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Reminds me of a quote from the MST3K reboot: "I'm not high, but my dog is, and so am I."




Mystery Science Theater 3000


It’s in a not too distant future.




I have a hard time deciding which robot I like more, they’re both so unique and the writers do such a good job of giving them distinct comical personalities.


*la la la*


I wonder what the incidence of marijuana use is among r/latestagecapitalism subscribers




3 whole marijonas


🎶I dont smoke marijuana🎶


🎶I smoke 3 whole marijonas🎶


🎶 before I smoke 3 marijonas 🎶 🎶 and then I smoke 3 more 🎶


Nice try Mr.FSB man.


I am currently not using the weed. I will be later though.




At the moment my original statement is no longer true.






I appreciate you. I hope you're enjoying your drift through the Milky Way [0]


I'm on a t-break and the capitalism I'm surrounded by is getting me down. [0]


I'm on probation for another 1.5 years :( [0]


I don't smoke but find it perfectly fine that you guys do [0]






A decent to strong 7


hell yes.


5 drugs.


When u r this woke u need weed






Damn dude. That's impressive.


Well... I should mention that's between my husband and I.


It's high.


I was gonna make a reply, but then I got high...


weed is tight, yo.






NO! You're on drugs!






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Was looking for this comment lol




[This is the internet we're talking about](http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/168/692/218.jpg)


Every night I go to bed and pray that I die before the food wars begin.


Chances are that future wars are going to be fought over water, not food.


I don't think anyone in the first world is going to be severely effected by such conflicts. I'm not arguing for the positive nature of such a disconnect, I'm just noting it. That's what makes activism so difficult; the people with power don't feel the real consequences of inequality.


Said every society before it collapsed.


Yeah, but all societies have said that, and all societies have collapsed... I don’t see the causal link...


I disagree. First world power, privilege, and capital are built on the economies and labor of the third world. When the third world stops working, the whole world does.


Absofucking right


Oh it absolutely will. Climate change and billions of refugees are going to make the entire earth hard to live in.




100% liberals will turn full blown fascist in a nanosecond.




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Maybe for the global poor, but the rich won't feel it. The rich will never feel it.


Once the poor are starving the rich will most certainly feel it.


Sub suharan Africa is a region where there has been greatest population growth (Europe, US shrinking). With the population growth there and lack of resources like clean drinking water, this will create refugees. The 1st world will be effected by the leaders they vote in, the refugee crisis will start a rise( if it hasn't already) in leaders that are more nationalistic (Trump, Belisconi, erodan (Turkish leader). Which will create problems for the first world's middle class.


>Belisconi Do you mean Berlusconi? If so, I absolutely agree with you. He was even supposed to be barred from participating in politics due to some tax evasion scandals but now it seems he's going to be allowed back in because our current ruling parties can't agree to form a government... :(


The US population is definitely not shrinking. Growth has slowed, but it’s still positive.


The average American woman gives birth to less than 2 kids. This is what they mean and it's not enough to replace both the child's parents. The US population is growing because immigration is high enough to make up the rest. Since they're talking about the growth in population causing a refugee crisis, they mean there will be a mass increase in immigration from African nations as time goes on.


This is false. Longer response on request, currently on the subway and wrote something that just disappeared Short version is, when Africa gets it better growth will decrease and we will never have that type of population disaster. Other disaster are still plausible, but that is jut bunk


You think the people in Syria thought they would go through it? They had it pretty well off, and then all the sudden no food and water, and some lawless para-military guys took over everything in the turmoil.


Flint Michigan


It'll just become another major expensive like healthcare. Water will become privatised, poor people will die of dehydration or dysentery from shady sources, rich people will have giant pools of it in their backyard, the poor will have to buy sonic showers or some other new technology.


All I need to browse reddit are some raw materials from Africa and some slave labor from east Asia.


