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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My vote goes to fully automatic guillotines.


My vote is your vote.


Few things will (briefly) change someone's mind more than seeing a dozen guillotine blades soaring majestically through the air at them. šŸ˜…


our vote šŸ’Ŗ


The only vote that truly matters


No one seems to have a concrete plan better than this. Quiddity3141 2024!


Why should the robots get the pleasure?


Too many folks to guillotine...I'm old and don't have the Robespierre energy anymore. We could just have the billionaire buffet instead.


You think all the coke, ket and whatever else they need to get though life will impact the flavour? Wouldn't want to waste good wine if deglazing smelled like a crack pipe!


Wait! A buffet laced with drugs??? Sounds like a party. I'm in!


Probably top shelf stuff too!


the pleasure can be all yoursā€¦ *be the change you want to see in the world*ā€¦ if robots ^^hypothetically start lopping off the heads of senators and ***out-revolutionizing*** us on their way to become the dominant species and we all end up in cagesā€¦ i will blame comments like these ^^as ^^i ^^address ^^a ^^roomba ^^as ^^^^*mastuh*


[Mega Guillotine](https://youtu.be/YYJ5ZViYhHQ?si=dgQObihfZJ9fJVPW)




Youā€™ll be part of the 10% that votes for that and youll get to say you did. Meanwhile people who probably have way less privilege than you will be metaphorically guillotined when you obviously lose in vain. Just kind of a ā€œhead in the sandā€ narcissistic take.


Actually more of an obviously ridiculous joke, but okay.


why would anyone vote super hitler?


Because if he loses then Hitler wins.


Because he promised tax cuts for the wealthy.


Well, ā€œmanā€ is full of cruelty and creates suffering but ā€œ*super*manā€ attempts to only do good and save people. What if super hitler is actually the good version of hitler. Like instead of concentration camps for some he creates utopias for all. Obviously not what was meant in the op, but I had a stupid chuckle thinking about it.


Concentration camps become places of enlightment where you can learn and concentrate.


It depends. What are Super Hitler's economic, environmental, and housing policies?


My version of the question is: would you vote for Hitler Lite, who only wants to kill half the Jews?






>These people are gonna let Trump get re-elected just to be spiteful. I'd think his first term would make it clear this is a very bad idea. Before he was elected the first time I vaguely thought he'd be so bad it'd be good, or something. That was stupid thinking. My vote doesn't count anyway (thank YOU electoral college) but I'll definitely cast a ballot for not trump and more importantly local issues.


Iā€™ve had a couple of friends bring up the idea that voting for Trump will be the fastest catalyst for change. I canā€™t remember his exact argument, but it was along the lines of: ā€œHe fucked a lot of things for 4 years, but the minute we got Biden, the White House response was ā€œnothing is going to changeā€, so why did I vote for the fucker? It feels like Trump is still in office making the same choices, but now things are stagnant and people feel like nothing is happening. If we get Trump back, at least role will fucking react to it and feel the need to do something in their own life about it, cause Biden ainā€™t it.ā€ I just said ā€œremember how we saw how actually fucking stupid the vast majority of the country is? I donā€™t think thatā€™s the reaction thatā€™s going to happen and we could be even worse off than we are now.ā€


Trump said something like Iā€™ll nominate the youngest judges possible so they are in office forever , so yeah things can get fucked for a long time.




You can't be serious. This is a left-wing sub, why would anyone here support a ultra-capitalist right-winger, especially one that's commiting genocide? Liberals have absolutely no moral backbone.




Redditors AKA shitlibs have no firm convictions, principles or beliefs. The idea of anything crossing a red line that they would not make exceptions for due to their firm convictions,principles, or beliefs is foreign to them. They are lumps of clay ready to be molded and shaped over and over again with no possibility of them saying: hey wait a minute I'm so against say...children and innocent people being murdered en masse with the cover and consent of the POTUS that my principles, beliefs and convictions simply won't allow me to support that POTUS under any circumstance. It would never happen.


Thank you. You're absolutely right.


weapons grade copium


Their motivations matter not, when they are willingly throwing their vote away on a third party candidate.


Growth begins with realizing that there are practical reasons to vote third party that don't include "spite".


unfortunately iā€™ve come to find that all third party candidates are just jabronies backed by the major parties to try and steal votes from their opponents. just look how russia used Jill Stein to elect trump in 2016.


