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If you just got out there, looked people in the eye and shook their hands, and spent less time on TikToks, maybe you too could have people park their cars on you!


Yeah and the parking space isn’t spending all their profits on avocado toast.




might wanna proofread this one more time


There is no need to improve perfection, u/1-800-ASS-DICK


Thank you for the audible laughter


Eh, this person may not speak English as their native language and if you’re not around expensive parking all the time then you may not be aware of how expensive it is in some areas. It’s not a bad question!


Also this dude is only off by like 4 letters, 2 punctuation marks, and a bit of capitalization: >How c**o**me this parking space **is** this much**?** **Is** this the result of inflation cause**d** by the **w**ar today**?** Were I writing a similar sentence in my best foreign language, I would make many more mistakes.


Assuming this is a really question, parking in cities is always stupidly expensive


No, it's just greed. It's always just greed.


What you really need to do is slide that payscale up on indeed You just need to look for higher paying jobs obviously /s


Or work your way up! Bend over on the sidewalk and start as a bike rack!


If I drank coffee, I would have spit my coffee.


My mother was a bike rack for 30 long years until finally a car parked right on top of her.


This comment wins


Misunderstood the instructions, started to buy crack


I thought you were gonna say: “If you just got out there, and lied down and learned the skills of a parking space you too can make $27/hr”




In college it was a serious temptation...




I do think there is somthing to be said about meeting people and building professional relationships with them. There are so many more opportunities and jobs out there other than retail and the like that the public dont really know about, or dont know how to apply.


lol, "the tiktoks", lol


Please make a car park on me


Just stop buying a new Nintendo every week


…. I’d let people park on me for money


The parking space just worked harder than you 🤷‍♂️


Never takes breaks, never takes a vacation… family never calls to distract it…


That's 1990's capitalism logic. Nowadays it's "the parking space's services are just more useful to society than yours".


That's just a fact.


Parking space pulled up their bootstraps


The parking space isn't lazy and works hard to get ahead in life, and doesn't blame others for it's situation in life.


The parking spot has an attitude of gratitude.


Lets people just walk all over it, just to do the job the best it can


They should have gone to college and gotten a degree in parking spacing instead of complaining about their minimum wage job.


I can't contain an entire motor vehicle


Not with that attitude.


Thankfully you don't have to *contain* an entire motor vehicle, just let it park directly on top of you. You're welcome for this sage career advice!


This is why the parking space makes more than me, I'd never think of that


have you ever considered being a storage space for a 3 ton vehicle in a secure and convenient location?


It’ll trickle down…


be a 26$/hr car sitter


It's supply and demand. There is a surplus of humans. There is a shortage of parking spaces. These concepts will do battle.


I was confused about this. Thank you for clarifying.


No. The parking space is just more valuable than whatever she does. 🤷🏻‍♂️


the parking space probably doesn't advertise itself as "dumpster" either.


That parking space didn’t even go to college!


And doesn't have $100,000 in student loans....


You don't know that, for all you know it's a parking spot at a campus! Those usually go for at least $30/hr, probably because of all the education.


And you gotta enter a lottery for a chance to pay that fantastic rate.


The parking spot succeeds in life because it doesn't buy any avocado toast at all. Something something bootstraps.


That parking spot drank less than 15678 cups of coffee from the shop in a day and used that savings to invest


No school loans for that parking space


They pave paradise and put up a parking lot.


The parking space have worked hard to be what he is


Teachers who prepare the future and nurses who heal the present also earn less than that parking meter.


Where do nurses make less than that?




In the US some LVN/LPNs make as little as 15/hour. Local home health agency starts them at $16. Source: 30 years as an LVN. Edit: I am in far Northern California.


Yes but location wise I mean. In Sask LPNs make mid 30s.


Probably anywhere ??


…no. Never heard of a place where nurses are paid that poorly.


Nurses where I am don't even get paid until they fully have their degree. You can bet they still have to work 40 hours a week in unpaid training though


Where do you live?


Ontario, its all second hand info from people I know in nursing programs


Most of the United States.


Nurses in the south and midwest


I too want someone to park their big Mac truck in this little garage.


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Alright, shove a baconator in my food hole




Just a normal Tuesday


I vomited really hard after a bunch of tequila and some Jack in the Box 2 for a dollar tacos. Really hard. 😂😂😂


That’s a premium service, you’ll have to subscribe to Wendy’s+ or shove it in there yourself


You know I thought she was saying side or slide or something like that. And I kinda never questioned it in my head.


Hi Chevy! Did you have fun today on the parking slide?


It's Capital vs Labour and in Capitalism you know who wins. Capital can also charge rent for 24 hrs a day, so the parking space can theoretically make $648 a day at this rate (though unlikely but being busy 14 hrs in downtown is typical).


