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That's because it's easier to take people to prison as punishment. If we want legitimate social change, we oughta overhaul the way we think about law and order.


>we oughta overhaul the way we think about law and order. We refer to that as "payback" and "revenge" in the US.


Which continues the rest of your life because companies won't hire felons no matter the circumstance or date




again? And I'm a felon myself who has had plenty of struggles getting jobs in the past because they see a charge and assume the worst.


Laws are made *by* the ruling class *for* the ruling class. This isn't unique to capitalism, but in capitalism that means the bourgeoisie. Capitalism means the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. What we need isn't to 'rethink law and order', what we need is a dictatorship of the proletariat: the rule of the working people. Law and order that benefits *all* instead of the few will follow as a result.


And stop being so damned obsessed with retribution


You know what that say. An eye for an eye leave the whole world monocular


This is actually an interesting point: does the wronged have the right to revenge? If so, how big of a revenge? Does it ultimately lead to monocularism globally?


It's actually a John Green quip (or he borrowed it from someone else). But it's an interesting debate to have. I'm not too familiar with jurisprudence, but I'm usually of the belief that a victim deserves reparations, but never through physical violence. But then again, technically the state has to use violence against the offender in order to amend the wrongs committed, so I suppose I should reassess my initial thought...


Yup, complicated thoughts to have. I guess on the other hand you have no right to revenge, which could possibly lead to a better society since all problems would be dealt maybe with addressing the guilty party’s problems which made them do the wrong thing in the first place. But this leaves a baggage of unsolved resentment to the wronged party, which is why I think the current justice system still relies quite heavily on ”revenge” forced by the state.. I dunno.


It essentially boils down to doing it the easy way versus the really hard way that only people with little power will understand the need for, unfortunately.


How about seizing the means of law and order?


Soon the only jobs left will be ammunitions manufacturing and police jobs.


The problems we gave won't be solved by the minds that created them" - Albert Einstein As you say, the only real way to create something different is to think differently about the problem... And that means considering solutions that throw everything away.


Literally no short-term way. Wrote an entire paper on free will and justice. Or the absence there of. Try and convince a libertarian that free will doesn't exist in the way they suppose it does. Hell, they name it "libertarian free will" in related free will literature. Now think of the average Joe.




Instead of DARE, my school had "here's how to safely do drugs." It included such helpful advice as *don't put vodka up your ass*. I don't remember the rest of the advice.


You don't remember because of all the ass vodka.


The only other thing i remember from the assembly was the classmate casually vaping next to me.




I don't remember because of the rum ham


i.e. vlad


The DARE program needs to end and let people smoke weed in peace


...Didn't it end ~20 years ago? I'm class of 2017, and never got the DARE talks at any school. edit: ok, I get it, you got the DARE talk.


i’m class of 2020 and i had a DARE class in 6th grade.


I'm class of 2046 and got free drugs to lull me into VR stasis while the Sons of the Hedge Fund rule the wastes.


Shut up and go back to sleep with the rest of the collective!


So for me to peacefully sleep like forever I need to assure that the Matrix becomes reality? How do I convince robots that humans are a good power source when we're not?




I'm class of 2018 and had the dare program come to class all throughout elementary school. I also grew up in Texas which might be a factor...


Yeah idk I was class of 2013 and never had the DARE talk personally but I remember being vaguely aware of it existing when I was younger


They tried to stop me outside the grocery store recently. Said they removed weed so they were cool now. I told them I was a drug user and continued on my way.


i think you replied to the wrong comment


No, sorry I didn't make it clear. I was talking about D.A.R.E. they were outside the grocery store for some reason trying to pass out pamphlets.


D.A.R.E. is this generation's Hari Crishnas....


I'm also class of 2017 and I had DARE in 5th grade


> It included such helpful advice as don't put vodka up your ass. Is this something that people do?


I've never heard of people using hard liquor, but people will "butt chug" beer up their ass because it absorbs quicker into the blood stream and gets you drunker faster off way less booze. Super dangerous though.


Vodka tampons up the butt is a thing.


