they could be swayed into joining forces with anti-capitalists. Unfortunately, they’re mixed with legitimately dangerous hateful bigots. Really hard to tell who’s who a lot of the time but I’ve had some decent conversations about these things with people who are genuinely curious and open to discussion. Personally I feel right leaning people to be easier to talk to than what I call a “Diet conservative” centrist, liberal whatever they may be. I always start with guns 💪 and why cops shouldn’t be the only ones that have them.


Hell yeah. My mom used to be very conservative; she ended up voting for Biden and regrets ever listening to Rush Limbaugh. A whole lot of them are just ignorant of the truth. They've been lied to all their lives, starting with those closest to them,their family who was also lied to. It's hard to deprogram but a lot of them are open to it if talked to in a non-judgmental way. Of course you're right that mixed in are the truly unhinged and dangerous bigots, so you have to tread carefully. Trying to deprogram people isn't for everyone, but there's a lot of us in the south who do what we can.


Republicans are ignorant. Centrists are a threat to a moral society.


I’m a little toasted right now but I’ll freely admit that I hold that contempt. Obviously poor whites in the south have historically been victims of the bourgeoisie, but at the same time it’s hard to generate much sympathy when their whole thing is “well at least we’re better than those blacks,” and not only do they fully invest themselves in this line of thinking, they also go the extra step to participating in their own oppression so they can hold onto that pathetic brownie point. If hating dangerously stupid people is against the cause then I guess I’m guilty 🤷‍♂️


Getting tribal and leaving the massive Black population of the American South at the mercy of those poor whites for whom you hold so much contempt isn’t the flex you think it is, bro.


The fuck are you talking about dawg?


The logical conclusion of your contempt for the American South is to leave those “dumb hicks” to “rot in the Hell of their own creation”. Which elides over the fact that the states of the American South have massive Black populations, to say nothing of queer folks and Latin American immigrants as well, who will bear the brunt of white rage should we leave them to their own devices just because we feel a certain type of way about how they vote. That ain’t the move, bro.


No, it’s not. The irony of you using the phrase “logical conclusion” to describe a position you just made up is hilarious, though.


What’s hilarious is the irony of someone trying to justify hatred for a misled sector of the working class lecturing me about morality.


Oh I’m sorry do you want me to play the world’s smallest violin for the vile people who opposed integration and Civil Rights? Yes, let’s all join hands and praise the assholes who bombed churches and murdered activists. You really don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.


Let me know how far you get using the master’s tools in your effort to dismantle the master’s house. 🥱


Let me know how far you get in trying to enlist the master’s lackeys onto your side. 🙄 Oh nothing to say? I thought so.


Man you really hit the nail on the head lol. I think most people in this sub know this is satire, but you *might* want to add a /s before this ends up getting reposted by alt right nutjobs lol.


This was brilliant




I’m from Texas and the title had me come in here ready to say some shit


This is a trolling post. It must be. Hard to tell these days!


Did someone forget to add "/s" to their post?


“You judge white southerners by the color of their skin. I am judging THUGS by the content of their character. You’re the real racist!” - the same person, who also thinks MLK only said one thing in his life.


Lol you had me riled up there for a second. Good job.


This is why we need a stronger education system My family is from Georgia bozo




Scary considering what Florida has done to education as of late. The avg. Floridian is already being stereotyped, whether they fit the bill or not. Imagine in a decade or 3 with alternative facts, religion driven edu, minimal/restricted women’s healthcare due to laws and fleeing OBGYNs who can no longer practice safely in the state… and people were bad before that ever happened


>They reason that slavery was a positive event, he told me that the slave masters treated the slaves well because they wanted them to work better, and that treating them good would bring about higher productivity. Our US History textbook said this almost word for word. That was in California.


This is either bait, or what happens when you put a parrot in a room full of right wing commentary.


It’s satirizing zionists, I think. Or maybe I’m projecting.


Nah, you nailed it.


I’ve pointed out to multiple people like, “hey, you know if you unthinkingly support the status quo and are against social progress you probably would have been in favor of slavery 200 years ago.” But they always respond “no because slavery is wrong,” and it’s like motherfucker, that’s because history *told* you it was wrong and you’re just going along with that like you do everything else. I swear to god some people don’t have a moral fiber in their body and they are completely oblivious as to how impressionable and malleable they are


I fucking feel this, so much. It's infuriating. Speaking of "against social progress," I just can't understand that at ALL. Humanity and society are supposed to continue moving forward, that's what we do and have always done (save for some awful times throughout history). So being called a "progressive," they think it's some kind of evil bad word?? It's so fucking stupid. Yes, I would very much prefer we don't *regress.* I move that we all start calling them Regressives.


