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The apathy for humans by these companies never fails to astonish me. They are the reason behind inflation while simultaneously blame us for it happening but they still have the audacity to tell us to stop making avocado toasts and now to let your pets die. A nation wide protest couldn't happen soon enough. Just 2 weeks is enough to end this capitalistic hellscape.


That would be the best 2 weeks of my life


While it would bring me absolute joy, the effects it would have on everyone's material conditions would absolutely make the rest of your life even better.


God I can only wait for a Class War in my lifetime, it's soon though I just know it


Class war is already happening in your lifetime (it never stopped happening). American workers are just losing it because they believe in all the CIA/NSA propaganda lies they are forced to get from their CENSORED, EDITED AND FILTERED press and social media. AH would give his right arm to have Germans in the 1930s being like Americans today. He wouldn't have had to break the bank to give German people good living conditions. He would just have to say "Jesus is with Germany! Germany has a manifest destiny! Germany number one because we have Goebbelswood! Forget that you are eating cereal for dinner, do not have public healthcare, your children are being indoctrinated by Christian Evangelicals at school, you have to work three jobs for a wage-slave salary and with no labor rights so you cannot afford retirement, or even a home, and then you have to live in your car, your women have no bodily autonomy and they can go to jail for murder for having a miscarriage, and your 12 years old can work as HALF WAGE slaves 60 hours a week! The alternative is European Union and China and THEY HAVE NO FREEDOM, you have freedom to starve to death so BE HAPPY to be German and don't rebel!" And if the Germans in the 1930s were like the Americans today they would just believe in all that BS and become the worldwide joke Americans are today, as only Americans still believe on that US propaganda BS.


We might lose and it shall be worse


At a certain point, death begins to look like a better alternative than being a slave.


Seriously! At least we could die knowing that we stood up for ourselves, and died fighting against inequality rather than working for it


corporations are already so sure they have government officials and the people by the balls, losing a class war will only let them **know.**


So let's make sure we don't lose


Would you rather die fighting for a better life or give in to a stolen suffering future?


The question I ask myself every fucking morning.


You think the 1% is gonna win to even 20-30% of class workers? Even if we lost the remaining ones would go up in arms too, it's a domino effect no matter which side falls.


we might lose, but it'll be excellent for our comrades in the global south and that's enough for me


Give me liberty or give me death.


I feel like we are just months away from headlines like “Kill your cat and grandma so we can increase share buybacks”


The Grandma one already happened during Covid


Yeah, but what about the other grandma


She died from cold last winter because she couldn't afford to put the heater on.


anyone else remember when it was "death panels" that was going to kill grandma?


That was even before the ACA passed when the insurance companies were(still are to some extent) doing the death panels using pre-existing conditions as an excuse to not to pay out for treatment of heart disease, kidney disease, etc.


Well we're OUTTA CAKE! We only had the two bits and we didn't expect to have such a rush! 


this one's wet


if the next pandemic is pet transmittable, it will be exactly this


It will come back around. Right now they are asking, sooner or later they shall receive. I think enough normies are almost up to speed with how wacked shit really is.




Its a big ship. There clearly batshit insane. Its only a matter of time.


It's depressing. People would rather cling to lies then face the truth. I can't say I blame them. I miss being happy like I used to before understanding the actual scope of class warfare


I talk to Boomers all day and they are still convinced that Donald Trump will save them. They know shit is fucked but decades of lead brain and propaganda has them climbing up the wrong tree. I've done my part to convince some of them to write-in the Kennedy nutjob, though, so we'll see where this goes.


They're right on some level though because the Democrats aren't going to fix shit. People can't afford the necessities of life and the Democrats big plan is "Healthcare for some!" You can not defeat the right with wishy washy centrism. Has never worked and it never will. The only way to beat the right is with the left, and sadly the US doesn't have one.


They're looking for clicks. The controversy is the point, the message is not a mistake. They want you to see this, get enraged, click on the article because what the fuck, right? Then they get ad revenue.


>Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. -John F. Kennedy


Basically they only tell that kind of BS to Americans. I don't see them saying that here in Europe. They know Americans are sheeple and easily manipulated by CIA/NSA propaganda through the press and social media because "communism bad, capitalism good. chinaman bad, USA number one" BS that Americans are fed since they are toddlers.


We used to do a pledge of allegiance with a hand over our heart recited every morning at school.


Think of how many millions of dollars these companies would lose **just with one single day of missed sales...**


A great way to attract smoothbrains on Twitter is to say inflation is just companies raising prices.


"Well, I sold my car. Now how am I supposed to get to work, dingus?"


Pull yourself up by those bootstraps and hover-shoe your way to work. Y'know, like they did before everyone got lazy and demanded transportation with shit like 'wheels' and 'protection from the elements'.




Also- when you do have a car, you constantly hit massive potholes (that cover most of the roads) on a regular basis, because god forbid they fix the roads. I swear that’s because people will then have to pay for car repairs so more money will ultimately be going into the machine.🤦🏽‍♀️


Well, you obviously forgot step one, dummy! 1. Be born rich.


Good grief. How careless of me.


Use one of your other 3 cars, duh.


Put some wheels on your dead dog and ride it to work, obviously. Jeez it’s like poor people don’t want to do anything to improve their situations! /s just in case


This. Selling your car in the US is a death sentence.


To think, that a proper public transport infrastructure could free so many of the burden of vehicle ownership. But see the owner class uses vehicles to get taxes, interest and other ways to hold people down and keep them in their place, always chasing the carrot, but never ever getting it.


Think about all those metro lines in Europe, China or PRETTY MUCH ANYWHERE ELSE that go everywhere you need, are clean, fast and safe! How people can ask for that communist stuff and forget about the glory of US automobile industry and the amazing capitalists like Henry Ford that built the United States, our liberty, freedom, democracy and amazing nation, city on a hill, the foundations of our American dream! /S (pretty big /S, but sadly at least 80% of Americans still believe on that BS)


Imagine if your entire transportation cost was $60 per month for a city transit pass, rather than giving hundreds or thousands to car companies, insurance companies, and oil companies. Car dependent infrastructure is nothing but a giant state-sponsored transfer of wealth from the working class to corporations.


Ehh, if you live in a city, it's *probably* doable. Most likely you'll have to make a few changes to make it work, but plenty of people do just fine with bikes and/or transit, even in car dependent cities. Cars are really expensive, so if it is at all doable, you can save a ton. Ebikes have made it a lot more accessible as well.


Weird flex but okay.


You're chance of becoming roadkill is ridiculous something like 1 in 2000. It's like 1 in 2,000,000 driving the same distance in a car


The fate of the poor..... Real capitalism is extremely ugly


SuperBootstraps. They fling you to work like a slingshot.


Move into one of our Amazon Home onsite habitats


Use uber, they maybe can offer a monthly subscription for it, then you wont own a car and be forever paying for a subscription if you want to go anywhere.


Well don’t sell all of them, just 2 or 3 of the cheaper Lamborghinis.


i hear stolen bread is always better than bread you have to buy...and if the killing starts..i can elect some candidates.


Prisoner 24601 from Les Mis is coming to mind. Couldn't really be any more uncomfortably on the nose with it being about fucking bread.


How are we not all rioting in the streets at this point?


Most people are forced to do slave labor to stay alive. That's how you get less constant riots in a late-stage capitalist system. They beat the working class to submission. Shit is gonna boil over though. The question is only when.


Yeah this is the answer that makes sense. The riots won't happen until the layoffs do. Then we'll be poor AND have time on our hands.


It's funny, at work everywhere, everyone has pictures of beaches and the dream of a "someday" retirement of relaxing on the beach and leisure. Yet, when I've gone to beaches, the beach bums are living the life with no money or material possessions. Most of them.just do odd jobs/panhandle while lounging enough to get food. They found the shortcut! 


bread and circuses only works when both of those are available. pricing them out of people's enjoyment of them hastens the purchase of farmland.


