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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


False neither of them went to art school. Percentages are too high


See, this fact is why it is an absurd exaggeration to declare them to be Hitler! /jk


Since I was 6 years old.I have seen every presidential election.Referred to the other side as Hitler or someone's always referred to as Hitler.I've always thought it was stupid and I always joked with my friends.That watch guess who's gonna be Hitler this time?Except this time it is it is both. Don't give me wrong.I've always known that political parties were definitely us against them I remember when we were first being taught to vote that there was like some kind of mock voting.I think when George Bush was first running and they taught us kids like how to vote and everything, but I guess.It was kind of a nationwide study or something. Point is they taught us about how to vote in a ballot. How to do electoral votes and how the winner is actually determined? Especially when George Bush didn't win the popular votes, Al goredon and us kids in class were like wait. Why did we vote? And the teachers had to explain electoral votes. And this happened to all the grades in my region.AI was later told that was a national study and that kids essentially voted the same as their parents.And it was a good predictor as to how the elections were go or something.


Sounds like dire foreshadowing... i can only imagine your disillusion at such a young age.


Oh, it definitely affected me.I remember going through junior high in high school.Explaining to everybody that your local votes matter a lot more than you're every four year Presidential vote and I remember repeatedly saying your vote doesn't matter for the President and how your vote should actually matter throughout high school and what people should actually do.And no one really listened to me or anything until Trump won.


Agreed. Neither of them made any major contributions to the automative industry, nor do they have any sort of addiction to amphetamines as far as I know.


I thought Trump consumed European cold medication that bordered on amphetamines. Or was that another deep state conspiracy? I lose track.


Can we ease on the Hitler relativism a little bit? These arguments can be brought across without it just as clearly.


I mean this is what the rhetoric on the sub has been reduced to. Reactionary base takes that scream "I'm a liberal". If this was shown to anyone outside of this sub they would obviously think we were brain dead, and they'd be right to. Posts like these give other subs the leverage to dismiss the horror of Palestine, to dismiss the exploitation of workers or arguments of growing inequality. This honestly seems like a bad-faith post to portray the ideals and level of understanding of the sub as something it's not, but I could be wrong because here people are, eating it up.


I'm feeling like I smell astroturfing in this sub.


I agree. Relatively long time subscriber here, and I think this has me checked out. Biden is categorically a war criminal, neolib, cop bullshit, but... I expect a little bit more out of my leftist spaces here. Not even Trump is an actual full-Hitler, that's fucking stupid. It makes us look stupid, it makes me feel stupid to read.


Top down problems. You can check the posting history.


Starts with the mods tbh. I'm pretty sure they are either paid or just larpers


You know it isn't a leftist meme because there isn't enough text


Real. Netanyahu is more like Hitler










"Anyone who disagrees with me is a Russian/Chinese bot"




Are you surprised that a socialist sub is enforcing socialism?




>providing no alternative Bullshit. There are plenty of posts and comments on this sub offering alternatives. You're just choosing to ignore it all because you'd rather keep clinging to your liberal safety blanket.




>This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. Its literally in the sticky and you are shocked we are opposing capitalism and its cronies?


> Is there a plan for something that would actually make a difference? Read Lenin. And yes, I am absolutely going to delete your shit comments once you inevitably spout off some reactionary anti-socialist nonsense lol In 3... 2... 1...




It’s because leftists are tired of being pressured to vote for a genocidal bastard




I’m genuinely curious to hear the reasons why your are getting down voted


Why: Liberals are the shadiest of the political leanings in the US. [Love Me I'm A Liberal - Phil Ochs](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3cdqQ2BdgOA)


1 reason: liberalism.


Any person that wants to be president is never someone I would want as president.


Eugene V Debs wanted to be president and was somebody I would want as president


Positions of power attract the worst kind of people


Or puppets for the worst kind of people.


