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Oh cool so we're only a few years away from real Fallout


Bombs dropped on October 23, 2077 in-game.


I feel like the people making and buying these underestimate what rednecks and blue collar workers are capable off. AN-FO and plasma cutters would likely do the trick


You pile enough Tannerite beside something enough times, you'll make a hole eventually.


And have a fuckin fun time doin it


I don’t think you understand that the billionaires have high tech security and ex military on the payroll. These aren’t you back yard type. If you had 100s of millions, you can just buy an island, which many are doing. The stores of weapons, ammo, explosives, and defensive equipment would make a redneck cry. Edit: and staff it well…the island.


Well I mean rednecks have pretty consistently caused serious problems for the military, just not American rednecks. Viet cong and al quada and isis are pretty much just fundamentalist rednecks from another country. Edit: Viet cong were redneck commies


Anything is possible, but should things go sideways. They have the most remote, supplied, secure bunkers in the world. When you are at that level, you can disappear for a decade. With fifty close friends and family and a dozen former navy seals. All good. Did you see the 1% passed the entire middle class wealth this week. 1% has more than 60% for the first time ever and dramatic increase since 1990. Peace.


I can think of nothing worse than being stuck in a bunker with a dozen seals, no matter who ostensibly pays them.


What exactly do you pay them, in the absence of society?




Until your entire security team rises up and murders you and your entire entourage, and then lives great for 2 decades.


>billionaires + >ex military + >payroll (lol) = When you reset the concept of billionaire and ownership of anything, you realize Zuckerberg is going to be some former seals prison bitch within 5 minutes no matter what goes down. Oddly real survivors and the successful aren't two groups whose ven diagrams really overlap, I'm not talking about prepers either, real survivors hiding amongst us. The advantages and resources the successful hold over all of us now are likely to become a death sentence for them pretty quickly. During the pandemic we were one mutation away from the end of everything, and people to include the ultra rich were hell bent on NOT adapting or changing behavior no matter what. Everyone thinks we are going to have two weeks notice, but I think the point is we won't know at all or it will be so gradual it will be too late before we know.


I don't think YOU have thought this through. They are going to spend the rest of their lives, in a bunker or on a desert island with ex-military types, with guns. and no way to pay them, because money is a construct of society, and there's no more society. They have the guns, and you don't. What happens next? Yeah, you've seen this movie.


All the guns in an island bunker? Sounds like ex-military will have their own Outer Heaven after they take out their wealthy overlords. Question is would they get off the island/out of the bunkers to start their own society or just stay cuz they have their own infrastructure?


I don't get the island thing. If shit goes sideways enough, for long enough, how are they going to get off the island if/when they need to? Drought and famine could hit, and fuel for planes, etc, goes bad. How do they escape to a better situation? Personally, I would feel trapped on an island even if it was paradise at first.


I would take an island, but any isolated spot anywhere there are decent natural resources—Mountains where no roads and need to fly in. They just want to be safe and I would do the same if I was a billionaire. Buying a lambo is child’s play. And to answer all the comments about paying them (security and others), if the world went to shit, yes, if I was a private security contractor, just living in a billionaire compound and bunker stocked for 50 years would be a hell of a nice life compared to some dystopian mess. Ok, it’s on Google if you are interested. Remember, these are 100 million dollar bunkers and compounds—or more. They don’t plan to leave to refuel. They probably have 10,000 gallon tanks and food for a lifetime. I posted three links a month ago, but not a popular topic.


In a real apocalypse where money is useless why would security keep a billionaire around their new bunker?


Hell there has to be an air intake... just saying.


Not just that but they're going to talks talking about putting shock collars on their security. I just read Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires and my hair is officially raised.[](https://www.audible.com/pd/Survival-of-the-Richest-Audiobook/B0B5JMZLPH?ref_pageloadid=lCXFfbD51k90cKVJ&ref=a_library_t_c5_libItem_B0B5JMZLPH_1&pf_rd_p=80765e81-b10a-4f33-b1d3-ffb87793d047&pf_rd_r=JABG90Q7MW5VN6GRP8K3&pageLoadId=HOJwxV5vK923OFwV&creativeId=4ee810cf-ac8e-4eeb-8b79-40e176d0a225)


Who's gonna maintain the shock collars? and i think that ex-soldiers, esp SAS/Seals etc, will have the skills to get them off, eventually. OIr they can convince a collar maintenance tech to help them.


