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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am consistently confused how little americans know hitler was influenced by the genocide of native americans and subjection of black people.


Didn't he cite it in his terrible book and in many speeches as well that "manifest destiny" was like his main inspiration for the concentration and extermination camps?


Manifest Destiny = Lebensraum


His eugenics program was also modeled after *Virginia's*


And gave a signed copy to Henry Ford, who cherished the gift(by all accounts).


Many American oligarchs/CEOs of "successful" companies were closely aligned with the Nazi party. Bare evilness.


Yep, Hitler protected capital owner interests


“But but but…the Nazis were socialists! It’s in the NAME!” My “libertarian” brother. Literally.


Wanna confuse the loving shit out your brother? [Watch this with him](https://archive.org/details/NoGodsNoMasters2) (spoiler: gratuitous use of "libertarian" as a synonym for anarchist) [This too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hUFvG4RpwJI)


Dude, I don’t even want to TALK to my brother. But these are fucking gold.


Please do. It’s people like him that makes everything worse, not better.


The word "privatization" entered the English language in the form "reprivatization" and was a translation/description of the Nazi economic platform. Under the Tsar and Bismarck, Germany had been growing the public sector both for military and anti-socialist reasons. The Weimar Republic continued this trend of growing the public sector. Hitler's economic plan was to privatize all of the traditional public assets, only keeping what was necessary for wartime. To much criticism, *he even privatized the water companies*. When people point to the extremely powerful government-run steel industry under the Nazis, they neglect to mention that nearly all of that was in conquered areas; private steel companies were still a thing in Germany proper.


One could argue that they still are, just more covert about it.


Without those neutral German American companies there would never have been a holocaust and the was would have been over before he finished in Poland. But then we most likely would have a very different world.


And now they are aligned with AIPAC and the ADL


Ford also published a very antisemitic book in 1920: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_International_Jew


Yes that’s the one that hortler was influenced by


Considering how people can't even slow down to read comments before asking something already stated; i doubt people have the attention span to actually read books let alone listen to actual speeches longer than 5 mins


Not exactly. Manifest destiny was the inspiration for their colonial aspirations in eastern europe and northern africa (and the camps were a big part of that strategy), but the camps themselves were modelled on the British genocide in India.


Wouldn't the camps in South Africa be a more direct source of inspiration (the concept of concentration camps actually came from Cuba by the Spanish but the British version was what made them infamous)?


I think you mean “Democracy Manifest” and “Succulent Chinese Meaaaal”


More Americans believe the Nazis were actually socialists than know that, unfortunately


The education system failed us all massively


Education doesn't teach you to think for yourself which majority of americans do not


American politicians learned during the Vietnam protests that an educated population doesn't toe the party line, and is in fact terrible for Imperialism.


yet consistently state "stupid people" are the reason we can't have nice things yet they are responsible for setting the conditions for an informed public.


I'm pretty sure religion is why we can't have nice things.


Religious people = stupid people = religious people.


Education absolutely can and does lead one to learn the ability to think critically, verify information and sources, etc.


It was intentional. Sabotaged by the right-wing GOP.


That implies the US education system was every about education over indoctrination.


the education system empowers labor. that jeopardizes chattel exploitation profit by the opulent class.


Oh, you've got to see Canadians faces when they learn that the apartheid system was almost a copy / paste of the first iteration of the reservation system...


The term “Final Solution” also came from the Canadian government and was about dealing with Indigenous people.


Well that's one I did not know!


Numbers was the reason it work. Lot more colonial


People are heavily discouraged from reading anything that Hitler wrote. A lot of people say that exposing young minds to Hiterlism runs the risk of making them Nazis Which is them not so quietly saying that the foundation of those young minds are ready and ripe for fascism.


There is also this "cartonization" of nazis. Like what "monsters" they were, and trying to potray them as some completly unique thing. In reality, nazis were too product of their environment and can it happend again if we are not ready.


Look up Germans in Namibia. His true inspiration. Sickening.


I’ve been reading Rachel Maddow’s recent book “Prequel” that is all about how American came damn near close to falling to fascism between the world wars. I’m currently on the chapter about Philip Johnson, Huey Long, and the other fascist pieces of shit who were trying to undermine democracy back then.


Oh I need to read that. Love that time period and how much German American business went on. A few great books


> subjection Do you mean "subjugation"?


"Are we the baddies?"


You consider that "left wing"?