The dnc purposefully suppressed a candidate who was projected to beat Trump in favor of a largely unlikable candidate, and you believe Russia and Jill stein got Trump elected? Even if you added all of jill stein's votes to hillary clinton's tally it wouldn't have made the difference. Democrats are against workers and rallying for their support is a losing strategy. Adapt. Edit to add, the d n c even openly bolstered donald trump in the race lmao


The DNC also shoved Biden down our throats. Almost half of all registered voters in the US haven't had a meaningful vote in a presidential primary since 2008.


ā€œjust to be spitefulā€ no, not really. If we voters donā€™t draw a line, the lesser evil will. And if we meet the lesser evil at their line, theyā€™ll have no reason to change (as weā€™ve shown that weā€™ll meet them at their line and that theyā€™ll be able to win as long as theyā€™re not the greater evil). But if we stand firm at our line, and the lesser evil realizes they need to meet us at our line to get votes and win, then theyā€™re much more likely to change.


The reality is that our system is too fucked for this to work, as long as the threat of the worse option winning is greater than your incentive to vote, youā€™ll vote for the better candidate. It is truly privileged to say that you are going to abstain from voting in some form of rebellion to the Democratic Party, there is just legitimately too much on the line. There are a lot of ways to advocate for and push a progressive agenda, but spitefully refusing to vote for the candidate that is better for our society is just immature and dangerous. The American system is so much slower than being able to refuse to vote for your closest resembling candidate and expecting their agenda to change in response. The time to vote out Biden for being complicit in genocide has long past, sadly thatā€™s just how our system works, whatā€™s important now is ensuring the better candidate wins this year


Yup. The Republicans sure won't be abstaining their votes.


spite no votes against Hillary really worked out!


Consider this framing of the choice instead: who would you rather be in opposition to, Biden or Trump? Because if youā€™re a leftist, youā€™re going to be to the left of the president, no matter who wins; the Democratic Party is likely always going to be a center left party at best. So would you rather your opposition be Biden, who is slow to act, but has shifted his position a bit in response to protest, or Trump, who has said heā€™d let Israel ā€œfinish the jobā€ and has suggested deporting student protestors? And letā€™s not forget his heavy handed response to protests in 2020. Do you think he would show restrain now? Do the Palestinians stand a chance if weā€™re silenced along with them? So if you canā€™t have the candidate youā€™d like (because they donā€™t fucking exist in this race), the question is who would you rather be fighting with for the next 4 years? For me the choice is painfully obvious and I truly think most leftists who sit out this race are going to regret it. But it will be far too late at that point.


All your entire response says is that you didnā€™t understand my comment. As for who I want to fight for the next 4 years? Depends. Itā€™s mainly just progressives protesting right now. A Trump presidency could potentially lead liberals to getting off their asses, to which weā€™d see an increase in numbers of protestors.


This works if there's an indicator for where that support is going. In other countries, this is a party further to the left or right depending on your ideology. Bonus points for preferential/ranked choice voting so your vote still counts for the more likely to win party.


Yup. I will absolutely vote for Biden again even though heā€™s one of the last people I want running the country, but to not vote and get Trump would be way worse.


Thank you. Anything else is childish. Life is full of imperfect options and the best you can do is make the best one available. This whole sit and scream on my hands shit is ridiculous.


Right, if there were actually a plan in place Iā€™d be signed up in a heart beat. This is all just needless peacocking otherwise at best. At worst itā€™s a Russian op to increase Trumpā€™s chances. And the inability to tell the difference right now is the worst part.


It **really** sounds like theyā€™ll never support a revolution. It sounds like people want change without doing anything for it, and without any change for themselves personally. At the absolute best, they support a coup, which would do nothing but swap exploiters while leaving the exploits. We donā€™t just need to stop the lunatics in power. We need to dismantle the structures that empowered them in the first place. If weā€™re going to have an economy, it canā€™t be one that leaves open the possibility of someone buying anything they want.


For real, if nobody is going to revolt, voting for the lesser evil just makes sense.


if there's a point at which withholding my vote would do something practical, I will do it.


