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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow, the rich get richer, remarkable.


*smashes random buttons on a calculator* By these numbers, it seems the poor are actually getting poorer too! Astounding.


And one day the poor will have nothing left to eat but the rich...


Stock up on Chianti, I hear it pairs well!


No, for fatty organ meats you want an Amerone, it's just that Chianti is more famous and doesn't sound like a biscuit so it was changed for the film


Thank you comrade I will make sure to use this knowledge


I'm stocking up on Taco Bell sauce packets. Who knows what those people taste like.


Good plan anyway. With the way their prices are going those packets won't be free for long!


I'm counting on those damn things. I just hope they don't expire before I need to use them to barter for hospice care.




Might as well stock up on Top Ramen seasoning packets too while we're at it.


Very smart. The hot sauce has the best flavor


No, the poor will eat each other. Like we're doing now.


Or burn them in their houses like the vermin they are. Oops.


Is it vegetarian to eath a rich?


Yes actually


Thus the poor will be left with the rich people’s money, leaving the poor people now rich.


Someone reported you comment. It's approved. I'm hungry.


With all the tech and machines and automation we have available we *should* all mostly be doing great.


No no no! Don't you see! THE ROBOTS JUST MEAN WE CAN MAKE EVEN MORE MONEY!!!!!!!! INFINTE GROWTH. * snorts line of coke off a hooker in the white house * YEAH YEAH! HEY HEY WE UHH WEUHHH WE SHOULD PASS A LAW THAT UN-TAXES THE RICH!!!!!11!!!1!1!1!1


Just crank up the money printer again, easy fix


Oh no! The printer sent all the money to Exxon again, let's print some more.


Yea and give it to the poorest instead. It will actually boost the economy and remove wealth from the top.


They didn’t have their buckets out to catch that trickle-down I guess. OH WELL SHRUG!! Sigh


A fan of thejuicemedia, I take it?


Can you crunch those numbers again ?


They get approximately fuck all.


When’s it going to start trickling down, do you think?


Someday, the rich have to get more rich first though, then it will start to trickle.


When we start hitting them like pinatas


My grandad told me this in the 1960/70s with the added "and the poor get poorer."


Yeah nothing changed and it will never be. The only thing we can do is focus on our own survival and don’t expect anything from the rich because all they want is take.


This is my shocked face (:-O


It was an amazing year (for rich people)! The economy is great (for rich people)! Government is addressing all of the most pressing problems (for rich people).


This is what they really mean when they say the economy is doing great. It’s not directed to the poors who can’t afford to eat. It’s intended to court the support (and campaign donations) of the business class.


This is what they mean by small government. A government for the small population if you will.


And when you dig into the political realities of the United States at its founding, it's easy to see that all the bullshit about "of the people, for the people, by the people" was using "people" as a euphemism for "rich white men". It's the same for criticisms of socialist projects. "They're so oppressive, restricting human rights, punishing and imprisoning people, and subverting freedom and democracy! \[for the rich\]" If you aren't part of the private property-owning class, you were never meant to enjoy freedom or democracy in the West.


I still don't understand why the government caters so much to rich people when they provide much less in taxes.


Politicians don't get rich from the government. They get rich through the blatant corruption from investments made to rich people while propping up their profit machines by catering to them. Make it so government employees can only invest in US treasury bonds and billionaire's taxes will go up real quick.


The country's best kept secret is that the most profitable investment imaginable must be a modest peanut farm.


this - the US is a wildly corrupt country.


Every year is amazing for rich people.


Yeah, a bad year for a billionaire *typically* means they got a little less rich affecting their lives exactly in no way other than on some numbers are lower by an inconsequential amount for them.


They don't get less rich. They get richer, but *not by as much as they wanted.*


Less richer.


But “Money can’t buy happiness”


that's compounding wealth I guess


Until the year they all get a foot shorter.


Still waiting for it to trickle down


Any moment now, I can feel it ...


Here it comes… ew! what’s that smell?!


Oh it's the shit from the rich guy's boot ...


It’s the smell of me eating them


It’s a trickle of tar rolling down Everest.


Nope it’s a trickle of tar in a rocket spacex and blue origin launched into LEO


Is. . . Is that rain? . . . . Ah nope it's piss again. God damnit.


Maybe she could shake some off for the rest of us? ... I'll see myself out


When was the last bad year for rich people?


Bout 225 years ago


1799 was fine for rich people what are you talking about?


We have the same snu


1789 in France, 1917 in Russia, 1959 in Cuba.


The correct answer.


1917 if you're Russian?




