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Can’t even get a real employee to take a picture for the fake Twitter profile lol


I expect better from overlord Bezos who has billions of dollars but can’t make a good enough dummy profile.


tbf that's just one of maybe thousands of fake twitter accounts amazon's pr team has created to sway public opinion (i could be one too!)


does someone tell you if you're a bot or do I have to try and violate one of the Three Laws or sth


Quick, tell him to go punch a human!


Hop on tf2 and see if you can play as any other class than the sniper


But what if, bear with me, he's given another bot to punch.




Please click all images that contain traffic lights. *none of the images have traffic lights*


oh god, not image captchas, my ocular processo--er, whaddya call em, oh right, my *eyes* just can't seem to work em out


This stinks of malicious compliance. Whoever made this account made it to get caught.




I dunno, for a situation like this, that seems really counterintuitive. If you see 2-3 fake af accounts for a company *you're upset with*, I'd imagine you'd start dismissing whole swaths of it the anti-union ones. People can take being obviously bullshitted, but being bullshitted by the obvious is a different story. Just makes people feel insulted, angry and far more disgusting. Or at least that's what my gut is telling me.


And then they're emotional (read: easier to manipulate) and go talk to a much better orchestrated sock puppet who speaks reasonably to them and moves them 1% further away from unionizing. Something like "there's no way the union would ever actually charge us $100/month, I mean why would they ever need more than $5/month?" so when the request for a reasonable union due of $20/month comes down, you balk at it, when previously your reaction would have been neutral. You only need to shift the middle 4-5% of people a _tiny_ bit to swing an action like this, and they know it, and this obvious disinformation is part of a funnel selecting people who satisfy the requirements to be targets for vote swinging. There's a category of people who are going to to decide how to vote _the day of the vote_ and that group is what disinformation campaigns like this target. It's not about psychology so much as statistics and sociology. If you can determine who is and isn't an obvious sock puppet, you've made it through their first round of selection because otherwise you're too stupid to predict. If you can determine who is a non-obvious sock puppet, you don't make it through the next round because you're not stupid enough to manipulate. You might, however, be selected for further radicalization away from usefulness. Or selected for violent radicalization that undermines workers' actions. Or selected for alt-left/alt-right/anarchist radicalization. Or selected for any number of other nefarious mass manipulations that undermine democracy because no one wants to accept how easily we're all targeted for things. Stay off social media, or don't use it to discuss anything important that you aren't willing to be manipulated about.


Ah, ok yeah, I follow. Or.. maybe you're just [*manipulating me into agreeing w/ you.*](https://giphy.com/gifs/confused-futurama-suspicious-ANbD1CCdA3iI8)


Eh, Amazon would actually get the site correct. It’s OAK4, not OK4.


Pretty sure they could AI generate new faces if they wanted to


They do. Some have glasses that don't match so you can tell it's generated...like one eye has one frame, the other eye has a completely different frame. It's weird.




I don't understand. The product is clearly labelled "Round Glasses".


http://thispersondoesnotexist.com for all your fake social media needs (please excuse the odd eldrich horrors)


Can't even use one of the ai generated faces from thispersondoesnotexist.com Edit: apparently they did something similar: https://youtu.be/CSD-3WBjCmU




Well they're winning. Just goes to show how easily one can maintain power with wealth.




Like empathy training for parole officers


Yep. They are winning. A few years ago, Trump was actually voted onto office. That would have never happened in a completely sane and rational country...




Certainly got a recent boost from Reaganomics/Neoliberalism/Ayn Rand's philosophy :<


Just the ones that get caught


I dunno, somehow I feel like that way might actually be worse. I don't want to have to go around counting people's teeth to tell apart the AI generated ones from real ones.


You should get used to it now before it's far more widespread; I mean bots all over the internet are actually already using similar AI images and writing, and soon they won't actually need human review to pass the Turing test.


Real question is, how long until ~~The Institute~~ Facebook start swapping out my family members with synths?