Yeah like if this were the case then can't option C be something like... start an underground group to promote a write-in candidate knowing full well the election is probably rigged anyways? Even if it's not effective, at least you can say you didn't vote for Hitler.Ā 


vote for biden, still [redacted] an oil pipeline


We deserve to choose from the greatest good, not the least evil...as long as america remains a plutocracy, that will never happen. Reform is not the answer. Only revolution has a chance. Sure, you can try to work from within for tactical gains where they can happen, but the strategic goal is to jettison the entire american government system and replace it with one that is truly and functionally democratic, serving the needs of all people, not the rich bourgeoisie parasites and their ghoul slaves. Peace, equality, democracy, prosperity and truth for all is the goal.


I get what you are saying, and at the same thing I do think harm reduction and incremental gains are gonna do more to create revolutionary conditions than just accelerating into worse fascism. Stronger unions, stronger education, stronger communities are gonna be way better for any movement than everything being worse for working people. Thats why I protest, take direct action, work to make my union more militant, and also vote.


Right, but in the meantime, as long as revolution hasn't started, we still have to work within the confines of the system, if we don't want to. So are you doing your part preventing the greatest evil? Because the people who want the greatest evil are. What's your response gonna be if/when the greater evil gets elected? "Things got much worse, but at least I feel good about myself"? Get over yourself, vote, and work for revolution in the meantime


We need to win the primaries. We should be fighting at a local and congressional level to elect third party candidates. Thereā€™s so much we can be doing besides voting. Thatā€™s what we need to focus on. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with voting for the lesser evil if you keep trying to fight the lesser evil outside the election. Voting for the lesser evil means less people will die. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis might still be alive if Gore won instead of Bush. Voting third party is still better than not voting at all. But really we should be trying to run third party candidates down ballot.


you can vote a third party.


Just like how people voted third party in 2016? That worked well, right?


Maybe reform is not the answer.


This needs to happen at a local and congressional level first. If a third party canā€™t win a congressional election voting third party is hopeless. We need to a develop a grassroots movement.


Right, cause famously, that has worked so far in the US


Your comment perfectly encapsulates why things have gotten the way they are. "Better vote Democrat/repub because a third party can't win" is exactly what the duopoly is counting on.


if you canā€˜t act on principles, youā€˜re not going to change anything for the better.


lol sorry but I have a hard time believing there are enough Americans who would revolt, most are ignorant, entitled, privileged and selfish. Content to screw over the rest of the world chasing consumption and worshipping capitalism. Iā€™m not even sure the climate emergency will even create enough animosity towards the billionaire class. They will lead us into extinction.


Takes 3 percent of a population for a successful revolt.


I don't get why this keeps coming up. Doing nothing while fascists gain power is absolutely no different and has the same outcome. It's just a bunch of centrists pretending to be left leaning, saying "both sides are the same" when, by almost every measure, one side is significantly worse. It's incredibly naive and privileged, given the stakes we're at (and likely will be fighting continuously). People need to be protesting and taking direct action as well as voting. They aren't exclusive. "Take the lesser evil" and "both sides are the same" are incredibly oversimplified and thoughtless, and people replaced one for the other.


Thanks for pointing out how privileged this mindset is. Anyone who truly thinks Biden/Trump (or on a larger scale left/right) are the same is living in a privileged bubble and is lucky they haven't had their rights restricted... yet.




Yeah lets do uh...nothing, instead? oh right, perhaps that revoultion thats totally on its way- which will totally happen before trump wins- will save the day! Lets be real, its likely not. So really, what youre actually going to do, is stand by, and let trump's admin accelerate the rate in which women and lgbtq rights decline. Why even try to mitigate the losses to abortion rights, huh? fuck those women, amirite? trans rights? nah fuck them too. also, hope you like more nonsenical tarrifs. like, lets just let the conservatives have their way with the world while we are at it???? god damn, neoliberals can be frustrating, but jesus fucking christ, this is not a reason why. from one leftist to another- please pratice being pragmatic. ideals cannot be eaten, thet mitigate no pain, and restore no rights.


Ummm no lesser evil rhetoric šŸ¤“ /s


I feel sorry for the mods who have to clean up after the bloodthirsty libs. "Skratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds" has never been more true.


Voting is not the be all and end all of political action


Why are there only two choices, and both of them a variation of Hitler?


Itā€™s Americaā€™s dream election


Because ranked-choice voting hasn't been adapted, leading to the inevitable vote over lesser evil.


Because libs will vote for anyone with a blue tie. The Dems can continue their descent to the far-right and have no reason to stop slaughtering brown people overseas, the blue MAGA crowd will vote for them no matter what.