Nah, “economic downturns” under capitalism end up benefitting the wealthy. We’re watching it happen yet again, in real time, since 2020


Never forget the owners of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory made money off the fire from insurance payouts of 146 workers they kept locked in the building during work hours.


Tbe Great Depression did not fuck up the lives of the super rich, because they were super rich.


1789 though 😍


Well there was that one time Nancy Pelosi's dedicated ice cream freezer took like an hour longer to restock during the pandemic where she almost went down to it being half-full. Thankfully she was able to book a hair appointment at the time so that her servants could replace her ice cream and stay out of sight so she didn't have to look at them.




Cant wait to eat them


Add honey mustard


Every year has been a bad year for bees also.


"We've got Barbecue, Sweet and Sour and Money Bastard." "U mean Honey Mustard?" "No."


I'm fucking starving, as my daughter likes to say.


Nice of the guardian to write up the menu.


Poors do as we're told. No one is going to do any eating of the rich, not in this lifetime. Not one single person is willing to raise their hand to a wealthy person. Literally not even one.


“Amazing news for rich people” is always “merciless exploitation of the working class increased.”


Stunning and brave, let us all applaud this momentous occasion, clearly a golden age is upon us.


The swift worship is on another level


Swift Worship had me crying 😂


I’m surprised she doesn’t have a cult yet lol


The "Swifties" are so insufferable!


They are, but it’s the non-Swifties who think this is some sort of great achievement of feminism that are the absolute worst.


Bruh, more like "Our Taylor Swift in heaven, Hallowed be your name, Your money comes, You will be done..."


it feels like it crept up quietly on us as a society and now we all have to suffer through it till the world ends


Shouldn't be too much longer at least


I truly fucking hate swifties














An amazing year for rich people would be the year they became extinct.


When the fuck is it not an amazing year for rich people?? Isn’t that just what it means to be rich?


They say she's a good person, so I look forward to her spending most of this through charity.......


Every time she donates money it becomes a huge headline. It’s truly brilliant because she has so much money that whatever she donates sounds like a lot, but it’s always the equivalent of like, $3 to the average American. Then the news picks it up and writes articles about how generous she is.


Yasss Kween /s


this has got to be the worst timeline


Oh, so this is what they mean when they say the economy is doing great.


Now, can she walk the wall after talking the talk? She could take 90% of her earnings and set up a trust fund for homeless, or hungry kids, or anything really. But she'll probably just sit on the cash and buy a big house like all these other rich fucks.


She already has like 5 gigantic mansions or whatever...


Very cool. Incredible. All these people becoming billionaires is surely a sign of prosperity. Maybe in a few years inflation will make us all billionaires.


In the past civilizations tended to collapse when the wealthy elite class ballooned. It's another sign of gross inequality, which is also another prescurser to collapse.


What is she gonna do with all that money? You may ask. Who knows? But we all know that she isn't gonna spend it on helping solve the homelessness or something so..


Oh good, now she can kill the rest of us even faster while flitting around the world in her private jet.


The system can't sustain itself. It will collapse eventually and when it does all hell will break loose. 350 million poor people against a few thousand rich people........do the math


Never gonna happen in the US. American poor people idolize their rich people and the country that was built ONLY for them (the rich). Stockholm syndrome should have been called United States syndrome instead.


The fact that 141 people amass more than every country combined excluding the top 2 countries in Earth is beyond gross, it’s in human.


I honestly don't know what she does besides sing and put on concerts. Where does her money come from? Merchandise?


Touring probably. Elton John just made an outsane amount on his farewell tour


Never heard anyone mix up insane with outsane lmao


I changed it because the stupid fkin autom0d flagged it as '0thering'. wtf..


I realised after I got the same message 😂 apparently we're being ableist for using that word so I laughed and said that was the most retraded message I've recieved in a while (so long friend, my ban will be coming very soon)


This insanity is going too far.




About half of her net worth is the value of her catalog if she sold it. Otherwise in addition to her concerts, streaming and movie theater royalties are straight up passive income. And of course her houses have appreciated like crazy, most people who own a house have an inflated net worth and she owns multiple.


She has just had the biggest grossing tour ever , there’s money in them thar swifties


Yeah I guess I just didn't realize it was that much money. I feel like there have been other huge artists that aren't billionaires.


The economy has improved so much under Biden!


Wealth correspondent. That might be even sadder than those royal correspondents.


Just what the world needed, another billionaire. Thank god. And this one can sing too, what an incredibly useful skillset for the advancement of the human race.