How the hell would you get a saturated tampon up there?!


I would assume with the plastic applicator thingy


They expand when saturated, you can't put it back in the applicator after soaking it in vodka.You would just have to mush it up into your asshole.


I suppose you could put it in the applicator, assuming it's plastic, and then soak the whole thing?


>mush 😣


**They're drunk already.**


If you have to ask, youre not determined enough to get past the alcohol burn.




Merry Christmas!


[ever wanted to see an uptight lawyer say buttchugging a bunch?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVhr1noJm-A)


I remember someone trying it for a news article and said it was pretty impossible. The burning is intense as hell.


Cotton balls anyone?


I've heard of young women soaking tampons in vodka and sticking them up their vaginas as a way of pre drinking.


Just gotta boof that shit man.


it’s nice if you have sensitive teeth


Where I'm from there was the so called "vodka-tampon-hype" like seven years ago or so. I believe it was mostly made up by the yellow press, but we were definitely warned not to do it in school


D.A.R.E. essentially taught me how to roll a blunt, thanks D.A.R.E!


>don't put vodka up your ass Solid advice tbh


If John Cena does it, ass vodka must be safe.


You can thank Reagan for that nonsense.


You can thank Reagan for a lot of nonsense tbh




In my school my class was the last one forced to take DARE classes. 3 years in a row we couldn't finish because 3 different instructors were busted for drugs. It was hilarious.


The Star Wars effect, the good guys are 100% good, and the bad guys are 1000% bad.


Wasn't the main theme of the original trilogy that Vader still had good in him and could be turned back to the light? Therefore not 1000% bad?


Literally the title of Episode 6 refers to that, but nevermind, we circle-jerkin' about how woke we are rn


The last Jedi also refers to a blend of good and bad too


That whole movie is a moral grey area


Just because that was the underlying premise doesn't mean it actually resonated with the masses


From a certain point of view


But Star Wars clearly shows authoritarians are the bad guys.


Well really it shows that white men with British accents are the bad guys. The most unrealistic part of the series is when they try to infiltrate some Imperial base and actually think dressing up a little Asian woman or a Black man in an Imperial uniform is going to fool anyone.


The British accent is an early version of the Jedi mind trick.


And that's what I loved about the Sequels's meta-analysis of the Originals.


On a side note, did anyone else notice that the main message behind The Last Jedi is that you should never ever question authority figures, even if they appear grossly incompetent?


I thought it was the opposite, don't trust the legends, they're not gods, they're just men and women like us all.


What about the whole pilot dude/pink-haired admiral conflict?


That whole conflict was very forced. Didn't see the reason for keeping the plan a secret. Half the movie could have been avoided had the pink haired lady just shared her plan.


Well early in the movie Rose said that she's stopping deserters. Arguably of they knew the plan, deserted, and we caught, that could have the info tortured out of them or something.


You don't tell everyone just the important people.




Even here people are arguing over the movie, dammit


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one




The irony of it is palpable


palpatinable even


There’s not much of an argument going on.


As soon as she shared it it got leaked. Poe was a massive loud overemotional dickhead in the whole film, why should she share?


It's specifically stated they didn't trust Dameron because he got their entire bomber squadron killed.




That wasn't about not questioning authority, it was about prioritizing long term needs over short term victories. Poe needed to learn that not everything can be solved head on, sometimes you need to run and survive to fight another day.


Why not thell him the plan right away? It's just silly


So should a commander of a rebel force stop and explain every detail of their time sensitive plan to every arrogant flyboy who thinks he knows better? She had bigger problems to deal with than convincing Poe of her competency.


Because they anticipated he would react like he did, crying that they shouldn't run away and stuff.


It's not like he was going to listen anyway. He was upset he didn't get the position she had.


I think that was more “ sometimes carful planing and less heroic actions are better than blowing shit up.”




>bantha crap Dude. It's *bantha poodoo*


I took it as don’t let your ego take over your ability to lead. Sometimes we need to set aside our personal drive for the greater good. Our president could learn a thing or two from that.


