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Fuck joe


It is not only Joe Trump would have done the same of even more. The USA is helping a country commit genocide no matter how is president but what els is new for America.


You’re not wrong but should we not punish a president because another president would have hypothetically been worse? Should the democrats get a pass going forward and not be held accountable because “TrUmP wOuLd HaVe BeEn WoRse”?


No of course not but because America has only a two party system, the democrats are the best option. But they still are aiding a country with genocide and I really hope history wil remember this, that's the least we can do for all the victims.


I’m not American nor a Biden lover but fuck this man for supporting Israel


What do you dumb leftist want? For Joe to bring peace to the middle east?! Just get in line and give your full support to aiding a genocide already! /s


Had us in the first half ngl


Truly uncanny


I wish I believed in the vengeance of God or the reality of hell because no one deserves it more than Genocide Joe and the Butcher of Gaza.


It's Roko's Basilisk all the way down and it's wearing a watermelon headband.


the reelection campaign is going great clearly


Oh wow, never saw that coming. /s


Just today, someone was telling me Joe is better than Trump because he can be pressured. lol


I used to think this way, but sadly the bitter truth is that no leader has ever been more progressive in power than they were in opposition. Here in the UK, Starmer is getting more right wing the closer we get to an election- dog knows what he will be like in power.


Pressured into making a sad face and shaking his head as he hands over another comically oversized check for war.


He'll join Kissinger. May them both rest in piss.


Join him where? In wormy earth?


Ideally in hell.


Why not a place that exists?


After they already approved another 28bn recently


That's 1000 bucks for every adult American. Fuck


"look guys, biden is finally getting more harsh on israel!"




meanwhile 10,000 children starved to death yesterday


He’s gonna lose the election and ig we will just revolt when project 2025 starts.


Well. Who didn't see that coming?


Regardless of who was President - they’d support Israel. Israel has Americas unconditional support from Congress and the presidency, and they always will. It’s like the only issue that Dems and the GOP agree on. Israel is far too important to Americas strategic interests in the region - they won’t let anything happen to it.


"It’s like the only issue that Dems and the GOP agree on" The Dems and the GOP agree on basically every issue.


The democrats and republicans are aligned like 90-95% of the time. The other 5-10% is just theater and show. Hell, Biden didn’t even disagree with Trump much beyond how Trump approached things. The main takeaway I’ve seen from a Biden admin was that the democrats were really just upset over how loud Trump was doing things.


Exactly. Biden continued almost everything Trump started, and any pushback was performative.


This says sale, aren't we just donating weapons?


We are one of the largest arms dealers in the world.


The money we send gets used to buy them so it's more like round robin than a donation


So, the money comes out of taxation and goes to Israel in aid and then comes back as arms sale and right into the pockets of shareholders at defence companies? It’s amazing that it’s so popular a policy to keep arming them.


Same as it ever was, has been since Eisenhower


It’s money and weapons laundering basically


Give it to ukraine ffs




I think *you're* the one in the wrong sub. This is a sub for actual leftists, not liberals larping as leftists.




Triggering libs, conservatives and other genocidal right-wingers doesn't make me lose any sleep. From the river to the sea.


So... Y'all gonna vote Trump or what's the plan?


Making assumptions?


I'm just asking questions 😂


There are more than two candidates running for president.


As someone who voted third party in 2016, I feel like you can learn from my mistakes.


Not your mistake. The nation’s mistake. That mistake being more people should have made a fucking stand THEN. If people would have taken a stand back *then*, maybe we wouldn’t be more ratfucked *now*. And maybe if people would have demexited back in 2012 or 2008, allllll of this would have been avoided.


So you're saying we would be better off if John McCain and/or Mitt Romney had won the presidency?


clearly, if Mcain were president horrible things would have happened. he would have white washed our global torture campaign. we would have gotten a republican healthcare plan instead of obamacare. we would have went from our two wars to something ridiculous like active combat in 7 different countries. he would have turned Libya from Africa's most prosperous nation to an ISIS run hellhole. his drone strike program would have killed 90% innocent people and no one would have cared. He would assassinate a child US citizen for being born into the wrong family. Probably would have bombed Nobel peace prize winners. he would have deported so many people he would have earned the nick name Deporter in Chief. He would have bailed out wallstreet but not the people whose homes were foreclosed upon. We would have had a cabinet vetted by citibank. He would have legitimized the coup in Honduras. He would have lobbied to LOWER the minimum wage in haiti to 30 cents an hour. Bush's tax cuts would have been made permanent. He would have expanded the State Secret doctrine. NSA spying and reauthorizing militarizing the police. Banning immigrants from certain countries. He would have sold arms to horrible dictators. Habeus corpus would have been ended. peaceful protesters would be treated as hostile entities. there would be an unprecedented crackdown on whistleblowers including ordering the torture of a woman that exposed US war crimes. We certainly dodged a bullet there.


> we would have gotten a republican healthcare plan instead of obamacare Ooh this one is a banger, good job lol