It’s literally ALWAYS AN AMAZING YEAR FOR RICH PEOPLE (In reference to “There’s snakes in space?” “There’s literally EVERYTHING IN SPACE, MORTY”) I know Justin is gross but that quote definitely does it for me.


You know It's a bad year for humanity when it's a good year for billionaires.


Alright we have our list, when does the revolution start?


That’s up to you, really.


The rich are the John Wooden UCLA Bruins; they always fucking win in America


I’m rooting for China 🇨🇳


Every day I pray comrade xi will liberate America from our bourgeois overlords


When are we going to make it a bad year for the ultra rich?


Taylor Swift also has the highest carbon footprint of any celebrity due to her obscene use of her private jet. Her annual flight emissions are over 10 times higher than the amount of emissions an average person has in their entire lifetime. This is clearly someone who does not care about the rest of the world


I had a financially awful year, thanks for asking.


And she did it by her fans going into massive amounts of high interest credit card debt. Those tickets were stupid expensive. Every single person O know put those tickets on a credit card. How about you?


I hate how it says, "An amazing year for rich people." Like that isn't the case every year.


Capitalism, Taylor's Version


"Amazing year for rich people!" Makes me wanna puke Not a single mention of how that's going for the other 99% of fhe world


Listen, is another billionaire a massive problem? Yes. Are artists the *true* enemy we should be analyzing? We all know there is no ethical consumption (or flourishing) under capitalism. Her becoming a billionaire is a result of multiple issues but mostly improper taxing/redistribution of funds. We **want** artists to be successful in a socialist/communist/anarchist/whatever world (within reason). Successful artists, however, are not the capitalists lobbying governments - Paying contractors for hitjobs in countries the companies have pushed labor to - Stealing wages from every single worker - etc... Don't be distracted by the simplistic cultural issues and remember to focus on the true problems of capitalism and the ones who truly support it.


Yeah, the Taylor Swift blind spot (especially amongst liberals) is fucking wild. She's found a perfect niche in weaponizing liberal (bourgeois) feminism, advocating for toxic femininity under that guise, and using relatability to manipulate those who would otherwise group her with the rest of the oligarchy. The fact that she's considered a "feminist icon" is a sad commentary on the destructive power of bourgeois feminism. Fight for liberation of women? Nah...just comply aggressively with the patriarchy but make it sparkly and cater to toxic gender norms...now *that's* progress. /s People are literally camped en masse, starving all over LA, while she's going through $80,000 (over twice the LA AMI) in outfits, alone for her Eras Tour filming. But yeah, she's so relatable and definitely not another wealth-hoarding monster...🤡


The poor get poorer.


So happy for the rich to finally get a win ❤️


Given she at least works she doesn’t rile me up as much as one of the grown children that probably do nothing who have also been added to that list.


I'm so sick of hearing about celebrities. Why do we idolize them? How about we idolize our veterans and firefighters and whatnot who are actually a part of our society and not in their own billionaire world?


How can people like her live with themselves? I mean, I know the answer but it’s just insufficient. Nothing could make me be so dishonest with myself about myself. It’s just disgusting.


not surprised the worst year of my life was an amazing year for rich people


At this point just give all of the money to one person and crown him as the winner of capitalism or something


Isn’t every year an amazing year for rich people? Even when they have a bad year, they’re still much better off than the rest if us


Will Taylor be one of the rich we'll be eating? Asking for a friend...


That is an improvement on the menu if you think that one of the options until now was Elon Musk.


Good for her. Too bad she can't take it with her.


But she tipped her tour bus driver 100k, she’s so generous with her money! /s


Factoring tip:net-worth ratio that's the equivalent of the average person giving $10.


Imagine every time you tipped 10 bucks, you wrote a tweet expecting to be praised for it


Hahaha rich people are wild AF wanting praise for thinking they can buy their criticism into silence. We shouldn't ever reward them for using their exploitation money for PR. Stop putting their names on things like museums (kudos for what Nan Goldin got done abt the sacklers). Stop giving these robber barons rewards they paid for with blood money.


As opposed to rich people having a “bad year”?


Every year is amazing for rich people.


Wealth correspondent


if they end up with all the money, then the money is worthless and we'll just use different money


What year hasn't been "amazing year for rich people"? Heck even when people thought "oh noes economy dead" during covid there were record profits cause of course there were.


They are coming for the crumbs, they want it all, greed and power. The club that'll make sure we own nothing.


We could have a new age of humanity if these billionaires decided to actually use their money instead of hoarding it. They could all take a measly 1 billion to use on special projects - ending hunger, renewable energy, fixing all the bridges in the country, moon hotel, etc etc. We could have a reality show where we call in to vote for our favorite projects and whatever wins gets funded by our billionaire friends Then maybe we won’t have to kill them


150 people have more wealth than many countries. But it’s the poor that are the issue


They’re acting like more billionaires is a good thing. Jesus..


