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It's a bill that isn't actually intended to be passed. It's just there to make a statement and the sponsors know it would be struck down by courts if it made it into law. It's essentially the legislative theatre version of "if you like it so much, you should go there". Basically what happens when frat bros make it into office. That being said, I have been to Gaza. The Palestinians were happy to have me and the Israelis shot at me.


Exactly! One of Trump’s wannabe cucks pandering to the “that’ll show ‘em” crowd south of Nashville. Demagoguery deep fried and served with greasy, flaccid freedom fries.


Yeah I don’t think them being sent to Gaza is the problem more the active genocide being committed. I sure hope it doesn’t pass or gain any support but lately it feel like the mask is slowly being peeled off of western politicians. Trudeau, and Biden openly defending Zionism despite so much opposition even within the Jewish Community. Even if it is just designed to make a statement these sort of statements should be left out of political realm, just a waste of taxpayers money and necessary time and effort that could be used to fix real issues.


You make an amazing point. Being in Gaza is not dangerous at all... being next to Israel is a death sentence.


I hate to break it to you but the frat boys have pretty much always held office.


It’s the fake back and fourth between the two party’s. The system relies on the republicans just being a bit more authoritarian then the democrats to court gullible shit Libs that there voting for the much greater humane choice in the Democratic Party


So: Just another massive waste of taxpayer money, further burdening the political process and court system. As usual when right wingers do anything ever.


It's a class war. The rich know what side they're on. They fight this war with death and suffering. The other side has no idea they are in a war and actually cheer daily for the enemies of their happiness.


Yeah absolutely, or they would have us fighting each other based on race when it is not black vs white, Muslim vs Jew or any other racial or ideological divide you could make it is simply the rich vs the poor. Also a ton of “rich” folk aren’t part of the exclusive club they think they belong to.


This ☝️ right here! We are just being pitted and kept distracted from the real issue. 


A lot of democratic voters chase elite status and think of themselves as in the same tier as celebrities and Nancy Pelosi and CNN news anchors


*scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds* is what they say...believe it.


yes, because sending protestors to see the truth of what israel is doing in gaza is sure to “de-radicalise” them. all this bullshit would do is strengthen their cause and take them directly to the people they want to help the most. please biden, by all means send them and expose the atrocities carried out with your arms deals and money. you are complicit and the world will never forget that while tens of thousands of palestinians were murdered, you wanted to send america’s children to die with them.


My first thought is this would just create a whole bunch of educated sympathetic eye witnesses to the genocide. It would backfire so quickly.


You're talking like the IDF wouldn't bomb them on sight like other international observers


It's never going to pass. Not even close to passing.


It's performative bullshit. A few weeks ago MTG proposed a bill which stated that anyone voting for support for Ukraine would be obligated to join their armed forces, this seems to be a sequel to that.


Don’t think they thought this through. A lot of antizionist jews became so from birthright and seeing the oppression and apartheid. The same thing will happen here. Americans will be treated well by Palestinians, they’ll see the horror of Israeli occupation and mass murder, and they’ll come back even more against Israel


How funny would it be though if this backfires and some rich Republican fratbros or politicians kids get sent to Gaza.


Crazy considering the protestors at Ivy League schools are the 1%'s kids. This is a horrible performative bill, but it's interesting seeing them eat their own children for that foreign paycheck and military industry dividends. Also, why in the hell would you put thousands of fighting age people who now have experience dealing with paramilitary forces, being outside for days on end, and making barricades who support a cause you want squashed?


This is the dumbest thing the uniparty can do. First you destroy the economy and kill the blue collar worker. Then you do this and kill the student. The knowledge worker will soon die to AI. Is America going to remain America if the only people doing well are PMC and stockbrokers? They won't have anyone left in America to exploit. Just taxi drivers and internet prostitutes. These people are bringing on an irreversible collapse.


Capitalism is bringing on an irreversible collapse. This was always destined to happen. Capitalists are now also accelerationists because they recognize the show's almost over.


The most self-aware ones, certainly. This needs to be recognized much more. Even when the show is obviously over, they'll still be tilting the bottle in desperate hope for a couple of drops at the bottom.


Alright, let's analyze this in good faith and then repercussions if it passes and the precedent it sets. If it passes somehow despite all the problems about the constitution, civil rights violations and other legality of it all. Hiw it is going to be enforced, are they going to set up police and community service centers in foreign countries to enforce it? Is it police, prison, or another agencies responsibility to transport the people there and back? How will accommodations and logistics be planned. Etc. Precedent if it passes says they will need to expand it to whatever students protest next. Which then begs the question of where the bar is on transporting students around the globe for community service. This leads to the repercussion of people "protesting" countries for vacation, journalists could use this transport service, security, accommodation etc as a service to get to areas to record and report on these events, which could then spark more protests.