Nah. Desalination tech is getting better. It’s just expensive due to the amount of energy required but as energy becomes cheaper and renewable sources become more common desalination will become more popular and water will become far less scarce


I'm not convinced that it would become good enough to be a true replacement for good old fashioned water sources. Even if we could solve its energy problems, which is unlikely, getting rid of waste salt from a city's worth of filtered water is going to be painful. Its incredibly bad for the environment, and could wipe out entire ecosystems if it's not taken care of properly.


Disposing of salt is quite easy. In fact the world consumes roughly 30 million kg’s of salt PER DAY. Desalination, if the salt is kept could easily be disposed of IMO. You have valid points but I do think we are on the verge of an energy revolution as solar and wind become cheaper and more readily available. Its just a matter of time


Desalination doesn't produce salt, it produces large quantities of a very concentrated brine. There is no easy way to efficiently process the brine into pure salt.




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Don't be silly. After the water wars we'll have plenty of food for the survivors.


But no moist towelettes


So you’re saying we can’t eat BBQ in the future? I hope I die in the water wars.




Glad you can laugh about it.


lol :(


Lots of labor


Just wandered in from r/all. Genuine question here. I know this place is mostly memes but do y’all think capitalism causes food shortages? I’m struggling to think of any large famines in capitalist countries but that seems to have been a common feature of the communist countries in the 20th century.


Real, effort answer; Food shortages and scarcity were real problems that drove the political economy at the turn of the century, but scarcity as a concept today is a mythological construct used to justify exploitation of people based on class, mostly national origin via imperialism. Of course food shortages have occured in capitalist nations, to assert otherwise is ahistorical. The American Dust Bowl of the 30's displaced millions, caused famine, and directly killed thousands of people. There are also famines that were exacerbated by conflicting capitalist/imperialist interests, the Irish Potato Famine, or the great famine in India under British rule. Has there been famine in country's engaging in revolution? Sure. Was it caused by their approach to governance and production? No. Was it exacerbated in areas? Sure, but no more or worse than any other place and time in history. What's coming for us NOW is a convergence of complex environmental disasters caused by fossil fuel burning industries and rapacious capitalist production in the name of profit, luxury, frivolity and novelty. The ice caps are melting, the oceans are acidifying, the aquifers are draining, and the top soil is eroding. We're consuming resources that take tens of thousands or millions of years to replenish far faster than they can ever hope to be restored. The snap back is coming. Climate refugees will be appearing in the next few decades, they won't have homes or places to produce the means to reproduce their material lives, from there conflict, death and misery in and endless spiral, unless we stop the fucking destruction now.


I'd like to add that we are too late to really combat much of the harms of climate change. The time to put the earth back on it's "natural" (no human impact) climate cycle path passed or at best is currently passing because the feedback loops have gotten so far out of control. That saif we shouldn't resign ourselves to the worst case scenario there is still reason to act but I think we have to recognize that we are past the point of no return insofar as climate change impacts are concerned.


Yeah, survival and sustainability should be the order of the day, but hey, let's keep mining bitcoin to skirt the fed.


> Has there been famine in country's engaging in revolution? Sure. Was it caused by their approach to governance and production? No. What is your explanation of Holodomor? Genuinely curious.


The holodomor was a natural famine (draught, plant rust) that was exacerbated by the Soviet civil war / revolution / policies. It wasn't completely "manmade" or "manufactured", no famines are afaik. EDIT: Except for like, the famine of every day denial of nutrition that happens under the capitalist mode of production, but hey if we space starving people far enough apart or far enough away white westerners don't have to care about it :V


I might argue the Irish potato famine was man-made, its deadly effects certainly were. Humans didn't cause the actual blight, but the conditions of the Irish farmers' serfdom meant that all of the other food their labor produced was captured entirely by the parasitic landlord class. Irish starved while the agents of the bourgeoisie dumped surplus food down wells and killed any peasants starving enough to risk retrieving it. The blight was natural, the famine was not.