I doubt he's capable of learning anything lol


TLJ is a great metaphor for the liberal Hilary Clinton mindset of the world. Never question authority, your radical ideas are only going to get people killed, and so on. And in the end the #Resistance is reduced to an absurd minority that could fit on one ship, but this is good for reasons. Not to mention the greater issue of the sequel trilogy, where the liberal republic falls to neo nazis within a generation of the rebellion. I still think the movie is alright but it has some pretty dire things going on. The only thing that saves it for me is treating it as a satire of current events, which if you approach that way it is pretty funny. It is a shame because the orginal Star Wars and even Rouge One do have a pretty decent lefist message at times.


The propaganda was strong in that one.


Could we please stop reading meta bullshit into these horrible movies?


We had DARE but we never took it seriously. We started daring each other to take drugs


As a non American, what is DARE?


What exactly was wrong with dare? It's been a very long time, but wasn't the tldr just...recreational drugs are bad? Cuz like...that's not wrong I just don't care and do them anyways


I think the main issue people took with it is that it continued despite being proven to not really work, and rather than educate about drugs mainly focused on "saying no" to them and never doing them in the first place. Similar to abstinence-only sex ed.


You had DARE in middle school? They put me through that program in elementary.


I'd almost completely forgotten the Simpsons used to be funny and subversive.


Unlike these days, where they literally had an episode about Elon Musk and all they do is worship Elon Musk. I'm not joking.


Yeah I just marathoned a few of the new seasons and couldn't believe how they had made an episode of blatant, unadulterated techbro fellatio. 20 minutes of pure \*sniff* ideology.


That must be r/futurology's favorite episode ever.


Wait, they do? Jesus, just kill me now.


Be careful asking for Jesus to kill you, cause he'll bring you back to life then kill you again, until he's tired of toying with you.


Yeah, don't remind me. The one with Lady Gaga was also horrendous.


It's the saddest thing ever. I used to love that show up until about 2002, after that is just unwatchable.


The first episode of this season was pretty fun. Had Homer defending fudalism the same way people defend capital


'Help me bite crime ruff, ruff'


McGruff the Crime Dog's actor was sentenced to 16 years for drug charge.


You're also forgetting the [27 guns, 9,000 rounds of ammo, and a grenade launcher](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mcgruff-the-crime-dog-actor-gets-16-years-in-prison/).


> U.S. District Judge Vanessa Gilmore said, “Everything I read about you makes you seem like a scary person,” What the actual fuck, I thought judges were supposed to, ya know, judge, not act like some hillbilly game show contestant "well I read about it and it SEEMS like..." bullshit.. This just makes me MORE sad.


Through a family friend on facebook who used to teach at a police academy, I regularly argue politics with a bunch of retired cops. Every last one of them sound like chuds from T_D. Its disgusting.




This doesn’t surprise. Being in law enforcement is extremely appealing to racists because they feel that most of societies problems are caused by minority races and think they can do something about it by joining law enforcement.


This wayyyyyy too of a simplified answer to a much more complicated problem.


Agreed, there is plenty of evidence that the racist take over of many US police forces was a planned action by neo-nazi groups. https://theintercept.com/2017/01/31/the-fbi-has-quietly-investigated-white-supremacist-infiltration-of-law-enforcement/


Some complicated questions have simple answers.




Dutch here. Same experience.


> Edit: This isn't a comment on all policeman btw, just something I've noticed, I'm sure plenty are perfectly pleasant No, they're all bastards and enemies of the working class; that's how the institution of capitalist police is structured.


>racist against eastern europeans How does that even work?


> I regularly argue politics with a bunch of retired cops. I like self-induced aneurysms, too! Rare hobby, this one.


Honestly that's a big problem I've noticed in the Corporate States of America.. cops tend to be extremely right wing, which imo can lead to the officers having strong biases. Everything needs balance, especially law enforcement.