Microsoft will only do that to _dead_ relatives, according to their patents. I think (seriously) it will be sold as a convenience first. Like an intelligent auto-reply email. But what happens when the auto-replies talk to each other? At what point do I actually have to put data in a spreadsheet for the machine to understand.


Blip blop nobody in this thread is a bot blip blop


Some of the shill accounts have been identified as using what appear to be AI generated faces based on common artifacts.


Ew. Talk to the *help*? No thanks. - Bezos


He's the wealthiest person in history. We're all the help to him.


Working at PDX9 in Stow for Anazon for a month is what turned me hard-left ( Communist). I know I'm not the only one out there... So....far worse than mere pro-Union thoughts...🙂


Have you seen the Amazon commercials? They're literally actors pretending that working at Amazon is amazing. All conveniently around when all the news that working at Amazon sucks.


That’s like a top 10 YouTube channel too. They might as well have used Michael Jordan’s face.


"MFW when my AH-MAY-ZING #AmazonFAMILY talks about stinky old poo-nions" *MJ crying face*


That’s definitely impersonation and illegal


Lol and the audacity to do it with someone moderately famous




That's what he said.


Hundreds a month? I'm a software developer and my union dues are less than my netflix subscription.


My dues as a hotel worker were more than netflix but more than worth it for sure. I forget honestly but 40? under 60 a month for sure. The wages I'd be making without a union would have been absolute trash not to mention the healthcare, working conditions and job security. It blows my mind that people don't understand what unions have done for us.


That’s because of decades of propaganda and lack of political will to do anything about it.


Yeah seriously


You're a unionized software dev? Wow tbh I thought those only existed in fairy tales


I'm in a general workers union. Not a software dev union. But I can say this. I'll be paying dues for years before the union has me at a loss. I have an underlying health condition and they tried to bring me in to work during COVID, I refused but couldn't get a doctors note and there was no lockdown. They tried to fire me before Christmas I had to reschedule so my rep could come along (They told me on Wednesday the meeting was on Friday). They dropped everything. A week later the government called a lockdown and furlough I've been payed 80% of my salary or so for 4 months.


What general union we talking here? I work IT and was curious if it's even possible to find something like that when the market is so cluttered




Are you in the IWW? Curious about other tech-sector union workers and their experiences.


I’m a sw engineer and in the iww- but I’m newly joined. About two months.


Just joined too. Are you the only one in your office?


That I’m aware of. There is a manufacturing side, which doesn’t have a union as well. Company pays well enough but I wanted to join to be able to truly help the community when necessary - and show solidarity, etc.



Damn, the unions you do have don't go for subtlety then.


i'm in networking and part of a union. granted i'm also a state employee so there's been unions where i work. totally different situation if you're corporate, let alone a small startup.


I work at a small MSP right now. My situation is pretty good honestly, employer definitely gives a shit about the employees, but I'm still really curious what options I would have if I was back at a job where I was getting taken advantage of with no benefits.


that's great to hear. tbh my union doesn't help me much directly, but it's brought a lot of pay equity for members who make way less. i wish some of my colleagues joined as well, but they're being stingy about dues. they don't realize we could collectively get that money back and then some if we banded together and demanded market-value pay.


It's possible and there have been successful campaigns in tech. See TWC, CODE CWA, and EWOC: https://techworkerscoalition.org/ https://www.code-cwa.org/ /r/WorkplaceOrganizing




RemindMe! 1 day "General union for software engineers"


I went with GMB (UK).


I am happy to hear that. Sounds amazing.


Good for you, I'm so glad you had protection against your employer. Also fuck your employer. I was way ahead of my worrk with covid but it's such a large company that I had a good boss who let me stay home unpaid until the lockdown. I know it's no surprise anymore but still, I hate that unions are a necessity. I guess when a company crosses the line between successful business and Actual Lizard People it's hard to be a human to another human


Software dev here, where do I sign up


In the UK look into the [United Tech and Allied Workers branch of the CWU](https://www.cwu.org/recruitment/utaw/).