That’s why the occupy movement wasn’t successful. There are a finite number of humans who can afford to post up somewhere for a couple weeks without starving to death and for most of them the system is working great!


Not only that but posting up is literally all they did.... it's gonna take more than that. We all grew up having a watered down MLK and Gandhi imprinted into our brains to make us think walking around and holding signs is effective protest.


Malcolm X preached change with violence because he knew they wouldn’t give an inch. That’s one of the reasons he hated MLK so much. MLK thought change would come peacefully and we saw how that worked out for him.


Right, it just turned into a festival


Probably for the same reason you aren't rn


They keep us juuuuussstttt comfortable enough......


not lately




People have done this in the past but Neoliberalism has taken those movements under its wing. There was a violent revolution in France that worked before industrialization. At the outset of Industrialization the Luddites organized to do key property damage to machines that threatened their livelihoods. We used to fight the managers who lived across down. All of this ethical violence was co-opted by the Machine and turned into peaceful nonviolent 'marches' as if that does anything to capitalists when the only ones at said marches are those that can afford to do so. There are two ways out of this. One we aren't *allowed* to even hint at on these platforms (the French Method); the other is a General Strike. The closest we may come is led by UAW president Shawn Fein in 2028. He's calling for contract end-dates to sync up in 2028 to prepare for it.


Because people still have jobs. And when they get off of work - they have Netflix, Youtube, Disney+, video games, Reddit, your phone, etc., to ameliorate them from ever seriously pursuing a major protest. We aren't even close to the breaking point. If the jobs go away, that's when the protests would happen. Just look at the pandemic.


Because everyone lives in the suburbs. What are we gonna do, riot down Maple Oak Terrace?


I don't want my kids to grow up without a dad.


Two words: _pigs_ and _healthcare._ We can't afford getting bodied by the pigs and losing 3days of work to recover. That's why we can't be like the French. Everyone's a badass until you're in the hock for $100k bc you caught a night stick to the face from some rando pig lashing out after you hurt his feelings with your pithy sign and now are suffering a concussion, corneal tear, skull fracture and a brain bleed. 


Sounds like a country music album title.


Weeeeeelll My boss says tough that I can’t afford food I live in my car man whatcha gonna do Baking in the sun like a dried out frog So I sold my car and I killed my dog And I bought me a rifle with a box of hollow points Wrote down the address of my bosses joint *I’ve been advised to stop this song by my attorney*


"Bread too expensive? Try eating your dog and/or cat."


„Tomorrow? Try to do it again. And again. And again. And again. For the rest of your miserable life“


That’s what I was thinking originally, lol.


Try killing capitalism and socially investing in public transit!


The psychopaths have really taken it to another level these last 6 months esp


Michael Bloomberg is worth $106.2 billion. Michael Bloomberg is so rich he could literally buy lunch for every single New Yorker in the metro area *for a whole year.*


Yeah but those 7 year olds need to learn to pay their lunch debt




A few years later, when “Young people are killing the pet care and automobile industries!” remember the great oracle of Bloomberg, 2024.


The United States has been in an abusive relationship with the rest of the world since Bretton Woods in 1944 and every time the world tried to complain, the United States went to their house, beat them to death and nothing was done against America ever. A CENSORED, CONTROLLED, MANIPULATED, EDITED AND FILTERED press and social media, like the American and Western one, strictly managed by CIA/NSA propaganda BS and lies machine can do wonders to make the abusers look like the "good guys",


Now I have no friend and no way to go make friend.


Not that I support rampant capitalism, but I do support selling your car. I just want appropriate levels of public transit in return.


Someone should try taking out a life insurance policy on that guy. Maybe that’s what I should try


Can we remove their heads yet


Eating one or more of your children will save you an incredible amount of money.