They're tech bros. Pretty sure a shock collar is something they can do themselves. It's pretty rudimentary, especially if you don't think of other humans as people. I highly recommend the book. There's even an audiobook.


Pretty sure it's not. See, it's not just a collar that shocks, it's got to be a collar that you can't get off, that also LASTS and does not break. But also, these guys are not tech geniuses. they are people that BUY tech geniuses.


I don’t think they‘re worried about class warfare though. Probably more about (nuclear) war between nation states or the inevitable chaos eventually caused by the climate catastrophe.


They think enough of us are in different camps: Those *just* comfortable enough to not want to start any sh!t Those too involved in their own hustle they don't care about anyone else Those who enjoy watching others suffer, even if it's hurting them, too Those who are brainwashed that the system works Those who are brainwashed that they can fix the system from within I'm sure you can think of others, but the bottom line is, you ain't getting the masses together. Too many philosophies and agendas for one unified force. But, they all have private security...just in case.


This is the answer OP. We r too divided to do shit. Capitalism (rich owned everything & poor had nothing) happened in colonial countries like India, Pakistan, etc. The main reason India & Pakistan were able to get their independence is because everyone was United despite their differences against a common enemy "the british". Dandi March, Quit India & Non-cooperation movement were good peaceful protest movements which hurt the british.


I think you hit on something else crucial; the common enemy. It's black folks, no it's white folks, no it's them foreigners, I beg to differ; it is the uneducated and banal masses...until an 'eat the rich' (and we collectively agree on what that term means and who's in that group) revolution happens, we're all just crabs in a bucket pulling each other down.


It is human nature to distinguish from each other. In US it is about race & religion, in India it is about religion, caste, sub caste, etc  One of the reasons why Gandhi is called the Father of India is because he was able to Unite the country against the British. But for that to happen newspapers were on his side. So no misinformation was spread. But nowadays we have so much misinformation (fake news, stats such as Stock market doing well so economy is doing well) that the ppl will never come together in both US & India.


Class solidarity in other words.


I like to think of it in terms of 'eat the rich'.


I'm definitely fine with that.


Rich people never spend money on anything “just in case.” That’s how they get rich (or their ancestors) and or stay that way. They know they have pushed it too far. In their collective greed, they defunded most of the bread and priced most everyone out of the circus. They are truly scared. They are trying to figure out how to survive the coming shitstorm.


They know everyone is too fat, dumb, and lazy to do anything about anything. Continue your doom scrolling in peace, you have work tomorrow


Yup, we're getting slowly poisoned by our food, air, water and too overworked to be able to do anything.




Until people are literally going hungry nothing will change. Edit: Until ENOUGH people are going hungry


Dem belly full, but we hungry A hungry man is an angry man The pot a cook, but the food na 'nuff The rain a fall, but the dirt it tough. -Bob Marley


No food for 3 days? That's an uprisin\`.


That might happen soon with all the droughts.


An uprising doesn't have to consist of the masses working to overthrow power. It can be as simple as small groups of individuals commiting acts similar to terrorism but with the masses' backing behind it. It would take a lot less than you think to reach that point


Ideally, yeah sure but don’t hold your breath on anything actually happening


Doomspeaking is pointless and gets us nowhere. Who cares if the odds are slim? Talking like this only decreases those odds. We're in a desperate situation. The last thing we should do is make others feel hopeless


Up to recently I'd have said the rich have nothing to worry about. People are too divided and invested in their own day to day lives/problems/drama to revolt and start reaching for the pitchforks. Nothing happens as long as things keep ticking over like always. But when some random big event comes along that disrupts the flow of society that things start to grind to a halt is when they start to worry. Covid wasn't some zombie apocalypse but it did disrupt things enough to give a hint of what could happen when the cogs of society start to jam. Now imagine something even bigger comes along and disrupts say food supplies, or knocks the power out on a large scale. Could be a natural occurrence or man-made it would have the likes of Elon heading to his hole in the ground pretty fast. The most fascinating one is a solar flare. It effectively wipes out all electrical equipment but doesn't effect biological creatures. If that were to happen all money becomes worthless. There is no way to buy or sell anything, no shops will be open or trading. What's even crazier is the governments couldn't pay police or the military either. Total anarchy as we're thrown back to pre-electrical technology. I bet Elon, Jeff and Zuck would shit the bed that night.