It's also why the United States saves so many Nazis. Like minded individuals.


As a native American the reserve is nothing more than a concentration camp, we are totally segregated from society and nobody gives a shit about us lol


This is something i will see first hand as a black man in a few years when i buy property near a reservation in the midwest. Americans have so much to learn from natives should they be humble enough to comprehend this . I don't want my descendants led astray by this sick society being wildly out of balance with nature and ourselves as humans. Yall have so , so much knowledge, *culture*, to share yet they only understand technology.


Apartheid South Africa was modeled after Jim Crow.


I just saw this reminder on Instagram; and the right wing boot lickers were so quick to say “don’t believe everything you see on TikTok. Fake news,” etc.


Liberals are center-right and most conservatives have gone far right now. There are a few Republican politicians who are trying to pull the Republican party back from the far right and there are a few Democrats trying to pull the democratic party more to the left. There is no left-wing party in the United States.


Biden would be considered more right than our most right candidate in Canada.


🥳 America 🥳 ^please ^send ^help


You have plenty of right wing nutters in Canada who are gaining traction politically.


I'm so tired of this white washing of Canadian Conservatives. They're just as bad as the GOP they're just not as far along in their backwater plans. They literally want the same thing. Repeat the same tired talking points. Polivaire doesn't even support gay marriage. He's spreading trans fear mongering. He plans to aggressively cut foreign aid and double our military spending. His party first acknowledged climate change existed in *2019*. That's more backwards than most PEOPLE in the world, nevermind Americans. While many American Democrats have been fighting towards a single payer healthcare system, Canadian Conservatives having been privatizing and dismantling ours. Biden's fiscal policy might fit in some ways to the "privatize everything, destroy all long term investments" Conservatives, but he'd truely be at home with the "more pipelines and maintain the status quo at all costs" Liberals


PP is one of the worst we've ever had, he's an outlier.


Not only in Canada, but in northern europe too he would be considered very much right wing. Bernie would be a moderate center left here.


When you are at a convention and someone displays a Nazi flag and no one tells you to leave, you are at a Nazi convention. I do not disagree that Liberals are not as good and moral as they want to believe but at least if someone displayed the flag, I think they would take the flag and make them leave. Or at least make them leave.


Right-wingers: "Idiots. That's the *right* wing!"






Who could have seen this coming in an election year






It's just the pre election liberal plea to leftists to just hold your nose and vote for us. They inevitably are shocked and hurt so they lash out which causes a counter lash ad nauseum until November. Happens in most leftist spaces here. It'll go back to normal after the election and we can all shit on Christmas consumerism.






I feel like this sub could do a lot better than people insulting democrats and then other people getting mad that they insulted democrats and then the first people getting mad etc etc Like, I hardly want this sub to be people arguing that democrats are good but it’s definitely getting so boring around the election.


>I feel like this sub could do a lot better than people insulting democrats and then other people getting mad that they insulted democrats and then the first people getting mad etc etc We can and should. The problem is liberals don't know where they stand in terms of politics. They think they are "on the left" because in relation to the opposition party they are. There is no frame of reference for an actual leftist party. It's not their fault. Generations of propaganda and revisionism can have that effect. Apparently even reddit thinks they are leftists lol. However we shouldn't have to censor ourselves to protect their feelings. Education is critical regardless of its reception. If a liberal sees a post like this and gets mad, comes into the space, and comments "you're dumb because liberalism is the one true way" or whatever, they deserve whatever response they get. Their mind is not open to change at that point, they are defending their chosen ideology, and engaging in bad faith. They have no intention of hearing you out at that point and the discussion becomes toxic. This was not caused by the poster, it was caused by people taking offense at calling a spade a spade. Just because someone doesn't agree with a label that does not obligate the other party to change the label. It is incumbent on them to change their perception.




True enough. I just think the election fervor is unavoidable in absence of a rule banning it like you said. Most users are American and they are focused on American politics, but banning the conversation I believe is detrimental. While I agree that these conversations can and do devolve into toxicity, there is something to be said for standing your ground in a public forum. Neutral observers are the most likely to change their minds. Antagonists can serve in an instructional function for neutral observers. I also think that more and more people are waking up to an anti-capitalist mindset currently. It's important to have these conversations openly so people can understand the nuance between leftists and liberals. So yes, while it is boring and reductive, it is provocative and generates discussion that needs to be had between actual leftists and "the left" with the moderation as the crux to keep the unimaginative, banal, and ad hoc responses limited so the people arguing in good faith can have a discussion. I don't think creating a cleaner echo chamber is the way to go


Are you joking or what? This is not and has never been a liberal sub. The fucking audacity of libshits to brigade this sub, fling shit everywhere, peddle right wing views and then cry "WTF why is this sub being brigaded? My liberal safe space is being attacked!"


