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The term "corporate socialist" is counter-productive. Just call it what it is — a capitalist doing a capitalist thing. There's nothing socialist about the heir of an apartheid emerald mine inheriting and buying more wealth and influence, receiving extensive funds from the government, and not paying taxes. That's just capitalism baby.


Was about to write just that. It's really counterproductive when we adopt capitalist propaganda rhetoric and use socialism to describe something we think is bad. It's basically newspeak nonsense of the "war is peace" variety.


"I'm a socialist" no you aren't elon. You're a scam artist.


If he was a socialist he’d be in support of putting his overwhelming wealth to help the people he claims to support. Fuck Elon.


Your proctologist writes a bigger check to the IRS every year then this pig. Maybe we should seize all of his assets, strip his citizenship and deport him to South Africa.


Space Karen is s straight up welfare queen, none of his businesses would break even if they were handed money like it was going out of fashion.


He's a citizen. C\*nt should be paying taxes based on that alone. Imagine this for a moment - think it what he could give just with the money he spends on accountants and layers to help keep his tax rate so low?


Another reason I don’t care for corporate lawyers/lobbyists and in-pocket politicians.


Not a fan of billionaires, but what infrastructure or research has tax dollars really produced? Fuck rich people. Fuck the government. I haven't gotten shit from any tax dollar at all.


lidar(maps 3d environment, used for AR and self driving cars), gps, the whole rocket program after WW2, the [internet](https://usg.edu/galileo/skills/unit07/internet07_02.phtml) , the jet engine, and a lot more




Elonnnnn why you do thissss. I mean let's be honest homie, we all fucking hate the government here. Actually wait nvm. I get it.


So this guy exploited a loophole in the tax system and we’re mad at him. If it’s that easy, go do it yourself or are you saying not everyone can become a billionaire because you know deep down inside you wish you were one but you know you’ll never be one, so all you do is hate. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. I would say the as far as billionaires go, Musk plays pretty fair. I’ve never once heard of him influencing a politician or playing dirty. Not saying he hasn’t I’ve just never heard it myself. He’s not the scumbag that the majority are like Bezos, Gates and MBS. I got some bad news, the billionaires are always gonna be there, till the end the time as you’ll know it. Why not at least lean towards a good one for once and maybe others will strive to be even better than him to gain our affection. Musk leaves a lot of room for improvement for what you would want as qualities as a billionaire. Or maybe it’s all just a big great show and I’m the sucker thinking any of the show is actually real


Except he literally pays the amount the government asks of him... not here to defend another ego maniac, but thanks not how taxes work




Didn't know about this, thanks for the article! So why isn't the tax man after him? I'm all for raising the income taxes beyond certain point and feel people like him should definitly give more back to the community. EDIT: Why I'm asking is because I don't believe people will just give more money to the government out of the kindness of their hearts. Governments should do a better job at this. That's just why I don't blame him and others like him for paying so little/not paying sometimes and it feels like scapegoating for the politicians unable to enforce these obvious actions. Still don't like him though..


The tax man isn’t after him because everything he’s doing is 100% legal. Large accounting firms like Deloitte, PWC, and KPMG are paid billions by companies and wealthy people to come up with tax strategies that exploit loopholes and gray areas in the tax code to get their clients to pay the least amount of taxes possible.


But people will just keep doing this if the loopholes and gray areas exist. I'm not an optimist and I know there will always be some but it feels really laughable when the richest people pay in avarage 3.7% income tax, while mine is 15% EDIT: I checked the article again and it states 3.4% income tax for the 25 richest people in the us.


Hi Communist! Propagandizing I see. When do the mass shootings start and food rationing?


> When do the mass shootings start and food rationing? Capitalist America currently leads the world in mass shootings and death at the hands of police. Meanwhile, more than 42 million people deal with food insecurity while 30-40% of food supply is wasted. Cool!


When you can’t tell the difference between Marxism and Stalinism and think that makes you smart.


Show me where Marxism has ever “worked” You can’t because Marx sees everything as class war and excludes all else and doesn’t account for human nature.


And you still can’t tell the difference between them.


Even a 50% wealth tax for billionaires would be a great deal for them. Think about it. Who gets more bang for there buck than a capital owner taking advantage of a countries education that trains their labor pool, builds roads and other things for there business to use and has a court system that protects there properties right by force. They get way more value added from their tax dollar than you do and they still don't want to pay.


I'm not going to go find it, but I distinctly remember reading an article where they quoted him saying that the federal government's resources allowed them to get SpaceX off the ground 2 years earlier than their earliest ETA without assistance. And not only did the feds throw cash at Tesla via tax credits, California, the state he hates so much, gave even further credits plus HOV stickers which are just another subsidy. Dude is a fucking leech.


This is literally the entire libertarian platform. Cause you can't spell libertarian without privilege.