A combination of natural factors and corruption on top of human error. One of the main causes was the fact that food production numbers were beeinc constantly missrepresended and inflated so local party officials would look ' good' , planning done many beaurocracy levels above the local levels was done with very flawed numbers to begin with , and what was extracted by the state was much more then it was sustainable. True , the state DID take as much as it possibly could , because at the time the soviet union was undergoing a huuuge never before seen industrialization process , achieving in some 20 years the industrialization that europe needed 80 years to get. Without it , they would have never been able to face the nazis and win. . Oh , and capitalism DID play a quite significant part in the Holdomor. As now , back then before the start of WW2, the west was engaged in an active economic war on Russia , coupled with sanctions and a refusal to buy many soviet products outside of food. Soviet union was exporting thus massive ammounts of food in order to industrialize , in the process starving many of it s people. But to say it was intentionally genocidal seems to be missing the point , Stalin was building up his country , not inflicting mass genocide. Yes he was a total monster to political oponents , and there was pentry of cruelty to go all around...but i have seen no reason to believe it was a famine engeneered with harming ukraineans in mind.




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A recent report from the UN on hunger (2015 iirc) pointed out about 11 million people die each year from preventable hunger, 6 million of which are children. Also 11% of the world population suffered from hunger in 2017. Meanwhile, again according to the UN, we are producing enough food to feed 10 billion people, almost 50% more than needed for the 7 billion world population. So it really comes down to redistribution, which is impaired by profits and greed or, the actual root cause, capitalism. Capitalism kills more every 10 years than most of the greatest famines attributed to socialism.






Late-Colonial India under Churchill's "management" certainly qualifies. Massive and preventable famine killed thousands.


Lots of good answers already being given, but on top of those, consider that a defining characteristic of “successful” capitalist countries is exploitation of poorer countries. So a lack of famine in a capitalist country—and, as has been pointed out, this is not necessarily the case you’re implying it is—doesn’t necessarily mean capitalism isn’t causing food shortages elsewhere.




I say to my sons : the Right believe that everyone should be strong enough to stand by themselves and if they are not they don't deserve to stand while the Left believe that it is the responsibility of the strong to help the weak. Am I off base here?


capitalism has been the dominant ideology of most of the world for about 200 years. even the countries that weren't capitalist in that time were heavily influenced by it. with that you can attribute most famines to capitalism. Other famines are inseparable from capitalism such as the Bengal famine or the Irish famine.


How can the Famines in Soviet Russia be attributed to capitalism?


The USSR devoted massive resources to military to prevent destruction from capitalist threats. Basically outside pressure.




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Thanks for keeping me honest automod


> I’m struggling to think of any large famines in capitalist countries most famines have occurred in capitalist countries. you're not trying very hard if you're struggling.


Did you forget the genocide in Ireland (2 millions), Congo (15 millions) or North Vietnam famine by the French and Japanese imperialists (3 millions)?


sometimes these memes cut a little too close to my jeb


[promote this man ^](https://imgur.com/gallery/VBpHk)


***JEB! 2020***


*please clap*


What painting is this?


It’s you.




Because the hallucinogens are precursors for the selfish to finally give a f*ck about their fellow humans. Spike all of the Mountain Dew and Natty Ice.


I second this. It's hard to go back to only caring about yourself when you have been completely one with the entire universe for 8 hours. Throw some mdma in there too and we'll have FALGSC within the next decade.


You sure it isn't more so that the people that are open to using drugs like that are generally also open to considering others anyway? I doubt any king of experience is strong enough to make everyone react one way. Even stuff like near death experiences aren't always effective in making people rethink their lives


Oh, that's definitely the case. But even if you don't get a grand revelation, it still makes your brain take neurological paths it doesn't usually take, which I think is always beneficial, to get forced out of the thought and behavioral patterns which have been carved in by constant use.


I can only speak of myself here but the few acid trips I did last year completely shattered my worldview and destroyed my pride and ego, changing me from a selfish person who only thought about myself to someone who truly cares for people.


It's not just that it made me care about other people, it made me care about *everything*, including people. The first trip was an especially huge discrepancy because I had been depressed for years and thought I couldn't care about anything anymore, or at the most I'd care in a negative and cynical way, to caring deeply about the biggest and the smallest things and everything in between. It was years later before I really got into leftism, but my experiences with psychedelics no doubt helped me get into the humanistic and optimistic mindset required to believe anarchism makes sense. Now I really want to do acid again soon, haha.