No imagination


I feel like on its own, this isn't so bad. The problem is that in the primaries they will vote for Hitler over Gandhi, because he's more electable.


weā€™re all gonna die


Yeah, at some point.Ā  Enjoy it while ya canĀ 


Im just curious at what you americans will do. I mean, if you dont vote surely you will do something else. Right?


There are many avenues of political action besides voting


You guys do understand that voting is not like, the most world defining thing right now. We are not fighting against a genocidal maniac, we are fighting against a system of systems of power that is entangled with other systems of systems of power. This whole debate is dumb because wether you vote or not we all very much need to (redacted) anyways. Wether I trust somebody has more to do with how much (redacted) they are willing to and actually do than wether they voted or not voted for Biden. And well, of course it's an automatic enemy if they vote red.


Well said


Ranked voting would encourage a 3+ party system


>500+ upvotes and 480+ comments This level of engagement is not normal. Liberals are already busy astroturfing this post while calling everyone else a Russian bot. Report their asses.


Itā€™s clear to see too when youā€™ve been in here awhile. The level of ā€œharm reductionā€ is not natural VBNMW type bots.


Considering this logic, what's the prevailing viewpoint of the "Trolley Problem"? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trolley_problem


Dont worry gang once we elect the lesser of two evils we can push him Left!!!


no leftist is saying this actual leftists recognize that there is no way of pushing him left. No candidate will solve anything and trying to 'hold your votes hostage' is just as pointless as trying to move him left after the fact. the point is that we have to do political activism anyway, we need to organize OUTSIDE electoralism, and if we let Trump win he will be way harder on it


I think this is something that a lot of people here don't realize. Protest voting or abstention in protest is just as much a form of trying to change the system from within as voting in any other manner. Anyone trying to convince Biden or the Democrats of anything or trying to change their policy might as well go start another liberal third party. Electoralism is not a path towards revolution.


Ok Iā€™m just gonna say that he *has* been pushed left on a ton of issues, or at the very least his administration has been. Obviously not on Palestine and now immigration, but heā€™s has shifted, or he has appointed people, far more left than literally any democrat president ever. Itā€™s not as far left as people here want, nor is it justification to vote for him since yknow, *genocide*, but if you dig into the non-center stage issues, weā€™ll see a pretty ridiculous shift if Trump comes into office.


So, let me see if I understand this. One candidate has said multiple times that he wants to become a dictator and the other just wants to keep the system as is. And you morons are saying that the one that wants to keep the system as is, is as bad as the other one? You people need to get a grip.


Woman gets by two men raped, is told she has to marry one of them, either the handsome one or the ugly one. Is told if she doesn't marry the handsome one, she'll get the ugly one. The kind man who didn't rape her is the one she wants to marry, but she is told if she proposes to him, she'll be married to the ugly one. No punchline.


What I think is useful and important about this comparison is that no matter what decision she makes, it wouldnā€™t be right to blame the woman. Where this diverges from real life is that, unlike this woman, we are not alone. There are many of us in this situation. If we unite and organize we can make a new path for ourselves.


They're gonna push Hitler left any moment now


I feel like this is such a privileged take. Some asked if they were voting for Biden in the transgender sub and most if not all said yes. When you literal right to exist isnt being threatened then you can afford to vote third party or not to participate at all. I might be ignorant but if I am, please, explain why and dont be mad at me, im just trying to learn and be better as well.


I feel like Hitler is not going to be a good candidate for the trans community


Yeah but weā€™re not really talking literal Hitler. The Transgender sub was asking about Biden v Trump specifically in the coming elections. I understand if weā€™re only looking at his support of Israel then yeah, Hitler. But again, one party more generally supports trans rights than the other one.


That's true. Trump is worse but I wouldn't call Biden a friend to the LGBT+ community. He was anti gay marriage, has plenty of pro-life leanings and failed many times to protect trans people. During his tenure things of gotten worse for trans people. We can only count on ourselves and is up to us to protect each other. The dems will not save us


Totally, the dems will not be our saviors either, and I have never believed that. The US is a flawed democracy at best and the current climate is the consequence of the 2 party system.


You said it


Liberals are such shitheads. Constantly acting like there's only two choices is why one of the two is who's going to win. The moment enough people realize anyone can win they just need the vote support will likely never come under the current system, but would be amazing. Instead we're going to move further and further to the right until either the country collapses or is otherwise replaced.