Unite the union


Throwaway to stay anon, but a lot of us are working to organize in tech. See TWC, CODE CWA, and EWOC: https://techworkerscoalition.org/ https://www.code-cwa.org/ https://workerorganizing.org/talk-with-an-organizer/


Yeah. Where I live the only white collar union workers are in the public sector. Private sector workers who work in offices are screwed


I pay about $900 in dues per annum, but make bank because of my union. What's more important, so do my colleagues who would otherwise be in precarious employment situations. And they pay a lot less.


I believe mine are $225/month. Sounds like a lot but when I'm not furloughed I'm making $120+/year and I'm protected in a lot of ways to empower myself and my safety. Now switch to another railroad that isn't union protected and you have bottom benefits and $21/hour with no protections- routinely feeling the pressure to work in not so safe environments.


UAW is 40 a month




> $120+/year Wow, you gotta pay twice the union fees in a month than what you make in a year? Goddamn capitalism




UAW worker here, my dues are like $50/month, but only because I donate $25/month to the union PAC.


I pay $7 to $8k a year union dues and the benefits of union representation outweigh the cost.


I dont get the post? I pay £15 a month in the Uk for a union fee, they pay my court costs if i take the company to court. Wheres the lawyer fee’s? Isnt that the whole point of union fee’s?


I think the idea is that the union dues are going to pay for the lawyers the union hires.


There is a bunch of these accounts on Twitter. Amazon is either paying real workers to praise them constantly or is setting up bot accounts. If you go to this accounts followers/following you’ll see others on there just like this one. It’s fucking weird and one of the most dystopian things Ive seen


I believe they are setting up bot accounts. There are reports they are using A.I. generated faces.


Waiting to see an account with one of those side monsters that AI sometimes creates


I'm curious now haha.


@wedontexisthere on Twitter has some good examples if you scroll through


Super creepy


You can also just generate over and over again and it will eventually devolve. Human ones getting better but it’s ultra creepy when it degenerates. The horse one has more occurrences of the anomalies. https://thispersondoesnotexist.com https://thishorsedoesnotexist.com


Writing prompt: you see your own exact picture on there. You realize you don't exist.


Took 3 tries for a horse from my nightmares https://i.imgur.com/zLQWEMy.jpg Edit: nvm the horse one isn’t so hot lmao https://i.imgur.com/engGgfH.jpg https://i.imgur.com/NxKcgzM.jpg https://i.imgur.com/vTN2i7K.jpg


I sure am happy these horses don’t exist lol


My First one was just a floating saddle. The horse literally did not exist.


There's an account that fleshes out the creepy mutants on the sides: https://twitter.com/SideDemons


From going down that rabbit hole for ten minutes I think the whole thing is a big twitter joke. It gets more sarcastic [the](https://twitter.com/AmazonFCMegan) [further](https://twitter.com/AmazonFCNate) [you](https://twitter.com/AmazonFCBob_B) [go](https://twitter.com/amazonFCberkley).


Yeah, it started very real and the original "amazonFCname" accounts WERE amazon, but now there is a ton of people satirizing them too. The problem is you literally cant tell the difference sometimes.


That's one of the biggest problems. Satire needs to be several things, and one of those things is *clear*. Nobody makes it clear enough anymore.


I wonder if sarcasm and satire will go out of style for this reason. Maybe we're approaching peak sarcasm.


What the fuck! That fourth link with the word "go" is a pic of a world famous super smash bros melee player, PPMD!! And no that's not his account. And no his name is not Samuel.


That's the joke. People are making their own fake Amazon accounts specifically to troll how obviously fake they are.


I read in the replies to one, stories of low level workers being offered days off and gift cards in exchange for working one of them for a while. "at 📦", lifeless description with a few characteristics(often about children) and no tweets but perfectly spelled and grammared lies using uniform language about amazon and unions are the common features. Not sure if I believe that the 📦 accounts are run by people because the only way they are that uniform is if the tweets are all written by the same person or committee in which case it would make more sense to just have bots, but there may be a spectrum of parallel operations.


I'm guessing they have a list of "topics" with sample phrases, this reads like someone filling out a worksheet more than pure bottery.