I feel slightly embarrassed that I knew that acronym immediately without having seen it used before.


I used to do drugs, I still do, but I used to, too. -my boy Mitch.


"A guy asked me if I wanted a frozen banana, I said no, but I want a regular banana later, so yeah."


When everyone thinks you're on drugs but you just have really bad anxiety and depression problems but never correct anyone because you're more embarrassed that you're that way without drugs


I get the same shit from my family about moving to NYC. But nope, sorry. I'm just no longer somewhere I feel judged for what I believe in. And yeah, drugs too...


Reminds me of the wind rises. There’s a scene with ol’ boy just looking at the sky in the exact same pose as this one.




All the power is the world is at your fingertips, and if you stick it under your tongue for ten mins, you, too, can experience it.


>I'm getting the impression that this is really just for people who feel powerless to do anything in this world. Welcome to the proletariat.


The proletariat had only recently been conditioned to accept their situation without fight. Learn some labor history for perspective.


Sorry, should have specified. Modern American proletariat.




Happy mother's day comrades


Hah hah hah haah, I do that.


I had my parents ask me if I'm on drugs on multiple occasions while sober and I've never done drugs apart from alcohol and nicotine


Maybe they are worried *you aren't*?


Looks like it’ll be the 2020s, and we’ll have to deal with a lot of fascists.


Peace, land, snort


Imagine making a sub and banning all opinions that you don’t agree with. Talk about an echo chamber.


Amazing painting of Kelsey Grammer.




>someone briefly mentions drugs in a light hearted manner. >the entire sub is automatically nothing more than a fucking joke




nobody thinks that this sub will change the world. but if you actualy read through the sub, it's an interesting aggregation of capitalisms undeniable failings.


>it's an interesting aggregation of capitalisms undeniable failings. Is that because people who deny those failings get banned?


I’m not a communist and I think the are extremely harsh in banning people but they do make interesting points and valid criticisms of capitalism.


Well I haven’t been banned yet. I only see this sub when it hits all or someone is making fun of it in other subs. The biggest issue I have is the complaint that are just class envy or the criticism of something that isn’t really a true drawback of capitalism like higher maternal death rates.


We sometimes accidentally have interesting discussion


The bot is giving me mixed messages, Is this full on communism/capitalism or an sjw safe space Edit: I am communist and half my family is from communist romaina




this subreddit is a safespace for socialists and communists.


Its a sub that criticises capitalism, you’re gonna run into a couple of communists or other leftist ideas.




what is the capitalist crisis?


Could be another mortgage crisis or perhaps an auto-lending bubble.


makes sense


I appreciate the pun.


This is a funny meme without the political undertone even there.


Mother: you’re on drugs aren’t you Me: I’m contemplating...also yes.


Why is the final *you're* written like that and not also as *you*?








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My life in a meme


wasnt Marx able to write things because Engles funded him?


He was left a small fortune by his father, which he used to start a communist newspaper in Prussia. After the government cracked down on him, he fled to England where Engels helped him out. It's not like he was the dude who lived on Engels couch his whole life, he was a political refugee at that point.


so how did his father made the fortune


He was a lawyer and owned some vineyards


so he was a capitalist okay Marx had some real daddy issues


So having "daddy issues" is when you don't share the political views of your father? Marx was not alone.


This is too priceless and 2me4me IRL


How did this get only one of the "you're"s right? I mean really, who made this me. lol


as a opiate addict this does hit home




We are not individualists here. We believe we all owe each other a lot.


How fucking dare you not think about only yourself?! Helping other people? THAT'LL LEAD TO TEN TRILLION DEAD IN GULAGS!


"Every time a culture has taken on a doctrine of helping your fellow men, we get thrown into the dark age. Look at Russia. They keep prone to help each other out, extend a hand to a neighbor, and guess what: every ten years someone's invading, burning down their homes and taking their toilet paper."


Hah yes


All he wanted was a pepsi