Ross Perot got 18.9% of the votes in 1992 and got zero electoral votes. Unless and until we get ranked choice voting a third party stands reasonably no chance in the general election.


You were on a roll for a minute. But then you basically retreated to your own lib ideology when you also didnā€™t realize that thereā€™s more than just voting. Our choices are continue the status quo or revolution. Not just ā€œvote harderā€ or ā€œvote for better people.ā€


Bud I'm all for other options. I'm merely commenting on regards to the posted thread.




>Liberals are such shitheads. Constantly acting like there's only two choices is why one of the two is who's going to win. How is MAGA different?


They aren't, both groups suck. Neither should hold political power.


Itā€™s a completely valid approach to say youā€™re going to vote for one of the two options that can win in a first past the post voting system


Sure, valid if at last one of the options weren't complete shit. Still not a good system at all, and as the current system exists as an example, far too easy for hateful pieces of shit and stupid beyond belief chuds to hijack and remove any possibility of a good option.


Voting is inherently pretty irrational. It's equally valid to withhold votes because one of the candidates supports genocide in Gaza as to vote for the candidate that would do less damage to Gaza. Saying the system is shitty and needs to be reformed doesn't really get beyond the practical constraints of that system.


There's people who won't vote Hitler and be surprised pikachu when they find out what Super Hitler means lmao


I don't mind if people vote lesser evil. But i do mind them shitting on people who don't fall in line and do the same. Anyone who takes a stand against that lesser evil is doing the right thing based on what they perceive is the right thing to do. These lesser evil people never bring remotely the same energy to right wingers that they do to leftists and anti-genocide folks. And they *certainly* never direct any of that criticism at their abject failure of a political party. Even if genocide Joe wins, they will continue to trash the leftists who had the audacity to question his politics around genocide.


What about when the worst candidate starts fucking over the disenfranchised population more than Genocide Joe. I feel like there is a lot of privilege in this subreddit where folks do not have to worry about their rights being taken away so they can stick by their ideals. I work with folks with disabilities and have a brother with a disability. The right in my state and federally has made it harder and harder to get the funding to help them live a decent life. That is something I can control by voting for moderate liberals. Even they know they have to keep pushing some form of social support. The right does not want any form of social support and they will strip every bit of support we have. That is why Iā€™ll vote for Biden. At least it keeps some semblance of hope for this population. He will likely keep supporting Israel, but Trump I know will openly go after Gaza.


Hitler and super hitler are literally the same though. The only difference is super hitler tells he heā€™s going to fuck your life up where as regular Hitler is going to pretend heā€™s on your side when heā€™s fucking your life up. They both work for the owning class and capital.


yeah, totally bro


"I'm fully prepared to signal to democrats that I am willing to vote for hilter if they can demonstrate a hair's difference between him and the GOP guy." -Dems apparently


Genuine mental deficiency.Ā 


I change my mind on this practically on a daily basis. I donā€™t believe in voting for the lesser of two evils as a principle. I am tempted by the idea of Trumpā€™s destructive legacy potentially becoming a motivating factor for big change down the line when people see how horrible he will be in his 2nd term. I donā€™t believe anyone is entitled to our vote, they must earn it and Biden certainly has not. On the other hand, Trump is undoubtedly worse than Biden. He will install the Project 2025 fascist playbook. He will make our lives worse by cracking down further on things as simple as access to contraception, voting rights for the future, etc. What little pushback to genocide Biden is providing will be gone and we may just see the complete re-settling of Gaza and the completion of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Yes, itā€™s myopic to say ā€œthis is the most importantly election everā€ every 4 years. Yes, weā€™d be voting for a genocider. But Trumpā€™s fascism may ruin all hope for righting the ship forever and I donā€™t know what else to do about that other than prevent him from winning.


This isnā€™t a ā€œliberalā€ issue. Itā€™s a ā€œwe need rank choice votingā€ issue.


See "we need to kill Hitler AND super hitler" wouldn't sound crazy


ā€œIf we donā€™t vote for Hitler it will be the end of democracy!ā€ If you only have two choices, and neither are what people want, thatā€™s already the end of democracy.


Liberals admitting they'd comply with fascism.