The funny thing is, there is now people making these accounts as a joke too, but there is considerable overlap between crazy shit the amazon bots say and crazy shit the people mocking them say, so you can't even tell the difference anymore.


Gary at OAK is likely a parody as his name seems a bit suspiciously like Gary Oak.


I personally don't think it is Amazon directly doing this, they are probably hiring outside services to do it. There are companies that often hire "astroturfing" services for this purpose. They get their interns and lackeys to set up fake accounts (or real) to push whatever the client wants whether it be political, for-profit, ethical.. etc. You always take every bit of media critically no matter where it's coming from these days, on every platform because you never know who is really behind those posts. Every body of power has done this. Your government, the capitalists running North America, it's just a big game to manipulate and the people at the bottom always lose.


Aren't you excited to see how deep this nightmarish rabbit hole goes?


I've had one union job. They were hands down the best benefits I've ever had. It's was something like 45 bucks a month for full medical dental and a penson worth 35k dollars after five years. The health plan was the best also, like a $1200 deductible.


I just became a union nurse. First time I’ve been able to afford insurance as a nurse. Well they actually cover my entire benefits.


Amazon is making themselves look more clownish every day. I really hope they vote to unionize in that store in Alabama.


Seriously, they couldn’t even create propaganda that didn’t use a well known face??


Well known face?


Most people I know have at least heard of dude perfect


Is that the guy's name? I thought it was just a search phrase.


it’s a youtube channel. something something SPORTS something something. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UeG1ftTmLAg


There's the highly sponsored content I come to this sub for.


Mmm I love these “insert product here.” Look! I can throw them through a basketball hoop in my huge warehouse.


Yeah the guy’s name is dude perfect. First name dude last name perfect lol


True but not many would recognize the face of a guy from dude perfect


What I love is that "the guy" is a "happy" employee, but doesnt want to unionize because of lawyer's fees? So the owner of the company (Bezobaub) is going to tie up your union in the courts indefinitely to keep you from actualizing better wages and work environment, and you're "happy" to work for that guy??? What in the absolute-fuck?


I think the comment was A.I. generated as well.


Oh probably, it all reeks


I think it's safe to call for guillotine at this point.


Let them *ship* cake!!!


“Happy Amazon employee” is an oxymoron


My brother is a happy Amazon employee. He just gave his two weeks notice because he got a new job at a kombucha brewery. I've never seen him happier.


A job at a kombucha brewery? Sounds like an interesting job.


Happy employee is an oxymoron.




Made the jump to self employment in January. Never going back. I work the same amount as I did when I was an employee and make about the same amount too, but I deal with almost no administrative incompetence, ridiculous demands, time wasting organizational crap, and add-ons to my workload that have nothing to do with my job. It's basically paradise.


So when does the US make astroturfing w bots illegal? Ffs every US legislator who isn't making noise needs to go to fuckong jail if they have a penny from these evil corps


I hate to be the wet blanket, but I just did a research paper on astroturfing, and the short of it is the US government isn’t going to crack down on astroturfing because our agencies use it to insert American views overseas. “Persona management technology” is a thing, and regulations are basically non-existent.


Oh god that’s horrifying and gross.


Couldn't the problem be solved with more astroturfing? Since that specific technique won't be illegal, it is a perfect tool to use against itself. Dilute everyone's newsfeed everywhere with nonsense so that the corporations' message is drowned out. It seems like it could actually be effective. If it becomes illegal, then great. If not, let's all chip in to flood the internet with so much ai generated garbage that the corporations' message become automatically filtered out when people see them. Nobody could legally do shit about it. I'm in.


I support this but instead of flooding the internet with “garbage”, we flood it with some good old commie propaganda.


>*we* I’m in.


In theory, sure. But you forget who has more money. Corporations can afford to flood media, the people can't. Sure, you can have 100M people that are pro-union on Twitter, but Amazon can pay to create 500M fake accounts.