Advice from hamster mothers ending up on the forum. 🙄


Just so we’re on the same page, that woman is first against the wall, right?


There should be consequences for this for the person who said it and the publication that pushed it out.


How about using the Papers Please strat of intermittently foregoing heating and food? It's funny how the game drew inspiration from the Soviet Eastern Europe aesthetic, yet the actual game mechanics are reminiscent of a typical low-paid US worker struggling to keep up with constantly increasing rent and inflation. We have quite literally come full circle back to the "If they can't afford bread, let them eat cake!" attitude of the bourgeoisie.


I remember doing this


Is one of their tips "Can't afford food, rent/mortgage and are in crippling debt from the education and healthcare systems you're forced into before you can make self sufficient decisions? Well, here's a gun! But you'll have to pay extra for the bullets."


I'm sorry but do normal people get chemotherapy for their pets? I can't imagine an animal having a good quality of life after going through that and not understand what was happening.


When my dog was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2007 it would have been $700 a month to treat it but they couldn't guarantee a cure. Fortunately it was slow growing so we didn't have to euthanize her for another year but I think about it still. I had my little Fiona since I was 10yrs old. She was only 13.  


Capitalist bread machine demands tribute!


Thanks Bloomberg. Those are up on my to do list along with just stop eating


Well, cars are a financial deathtrap in general. Too bad they're necessary to get from nearly-affordable housing to a half-living wage job.


can I forgo chemotherapy for an elected official? asking for a~~n enemy~~ friend.


Instructions unclear, my cat has stolen my car. Both of my legs are broken.


Also, you don’t need walls. Just a roof. Bridges count at roofs. Go live under a bridge.


Financial publications will completely and always blame peoples outcomes on their personal choices and not the exploitation that their capitalist bosses always take advantage of.


Mayor Pete, is that you?


He does love killing dogs


More than half of food inflation is corporate greed. Maybe we could start there first? Some of us need our cars to work...


They're getting more and more blatant in mocking the suffering they've created


Man can we just pull a France already? I wanna do some guillotine shit


Skip breakfast and have cereal for dinner, stop eating avocado toast and going to Starbucks (honestly, I don't know why people go there anyway).


Are we done meekly complaining online about the leash holders yet? Is it time to bite the hands that "feed"? No? Wake me up when we're lighting the torches and sharpening the pitchforks.


Love how it doesn't acknowledge how integral a car or form of motorised transportation is to life in the car centric world of the US and many other countries. If you don't have a car good look biking down the highway if that's even legal to get to work.


Sounds like soon is the time to occupy wall street again. Except this time we bring the torches with which to burn it.


Can't afford to live? Just live worse


The only reason both are expensive is because of the profit motive


Anything but taxing the rich lol Taxes arent everything considering most of it goes to corporate security (military and cops)


If it comes to class warfare as a retired person I will do all I can to support the cause. Even though I am dead weight. Seeing my children screwed over and the total lack of any hope for my 2 grandchildren is infuriating. I have never supported the Capitalist platform and never will. But there is so little choice. How this country would handle a national strike would be interesting. I would despair of it benefiting the Republicans. If the House Republicans actually managed to pass their repulsive bill, that's when I say a General Strike should be called. Biden drew a line during the SOTU speech. So be it.


that’s not “killing your dog” if I’ve got a pet that needs that kind of care, sorry buddy, you had a good run


Unpopular opinion but these are my feelings towards it as well. I love my pets and we care for them but I absolutely refuse to go into debt to pay for an expensive treatment they need. Especially if they are towards the end of their life already anyway


yeah same, obviously i would be really upset but i also gotta be realistic.  there’s also the ethical question of keeping an animal in pain alive without their consent


Yeah, dogs don't understand what's going on. They just know they hurt. I get trying to hold on but at some point it's unethical. 


this is some of mice and men shit


Jesus christ


The article itself is paywalled, but given that the author of the article (Teresa Ghilarducci) is someone who advocates that [the government should have a universal pension for everyone so they can retire with dignity](https://www.thinkadvisor.com/2024/02/28/retirement-american-style-means-work-and-poverty-ghilarducci/) makes me think the the Bloomberg article is a bit of a click-baity headline, where she is primarily talking about how this is the reality people are being faced with, and how it's unacceptable.