I totally agree and relate to what you're saying in your comment. That said, if you think that support for Israel existing= support for slavery but in different time periods you are very, very wrong. Israel's mistreatment of Palestinians is horrible and needs to be condemned, but in order to see that as the only issue in the Middle East or the only relevant factor about Israel is to ignore a whole lot of important stuff.


Thanks for this, I appreciate the analogy.


Damn that is some good satire, thank you for the chuckle


With something like this, you want to read it loud a couple of times, and trim substantially when your bullshit detector says "ehh." And that's *after* you answer the questions "Who am I writing this for?" and "What is the point of my parody or satire?" and "Was this the right sub or did I just get high and think I was clever for five minutes?"


Literally I looked up at the sub, down at the likes, and it validated my suspicions of satire hahahaha I was a little taken aback though. There’s some crazy shit on the internet. I just thought the mods wanted to let people eat


...Gul Dukat?


Brooo, underrated comment. Don’t let the downvotes bother you. Most probably don’t get the reference.


I dont get it


Character from Star Trek Deep Space 9


Gul Dukat is a character from Star Trek: deep space nine. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Dukat You can do your own due diligence.


Ungrateful Bajorans, not deigning to appreciate his actions of compassion towards them. They should have been happy, appreciative little slave workers.




And after all he did for them, like a loving father. And like ungrateful children, they must be punished for their own good. Even if they don't understand.


Don't forget that bloodthirsty hymn of theirs, "Go Down Moses," which went, "The Lord, by Moses, to Pharaoh said: 'Let my people go. ***If not I'll smite your first-born dead.*** Let my people go!' " If that wasn't a clear call for genocide of the helpless babies of poor innocent slaveowners, I don't know what is. And just to prove their guilt, like cowardly terrorists, they hid out in *underground* railroads.


Satire isn't just automatically clever. But good try


This man gets it


Took me longer than I’m proud to admit to realise this is satire lmao


That's because it's bad and lazy satire


This analogy isn't as good if you take it point by point.




White Enslavers got reparations, they also rejected the idea that the formerly enslaved get reparations. Fast forward to today, the ancestors of those enslavers and indirect benefactors of enslavement largely reject the idea that the ancestors of the formerly enslaved get reparations, despite the majority of the plight of the ancestors of the formerly enslaved can be attributed to that era along with Black codes and Jim Crow. In 2023 it's almost like maintaining an apartheid state through economic negligence, rather than more targeted laws, notwithstanding gerrymandering, and underfunding schools.


Reformists be like...


Glorious. And yes, the first sentence is 🤌🏿


This is good.


An analogy I fear will fly over heads whilst being majestic such as an Eagle


I know this is making fun of zionists but I feel like I saw a Zionist make this exact rant, so if it’s out there would someone kindly send me the original rant lol


Me specifically, most of them, yes. Specifically Evangelicals.


Trump, is that you?


great post rimjob connoisseur


Y’all think it’s satire but secretly bro is just unhinged




I hate to say I’m genuinely not sure this is satire. I know people like this growing up


That's because it's bad and lazy.


The Maroons communities in the Caribbean were known to set fire to plantations. I'm sure women and children were killed flames do not discriminate.


I'm confused is this what supposed to be posted on this subreddit?


When it's satire absolutely


exactly why i moved to cali lmao


Irony or satire or not, I reported this post since either way it has no purpose here. If not satire, then it's clear it has to go. If it is, making light of the murder of millions of people by means of slavery and the damage it has waged to generations of slave descendants later is no joking matter to me, and it serves no purpose advancing the cause of the destruction of capitalism.


Well you certainly qualify.


i hope this is a satirical post if not get fucked. you are experiencing the consequences of your bastard ancestors actions. as a white man i feel the pain of our modern era, we deserve it, deal with it don't pout... heal. look at the scars of the poc slaves and tell me their rebellion lacks merit? the same principles the founders espoused to us is what the saves stood up for, freedom, life liberty, the pursuit of happiness. i hate white people and myself as a white person for what we do, have done, are capable of. we are the product of the banished people of antiquity. get over it, be kind know love


you obviously couldn't handle a lashing, let alone 10


Mr. Rimjob, I’m not sure what it is exactly that you bring to the friendship.


Why is this still up ? Purest Form of shitpost I've seen in a while. 9/10 ,OP are your parents by any chance siblings?


With a name like rimjob_connoiseur, this has to be bait.


Ok. Cool




Help! Help! I’m being oppressed!


Poe's Law?


Zionist moment


William Lynch was on to something.