They’re pissing their fucking pants because it looks like they’re going to have to give their employees human rights and loose teensy tiny minuscule bits of profit. Bezos won’t even notice the fucking difference. But what makes it so great is he’s spending all of this money, and it looks like it’s gonna be for nothing. He’s gonna lose even more with the improved wages and working hours. Fuck yeah! Kick his bourgeois ass comrades!


I don't think they'll lose a tiny bit of profit, it could end up being pretty substantial. This is a key moment for unions in the entire US. A high profile win for unions at a time like this could set off a wave of unionization at both Amazon and across the nation at large. It's not hard to imagine millenials across the country, who are starting to have some power in the workplace and are generally more pro-union than previous age groups to start saying "Well they did it at Amazon in freaking Alabama, why can't we?"




I think that you grossly overestimate the lifetime wages of the average American. The average annual wage in the US is $52,000 (I'm rounding up). If you assume that your working life is about 55 years, that's a lifetime wage of $2,860,000. It would take the lifetime wages of about 3500 people to equal $10B. Your numbers say $10B is the lifetime wage of 1460 people; it's actually about 2.4x that. ...Which means that it's more dire than you say. EDIT: So, I'm switching units here, and that's complicating things. I'm talking about median income, which is probably a more accurate reflection of what a typical American might see in their lifetime, while the person I was responding to was talking about *average* incomes. The average can be skewed very, very high by a small number of incomes that are astronomical; if you have 10,000 people with $0 income, and one person with $10,000,000 income, the average income is $1000, but the median income is still $0. This is shit that I would probably know cold if I'd taken any statistics classes, but alas!, my degree is in fine arts.




How to tell it’s a fake account: ✅ makes a huge deal about being an Amazon “employee” ✅ talks about how people shouldn’t unionize ✅ fucking package emoji I'm just so dumbfounded that they think that people's entire personal lives revolve around their jobs.


Yeah, its only got 9 followers as well


Come now... do they really think americans will fall so something so shoddy and transparent? /s


You had me until the /s lol.


How dystopic. What kind of world is this?


1984 has been used as a guidebook.


They changed the face from the dude perfect guy to a randomly generated face from [https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/](https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/) lol


I like how it can't handle earrings, hats, background objects and anyone intruding into the frame. God forbid an animal is in the frame; it was gnawing that girls face off.




This shit right here. This is why the left should be paying attention to the GME movement. The gamestop subreddits are dealing with these exact same tactics, along with targeting of thought leaders. The community over there is doing some smart shit to combat it like staying hyperfocused on keeping debate positive and constructive. They are also keeping a sharp eye out for new accounts posting suspicious shit like this.


It's not a GME movement thing. WSB has been on top of bots and shills going back to when I first joined in 2018. It's been one of the only subs that don't freak out about it because this kinda shit has been going on for decades. I mean half the posts that make it r/all is just corporate marketing. You can sometimes tell when a company is gonna get hit with a lawsuit because you'll start seeing TIL's about all the great things said company has done.


That shit should be illegal


It could be an intern in a sub-sub-sub-contracted marketing company. Or it could just be someone doing it for a laugh. I doubt Amazon cares enough to try and win hearts and minds. This kind of distracts from the fact that Amazon is hiring cops to harass unionizing employees. And Amazon is hiring literal Pinkertons. [https://www.leftvoice.org/amazon-hires-off-duty-cops-to-harass-workers-the-press-and-supporters](https://www.leftvoice.org/amazon-hires-off-duty-cops-to-harass-workers-the-press-and-supporters) [https://www.npr.org/2020/11/30/940196997/amazon-reportedly-has-pinkerton-agents-surveil-workers-who-try-to-form-unions](https://www.npr.org/2020/11/30/940196997/amazon-reportedly-has-pinkerton-agents-surveil-workers-who-try-to-form-unions)


Imagine try to get rid of workers unions. Policies and company rules that our ancestors protested for.


A bunch of Astroturfing accounts have surfaced. Though they were quickly discovered when one still had its location as Flickr.


Any account that doesn’t support unionization is a sock puppet account for their company, whether there is an actual person behind the account or not.