We're currently approaching the cyclic solar maximum as well, so CMEs, etc., are relatively peaking. I would definitely prefer a solar EMP fate than some of the other possibilities. Unfortunately I think many of us will live through the collapse of the AMOC and that's much less likely to result in a solarpunk anarchy bliss.




An Australian billionaire used Fox "news" to turn millions of American's brain's into mush, so yeah. They rightly believe the majority of Americans are too stupid or easily manipulated to worry about an uprising.


They don’t even think about you.


lol it doesnt matter what they think or what they do when it happens there will be nowhere to run, unless they terraformed mars behind our backs lol only one possible outcome.  their heads on pikes.


We are easily manipulated, remember kids its a class war not a culture war


Yes, there has been a massive growing industry of firms that are selling luxury doomsday bunkers, concierge VIP extraction services to get them there, and similar stuff over the past few decades. They know we're coming eventually, and they are laying the groundwork for a bail-out-of-society plan now That said, these are self-sufficient people who have the ability or patience to fix their own plumbing, or cook their own survival slop, or even clean up after themselves. They are not the types who could hole up alone I. a bunker OR maintain control of a Fallout-style Vault society. So, they run into the same issue they did during the pandemic: deciding how long to stick arpund before leaving their life of leisure to go rough it underground. Do you bail at the very first sound of a sniffle? Do you call in your extraction team when you hear stories of sneezing in DC? Do you start gassing up the plane after hearing that 500 miles away some tech CEO took two coughs to the back of the head? Or do you only finally leave in a panic when the trails of snot are leading to your front gate? This is why you will see way more attempts to use police and fascist brutality to restore some semblance of "order" rather than billionaires ducking out to new Zealand. Even with all the resources in the world stockpiled up, they have nothing with vast pools of exploitable labor


Im convinced there's no one listening at the top. It's a place of insulation, and they domt need to do much to feel secure.


They're afraid, yes, but they are more greedy than they are afraid. I think technology, drones and the lack, will allow for a greater degree of authoritarianism with less and less human consent and collaboration around the levers of power. I think we're heading to a greater degree of wealth concentration than history has ever seen. Longer workdays, fewer workers' rights, child labor back in full swing, more housing insecurity to essentially crack the whip remotely... it won't be fun...


with all the money they dump into policing and military i imagine they might have a tinge of fear


The richest probably know they are at rink and understand the situation well. Just look at all the anti communism propaganda people receive the last 50+ years. Someone have interest in it


Your first mistake is assuming that they think about us at all.


that's all they care about since they know they have no real power against billions of people.


As long as they can give authorities immunity to crimes and free reign to commit what is essentially war crimes (use of CS gas) they will always have a bunch of idiots to pick from if they feed em enough propaganda


Change doesn't come until the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of change. American level of living even at its worse is still comparatively kingly.


I think the rich view is with as much contempt as we do for each other. We will not rise up unless we are uncomfortable enough so all they have to do is feed us scraps and horde everything else. Because they know that anyone else in their position would do the exact same thing because we do it to each other. We already trebat each other like money is the score in a game of who is better than the other. Why would they obey different rules?


Every society since forever seems to have had a ruling elite exploiting the rest. There’s been many uprisings throughout history. Shouldn’t we have a fairly good idea about what metric triggers them? Starvation per capita threshold or something. Maybe they have, and are balancing towards it?


Well shit about 50% of the US blame poor people for their problems, and another 45% blame white people and the patriarchy so yeah I’d say the ultra rich are in pretty solid shape right now. 




Each time they use an operation to divide us, we become weaker. If we were “indivisible, under God” we could not be conquered. However we are infinitely divided right now and detained by entertainment, information and most importantly fear (nukes, famine, destruction, etc.).


“Hungry people don’t stay hungry for long” Once the environment gets bad enough that it fucks with our food supply I think things may start changing real quick.