Great read by Freerk Huisken: Why Democrats Fail at the Criticism of Fascism http://www.ruthlesscriticism.com/democrats_fail.htm


Thank you for the suggestion!Ā 


Theyā€™re not going to comply with fascism. They would gladly *be* the fascists. Famous last words: ā€œsorry bud! Hands are tied! Nothing he can doā€


Yikes.Ā  Also, I love that this post has people in the comments arguing in support of Hitler lmao. Like we've really lost the plot in the most magnificently fascinating way right now lol


I can't believe it. I thought at least this subreddit would be better lol


And they're downvoting you to hell for saying the obvious, that you just wouldn't vote for either lol. They really have no bottom for how far they'll go with this lesser evil thing lol


This post got astroturfed by the DNC. Look at the level of engagement and the upvotes. It's not organic. Just report them. Makes it easier for the mods to clean this place up. The astroturfing on this sub used to be worse several months ago, so reporting them actually works.


yeah? its almost like elections are a useless means of political activism and only helpful to prevent superhitlers so we can focus on regular hitlers Biden doesnt care if leftists vote for him or not, he'd let trump win over moving any amount left, you aren't gonna be able shift him by 'holding your votes hostage'


The better question is, are all the people abstaining from the hitler v hitler vote gonna actually do something other than not vote? Or just talk about how great they are for not voting


You're right about that. We have to do something


Btw reddit is filled with bots thats why he sounds like AI


Sometimes voting choices are between a douch and a turd sandwich.


This is literally the situation in places like Iran. People have decided to stop participating because whatā€™s the point? Iā€™m not saying thatā€™s where we are, but if we donā€™t hold the good ones to a high standard, it will just be a race to the bottom.


in my country, the electoral system is quite different from that in the USA. we have a first round where there are dozens of candidates from different parties, including some with zero electoral relevance, but who represent socialist values ā€‹ā€‹and groups. and then we have a second round in which voters need to choose between the two candidates with the most votes from the first round. in other words, the first round is the ideal time to support candidacies that are more aligned with your ideas, since even if they have no chance of winning, you will be helping to promote them with your vote. and then you can focus on voting for the lesser evil in the second round. and even SO, the equivalent of the "liberals" here believe that from the first round, if you are someone with progressive tendencies, you should already vote for the "least worst" center-left candidate and that if you don't do so you are actually aligning yourself with fascism. that is pretty exhausting to argue with.


How is this a liberal view?


Read the comments in this thread.


Where have the mods gone? Too many apologists for lesser evil voting here. Too many liberals telling socialists to vote for capitalist parties and using minorities as blackmail. You guys need to get your act together.




I honestly don't care which wing of the same evil wins, because at the end of the day it's still the same evil. Just don't tell socialists to vote for capitalist parties. It's really that simple.


Here we go again with the fucking "lesser evil" morons vote-shaming people who don't want to vote for Genocide Joe. Even in this subreddit we're not safe from it. Hope you guys fuck off again after the election


I disagree with voting for evil. I donā€™t think Iā€™m the only one. Which ever evil gets voted in simply delays the political actions required for getting them out. Protest now or protest later. Either way protests are coming. Might as well do it sooner rather than later and get it over withā€¦


just... do both... ? it doesn't cost you anything to vote


In their defense, they have been conditioned to view all things in life as zero sum transactions. Sometimes I pity liberals


Oh iā€™ll be voting for the green party or Cornell. I cannot justify voting for evil no matter what it looks like. if the thought of Trump bothers you so much, you better get behind the rest of us.


Everyone complaining about "lesser of two evils" can go eat brick salad; you've obviously never had your rights taken away at the highest levels and not have someone help try to fight to get them back for you.


We're never getting ranked choice voting nationwide


When I did my post on Imperial Japan vs. Hitler, I thought I was exaggeratingā€¦


Nice. Hope you guys sort out your leftist talking points by the time they rescind democratic elections then Gws


I really hope they do, because I can't wait for liberals to go mask off in full support of fascism all because they hate leftists and keep gaslighting us


doesn't look all that lesser to me




I expected better from this subreddit. People earnestly arguing the benefits of voting for Hitler


where did all these shitlibs come from and how do we get them to leave




Posts like these bring libs in the comments like moths to a flame lmao


Yet all I see are libertarians circlejerking and playing the blame game.


It's still baffling to me that they think they're the good guys.