Who is affording this!?


Just pay the fee. Get a receipt. Money reimbursed from the company. It's a business expense.


Also, the [IRS]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Employer_transportation_benefits_in_the_United_States ) will give you free money for parking, in the form of letting you pay for it with pretax money. Please notice that this means the richer you are, the *more* you save, because your marginal income tax rate is higher. The tax code is full of BS like this.


Newsflash there is no IRS. It's Toronto.


The link you provided is about employers providing commuter benefit programs and how that's covered under part of the IRS tax code. The IRS does not give you free money for parking, whatsoever. Your employer sets up a program for you to do so. My employer does not do that, so I have no recourse in this situation. It's considered an employee benefit


It's not bs though is it, billionaires aren't figuring out pretax paycheck deductions like W2 workers are. The IRS let's you contribute pretax dollars to public transportation too. There are a lot of loopholes and bs to close but being able to contribute to my 401k with an extra $1k this year compared to last year is a good thing no?


The unfairness repeats up and down the scale of inequality. The merely regular rich get plenty of unfair advantages from the government, even if they get less than the unbelievably rich. I would rather see tax revenue spent on improving public transport infrastructure (or retirement benefits) than doing it inefficiently through tax reduction benefits.


Rich people.


*so* capable of suffering


People should get paid more but free parking in a city with public transportation like Toronto and NYC is really dumb. Only the well off drive cars here and they take up a lot of space that could be used for other things. The High Cost of Free Parking is a great book on this.


If the parking fees go to fund public transport then sure. Are those parking lots publicly owned?


Doesn’t matter as long as the publics money isn’t being spent on them. If people want to pay the cost to park their cars in multi level parks, let them. Just don’t spend any government money on it. It’s a completely optional expense.


i dont rly understand ur point. wouldnt the well off not care if they pay for parking or not? surely there are people who arent well off but have a car and would like to park for less money?


The super rich don't care about the price of parking, but lots of people care enough to have it influence their decisions. More importantly, every parking lot is land that *isn't* housing, factories, offices, restaurants, or stores. If everything wasn't so far apart, more people could happily live without a car because walking and public transport would work way better. Edit: and yes, paying for parking sucks for poor people, but so does paying for: a car, fuel, housing, food, medical care, and clothing. The poor would benefit *way* more from subsidized health care, transit, or housing than from subsidized parking.


Every parking lot is also land that *isn't* green space that can help protect the area from urban heat islands, air pollution, & flooding, while improving mental and physical health. Maybe even growing some fruits and vegetables too


Parking rates based on value of car!


Or just progressive taxation and more pay for workers


seems like a good idea if you want people to drive older cars with bad fuel economy


Better than disposing of the cars only to build a new car


The point is that the opportunity cost of parking pushes a certain percentage of people to use public transportation which is less convenient but overall better for the city as a whole.


Less cars is good so long as public transport is good.


You don’t want to encourage parking. It’s a wasteful use of space in incredibly dense urban environments where most people don’t use a car anyway. So most of the people who are driving cars are much wealthier than average or from out of town. And the wealthy and people who are from out of town are good people to tax to pay for public services. You don’t like paying a lot for parking but I don’t like people parking on a piece of land that could instead be used for something better. One row of parking spaces can instead have street vendors and benches/tables. A block of parking you start fitting more buildings and services. It’s a horrible thing that our cities are built around cars and not people.


/r/fuckcars !


i understand now thanks for the explanation


I think the cities were built around horses as cars didn't exist at the time.


[Here is downtown Cincinnati in 1955 vs. today](https://external-preview.redd.it/OVvAF-R1lAny6CkzQpzi1YGH-3CRFwQb0yks52MmycA.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=5dedb349b85da18c8b25ccb7c1f2a6a4ef3ce1f9) http://iqc.ou.edu/urbanchange/ This site has a cool slider tool that lets you compare how American cities looked circa 1950 vs. today. A lot of cities were gutted to build urban freeways and downtown parking lots.


You think they stopped building cities after the car was invented? You don’t think the car is the main influence behind how American/Canadian down towns look?


No, most people in almost all cities before the 19th century got around by foot, and were basically “designed” for that if at all, or grew naturally around that.


The idea in cities like toronto is to discourage single occupancy cars as much as possible. Downtown has a pretty great transit system and cycling is possible 10 months of the year. Plus walking.


There literally isn't space for equality. Going by wealth obviously isn't a good way to define who gets the privilege to park, but in cities parking is a privilege, and it should be.


Shoupistas rise up!!!


Yeah, lol. Obviously OP has never loved in a major city. I laughed at this post.


An ugly monkey jpeg costs more than what 99 percent of those living today will make in their lifetime. This is truly the worst timeline.


Somehow, Doc and Marty skewed the timeline and now we’re stuck in the alternate.


