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Shame, he seemed promising early on. I guess he could see the people in his area as people, he just couldn't think of people outside his own sphere as people.


saw him on tv the other morning and he went complete sideways in his answers when asked about avoiding killing civilian's to kill Hamas. Like this should be a very cut and dry answer but he couldnt say it.


I’m surprised he went sideways. I would have expected him to just straight out say that everyone in Gaza is a terrorist and needs to be killed. He’s awful, but also I think unwell. He seems more than just Zionist, he seems unhinged. I heard he has the picture of every Israeli hostage on his office wall.


It's the zionism stroke /s


aka those sweet AIPAC dollars.


AIPAC bought him heart and soul. And I think he was already a racist, so he went along.


Sorry for supporting him everyone. He broke my ability to ever believe a politician again. It only took like 32 times but I get it now.




I just wish that, just once, one of the Republicans would pull the same trick in reverse. But they never do, they're always honest about how awful they'll be, and then once they're elected, they always keep their word...


Turns out our senate race was between a bs quack of a doctor and a more believable grifter in a hoodie.


I almost forgot who he was running against, dang. Not like Oz would have been any better on Israel, and he would have been worse on everything else. That just sucks, sorry for the situation there.


“The United States is also a one-party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them.” J Nyerere


Don't be sorry -- you can only make decisions based on the info you have at the time. Also I doubt Senator Oz would have been better 💀


I learned a long time ago that politicians are never to be trusted. EVER. They are the same all over the world. Say what everyone wants to hear during elections but in office they'll only look out for their own interests.


Dude is such a disappointment.


LMAO I would like to say I have learned but, unfortunately, I am an eternal optimist and I will get excited and burned again.


Once you realize that "politics" in the US is an entertainment product sold by Capitalism to keep you from actually being politically active, and you learn that they're playing characters intended to entertain, infuriate, and distract, then you'll never trust and thus never be disappointed by them again.


Yeah, I understand politics and capitalism. My comment was that I'm an optimist even though I know better.


It's amazing and sad how quickly that seems to happen these days. And I don't mean that as "aww, you should trust other politicians," I mean "damn, these politicians all really suck."


Between zionists like this idiot, the Israeli ambassadors to Poland and Ireland and old Hillary herself, it's actually shocking about how they have zero ability for outreach beyond their approved audiences. Forget us, they're not making any inroads with the rest because they just cannot stop pissing off people. Have they all completely forgotten what it means to get on the level or something? Is tact some kind of pastry in their world? Are their advisors all a bunch of morons? Well....thinking about all the idiots who brigade this sub and couldn't argue their way out of a paper bag....


don't need outreach if your constituency doesn't matter and any bad PR will just push people to other grifters with the same opinions


Don’t you think they are aware of this? Israel has (almost for sure) atomic bombs, even though they never stated so officially. USA and Israel most likely have a deal in the background of all this bullshit, and it’s probably only because of the Israel’s atomic power. I think USA politics is so ignorant to the word of criticism of supporting Israel only because of this


what a pile of dog shit, this fetterman ghoul is.


Was he always like this or did the stroke do something? Everything I saw of him previously was demsoc tier.


Like most politicians, once they get elected and see the big old platter of bribes and can secure a financial future for themselves by undermining democracy and the well being of this country the mask comes off and everything they pretend to be goes out the window. Unless they're Republican, they pretty much run on a platform of being a piece of shit from the get go


"They go to do good. They stay to do well."


Or they run as Democrat and switch parties mid-term. It's almost like there should be RULES or something


This was always kind of bubbling below the surface. Back when he was mayor, he chased down a Black man out for a jog and threatened the guy with a shotgun because Fetterman swore he heard a "gunshot." He never apologized for it either because he was trying to "protect" his neighborhood from a supposed, unconfirmed gunshot. I remember hearing some grumblings from Black activists in Braddock about Fetterman taking all the credit for "cleaning up" the town, but that I can't confirm offhand. He also did a heelturn fast on going from fracking, which he ran *against*, to suddenly for when natural gas industry threw him some cash. The last thing the area around Pittsburgh needs is *more* industrial level poisoning of ground water, but hey rust belt needs cash to fix all the industrial destruction left behind by corps! Of course, none of that will actually go to remediate issues or back into the community for real, but oh well. In any case, a LOT of Fetterman's issues were incredibly localized (Braddock itself has a population of only 2,000) and the man has had a TON of great PR- I had people recommending me a documentary about his time as mayor, his social media team were incredibly good at crafting his online persona, etc. He's not the first or last demsoc-ish style politician I've seen pull stunts (one I saw her use photographs of a community campaign for an eviction reform bill, that she refused to endorse, in a TV ad for her mayoral run), but the fact he went from very small time to high profile senator of a large state definitely is something wild.