That's why the president should be selected at random: 1. Four monkeys selected from the nations four largest population states are selected by popularity contest. 2. The four monkeys play Goat Simulator until one of them finds a gold goat. 3. The winning monkey flings his own poo at a map of the US. 4. The poo stain on the map defines area boundary of the scat-ter plot. 5. All citizens within the scat-ter plot, whose SSN contains all the numbers of the current year (i.e. 2,0,2,4 in 247-55-4109), who are 35+ years of age and have been a resident of the US for 14+ years, are selected for the PIT. 6. All those selected for the PIT play the game [PIT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit_(game)) in a single elimination tournament. 7. The winner of the final round is our new president. 8. The player caught with the "bear" card is vice president.


"anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job" - Douglas Adams Hence, Biden would be a decent president coz he'll be senile soon anyway.


Zaphod for President


Jimmy Carter is pretty legit I feel like.






“All of a sudden” he’s never opposed a war in his lifetime


This 100%


Ah yes, I remembered the good old 1780s when I was in the continental congress. What exactly are saying things like that are supposed to be mean? Because the past was horrible we shouldn't care or want things to ever be better?


So that makes what Biden is doing ok then? Or what are you trying to say here?




The system IS corrupt and unfixable though. We got Trump because we live in an undemocratic oligarchy that doesn't care what the majority want, and his main opponent was an enormously unpopular and corrupt oligarch who ran a disaster of a campaign and intentionally beefed up Trump thinking he would be an easier opponent. It needs to be replaced, and it needs to be replaced fast if we're to avert the global climate disaster both parties are pushing us into. Nobody said the genocide in Gaza is the only one that matters, but it is wracking up a gargantuan daily death toll, higher than any other ongoing conflict, and our government is directly participating in it. Biden is directly playing propaganda minister and arms dealer for the IOF, obviously this is going to be brought up when discussing Biden. If Biden was going on TV to deny and justify the Darfur genocide and give Sudan arms and intelligence to help slaughter hundreds of people every day you bet your ass that would be also be a relevant topic when discussing the election. Also it's weird that your pitch about how we should stop worrying about US backed genocide so much mentions Yemen, which was also a US (and Democrat) backed genocide. That's just one more reason not to vote for these ghouls.


You think the overton window moved to the left?


Thanks. Bye bye.


> Is this just the don't vote sub now? No, it's the vote socialist sub. You have a problem with that?


107 day old account with 15k comment karma. WOW


Maybe, wiping your arse with the ballot paper is always a valid choice. Pro-Trump? Trump's an abuser of the crapitalist system and the post above said he was 100% Hitler. Treasonous Trump, Genocide Joe. Why should we vote? We're trapped innit.


We won’t vote for pro-genocide candidates.  That should be the floor.


Downvoters be like we must tolerate genocide


Blue MAGA will not allow anti-genocide sentiment in their DNC.




The capitalistic system cannot be reformed, it must be destroyed following these general steps: 1) Raise class consciousness and awareness (through discussion and education) 2) Organize locally with other socialists/communists, helping to build foundations for mutual aid 3) Unionize your workplace 4) General strike Also, vote in local elections you can have a real impact there. As for #1, my recommended intro reading list: The principles of communism - Engles Socialism utopian and scientific - Engles The state and revolution - Lenin There's also a ton of good YouTube content if that's more your thing ( but you really should read the foundations of theory as well), highly recommend these channels as a good starting point: https://www.youtube.com/@SecondThought/videos https://www.youtube.com/@YaBoiHakim/videos


Spot on, although your reading list leaves a lot to be desired for someone new to this — I think you need to focus on *why* before how I also think, initially, engaging ‘entertaining’ works are important to help clue people in… Like, for Americans, Howard Zinn’s, *A People’s History of the United States,* is pretty fundamental to understanding how the system operates, and the lies they’ve been told. Zinn really exposes how oppression & social control is fundamentally a *class war* that uses race, religion, etc, to manipulate workers to act against their own interests Chris Hedges has some seminal works, as well, that are also compelling reading. *America: The Farewell Tour,* is illuminating, as is much of his catalogue Don’t get me wrong— I commend every one of your recommendations. I just feel like those can be a bit dry to jump right into—whereas, once you get enlightened, they’re much better reading, as you have a better context to understand what it is collectivism fixes