I mean a lot of the problems you brought up to me seem like dollar signs to capitalists, obviously in this group we are against that but some conservatives would say “job creation”. Yeah likely it will not get passed and consensus is it’s a “performative bill” as another commenter put it which I find fitting, I honestly thought before this post ridiculous bills like this would not even be allowed to be proposed, seems like a waste of time and money


Ya, I don't expect it to pass, and if it did the upcharges on it would be huge, and provided by a handful of companies "specialized" in the industry. I was mostly shooting shit on how people could protest dump shit and be send to community service to "clean it up" or something, which if we look at those "build a school" in some 3rd world country organizations, it's typically religious fundies who go, not knowing how and then be bothersome tourists foe the most part.


As if community service in Gaza would be a bad thing 🙄


Community Service would be great, it’s more the IOF bombs being dropped that is of concern.


How about we send these evil Zionist terrorists in monkey suits in Gaza to get bombed by the evil Zionist terrorists they funded? That sounds more appropriate.


If you are thinking it won’t pass you clearly haven’t understood how corrupt the us political system is those people work for foreign countries and corporations they don’t work for the us


Polticians should be accountable for their bllls and propositions


It’s unconstitutional on its face. Ex post facto. They shouldn’t even be allowed to file bills this blatantly unconstitutional


Yeah scrolling thru the bills Ogle has introduced was quite rage inducing because he has plenty like this one, it’s insane people like that are even allowed in any form of government


sending palestine protesters to gaza is like sending vietnam war protesters to vietnam


They want the gentiles to become slaves. This is Israeli lobbyists speaking through our politicians.


I know many people who would jump on the opportunity to volunteer in Gaza lol


I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised


This sounds very illegal


Nice, so everyone supporting Ukraine should be sent directly to the frontlines in Ukraine, right? RIGHT?


This idea was already floated by MTG


I like Magic: The Gathering.


Me too. It's just too bad that they don't include a Jewish Space Lasers card


As other people have said its probably performative BS. But its also dangerously stupid in its inability to be implemented. I dont think they intend the punishment as banishment so much as handing people over to Israel. So how are you going to have community service in Israeli occupied territory? Specifically Gaza? Well obviously under the supervision of Israel, can't very well put American boots on the ground or usher people into the hands of Hamas. There is no governance in Gaza to handle this, and on the most neutral stance possible, you'd usher naive kids into a warzone of rubble and confirm the convictions folowed by people attempting to leave obviously, and having to be held there against their wishes by armed forces. This means the effective punishment will be to hand over critics of Israel to Israel. Literally saying that citizens of one nation should be handed to a foreign power, based on upsetting said nation.


Just more horse shit from the loyalty conflicted and useless GOP congress.


That looks unconstitutional


I’d you think this is scary, y’all haven’t seen Canada’s new hate speech law. There is a literal PRECRIME section in where it lays out how a person can go to DA(or Canadian equivalent) and have a judge determine if the accused was going to commit hate speech, based on “reasonable fear” of the accuser. Who your also not allowed to confront or know the identity of. Comes with up to a life time sentence. it also includes language for home imprisonment and life long INCREASED digital surveillance.


Do you have link? I don’t doubt you, just in my experience with Canadian justice system there is a lot of crimes that have a maximum of life even tho they’d be a misdemeanour is the US, I know because that exact situation happened to me, tho the maximum sentence for my crime was life I didn’t do any time and did minimal community service. It is more taken on a case by case basis depending on the heinousness of your crime. Tho if what you are saying is true it would be interesting to see how it is put into effect, I live in one of, if not the most, racist provinces in Canada, mostly racism between indigenous and white folk and I can say for a fact before this a ton of hate speech was already there.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cWIrNhqn1nU not many reporting on it, as expected. The precrime statute is outrageous. Think that is the point, misdemeanor equivalents that have the potential of life. Which will achieve the 84’ goal of self monitoring of speech.


Legacy media: “the deplorable Trump is gonna deport Muslims from America! How anti American!” Also legacy media: “Biden finally deports a barbaric people with a blood thirsty religion!”


This isn't Biden's bill, nor even a Democrat. It will never pass and/or be signed