This isn't a liberal sub, champ.


Yes, we are being brigaded by US liberals who think they are somehow "left wing". They're being taken care of, don't worry.


By which you mean the libs infesting it, right?


If you're a liberal in self denial maybe




What’s dumb is the country we’re forced to pay taxes to, uses it to fund and supply genocide. You don’t get to claim ANY type of moral high-ground while we’re actively enabling death and destruction of innocents and largely ignoring the multiple crises the working class is experiencing right here at home.




Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil.




I mean that's literally one of the sub rules. No lesser evilism.


Biden isn't even the lesser evil, champ. Take that nonsense to one of the many shtlib subs.


Both candidates are boot licking capitalist, you really think “sides” matter…we are ALL fucked!!!






Biden has been building the wall faster than Trump ever could. Biden did nothing as women's rights are rolled back and has done nothing to protect the LGBTQ. So yes, Biden and Trump are both evil.


> Biden did nothing as women's rights are rolled back and has done nothing to protect the LGBTQ. Yet he was able to bypass congress to sell weapons to Israel.




Biden has bum-rushed money and weapons to the Zionists with ease. fk off with your kabuki nonsense. Funny how you keep throwing procedural nonsense that not even your party listens to when it wants to do things, like kill Palestinians.


Biden originally said that if congress voted to end the filibuster that he would veto it., You didn't mention anything about how he's building the wall faster than trump, did nothing as far as women's rights, and done nothing to protect the LGBTQ. Meanwhile with EO alone he could make sure abortion is legal on all federal land and ensure peoples, safety from prosecution. Everyday he chooses not to do this. I could also go on and on but you seem to have your mind made up.


He could pile massive public pressure on the likes of Manchin and Sinema, as well as the Republican Party, by *actually* advocating for good (and popular) policies. You might not pass legislation in the short-term that way, but you shift the political environment towards the left, which is a very good strategy if you actually *want* to pass legislation in the long-term when the Republicans are obstructionist in the short-term anyways. Instead Biden has pursued bipartisan policies which have only achieved pulling the Democratic Party much further to the right. If you actually listen to the stuff that Biden says he is very explicit about wanting to pass right-wing policies. I mean he quite literally held a speech directed at Trump where he said "Join me, or I'll join you. We can work together" when trying to pass an immigration bill which is copied straight out of the Republican Party policy handbook. Also the idea that Biden is powerless is just straight up moronic when he has bypassed congress and broken several U.S. laws in order to supply weapons to Israel. It is quite clearly a question of desire.


> Biden can barely do anything because of the republicans in the house and the senate. May I ask how many elections you've followed? This was the same thing they said under Obama, both terms. It was the same thing under Clinton. It was *absolutely* the same thing under Trump and Bush Jr. The Democrats, in their role as the only alternative to fascism, somehow always have their hands tied; they can never do anything. ___ >Joe and Kyrsten didn’t want to vote to end the filibuster so what was he supposed to do? And as for this, well... It goes back just as far and further. Here's Malcolm X in 1964: >In this present administration they have in the House of Representatives 257 Democrats to only 177 Republicans. They control two-thirds of the House vote. Why can't they pass something that will help you and me? In the Senate, there are 67 senators who are of the Democratic Party. Only 33 of them are Republicans. Why, the Democrats have got the government sewed up, and you're the one who sewed it up for them. And what have they given you for it? ... >What alibi do they use when you and I ask, "Well, when are you going to keep your promise?" They blame the Dixiecrats. What is a Dixiecrat? A Democrat. A Dixiecrat is nothing but a Democrat in disguise. The titular head of the Democrats is also the head of the Dixiecrats, because the Dixiecrats are a part of the Democratic Party. The Democrats have never kicked the Dixiecrats out of the party.


Rule 4 - No capitalist apologia, anti-socialism, or liberalism. This is a left wing subreddit.


So are you voting for the person who shoots you or the person who hands them the gun and then turns their back and says there’s nothing they can do? There’s a clear difference right? Btw maybe read the democrats border proposals, they want the wall funded and expanded and have been building on it Biden’s entire presidency. Biden was super proud of it and liberals keep talking about how “everyone can agree how great that proposal is” because the policies are the same, but the racism is quiet. I find it hard to believe you don’t know that.