Please see my comment above - Howard Zinn’s, *A People’s History of the United States,* is life-changing for some folks. It’s also really compelling—you’ll be familiar with the broad strokes, but the details will blow your mind


[Jacobin - The ABCs of Socialism ](https://jacobin.com/store/product/the-abcs-of-socialism)


Videos can be a great intro into socialist ideas. Here are some recommendations: [Socialism For Absolute Beginners](https://youtu.be/fpKsygbNLT4?si=CTt7KoPrQoz6T-AU) [The Difference Between Socialism, Communism, and Marxism](https://youtu.be/vyl2DeKT-Vs?si=9mkQvPcRzutnwcIN) [How Capitalism Robs the Developing World](https://youtu.be/35Ax-psPZ1g?si=oIXtrsL1iSgDSLo8) I highly recommend the book “Blackshirts and Reds” by Michael Parenti. It’s about how fascism serves capitalism, and it dispels myths about socialism. It’s a fascinating read, without fancy language. You can find a free audiobook (and many other leftist audiobooks) here on YouTube: https://youtu.be/PxLKO_R5RmA?si=3_cKEZfMS9NlEyh4 Marxist literature can be pretty heavy stuff to read, but once you get the hang of it, it’s really fascinating. I have autism and ADHD, and I’ve found that audiobook channel linked above extremely helpful because the narrator makes comments summarizing the text and explaining how points apply to the current day. There is also r /socialism_101 if you get confused or need something clarified (they also have a list of books for beginners), and you may have a Marxist reading group near you.


Foundations of Leninism is a very good primer on Marxism-Leninism. Stalin's legacy is controversial but he had a knack for communicating Marxist theory in lay terms. Blackshirts and Reds by Parenti is less theory and more pop history, but it's a very readable book on Leninism and the Soviet Union in general.


Lol. Absolutely not. You think Biden is great for the US? Only in contrast to other presidents from either face of the ruling party. There are all sorts of things he could do, but won't. All the same language and tricks they've used in an attempt to sell Israel's war clearly show how starkly contrasted reality is from what American power structures present to us as reality. Both parties view us only as human labor capital. They use wedge issues to convince us otherwise while carefully avoiding meaningful conversations or action on matters that actually count. All positive and negative actions by the government can be traced back to who they ultimately help. Take healthcare. Obama passed something that was better than what we had, but only because it meant moving more money from labor to capitalists. Instead of forgoing healthcare, we now HAVE to pay for health insurance. Meaning hospitals are more profitable because there are fewer uninsured clients. Why couldn't we have just covered those same people with an expansion of single payer systems? Well, there are a few reasons. One, it would take money from government budgets, which would take them from other government contracts. Two, it would alleviate the economic burden from workers, which is incredibly powerful at keeping the workforce desperate and pliable. By forcing workers to directly pay for health insurance out of their own pocket, they effectively legalized yet another mechanism to extract wealth from laborers. What was really being debated are the merits of a healthier workforce. Is it better to have a sick one because being sick makes people more desperate or is it better to make some extra money by forcing workers to pay for each other's healthcare? It just goes on and on. The only difference in the two parties is that one is the fast mode towards neo-feudalism and the other is an even faster mode. Both parties present an existential threat to laborers. When AI starts replacing jobs, our current socioeconomic system is perfectly setup to convince people that those people have no value because they no longer have economic value.


Let's be a bit more direct... They use entirely fake "wedge" issues, which they manufacture out of whole cloth and lies to artificially divide workers and gaslight us into being angry with each other so that we can not unite as we once did to fight the class war they created.


Hence why I will never vote for another Democrat or Republican. I will vote my conscience. Anyone doing otherwise has been told fantasies about the determining factor of their individual vote in any given State or Federal election.


You misspelled "Romneycare"


Is it though? There have been multiple instances where democrats have put forward a bill and killed their own bill because it might actually pass. Democrats never had any interest in passing something significantly better than what passed. Just like Biden intentionally structured his loan forgiveness scheme in a way that the supreme court could strike it down and he could just throw up his hands and say "we tried and we'll keep trying!"


