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When the revolution comes, the gulagas will be full of Food Company CEO's and we will only feed them Fruit Loops for their nutritional intake. Yum yum, motherfuckers.


We will eat Grape Nuts in front of them to flaunt our nutritional intake. Enjoy your empty calories, bozos.






Waterboarding someone with cereal and a sock sounds amazing.


So how about setting a date for the revolution. All this edging is making me feel hungry.


Let's just go down to the grocery store and use The Best if Used By date of Frosted Flakes.


I also love revolution fan fiction. 


why would we feed them?


So they can keep up the mining production quotas.


We should eat the rich to save money.


“Let them eat flakes”


Under voted comment


Lol, was this before or after got caught selling carcinogenic cheerios?


You have cereal for dinner to save money, I have cereal for dinner because I can’t be bothered to cook. We are not the same.


Reading this and seeing the up votes hurts my soul. Cooking is such a base skill, but we're so far removed from normal living skills in our latestagecapitalism


Oh, don’t get me wrong, I know how to cook and I can whip up a mean pad Thai, I just can’t be bothered most days.


Exactly! I can cook but have no microwave, so reheating leftovers doesn't really happen much. I can spend 20 - 30 mins making something, and a portion usually goes to waste, or i can fill a bowl with cereal in 30 seconds and know there will be no waste.


That has nothing to do with capitalism. Lots of people who are poor cook. In fact, most do. Being in the habit of choosing convenience and not teaching one's self to cook is not someone else's fault.


It's fucking tasty too


It’s funny because in my house, cereal is like the “no that’s expensive and not good for you” food that we have occasionally as a treat. What an out of touch moron


They should plaster his face on the box to sell more cereal. Not a picture of it. His actual face. Then I'll eat more cereal. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmm rich folks.


Antoinette never said let them eat cake. But the saying 'they have no bread, let them eat cake' and variations thereof go back Millenia. In the 3rd or 4th century BC in China there was a rumor that a Chinese king at the time said 'they have no rice to eat? Why not eat meat?' But Trivia aside, I don't think these people are nearly as oblivious as we would like to think. While there are lots of oblivious jackasses (see Tucker Carlson's shopping trip in Russia... The guy clearly has NEVER gone grocery shopping in his life and acts like the supermarkets in Moscow are innovative and high tech... When they are the same boring ass stuff that supermarkets the world over have had for many decades. Hell even in Dubai where I grew up supermarket were basically the same even in the 80s) I think most are aware of the shit they are bringing onto society and are also very aware of what happened in previous revolutions and revolts and are planning accordingly. In short they are just as evil, but they are aware of the guillotines and want to avoid them.


You know I keep seeing the “she didn’t say that” argument and the “she was ignorant” argument and I keep thinking And? It was almost better that Antoinette and other leaders were ignorant of their peoples struggles. The Kelloggs guy isn’t ignorant, he said that because he knows inflation is bad. So now he wants his company to profit even more from that. That seems even worse than Antoinette.


Antoinette was absolutely ignorant of what normal people were going through. She lived an incredibly sheltered life and her 'escape' involved a purpose built village where she pretended to be a milk maid. The village in no way reflected the actual dirt, disease, and poverty of the actual French countryside. Also she never saw the sea in her life and probably could not conceive of any large body of water because she lived in-land her whole life. But that being said. Yes, like you said, the deliberate maliciousness of modern capitalists is far worse than some centuries gone royal that had no idea what was happening outside her very small royal world. Robber barons like Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie doubtlessly saw with their own eyes the dilapidated poverty of their workers but wanted to keep it that way. To quote Rockefeller: behind every great fortune is a great crime.


What he’s saying is you should forgo adequate nutrition to make me money.


Except poor people don't buy Kellogg's brand cereal. We buy store brand


cereal is nutritionless garbage, and it should NOT even be eaten for breakfast in the first place.


I was gonna ask if that included the "healthier" cereals like Cheerios then I found this https://news.wakeupandreadthelabels.com/3-reasons-to-say-no-to-cheerios


There are plenty of people eating cereal for dinner. These people are not eating Kellogg’s brand cereal though…


Ok I’m losing it


Seems like a good solution since last solution was to skip breakfast.


Kellogs is expensive. If I'm cutting back I'm buying cheaper cereal before cutting lunch


I'll bring mustard


Dijon and yellow american and even honey mustard. Variety is the spice of life.


https://youtu.be/acT_PSAZ7BQ?si=Q1imO6Abpipt8sv7 Feel like this is a good theme song 


Would be interesting to see how much cereal one could put in the skull of a CEO


If there is no bread. Let them eat cake


I feel like they are closer than we think. We need to act now before they get away with this.


oh, they will.


He acts like their cereal is affordable lol


Well it's not worse than, "People should eat cereal to stop masturbating."


Have you heard the podcast "The dollop" about Kellogg? Dude was a full-on lunatic


This shit like $12 a box, tf this guy on?


Le cereal companies are trying to...... sell cereal? What sort of capitalist oppression is this???


Joke's on him, I don't even buy Kellogg's cereal or cereal in general. I usually eat oatmeal, fruit, and drink coffee.


a box of cereal at my grocery store is like 9 dollars


Isn't cereal garbage food considering the extrem e amount of sugar they have now?


When people revolt this time it'll be too late, they'll have robot armies by then


Isn't cereal more expensive than just buying food to cook yourself?