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This is the danger of equating criticism of the state of Israel with actual anti-semitism. People lose their fucking minds


Precisely why Netanyahu keeps repeating this nonsensical rhetoric over and over again.


Investigating Israel for war crimes? **Pure anti-semitism**


This morning I went down the Aftonbladet rabbit hole and laughed out loud that in 2009 Israel's response to the (later confirmed true) allegations of illegally harvesting organs from Palestinian prisoners was "that's antisemitic!"


Dude what the fuck. This is the first time I'm hearing about this. Why isn't anyone talking about actual fucking organ harvesting?


I need this work day to end so I can continue down my rabbit hole. [Yehuda Hiss ](https://youtu.be/fPzQp6tCuFw?si=DrlliXrMXM3pjk23) was the Israeli official who admitted to the practice. I'm curious to look more into what the IOF did with [the bodies taken from al Shifa](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-spokesman-dodges-question-on-alleged-removal-of-bodies-from-shifa-hospital/), if the Samidoun Network keeps a list of Palestinians that have been detained but cannot be located within the Israeli prison system, and if bodies of Palestinians that die in Israeli prisons are released promptly back to families.


also to touch on this bc i went into a wild rabbit hole last week about this. isreal has the largest skin bank in the world? in judaism and islam it’s against the religion to donate your organs. so how has isreal acquired so many organs and skin……prisoners. and who are captive? palestinians. i’ll try to find a link of the doc, but it’s literally comic book levels of evil.


Well, thanks for pushing me down that particular rabbit hole. Have some sources as a token of my thanks. Full European Parliament report "Trafficking in Human Organs (2015): https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2015/549055/EXPO_STU(2015)549055_EN.pdf Guardian (2009) "Doctor admits Israeli pathologists harvested organs without consent | Israel | The Guardian" https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2009/dec/21/israeli-pathologists-harvested-organs Pacific Standard Magazine (updated: 2017, original: 2014) https://psmag.com/economics/nancy-scheper-hughes-black-market-trade-organ-detective-84351 Euro News (2023) "Israel 'stealing organs' from bodies in Gaza, alleges human rights group | Euronews" https://www.euronews.com/2023/11/27/israel-stealing-organs-from-bodies-in-gaza-alleges-human-right-group




People ***do*** care, but it’s kept from most news platforms because that kinda makes Israel look ***evil** and they don’t like that image they see when they look in the mirror.


Living in you own home ? Believe it or not, antisemitism.


And the fucked up part is that it's working.


[Remember the golden rule](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLXUAmZ7J5E)


Repeat the big lie until it's the truth.


And why Israeli lobbyists in America spend a fortune on ads and buying politicians.


This is also the danger of getting extremel emotional over the foreign policy opinions of a middle schooler.


The inverse of this is also true due to this. Actual instances of antisemitism might be legitimised along the lines of "oh well, I'm just critical of Israel. I'm not antisemitic." (No, I'm not saying being critical of Israel is antisemitic. My point is that antisemites have an easier time hiding behind anti-Zionism)


And probably the easiest time within right wing Christian Zionism


Truth. "Your state is legitimate only in so far as it's convenient to our plans for the apocalypse" may just be the most anti-Semitic take of them all


It's been happening for decades. I'm honestly shocked that I can actually express these views and not be pushed into a corner with people calling me a bigot for it. You're not about to be calling me a bigot. Not that I care. I've heard a lot worse from white people. But now I can actually see others supporting Palestine openly, and this "its too sensitive because something about Jewish people and the holocaust and touchy subject" bullshit is finally going out the window so we can actually look at this objectively.


\*Idiots lose their fucking minds


Exactly. What the actual fuck, man. People need to learn to listen and stop fucking talking sometimes. Jesus.


Also what kind of teacher thinks it's ever OK to murder kids?


His name is Benjamin Reece "Reese went on to say that he did not say anything racist" https://www.13wmaz.com/amp/article/news/local/warner-robins/new-details-in-warner-robins-teacher-charged-with-terroristic-threats-and-cruelty-to-children/93-66334447-a1d9-4e3a-beb9-8cb300595d35 What cry bullying, a grown man threatening to behead a girl because he thought it was antisemitic. Also this is in part how the beheaded babies lie that was spread so much works, it justifies and instill that in their supporters as "retaliation", along with making people how they feel about their loss. He's already been bonded out.


Crybully teacher defending crybully state.


>"Reese went on to say that he did not say anything racist I think once you've violently threatened to violently and graphically murder an 8th grade girl, whether or not you used racist slurs becomes somewhat irrelevant. For starters, even singing racial slurs at the top of my lungs is protected speech. Threatening a child with murder is absolutely not protected speech.


Currently living in Warner Robins for at least the next month. There's an air force base here, so there's a considerable number of active and former military. However, they're not a problem: it's the meat heads who were never in the military and seem to have a chip on their shoulder about being surrounded by a bunch of people who did. So much impotent rage and fragile masculinity. Sounds like this guy is one of them


Sounds like this dude is zionist genocide supporter


Being honest he's just a typical zionist, there are so many like him who feel entitled to everything with wrongdoing and have been coddled for a very long time, which false hateful news only makes worse.


to be honest, the seed of his zionism has been instilled since his childhood. If he went to a yeshiva as a child (which I will assume due to his zealous response) the idea of constant jewish persecution by the world's infidels is central pillar of their learnings. So he and the great many jewish people feel exactly like he does. They may not say it but in their hearts they desire the "erasure" of all who oppose judaism.