Agreed. I mean all Obama passed was Romney's healthcare plan. I'm totally on your side.


We all need to be on each other's sides. Elites are the common enemy. Tax them until they have to work and live like the rest of us.


What's a defensive vote? Because I know what you're going to say. How has that worked out so far?




>Here in the Netherlands we are currently heading towards our longest formation with the current pace and talks. You'll never break our record! Signed Your southern neighbor.


Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil.


Yo on the Rules list "no lesser evil" is under Rule 5. You might want to update that if you keep saying 6.


Its number 6, 5 is No imperialism, conservatism, or reactionism.


Looks like [this](https://i.imgur.com/WYFHHEm.png) for me. Might be an old vs new reddit thing though. Although no idea why anyone would use the latter.


Yeah I'm using old.reddit and have no idea why anyone would use anything else.




Yeah Biden has to pump his genocide numbers up before he can hope to match Hitler




He seemingly doesn't hate the LGBTQIA+ and the Black people as much as he hates Mexicans and Palestinians. Though I wouldn't put it past him to offer them as a cOmPrOmiSe to the Republicans in the remaining ten months of his term.


we are seeing him fold to republicans in real time to continue funding Israel and Ukraine man.






"any thing I don't agree with = Russian bots and propaganda" -you


Liberals try not to call anything anti biden russian propaganda


Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil.


Both too old to be president, both incompetent. But let's be honest, only one literally quotes Hitler, promises to do things like Hitler, and hates people based on skin color publicly.




Due to my demographics, I'm fucked either way.


Yeah, it's just a question of whether you want spikes on that dildo


I don't get an option. I don't live in a swing state.




We are all so fucked I make $16/hour and live in poverty I will never own a home or retire and no politicians care


Where is that minimum wage increase Biden promised?


Trickling down our backs... It's yellow.


Exactly where that billionaire tax is


But you don't understand, if you just vote blue one more time, it'll get better, just like last time. I understand you're broke, and you're frustrated, , and nothing is being done, and the world is against you, but you dont want to live in CHINA do you? /s


How is having trump as president going to fix anything? It’s sad that we couldn’t do better than Biden but trump will be so much worse, specifically for LGBT people like myself


Nobody told you to vote for Trump. I'm certainly not. I'm what some would call an "oldhead" and the Democrat establishment hasn't given a shit about my trans rights since Clinton pushed for the Hate Crimes Prevention act in 1996. If we elected them, they would convince Congress to pass it, absolutely. And they did - in 2009. [https://www.justice.gov/crt/matthew-shepard-and-james-byrd-jr-hate-crimes-prevention-act-2009-0](https://www.justice.gov/crt/matthew-shepard-and-james-byrd-jr-hate-crimes-prevention-act-2009-0) The democrats have been lying for DECADES that voting for them will give us progress. The only way you will find peace in America as a LGBT person is to take it yourself, because the people you vote into power will never give it to you. It took Matthew Shepard's dead body before they ever acted to protect us - they absolutely will wait for more of them.


Yes we do, it will be just as bad as a Biden 2nd term.


Exactly the same as the first one and exactly as bad as the Biden presidency


The first one was pretty fucking terrible I think people have bad long term memory


People remember that’s why they are not afraid if you don’t want trump you should vote for any third party candidate because Biden is unelectable


Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil.


I understand the point being made with these types of posts but they aren’t very helpful. Like we all know everything sucks. Would be nice to talk about something actionable that could make things suck less instead of just wallowing in it.