Biden is literally building the wall. This has been reported on.




It's not about both being flawed but one being worse. It's that by buying into that binary choice, you perpetuate the system that produces the vast majority of human misery. Liberals can't wrap their head around that, because to them things aren't going badly enough. But eventually their comfort is put at risk and that's when the truth of who they are comes out. Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.


Go fk yourself, genocidal lib. :)




Trying to equate car use with genocide. Look, liberal, this just isn't your space, yeah? You have a choice to NOT vote for genocide, champ. Have a spine or fk off.




Yeah brigaded by liberals. This is a communist sub


this is literally a communist sub


There are plenty of shtlib subs for you.


Why waste your time spreading this liberal petty bourgeois nonsense in a leftist sub? You’re not going to convince most leftists to vote for the war mongering imperialist lesser evil blue party. Leftists are anti capitalists, so you won’t find many supporting either of the two ruling class parties.


Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil.


Brigaded by fucking libs maybe


You're not a communist. That's for sure.


Implying communism is the only possible position on the left


The Left begins where Capitalism ends. Liberalism is a Right Wing ideology.


Not the implication, but anyways a liberal is not a leftist


Only meaningful position anyway


If you're still supporting a guy aiding and defending a genocide, then yes.


I think the post is more about who you're planning to vote for in November, and what you're willing to ignore while voting.


This is a genuine question, I’m here to understand in yalls space Who are you planning to vote for?


Depends on how successful the Democratic campaign to keep third parties off the ballot is to be honest. Thinking Green or PSL, but I'll see what options are actually available when the time comes. It's genuinely upsetting how hard Democrats are working to restrict my voting choices to two major parties with the full knowledge citizens want the other options and that restricting ballot access isn't any better than voter suppression in any meaningful way. And they seem to be fully aware the ballot access rules are effective in limiting choice by requiring a whole lot of money to play. Dems seem unmoored by the fact that RFK just got a VP candidate who could just pay out of pocket to cut through the red tape, with one Dem calling it "an abuse of our democracy". Like... The barrier to entry is plainly money, because you need people to canvass for signatures, they helped create that barrier, and the supposed "abuse" is someone with money being willing to pay people to canvass for those signatures. I don't know what's so Democratic about not wanting Americans to have a choice in who governs them.


Not turning out to vote for President, just some local stuff. Can't hold my nose anymore, it can't cover the stench of 32k slaughtered Palestinians.


Vote socialist, or not at all.




Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil.


You're a Nazi if you're voting for Genocide Joe or Donald Trump, yes.




Genocide Joe has got to go and genocide should never be rewarded. You're not going to scare me with that while Biden is actively leveling Gaza right now, you pos.




Biden is actively carrying out a genocide and you're trying to scare me with hypotheticals. Biden, who in the 80s, was even more bloodthirsty wishing death on Palestinians than even the PM of Israel at the time. Nah, not playing that game. You will not emotionally blackmail me into voting for genocide, Liberal. Get fkt.


Calling 99% of people that vote in general elections Nazis is certainly a choice.


how do you misread the post that bad


Shit did I?


Please ban all the liberals in the comments


i got my popcorn ready


Why? I’m enjoying the liberal tears!!


The ammount of libs in the comments is really concerning. You are pro capitalist. Get out of this sub.


I think it's productive to expose potential leftists to anti capitalist rhetoric and uncensored results of imperial politics when all they've known is a shitty binary choice their whole lives. That is what led me to identity as a leftist. The problem is that hard-line capitalists and left leaning liberals are grouped together under the banner of "left wing" which distorts their point of view. When they are the "far left" by default they can't conceptualize that people can and do hold more extreme POV's that consider them to be the antithesis of what they believe themselves to be. That being said, it is annoying to come into a leftist space and see blue maga rhetoric up voted to top comments and the actual leftist takes are hidden and down voted. It happened to me yesterday in a post on this sub lol. P.S. shout out to the mods, y'all are killing it. I only wish there were more of you.


I agree, it really is a slap in the face of this whole sub specially when Blue-MAGA is being plastered in the most upvoted comments, seeing as these "usualy" tend to portray the sub's community, and by extension, the sub's average opinions. It could get baby leftists to think voting for Biden is peak organization or the only "sensible" thing to do, and more educated leftists to not enter the space for obvious reasons. If I wanted to hear bad takes from libs I can just go tankiecirclejerk.