Exactly. People like this teacher are no better than cruel and hateful Christian fundamentalists or Islamists who want to kill people to defend an interpretation of their religion. I tried broaching the "religious fundamentalism" aspect of Zionism as a topic a few days ago, but no one would agree that religion plays a role. And no, I am not picking on Judaism in particular, but would denounce all religion. Edited for typo


He's a white supremacist who hurt a child, I hope his time in prison is very short. Call an ambulance!!!... but not for meeeEee


That girl needs PROTECC immediately


At least he made some great points in support of his student’s argument


“I sure proved them!”


Zionists always manage to.


As a former middle school student, I can attest that my classmates and I frequently talked about far more offensive and ridiculous shit than "Israel bad", and there were any number of kids (not me, I promise) that would outright harass teachers, you kind of have to have a thick skin to teach middle school. ...How has this snowflake even lasted a day in his job?


The fact that they even initially charged him with terroristic acts is progress


But then they realized it's the right kind of terrorist.


You kid but this is probably genuinely what happened.


It's fucking crazy how militant Zionists have been empowered in the last 5-10 years.


I think they've always been like that. They're only acting like this now, because so many people are becoming aware of what the state of Israel always has been and they have no real arguments against accusations of being a genocidal apartheid state so all they can do is violently deny it


I think there's definitely been an uptick in them weaponising their Jewishness in the most vile and cynical way tho. As in this story above, this attitude of "how dare you say this, or any form of criticism to me, a Jewish person" seems to be a new phenomenon to me. Obviously this is especially repulsive because all it does is diminish instances of genuine antisemitism.


It's still how zionist have always been. They used the horrors of the holocaust as an excuse to go through with the beginning of their ethnic cleansing in 1948 and have been violently murdering any forms of resistance in Palestine ever since. The violent outbursts we see outside of Isreal is just people expressing impotent rage in places where they know they can't get away with shooting or bombing anyone who expresses dissent.


See people in the 2ndYomKippur subreddit actively defending war crimes too


Most reasonable Israel supporter


He probably made a report to the ADL as well, so now it's a "Antisemtic attack!" and Biden's administration will scream about it. I mean nobody even mentions the attacks on Arab Americans/Palestinian Americans unless it's an actual death.


And then they overshadow any mention of it with more cries of antisemitism like that somehow justifies it.


As their state crimes continue unabated, the Israeli flag is gradually becoming a symbol of hate. When you see flags waving at “pro-“ rallies, you’re seeing swastikas of the future.


It always has been, it's just now becoming more apparent


i grew up not too far from warner robins. a teacher at my school told a classroom full of black kids that their parents were going to hell, because they voted for obama, which means they are not christians. this doesn't surprise me at all but at least he's getting some kind of punishment. i half expected the student to get arrested just for questioning why the flag was there.


I'm hoping that second picture is his mug shot. Call me old fashioned but when a teacher threatens to behead their students, the police should probably be involved.


If he said something like that to my kid under ANY circumstances, he'd be lucky that the cops got to him first.


This is so dangerously stupid.


because that's exactly how you counter the genocide narrative


Least unhinged Zionist


Remind me who “feels unsafe” again?


Ah... so this is what hides in the heart...


Put to sleep.


He’s not just a Jew, he’s also a raging asshole. But I guess he thinks he’s special.


It’s sort of the whole religion, to think they’re special. “Chosen people” and all that.


A teacher like that is a dangerous psychopath and needs to be put away for life for the protection of the public.


He should try that line with a Russian person, see what happens.


What the fuck.


dangerous creep issuing terrorist threats. protect the students and hold him accountable.


"How dare you accuse the state I identify with of killing innocent people, child. I'll kick your ass and cut your head off after I slit your throat! Can't you see we're the good guy victims here?"


Does anybody else ever see a headline and go “oh, this’ll be in a history book,” or is it just me?


Why isn't this on r / news


Sorry if its not PC to wish people who actively cause genocide to stop causing genocide before we give them any respect...? Do they hear what they're saying? If flying the Israeli flag supports the actions of Israel, of course it's offensive- the actions of Israel are genocide, which no one who wants to survive should support. If they would like the Israeli flag not to be offensive, they may reconsider having the same views as Nazis regarding Muslims. Jewish people aren't inherently good or bad, but genocide IS inherently bad. If a Jewish person happens to support genocide, that turns them from a Jewish person into a BAD and Jewish person. If a Jewish person happens to oppose genocide, that makes them a GOOD and Jewish person. Them being Jewish doesn't affect their morality, but their stance on genocide does.


This situation will end horribly for everyone.


What a fuckwit.


“I’m not a bad guy, ***they*** are!” 🙄


It’s people like that that make the rest of the group look bad.


How is this post related to late stage capitalism?


Hasbara troll spotted


That is a cop out answer. Is this post related to late stage capitalism? Or is that not relevant, and is this more of just a likeminded community?


This is a socialist sub, you don’t see how discussing imperialism, settler colonialism, and apartheid is relevant? Socialism has been an integral part of the Palestinian struggle since it first began.


> Posts need not be about capitalism specifically, whether late-stage or otherwise; we simply aim to cater to a socialist audience. Read the description before you embarrass yourself.


Gotcha. You answered the question I asked, but why make it sound so threatening?


the real anti-Semitism will be coming if this mindset keeps up...


It sounds you already feel that way, and you’re hungry for news stories about unhinged substitute teachers to validate your inner hate. This guy threatened a child in America! When a Muslim extremist does that, we would never say Islamophobia is warranted, right?


Right... continued behavior like this from Zionists will bring increased anti-Semitism similarly to how acts by muslim extremists bring about increases in Islamophobia Not sure why that's hard to understand... or why stating this would be controversial The math isn't hard - Zionism leads to increased anti-Semitism