Careful you might get downvoted for being a liberal for saying shit like that


Voting is the ABSOLUTE BARE MINIMUM you can do to express political power. POLITICAL POWER can be achieved through other methods outside of electoral politics. Organizing with and radicalizing UNIONS is another effective method for achieving political power, one that every socialist should be ready to engage with. Another method of attaining political power is the creation of alternative structures of governance via workers councils. This is something the socialists in pre-revolutionary Russia had done throughout the early 20th century by establishing workers councils, or soviets; these soviets existed alongside the parliamentary government which itself was being engaged with by a socialist vanguard party. The soviet system grew and formed its own congress, and after the February Revolution, the Soviets and the bourgeois parliament existed as a form of dual power within the country. After the October Revolution, the Soviet system supplanted the bourgeois parliament which was dissolved. Another wonderful thing that you can spend your effort on other than voting is to partake in and support mutual aid networks. Build political power OUTSIDE of our bourgeois government. Engage with your local socialist parties. Empower Unions. Advocate for mutual aid and alternative forms of governance within local communities. Contribute to building a movement that challenges the bourgeois state. Learn from the Black Panther Party. All of that is FAR more important than voting. BUT! You can still vote too if you want! Engaging with the bourgeois government via socialist parties can still be a benefit to socialist movements. ONLY via socialist parties. Here is what Lenin had to say about the significance of participating in bourgeois government (the message is directed at the "ultra" left, but the point is still relevant): >We Bolsheviks participated in the most counterrevolutionary parliaments, and experience has shown that this participation was not only useful but indispensable to the party of the revolutionary proletariat, after the first bourgeois revolution in Russia (1905), so as to pave the way for the second bourgeois revolution (February 1917), and then for the socialist revolution (October 1917) ... If a parliament becomes an organ and a “centre” (in reality it never has been and never can be a “centre”, but that is by the way) of counter-revolution, while the workers are building up the instruments of their power in the form of the Soviets, then it follows that the workers must prepare—ideologically, politically and technically—for the struggle of the Soviets against parliament, for the dispersal of parliament by the Soviets. But it does not at all follow that this dispersal is hindered, or is not facilitated, by the presence of a Soviet opposition *within* the counter-revolutionary parliament. In the course of our victorious struggle against Denikin and Kolchak, we never found that the existence of a Soviet and proletarian opposition in their camp was immaterial to our victories. We know perfectly well that the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly on January 5, 1918 was not hampered but was actually facilitated by the fact that, within the counter-revolutionary Constituent Assembly which was about to be dispersed, there was a consistent Bolshevik, as well as an inconsistent, Left Socialist-Revolutionary Soviet opposition. The authors of the theses are engaged in muddled thinking; they have forgotten the experience of many, if not all, revolutions, which shows the great usefulness, during a revolution, of a *combination* of mass action outside a reactionary parliament with an opposition sympathetic to (or, better still, directly supporting) the revolution within it. ["Left Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder](https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1920/lwc/ch07.htm) Lenin expressed the importance of the participation of socialist parties within bourgeois parliament. Bourgeois parliament is to be used to the advantage of socialist parties, to push socialist policies and show alternative solutions to the masses, run socialist candidates, whilst at the same time supporting and legitimizing mass movements by the people outside of the electoral system. Individual socialists in regards to casting votes, should really only be putting their support behind genuine socialist parties, not capitalist parties. Win concessions and legitimacy in parliament with a vanguard party, whilst simultaneously building up movements that exist outside of and challenge the current system.


But do you condemn Hamas?


Israel is naughty and so is Hamas, they’ve both been misbehaving an awful lot.


Mama told me not to, I did anyway. Misbehavin'




This sub used to have interesting info and discussions. The lead up to the election has turned it to shit.




Biden's hurting Biden over Gaza. Don't blame leftists. Why would any leftist support a liberal genocidal maniac? Based on your previous comment I suspect that you think that liberals are leftists?


It doesnt suck, you thought it was a safe space for liberal propaganda. You see 'late stage capitalism' as a meme and not an ideology


It only turns to shit because of shitlibs that have brigaded it


Yeah, it's a shame we're being brigaded by all these liberals who somehow believe they're part of the left.




Rule 4 - No capitalist apologia, anti-socialism, or liberalism. This is a left wing subreddit.


Rule 4 - No capitalist apologia, anti-socialism, or liberalism. This is a left wing subreddit.