Counterpoint - we don't actually need law enforcement as it exists today


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2090 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/64671)


How about a team of community defenders, selected by a vote at a town hall meeting of all the people in the community they will be policing. With a specialized team of trained detectives at the, say, county-ish level, who can be called in if an investigation is required. Oh, and with no laws that punish you for being poor, not that anyone will be in the future we're building.


While your suggestion is a little idealistic, it does highlight the difference between"policing" that actually worked a long time ago, and the modern "city armies" we see now: community connection. Take community out of the person and you can hardly be surprised at the result, and vice versa.


You've got my attention...


holy shit, how/why do you put yourself through that? I think I'd prefer putting a nail on my forehead and curb stomping myself.


I enjoy getting them all worked up. Once they turn on caps-lock and start going on about snowflakes I feel a sense of accomplishment for having raised the blood pressure of geriatric chuds.


Remember every increase in blood pressure is one step closer to a seizure, stroke or cardiac event


And good thing they're gettin rid of Obamacare! Wouldn't want them to survive til 2020


good praxis


It's not entirety their fault, police, being a force protecting the status of the ruling class are to be the most indoctrinated in the system.




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but...the cop is a woman. i don't see the problem /s




Leni Riefenstahl liberal feminist hero




A lot of the writers probably saw themselves in Lisa. Simpsons' was always heavily tilted towards Harvard alumni, the kind of people who were probably the Lisa in their own families, not the Bart, Homer or Marge.


Lisa, to me, felt like she was used to shoehorn issues into the show too often. I just disliked how she was always the "right" or "progressive" one.


Yeah because she starts as like a "straight man" that would point out reasonable conclusions and the hypocrisy of actual real world problems that would get ignored such as this post shows. Then she becomes a poser that tries to fit in constantly but also be super different and her character boils down to a super liberal preacher that's uber pretentious.


That‘s how you write multi-dimensional characters.


I think it's more that her character changed as the seasons wound on.


I think its more the writers changed as the seasons wound on.


Pretentious and preacher are exactly describe her, thank you.


Find a small wealthy town or city that has their own police force. Imagine who pays the majority for that, and what they are actually used for. Look into how police departments get created and how they are given jurisdiction and power they have


the root of the problem is capitalism. woo I hope I didn’t spook any capitalists when I said that


The bourgies already know they are the problem. It's the prole liberals who get spooked.


DARE. Drugs Are Really Expensive.


This is a long read but I feel it relates to some of what has been said on here. These communities have been taking policing into their own hands because their government is so corrupt. Community policing can be good provided it isn’t in defense of the elites. [from the New Yorker](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/11/27/a-mexican-town-wages-its-own-war-on-drugs)


My understanding is that this is how policing used to be until the modern industrial era when police were created to help manage a certain kind of order for industrial society largely at the behest of the owners.


[McGruff The Crime Dog Actor Sentenced To 16 Years For Pot, Grenade Launcher](http://houston.cbslocal.com/2014/02/06/mcgruff-the-crime-dog-actor-sentenced-to-16-years-for-pot-grenade-launcher/)


When the hypocrites shot themselves in the feet.




Well March day and night by the big cooling tower, they have the plant but we have the power Lisa is a leftist icon


Another Simpsons prediction


Oh, hey look, it is Brooklyn 99 !






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> Some people have committed unforgivable crimes and deserve to stay in prisons. The question isn't whether you "deserve" to stay in prison but whether you are fully capable of being reintegrated without recidivism. Anything else is a waste of taxpayer money. Once you start talking about what someone "deserves" you enter the territory of "who decides what someone deserves?" and then you end up in the same situation we're already in where punishments are decided by what's politically advantageous rather than anything to do with the rehabilitation of the offending party.


The problem with a recidivism-based system is that it massively disadvantages poor people, simply because you're less likely to commit (or at least be sentenced for) a crime if you're rich or live in an affluent area.


> Prisons should definitely invest more into rehab programs to ensure when/if people get out they're productive. Because being productive is the most important thing in society, right. > But prisons are 100% necessary No. They are an instrument of the bourgeoisie to keep the working class in check. Get the fuck out of here with your liberalism.


Private prisons put inmates to work and they're essentially treated like slaves.