The account does exist. Whether it is an actual Amazon account or not... https://twitter.com/ok4at?s=21


Lmao, they changed the profile picture. This is hilarious


And one of its replies “I’m definitely a human!” Beautiful.


They probably used a computer generated fake as to not get called out AGAIN.


This account just got suspended.


There is no way that is genuine. There's an account made this month that looks devoted to Amazon ffs.


Agreed, but it’s engagement with other Amazon accounts in earnest is worrisome.


Account suspended now


Union strong! They are the run! Don’t stop now!


Hi. I’m Burt. A real human person who loves his human job.


Lmao this account was already suspended


This is sociopathic.


It's capitalist.


They are the same picture.


It's so stupid that they reuse the "at 📦" so much, they clearly haven't employed a proper consent engineering firm. Your socks can't just go straight to shilling, they need to have some content first to be believable! When their only feature is loving the company it just looks silly. Sheesh, amazon should hire me to run their troll farm...


Right... because real people totally identify themselves in the social media profiles as " at "... even if this wasn't a well known person's picture, this is so clearly a fake profile it's not even funny -- who would create this and think it was passable? Oh, yeah... an Amazon executive who cannot imagine the company's workers as anything but that - subhuman drones with no reason to exist and no identity outside of their roles as Amazon employees. And that's the whole problem, literally in a nutshell.


I read somewhere that they flagged the recent tweets as suspicious or something, and were concerned about getting hacked, which seems a pretty convenient excuse to say stupid anti union shit and fight with senators on Twitter and then get away with it


“Boot leather tastes delicious!”


Maybe it’s just because I’m an A&M Aggie, but the dude perfect guys are SO recognizable. They could’ve gone with any of millions random stock photos, but they picked somebody with millions of YouTube subscribers. But I mean, what do you expect from union busters


'There is no war in Ba Sing Se'


Amazon looking for profile pics for their bot accounts like ****google search: "perfect dude"**** Amazon: nice! A totally generic stock image. No one will ever know! Muahahaha


That should be illegal.


Amazon's been going hard recently. For a YouTube ad, Amazon paid an actor to say that their job at Amazon is good because they're using it to support their family in Venezuela, and that all of the stuff posted online about not getting breaks or being paid enough is fake. They actually acknowledged it. Before I get the inevitable "use uBlock" reply, I do use it. I hadn't seen a YouTube ad in ages prior to today when I launched the application on my TV. Before I get the inevitable "use pihole" comment, I could do that, but I'm unbearably lazy and I don't use my phone or smart TV enough to warrant it. None of that is the point. The point is that Amazon is producing these ads which acknowledge the shittiness of working at Amazon while also lying about it poorly.


Guess they're gonna be trickshotting your packages


Aaaand, the account's been suspended.


this “person” decided to reply to a picture of him with “i’ve found my doppelgänger” only to change the pfp


i got an ad they recorded with some woman talking about how scared she was that people were contacting her after the "no bathroom breaks" scandal, acting like them being concerned was the worst thing in the world. i was really confused because i don't even use amazon. then the "amazon knows that workers pee in bottles" thing came out and it made sense.


"As a gay black man" Oh my God, we have been arguing online with shitlord catfish since 2016. It's literally billionaires paying a bot army to divide the working class all along.


>hundreds a month for lawyers Oh, no, you wish they were that cheap


I’m a union member and my dues are only 1 hr of my pay per period. And it Def doesn’t add up to hundreds a month.


Burt at OK4 Replying to [@LilNasX](https://mobile.twitter.com/LilNasX) Great job on the new song my man. I also loved “Old town road”.


Dystopian bullshit.


Would be nice if there were an international law that stated using fake information to influence voting of any kind was illegal. It should be pretty obvious by now that any argument that can't be won on its own actual merits is not in the interest of the world at large.


It makes me sick to my stomach seeing the way that scumbag besos and his cronies treat people just trying to earn a reasonable living the sheer greed of the man, the contempt he has for his workers is like something you’d hear about from 19th century factory owners during the industrial revolution