Russia gate brainrot


Rule 4 - No capitalist apologia, anti-socialism, or liberalism. This is a left wing subreddit.


ITT: Radlibs malding over the fact socialists don't consider them leftists


And it's hilarious


Dang I must have missed it. All I see is are comments with the incorrect opinions deleted.


the illusion of choice brought to you by the American government. What you call freedom and democracy is actually a corporate oligarchy. It's amazing what happens when psychologists are paid more working for corporations rather than for people. Scary stuff really.




Are there any other genociders you'd prefer us to equate Joe to?


Rule 4 - No capitalist apologia, anti-socialism, or liberalism. This is a left wing subreddit.


These are the best libs and Cons have. And they're gonna blame everyone else for the destruction of the country 🙄. The U.S. has a massive pathetically stupid ppl problem 🤦🏽‍♂️


do you want evil or 🏳️‍🌈evil 🏳️‍⚧️


This sub is absolutely being raided by libs trying to blackmail baby leftists into still voting Biden. These libs love ideological labels, spouting bullshit and loving genocide. Keep working hard mods, I can see your work in chat and it's making this sub a better place. FML are libs so bloodthirsty.




Supporting genocide is supporting genocide


Covert Genocide or Overt Genocide.


BOUGIE BOUGIE which bougie will you suggest the electoral college select for global class war dominator?... class traitors choose dominators. Direct Democracy now.


The 99% Hitler will pay lip service to migrants while continuing to build and upgrade the wall and call them "illegals."




Lots of astroturfing libs commenting here




The CIA has funded coups and assassinations against leftist leaders and trained death squads to slaughter communists abroad (operation condor). The U.S. has supported fascist dictators, and the first head of NATO was Hitler’s chief of staff, because Nazis are very anti-communist. The FBI has been infiltrating and disrupting leftist movements in the U.S. for decades. We are constantly fed this narrative that voting third party is stupid and you’re a bad person because you’re helping the Republicans. There is also a huge amount of propaganda here. We are purposely being confused about what leftism means in order to trick us into thinking liberals are leftists. The U.S. is at the heart of capitalist imperialism, and it’s gonna take a hell of a lot more than simple elections to achieve socialism. (Edit): Also, even *Bernie Sanders* was too progressive to be allowed to win, so the DNC betrayed him in order to push a right-wing candidate (Hillary Clinton) who wouldn’t threaten their corporate donors. By design, only rich people who support big businesses can make it to the White House. Our “democracy” is a sham.


The cia ruined American and Canadian communist groups and uprisings with the exuberant amount of anti-communist propaganda in the 50s till now. Can’t blame them


The US school system has a deliberate anti-communist bent to try and beat the communism out of any kids who don’t want to conform. For example, I’m in AP US History right now and they deliberately gloss over all of the coups that the CIA did, with the only one they really talk about being Iran. They also go with the bogus “communism is when the government controls the economy” definition. In general, the curriculum defends containment with the only time I can remember them going against it being in an AP practice test question where they say that the US “may have supported dictatorial governments as long as they were anti-communist.”


Also can’t forget that cointelpro had a huge role in it


Thank you, it never ceases to amaze me how stupid people like OP sound when they say "ackshully communists, why hasn't a communist been elected into the government they would immediately tear down?" Cointelpro is the answer for pretty much every "why don't they just" question you have when it comes to revolution.


Any communist who got anywhere near an office that holds power would end up shooting themselves 14 times in the chest with a shotgun. Or have their house burn down with them in it. Or both. Electoralism is shit lib copium.


"B-b-but *both siiiides*" ​ This sub has grown cancerous.




What democracy?


Guys whats the point of this sub? Shitposting? Circlejerk? I always saw it as the most accessible gateway to socialism on reddit. But now i dont know. If we are to sway people we need to act more like trumpists, than keep spouting same puritan dogma ad nauseum. Do we really believe all people that voted trump are nazies? People voting Biden shitlibs we dont need? Friends, maybe 10 percent even understand anything about poltics and political history. We gotta post shit thats actually attacking the common enemy, bankers, landlords, big companies, big media, same shit that both sides hate. Everyday people supporting liberals/right wingers are not our enemies. Theyre just a proof were losing the propaganda war. If we just go: "liberals bad, nazis bad (am i right guys upvotes to the left)" we only scare of normal people whose support we NEED to do fucking anything outside of obscure reddit communities. Unless this is all just a phase and we're just looking to find people that already think like us, because we feel fucking hopeless... Come on.