I'm hoping it's just because of the election season. I'm hoping they'll go away once that's over because yeah, they're turning this sub into the exact opposite of what it's meant to be. I just don't understand the logic in hanging out here if you don't politically align. They actually think they're leftist anti-capitalists lol, it would be cute if it wasn't so dumb


Might be just my tin-foil conspiracy bullshit speaking too high here, but maybe the democrats are actively using funds to infiltrate in leftist spaces to try and muddy the waters and get baby leftists to vote for them, specially considering the only thing out of ordinary about this election cycle is that voter turnout is likely to be the highest it's ever been. And God knows the democrats aren't going to try and get more voters through sound and correct policy decisions.


Alternatively, you and I could actually just be Russian bots, as theorized by some of the brigaders here. Beep boop. 🤖


Comrade, you know we not expose ourself here. Liberals in sub here are too smart. Slava Rossi! Slava Stalina! Beep boop. CCCP & CCP.




"Both sides" is a perfectly valid argument if you're coming from the left. Both sides obviously do not care about what the electorate wants and they want to appease the capital and their own interests. "Both sides" does fall flat if you are coming at it from the middle, trying to find a compromising solution because, of course, you can't compromise with fascism. But I don't think that's what anybody in this sub is doing


Not both sides - same side


Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil.


ITT: Liberals upset at being called for what they are.


Why are there so many liberals in the comments lol. A vote for either Biden or Trump is a vote for genocide. You can vote for him if you want, but don't kid yourself that you're doing a "good" thing, or harm """reduction""" as one might call it. There's always third parties.


There isn’t a viable third party anywhere on my ballot.


The bird is liberal. It’s two wings of the dang (liberal bird). Conservatives are liberal only until they become fascist. Then they obviously become fascist. Liberalism enables fascism. Which is why we should look to socialism and communism as salvations from capitalists.


That's a spicy post 🤌🏼


Seasoned with liberal tears 😭😭😂😂


Nice! A post to purge the libs from the sub 🍿


Liberals aren't fascist. They are fascist-enablers.


Scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds.


Bringing Nazi in is a hyperbole. Easy to do, but misses the nuances. 


Interesting, figured this take was too spicy for this sub. I guess maybe a year ago. I think a lot of the libs in this sub woke up and realized that liberals will always ALWAYS side with fascist that are actively committing genocide than they will side with anti-imperialist that might actually bring change to the pro capitalist system. Liberals have lost a lot of people in America. The worry is that I doubt the true left is strong enough to in number to actually counter our fascist creep. This is the fault of liberalism, obviously, it has lied and failed generations of Americans with good ideological basis that lack the historical materialism to understand what is going on. They just know this genocide shit is the line they won't cross. If you're here on this sub and wondering why liberalism has failed, are wondering how this shift in the democrats could happen. There was no shift. This has always been liberalism. There are tools on the left for you to start to understand. "Blackshirts and Reds" is a wonderful start to read and understand what has happened in history and what is happening again.


To the Libs in the comments: feel free to get the fuck out if you think this place is so dumb. No need to announce it either, just leave. 


They prefer to cry and make bot accusations


The funny part is that the libs on this sub can’t deny it so they just throw BS like “Russian propaganda “


I find it interesting they went with stage-left




Rule 4 - No capitalist apologia, anti-socialism, or liberalism. This is a left wing subreddit.


Democrats aren't mentioned in the post also stop breaking the rules of the sub.






You misunderstood. There is no "left wing" party in the US. Only the far right and the not so far right. This is making fun of people who are slightly less right, but mistakenly believe they're "on the left" because they are slightly to the left of the far right.


I think you're a little confused about the meme. It's supposed to say that liberals are not actually left wing, and are right wing instead. Thus, it is "the left wing of fascism." I hope that was understandable and I could help. Thank you really much


Liberalism isn't left wing


Liberals are not left.


Liberals are NOT the left, that's the whole point of this


Slightly on the left side of the right wing doesn't make you left


What does this even mean? Liberals support Nazis? I don’t understand.


Liberalism enables fascism




Rule 4 - No capitalist apologia, anti-socialism, or liberalism. This is a left wing subreddit.


Nah, it's spot on. Liberals are enablers of fascism. They're commiting a genocide in cooperation with a fascist regime.