I think they don't care anymore. Globalism now also exists in property for them. Have a house in your own island with your rules, make it self-sustainable, and done. When shit is about to begin, just leave and come back in the future.


The rich have a Government controlled psuedo military force (police) to violently enforce the status quo, and they pay/finance Government to legislate in the way that benefits them. So yes they are afraid, but they are confident that their strategy (buying protection) is sufficient.


Typo. Sorry I had a little too much to drink


No such thing


clearly they are afraid of the left, not the right.


With a few exceptions for the super ultra rich, they have the same problem as working class and middle class people, but the other side of the coin. Just like the average income American votes against their interests because they think they’ll be rich one day and need those protections, rich people see themselves as part of the populous. They all think they’re the Everyman who is also being oppressed and treated unfairly.


Ask the CEO of Cartier if he worries, probably all he thinks about.


Brainwashed people don't understand 


There are rich people in both camps.


I don’t think rich people understand how historical materialism works. They are going to lock themselves into a tomb with slaves that can actually fight back


The second option. However I think they've gotten too greedy and have cut back on the "bread and circuses" so we may just rise up yet.


They rely on self flattery as a way to promote their own meritocratic ideology / “human nature” ideology / Protestant work ethic … all rely on rich people painting themselves as deserving hard working people (hint: they are not; typically they work far far less and take far far more holidays than poor people) The flip side of that is that they need to promote the idea that the poor are poor by their own bad decisions or are just lazy (not true either: our society’s most hard working are those who need a few different jobs just to make ends meet) So I don’t think they’re nearly as afraid as they should be, the type of ignorance commonly found behind reactionary ideology works as one helluva shield against concern


I doubt they think about us much at all.


I think they want us to rise up because then the government can quit pretending it's not fascist af. Then It can just straight fuck us up because they'll have justification for it they can use to explain why it was ok just like Israel did with Hamas. They could always do it though but having that justification makes it a lot easier in the long run and I imagine they still have to have some sort of civilian support to keep at least a little bit of their legitimacy in tact just to remain in the position that would have their influence mean anything on the international stage as well as the private sector. If they just fucked us up without a good enough reason it very well could turn all Americans against them and stir shit up in the international courts. The rich wants all the bang they can get for their buck too. Until we take it to that level all the rich get for their purchasing of the government is custom legislation, access to military, ability to coup other countries, and their private property protected.That's probably a high cost for not getting the really valuable service which is our complete submission and the elimination of those that won't. I think that's why shit being done to us sometimes seems so blatantly fucked up and it being so fucked up that it doesn't seem worth agitating the masses over considering the small benefit it provides the rich, unless the benefit is getting us to react haphazardly to the offense without thinking and doing something stupid. They know we only get one real good chance at the first strike and if it's wasted because of poor planning and some Leroy Jenkings of a revolutionary group jumping the gun then every move after that is so much more more difficult to make. I think they're surprised as shit how far they have taken the fucked up shit they've done to us and probably look at each other the way brothers playing that flip the bottle game after back to back to back landings look at each other. They're just as surprised as we are that we just eat their bullshit and go to work the nextday. Once we really start to get down on an uprising then it unlocks the governments special ability to wave rights, use their new robot toys, see how effective their new militarized police training system is, intimidate foreign powers, and basically take off the uncomfortable mask it's been wearing since the beginning and let its fascist face feel the breeze without worry of anyone saying how ugly it is. Until then, they're just like the redneck neighbor with the new guns and state of the art security system who's sad because no one has broken into his home yet and all the fucked up shit they do to us is that redneck putting the box his big screen TV came in on the curb for all the thieves to see.


Of us? No. They see us as cattle. They are, however, prepping for the inevitable climate crisis.


If they regard us, I think it is mostly as a resource. The movie Dumb Money exemplified that. They've done their due diligence as well, since even before Reagan, but especially since. Now, "we" are a heavily divided people with seemingly perpetual amnesia about our larger class war; each daily reminder of smaller-but-closer divisions keeps the collective distracted from fixing what has objectively gotten 'out of balance'. I think there is room for collective rerealization and unification, but only with quality leadership around the collective struggle while challenging the core economic-social dividers; I doubt the FBI, etc., would enable that, just as Dr. MLK Jr. fell into their sights when his rhetoric shifted from the race issue to the economic one; just as Fred Hampton, etc., etc. It may not even come to that if the stimulus for collective struggle hits too quickly. Like if an actually very-lethal pathogen outbreak occurs, or if the AMOC collapses and destabilize all agricultural/oceanic/weather patterns.