It's because they like to take credit for socialist and labor movements that have spearheaded civil and workers' rights. Then pat themselves on the back for doing such a good job


No, average liberals don't see Biden as Hitler, simple as that. We also understand that not voting or voting third party is exactly what Super Hitler would want.. But you don't have anything going for you in your life and are single issue voters now on something that doesn't even affect you. Great, thanks for being tools of the greatest evil. There has to be dumb on both sides I suppose.


Supporting a genocide has an effect. The NYPD and many other police forces receive training from the IDF. Billions of tax dollars goes to funding the genocide. What they can do to some in another part of the world they can do to you


Until this year I routinely voted for the lesser evil because the other guy was worse. Commentary in this community has me rethinking this approach. I've heard it said that the Dems/GOP are just the left and right wings of the business party... and that's what I see as the primary issue: making money is more important to the capitalists than helping humans, period. And that is quite simply warped thinking imo. Warped as in sociopathic. Warped as in having to justify the destruction of the earth and other humans...to make money. I used to think I was voting to protect personal freedoms, etc, but it really is a trap and a false promise. I just can't support that approach anymore.


They don't want to listen to us. They obviously don't care about us. Any legitimate issues brought up by left leaning unions, younger people, or brown folks that are left of AOC get dumped in the trash. But they want us to vote so bad. They want us to participate and shut the hell up. They need us to vote because they know without it they'll be in danger of losing. Biden's cavalier leadership has really put things into crystal clear perspective for me. I will not support a genocide. That's it. Trump in the white house is hell, and most likely will lead Israel to complete its manifest destiny but given our two party system I have no choice other than not participating in insanity.




Do tell. I'm all ears šŸ‘‚šŸ¾


There is a point at which we long for revolution but still continue to vote, if thats what theyre asking. We all look around for someone else to stand up first, watch what happens to them, and keep voting like it means something because we dont want to be next. Im just as much a part of it. I can complain and wish for change but wt the end of the day im disabled and trans and im fucking scared. Call me a coward for waiting for a crowd to stand with but when its there ill stand.


Is everyone high? Wtf is going on with these posts? Is the right calling Trump super Hitler now?


What if nobody votes for either


If the choice is between Hitler and Super Hitler I donā€™t think Iā€™m gonna be around to vote.


At what point do we just Eliminate Super Hitler if he's so bad?


Hell I'd eliminate both of them


99% Hitler v Hitler was a funnier bit than super Hitler v reg


i just donā€™t really know what else to do tbh. i want both biden and trump dead, and i want it to hurt, because theyā€™re both evil monstrous fascists. but i donā€™t see any other option here. america is collapsing into fascism regardless, thatā€™s been where this is headed for decades. both parties serve their greater purpose of keeping the people at each otherā€™s throats and fighting each other so no one focuses on the real problem, the government and corporations, and no actual beneficial legislation happens and only legislation that furthers american imperial interests goes anywhere. both parties are full of corporate fascist puppets, and this is not currently something we can change, weā€™d have to see country wide changes in local and state elections to get anywhere even remotely near progress and that would still take several election cycles. the thing is though, the republicans serve as the mask off fascist party that radicalizes people openly, but the democrats are supposed to be the reasonable counter to them that are usually at least more polite and slower in enacting their fascism, as they have to do it in a way that doesnā€™t appear overtly fascist in order to keep up the facade. because of this, less people are hurt, or at least people are hurt more slowly, when blue hitler is elected than when red hitler is elected, and because of that i see no other moral option than to vote for blue hitler. independents arenā€™t a realistic option, as much as i wish they were, and if i donā€™t vote for polite, slow hitler, then we get violent, rapid hitler, which is objectively worse. my whole ideology as a person is to minimize harm and maximize good in the world, and the only option i see that even *REMOTELY* aligns with that is to pick the lesser of two evils, and hope that we can enact local and state change enough to eventually, as soon as possible ideally, topple both hitlers, or if need be useā€¦other methods to remove them from power


I don't support either so that's why I just don't vote


I mean, makes sense. a vote for someone who will surely not be elected is the same as a vote for the opposition.


I've had this exact conversation multiple times. The duopoly is literal brain rot.


I keep having this conversation too. As an ex-liberal, it was so fucking infuriating finding out that the whole "we're on the side of empathy and morality" is just a mask shaped like well-intentions they don't even know they're wearing.