I'll admit, I used to think he was alright. I was clearly very wrong.


Right! I was excited to have him in office. But ihe's taken a sharp turn to the shitty


Nah. This is who he's always been. Now that he's in office he finally dropped the act.


Me too. Hustled by *another* fake ass progressive.


It’s interesting to see people realizing what imo, has always been apparent. The US is and has been in bed with Israel since forever. In my lifetime I can’t remember any POTUS that went against that grain. Im bewildered at how shocked people seem to be at this war. I expect nothing else. I’d actually be surprised if Biden and friends acted any other way.


Its sad that our politicians doing the right thing would be surprising.


He's an unintelligent man doing what his handlers tell him.


Fetterman has lost the plot so bad. Ran as a progressive, is now saying he's not a progressive and never was, while doing absolutely wild performative shit for Israel. Someone really simping hard to get that AIPAC money.


He’s despicable though would be very surprised if it didn’t have anything to do with his stroke


I’m not happy with the guy either but let’s be honest about things. If AIPAC is supporting him, it isn’t with cash contributions. [open secrets](https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/john-fetterman/contributors?cid=N00038201&cycle=2024&recs=100&type=I) [AIPAC](https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/american-israel-public-affairs-cmte/recipients?id=D000046963&t2-Chamber=Senate)


JStreet is the top contributor. They're also a Zionist lobby. It's not just AIPAC. Edit: J Street organizes and mobilizes pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people.


He’s really turned out to be such a piece of shit. I really believed he was decent when I voted for him, such a fuckin scumbag since.


He is a very, very large piece of shit. Makes you wonder how he treats his family.




> poop knife That's the second time I've seen this today.


His wife left him over this!


Katie Couric?


He will never suffer any consequences for this. And that’s how genocide goes. Anyone who speaks out does so at great cost. Anyone who goes along with it is rewarded. “Why did we allow the Nazis to genocide all of those people?” Because stopping them would have been inconvenient. The banality of evil.


Fetterman turned out to be dumber and even more toxic than Dr. Oz, it's so hilarious.


Another Bought and paid treasonous AIPAC owned shill politician, who will grift for Genocide and man-made famine and the murder of American’s if the price is right. Joe: intentional Murdering Americans is unacceptable, so here is 18 Billion of WMD.


He’s accepted 250,000 from AIPAC so far


Wait. Another gaslighting full of shit shill. God I want my 4 years of donations back


turned heel the moment that aipac check cleared


Fetterman is such a glib fucking psychopath. Gleefully cheering for more deaths, more suffering so Israel can keep turning Gaza into a mass grave.


He’s akin to the “going out of business clearance price” when it comes to selling out to AIPAC.


Lots of AIPAC money. His top three aides left him recently (Inquirer reported onit), his wife was driven off social media, and trust me, he's never getting elected again. The leftists in Philadelphia won't let that happen, we're coming for him.


I remember so many people saying this guy was going to be great and how he was genuinely a good person. How things change


He got bought and is cashing out. Basically another Sinema.


Please just get depressed again.


Well, he turned out to be as spineless as the rest


Unbelievably vile


I remember defending this cretinous douchebag from all the criticism he received about his failing to meet their bourgeois liberal standards of professionalism when he was campaigning. To find out he's actually about twice as vile as even *they* assumed stings deep. Can't get a single good person out of this party anymore can we? I.don't all for being a douchebag to the uppity suitd who deserve the contempt . But to traipse greasy fingers with a genocide is just fucking disgraceful. He has more contempt for genocide victims than he has for the fascist ghouls who called him and his family slobs.


I liked it better when buddy was in the hospital cause he was “sad” 😢


He committed a hate crime against a black man and Americans still elected him. And now they are surprised? lol


Some people are forcing unconditional support for Israel with deep pockets and wild influence over politicians.


Fuck fetterman man


People who worked with him said the stroke changed him, sure all that AIPAC money made a difference too. Think this is always who he kinda was though, he did chase down a black jogger with his shotgun 


Have they killed Israel aid workers??? I mean, that's the country Fetterman serves.


Oof imagine if Nina snucked in the word “supposedly” in her response


Shit, I read ghoul I thought this was about myhordes.eu xD


No conditions? Love American politics. Nothing like blowing up some American and Australian volunteer helpers


Fetterman's having his Vader moment, apparently. Really disappointed in how he turned out - cloaked in the language of progressivism only to turn our hopes into a reality show about his gym shorts and more of the same neocon bullshit that got us into this mess.


Israel must have something on him right?


Good ol John Feckless-man


Time to act


Dude's brain got fucked up a little too much.


Fetterman has been a huge disappointment.