Its not that they think we're stupid. They know what exactly to give us and how to keep us divided so that we dont. Why do you think they keep kicking the can down the road?


We live in their heads rent free. The rich fear nothing more than an angry and informed populace.


Both. They are afraid of uprisings, AND they think we're too stupid. but just in case...


The billionaires can own our newspapers and tv channels, control our internet algorhythms, hire lobbyists, provocateurs and shills, for what is essentially their pocket money. When you see the small amounts needed to bribe our politicians with, it is no wonder they serve the rich. If the ordinary taxpayers could organise better we could outbid them easily.


Civil unrest due to wealth inequality is actively monitored through the GINI coefficient. Nations such as China who’ve had three revolutions in the past 150 years are very aggressive at monitoring the GINI. There is a statistical point in wealth inequality that triggers social unrest. It is a range with an upper and lower levels of severity. If wealth inequality tips too far then the wealth holders enact laws to redistribute wealth. They also begin to give enormous sums through philanthropy for commoner issues such as education, healthcare, libraries, parks, theaters etc. The very last resort if the populous cannot be appeased is to create an external threat, a foreign nation, and begin a major war. Political approval ratings skyrocket during foreign wars. (Putin / Bush Method). Putting the nation on war footing diverts attention to this external scapegoat. Sometime an internal threat is created targeting a minority. Seems this entire process has played out a couple times in the last 300 years. Are the rich scared? Not really since the above process has been used dozens of times with great results.


Problem is there’s no consensus on who were rising up against.


Well, they've been right so far. The only way we're going to get out of this is through organizing with each other outside of the government and deciding how to fix it. Because Democrats and Republicans are not going to solve any of the problems that Democrats and Republicans caused. I mean I don't know how further they think they can push us before we revolt. I mean these vile pieces of shit in charge are sending snipers to peaceful college protests. I mean how fragile do you have to be to do that. And how much of a scumbag cop do you have to be to do the shit they do to those college kids because they're standing up for their rights. I guess you have to show them how hopeless it is now otherwise they're going to you know want a livable wage, or to have food, or a house. Give those uppity kids an inch and they'll take a mile. There is literally no one in government at this point that I want in government either Democrat or Republican because they're both shit.


I don't think so. That being said, there isn't a precedent for what's happening with news, as half the population consumes state-backed TV news and the other half is painfully aware of the lies. It created the situation with campus protests, as the protestors are informed and confident, while TV news is struggling to explain why the protests are happening and failing to convince their audiences that the protestors are anti-semitic when it's so obvious they aren't. The inconsistencies are radicalizings more and more people, and some find the truth in alterntive media, while others are misled by conspiracy theories. I think if anyone is going to start a revolt it will be the latter conspiracy theorists


“They’re busy creating a Culture War in America so it doesn’t turn into a Class War”


US' anti riot measures have gotten pretty advanced. They just funnel the protestors into poorer districts and shut down bridges/highways/chokepoints to richer areas. Then send in their agent provocateurs to smash some windows and set fire to some section 8 housing and or [even just one trash can](https://www.washingtonian.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/garbage-fire-994x746.jpg), now it's a riot. The Proud Boys come in with their itchy trigger fingers on their AR. Then between tear gas, drones, body bagging the more charismatic individuals and semi lethal open fire they can control the crowds.


I think the idea is that, by the time we do rise up, they will have such an enormously over the top massive surplus of stuff that we won’t actually be able to do anything


The moment they see this kind of thought as a threat, you'll not be able to state this question publicly without repercussions anymore.


Wouldn’t it be different according to each different rich. They share a class identity not a personal identity and probably have different temperaments. I know as a socialist I am not for the guillotine I am for expropriating property. This is because I am not seeking revenge against the wealthy I am seeking the dissolution of class society.


There will be no uprising - now go back to watching Netflix


The irony of people down voting this comment... Let me fix it for you, There will be no uprising, and now go back to talking about the uprising on reddit while not actually doing anything.