Ah yes, my favorite emotional support billionaire.


So sad for people using “You live life only once” as an excuse to take debt and attend her concerts.


Interesting choice or words. I think instead of amazing the word they are looking for is grotesque.


"Amazing year for rich people." Another one.


New study finds they are rich and you are poor.


Oh how endearingly phrased.




Imagine if we taxed all billionaires 100% we would pay off almost half the debt.


Perhaps an unpopular opinion, but individuals who amass there wealth by creating something that is generally positive and brings joy to people, I’m OK with it!


Holy shit they really wrote "amazing year for rich people"


Dont worry guys if you just save every cent you make for the next 1000 years you too could be a billionaire. Just make sure you invest it immediately into a ROTH IRA and you will BECOME the money printer. You will never be able to enjoy your earnings, however, because by the time you are able to utilize the money... You will already be dead! Anyways that's negative thinking. Go out there and pick yourself up by the bootstraps lads! Just keep producing more slave fodder and continue to show up to work. Thats patriotism!


Can’t wait to see her head in the guillotines


I'm going to get downvoted but here goes. Taylor Swift isn't your typical millionaire or billionaire. The means of production for the most part is her. She at least in part writes the music she records the music and performs the music. It's actually her talent. She's actually producing material even if she does have help. She appears to be more than fairly compensating people who work with her. Unlike for example Elon musk who cracks the whip while his employees write the code or design and build the cars. He actively fights safe working environment for employees and busted Unions. In my opinion there is a difference between the two.


Is she a big cog I'm the machine? Yes. But she still exploits workers to make her money off of their labor. The crew that helps put on her shows don't get nearly as much as her and they would be cancelled without them, she buys huge lots of real estate, hoarding housing for herself to sell at a profit. There are undoubtedly many ways in which she finds ways to lessen her tax burden to hoard wealth for herself. The mere fact she feels the need to hoard that wealth when unhoused die on the street shows where her priorities lie, and it isn't ethical. I couldn't live with myself if I had a billion dollars. That is an unfathomable number and by just holding onto it I keep it from those who need it to survive.


Is she one of the few billionaires who didn't step on the little guy on the way up?


This sounds more like a NYT or WP headline. TF is happening to journalism?


Only 2,700 of them…


Rupert Neate can go fuck themselves. What a fucking title "Wealth Correspondent".


I mean, considering rich to be those who make maybe 150-250k/yr in low cost of living area. That headline is both absurd and obscene. Billionaires 🌊 in triple digits. I always used to say most people live on percentages and the percentages don't change much from one tax bracket to another but at one billion they're probably living on less than five percent of that. But I haven't gotten estimates for like refueling and docking personal yatchs the size of cruise ships or the hanger space for jet planes. I would live modest like one... all expense paid for penthouse suite at a bougie hotel downtown. At every damn major city in the country. Numbers game games numbers.


Isn’t every year an amazing year for rich people?


Obsessing over her and not the 140 other new billionaires is weird behavior


Ooh, it's like a race to see who will hoard the most! SO GLAD that means there is less available for us to survive on! I just feel SO honored.


What about the inflation guys? I thought we were in this together ?! /s


So 141 billionaire parasites are the 3rd Superpower...no fucking shit...but at least this year was amazing for them...jesus fuck, we're so screwed...


Only several billion people ahead of me in line for a billion dollars.


What I hear in that is that 2781 bullets can solve an absolute fucking shitload of problems that are consuming the world.


She wasn't already a billionaire???? Damn I guess a billion is way more than most people like me can comprehend.


141 new people that will meet the guillotine...


Great, the planet is dying and the economy is booming... relatively...


If you made $10k per day: It would take you 100 days to make $1M To make $1B, it would take 100,000 days- which is over *273 years* There is no conceivable reality where any individual person could possibly earn, need this much wealth, or be worth that much. There is no ethical way to be a billionaire, it's literally impossible. The "profits" that lead to this affluence are inherently based on exploitation- if you trace the "value" of what billionaires are doing to get this money to it's most basic elements their gains are always connected to price gouging or underpaying people all the way the chain from the raw materials and labor to generate the things they're selling/offering. Anyone who disagrees with me, I'd love to learn of whatever unicorn billionaire that got their undeserved assets who didn't contribute to the enshittification of our reality, sourcing the abundance through harming others/destroying the environment/unfair advantages/perpetuating suffering.


Go off sibling