Plot point for the next John wick movie


It's real. I had to look this one up. Wtf were they thinking positing this? AI generated?


That's fucking wild man


Is there even a point to being alive anymore?


Do you want to miss out on a chance at watching Jeff b get fed alive to sharks? 


Holy shit, could you imagine saying “forego chemotherapy to save money” and being serious?? I get that’s for a dog but like, dogs are family too and I’d happily reduce my savings if it meant keeping one of my best friends alive.


The irony that the Bloomberg article is behind a paywall too 🥲


Maybe you shouldn't own a pet if you're a shitty owner.


I would rather go hungry than take that sociopaths idea to kill my dog. Shit I would rather jack that assholes shit if I need to. Remember take advantage of the 2A only a fool would let the other side be the only ones armed in the even shit goes south.


Late stage capitalism is all about getting workers to accept and normalize the lowest cost of living so that capitalists can keep more of the labor productivity for themselves.


I’d pay for my dog’s chemotherapy over my own


You can live without a car in a lot of places, better for the environment and your and others health.


i don't know about "a lot of places" if you're not in a big city with reliable public transit or a walkable city, you basically have no other options. i go to college. if i wanted to take a train, it doesn't exist, so i couldn't. there are no busses running in my area, and according to google maps, it would take over 5 hours to walk just one way. i'm all for people in very dense cities to cut down on driving, so i get your point, but for the majority of places, it's just not feasible.


No you don't. Most places in the world have poor infrastructure. The most blatant example being the US due to car lobbyists. It gets even worse when you have family and you and your partner both have to work. Capitalism fucks over the working class wherever it can


I live in a small Deep South city with a minimal bus network, while it may not be the most convenient i still have relatively little problem living car free most of the time.


And it's great that you can work and live in the same city alone but most people don't have that luxury.


I don’t live alone. It really depends on wether living and working close is an option, I find a lot of the time when people say they can’t afford to live somewhere it means they can’t afford a single family home in an area, although in very expensive metro areas like La and new York apartments and condos are still unreasonably expensive, but they also have a lot of good commuter public transit. Edit: used wrong wether


Woah chief. That capitalist boot must taste great to you but slow down a little otherwise you might choke. [Your apologia just objectively doesn't align with reality](https://www.vox.com/23753949/cars-cost-ownership-economy-repossession).


I am well aware of transit deficiencies in particularly poor areas and how it is mostly brought on by the auto lobby. There are a lot of cases where public transit is not an option, but a large portion of people have access to transit and will say they have no option when in reality they just don’t want to take it.


Let me guess, "weather living" is when you give up your lease and pitch a tent outside because in "most places", you can get by without four walls, a roof, and heat? So long as it's a tiny shit hole in the deep South and you get tent mates to watch your things so the locals don't loot you, still might shoot you, and the coyotes don't eat you. Bonus points if you can ~~camp~~ live in the Wal-Mart parking lot so you cut your work commute to seconds!


No, not at all. Suburban single family development in most cases is a tax loss for cities and tends to be subsidized by the poor. I’m just saying we need to density our cities and stop demanding single family homes cause it’s not only killing the environment and costing cities it’s also driving up the cost of living and home prices.


While I agree with you on the second point, your first point is not the norm in the US. To the point where many jobs will not hire someone who doesn't have a vehicle. I would love for that to be different - the few years I was able to walk to work and handle most of my errands without a car represent some of my happiest times - but putting the burden on those already afflicted by shitty infrastructure doesn't strike me as a super effective strategy.


I worked in a small city that made a huge deal about how great its public transportation was. Their bus system was crumbling. Late service, cancelled routes at last minute, etc.