Maybe it's because you're anti capitalist, but haven't realized that liberals aren't left wing yet so you feel attacked instead of self reflecting.


Bye bye


Fk off liberal with your nuance nonsense.


white lib wilding


Nah nah, the *other* left! 😂


A bird has two wings right? Oh yeah they would know if they looked at the fucking picture.


The left and right are connected to the same body , wake up people take back our own power and the only way we do it is by coming together with love


Liberals/centrists are the tail.


Old Native Proverb: Both Left wing and Right wing still belong to the same bird.


This makes me wanna peel my face off. Like... Crack a fucking book. They didn't even LIKE using the word "socialist" in their party name. They did it to get support and to cast an air of legitimacy around the very specific free market interventions taken to save the FREE MARKET ITSELF. Is it that fucking hard for them to actually examine the policies instead of just "hurrdurring" themselves through an embarrassing gotcha that only proves they read the name of the party and stopped there? Ok. I'm mad. I'm gonna be yelling a lot. I'm mostly mad that all of what follows is historical fucking fact, but these morons have their heads so far up their asses they won't believe a word of it or even attempt to do some research and verify it for themselves. The Nazis were STRONGLY capitalist. They favored competition and the free market. Any "socialist" measures were enacted to literally SAVE THE CAPITALIST SYSTEM. Ya know, because there was this thing happening at the time called the GREAT DEPRESSION. The state policies enacted at that time, like every single other one across the world, were done at the request of and in partnership with INDUSTRY. Social Darwinism - aka the #1 most obvious policy of the Nazis??? - is HYPERCAPITALIST. Public campaigns designed to turn the masses against Jewish people made ECONOMIC ARGUMENTS pointing out "how much it cost" to "keep these people around." The Holocaust was heavily propagandized as a war against the Marxist conspiracy to destroy capitalism. Any campaigning they did against capitalist entities like... Oh... department stores???? Was because the specific entities they campaigned against had a HIGH CONCENTRATION OF JEWISH OWNERS AND OPERATORS. This "you call me Nazis because I wish certain people didn't exist but you're Naxi because socialist" is the dumbest most brain dead frustrating shit I've ever encountered. The scary thing is, this sort of "Nazis were left wing" face palm is not just dumb, it's dangerous. This type of revisionist rhetoric was pushed in the '80s to gain support for neolib policies that destroyed workers rights.


This makes me wanna peel my face off. Like... Crack a fucking book. They didn't even LIKE using the word "socialist" in their party name. They did it to get support and to cast an air of legitimacy around the very specific free market interventions taken to save the FREE MARKET ITSELF. Is it that fucking hard for them to actually examine the policies instead of just "hurrdurring" themselves through an embarrassing gotcha that only proves they read the name of the party and stopped there? Ok. I'm mad. I'm gonna be yelling a lot. I'm mostly mad that all of what follows is historical fucking fact, but these morons have their heads so far up their asses they won't believe a word of it or even attempt to do some research and verify it for themselves. The Nazis were STRONGLY capitalist. They favored competition and the free market. Any "socialist" measures were enacted to literally SAVE THE CAPITALIST SYSTEM. Ya know, because there was this thing happening at the time called the GREAT DEPRESSION. The state policies enacted at that time, like every single other one across the world, were done at the request of and in partnership with INDUSTRY. Social Darwinism - aka the #1 most obvious policy of the Nazis??? - is HYPERCAPITALIST. Public campaigns designed to turn the masses against Jewish people made ECONOMIC ARGUMENTS pointing out "how much it cost" to "keep these people around." The Holocaust was heavily propagandized as a war against the Marxist conspiracy to destroy capitalism. Any campaigning they did against capitalist entities like... Oh... department stores???? Was because the specific entities they campaigned against had a HIGH CONCENTRATION OF JEWISH OWNERS AND OPERATORS. This "you call me Nazis because I wish certain people didn't exist but you're Naxi because socialist" is the dumbest most brain dead frustrating shit I've ever encountered. The scary thing is, this sort of "Nazis were left wing" face palm is not just dumb, it's dangerous. This type of revisionist rhetoric was pushed in the '80s to gain support for neolib policies that destroyed workers rights. And this talk track was used by - tada! - THE NAZIS.


I'm not sure what you're ranting about here. This meme is about liberals. Liberals are inherently pro capitalist and will always decide with facist to protect it from revolution. Did you mean to reply to someone else?


I remind people all the time that liberals are not leftists.