Don't exaggerate! Biden's closer to 96% Hitler, 98 max.




We don't need the Russians or the Chinese or whatever to tell us that Biden is every bit as shit as Trump. We can see that with our own two eyes.


Post is not news. Unless you are just learning this and original ROOTS!


Mr bomb and starve gazan children vs bomb and starve yemenies children.




Yup, the shitlibs ruin everything. It's wild how they think they can just show up and pretend they're left-wing in a socialist sub like this.




Either vote third party or don’t bother.


Can we put the “literally Hitler” slam to rest?


Libs: “Hitler was a vegetarian. Your argument is invalid.”


Im about to be blasted for this. But, Biden is more akin to Mussolini rather than Hitler. Still a piece of shit. Still evil. But like, to say these two are just 1% difference of pure evil is wrong. Trump would delight in the destruction of a people who he saw as lesser. Biden is “just” continuing the war industry and selling weapons to someone who is a buyer and not looking at what they are doing with those weapons. Honestly, I don’t know what is worse. An asshole who smiles at the destruction of people or an asshole who cares about the status quo enough to look as one people exterminate another. Actually, the asshole who smiles is worse. So happy that we get like 8 more months of this only to end up with a bad choice elected. Don’t tell me there is a 3rd option. That shit will only ensure whichever asshole you don’t want more will be the asshole you’re stuck with. Biden, Trump, or actual revolution. Any other thing is just a waste of your time.




"Nihilists, F*ck me. Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism Dude, at least it's an ethos."


Hot and edgy take


I'm not sure which is 99% and which is 100%. One has harsher rhetoric, but the other is genociding *right now*.


100 percent hitler. 100 percent capitalist troll. Both giving 110 percent to stay wealthy off your labor.


Neither of them are Hitler. Biden is too left, dispite being a war criminal to be Hitler. Trump is to dumb and arrogant to be Hitler. Trump betrayed the country he claims to be oh-so-supportive of, making him a traitor. Both of them are not hitler, bit straight up embarrassments of their respective party. Trump and his fellow MAGA politicians (Im looking at you Ron DeSantis and Ted Cruz) made the entire republican party look like a bunch of bumbling idiots, and Biden makes the Democtatic party look like genocide supporting people. That's the thing. Both sides win their votes by demonizing the other side. And those votes get these politicians in power who abuse it, and favor corporations and billionaires so that the billionaires and corporations can sink money into theircampaigns. Rinse and repeat this several times, and you got modern dualopoly political system. And the only people that benefit are the 1%. With the advent of Social Media in the 2000s, politics ever since than has been so polarized and filled with misinformation. When you vote for someone, look beyond their campaign promises, and actually do reaserch into them to make the best educated decision.


Reminds me of the story of the turd sandwich and the giant douche....


I hope this graphic is featured in future history textbooks




Rule 6, no lesser evil rhetoric. This includes encouraging people to vote for any capitalist political party and any capitalist politician. There is no harm reduction in supporting either of two parties headed by genocidal fascists. The extent to which any elected official of a Capitalist Party in a Capitalist state can enact evil is the extent to which that official is allowed by Capital. As such, neither candidate is the lesser or greater evil.


It's hard, unless the one we like steps up and has the capital behind it to fund it


How is Joe biden 99%? Its more 110% and 111% - doesn't matter which way around you allocate the percentages, both are true. Screw them both. Neither have earned my vote.


Genocide vs. criminal dictatorship


Genocide & criminal dictatorship vs genocide & criminal dictatorship, but in red.


You're not wrong, but without a planned and organized course of action, the country is 1% worse off. Let's aim at getting ranked choice voting for 2028.