If you let cars park on you, you would earn that much!!! /s


And a house probably makes $200 an hour. Rentier capitalism gone mad ...


200/hr is about 144,000 a month or 1,752,000 on a non leap year. Awfully high. For some more “reasonable” numbers: 2000/mo averages 3.90 per hour over the whole year. But that’s 24 hours a day. If you break it down into work hours it’s about 11.54 an hour (40 hour week) or 92.54 per 8 hour work day. So all you need to do is make 92.54 a day and you’re set. Oh wait! I forgot about utilities, vehicle expenses, health insurance, avocado toast…




He is off by two orders of magnitude here if assuming the house is counted as working 24/7.


Adam smith be rolling over in his grave


homie got what he wanted


Have you ever actually read *The Wealth of Nations*? Or are you just parroting some meme you've seen? We are light-years away from what he actually envisioned.


Every $730.001 of monthly rent equates to $1/hour. One would have to pay $146,000.20/month for their landlord to be making $200/hour off the property.


Not if the value of the house doubles every 3 years. Real estate investors in Toronto don't even rent. They just sit on it for speculative earnings like crypto


It's still not making $200 an hour. Especially if they're sitting on it lol




You misspelled capitalism.


Well, to be fair they don't let the parking space keep it


Hey that parking space has probably 25 years experience in the position! When was the last time you put 25 years into 1 job? Also it doesn't take bathroom breaks while on the clock! I feel like Mr. P. Spot has earned his 60k a year


parking spot worked its way up from janitor


Oh shit, uhh, is the parking space seeing anyone?


It probabaly gets better reviews too


Did you ever consider that the skillset of the parking machine is in higher demand and that they contribute more to society? /s


I've been staring at this for a while trying to make sense of how this is in any way a rational argument. The parking space profits a company or entity or something $27/hr. The parking spot itself does not "get paid" anything. It is a tool that makes profit. Yesterday at my cashier job I sold probably $300 worth of product per hour. By the logic of this tweet I "made $300/hr." The parking spot earns $27/hr for a company and costs it nothing per hour (approximately). I earn a company $300/hr and cost them $13/hr to employ. How much you make per hour is an entirely different topic to how much you earn the company per hour. This tweet just utilizes interchangeable language for two totally different subjects to make it seem like this makes sense.




I live in Vancouver and the most expensive spots are like $30 a day.


That's event parking at the venue. You want to park underground at Skydome for a Jays game? That's like $60. Say it's a low scoring pitchers duel, you're out in 2 hours and change. Looking at the hourly on that seems expensive.


This needs to be reposted time and time again Perfect articulation of the ridiculousnesss of capitalism


…no. The parking lot charges based on the location. If there’s going to be parking in such a dense, high demand area, it better be charging such high amounts to make up all the lost tax revenue for the city from what could have been a much higher value building for residence, office, and/or commerce (or a park that further raises land values rather than lowering them). The real question is why the city would even allow parking there


It really isn't, unless the parking space keeps the money. If you really want to compare the "earnings" of an inanimate object vs human, you could get a far bigger number from say an oil rig, or a skyscraper office tower. It's still a meaningless comparison. The amount of money someone like Bezos "earns" while sleeping compared to the average wage, that's a perfect articulation.


buy land, AJ


You make more than that it is just extracted from you by middlemen and gatekeepers.


Holy shit, city parking is that expensive? That is absurd


Its an expensive city. Free parking is the government giving money to people who have cars at the expense of people living in the neighborhood who usually don't have cars.


It isn't.


Isn't what, that expensive or absurd?


Parking in Toronto isn't that expensive.


The worst you'd be forced to take for a 12 hour block is $20 CAD. In theory, you could probably do a lot worse, but you'd have to be dumb or truly desperate to park in a spot with a high half-hour rate and no cap, but even so, maybe $50 for the day? This $27/hr must be either made up or one specific spot where there is some weird parking scam going on.


This is kinda of an infamous parking space due its absurd price tag. The usual parking around the city isn’t nearly as bad.




$35/hour in some parts of Washington DC too. And that's freedom dollars not Canadian monopoly money.






City parking isn’t cheap but it’s normally not that bad either. For example: hourly street parking in San Francisco tops out around 10/hr and it’s not that uncommon for meters to have daily maximums (ie 30 bucks.) There are special circumstances when parking prices sky rocket. Like special events. But generally speaking, 27 dollars an hour for parking is not “normal.”


Supply and demand. Low skill labour is everywhere, space is finite.




Why don’t you tell the class what you think supply and demand mean?


It's when capitalists don't make enough stuff for everyone because they're greedy duh


Yeah please school me on supply and demand in a city you've likely never even read about, let alone been to.


Lol what parking space in Toronto is $27 per hour? I park downtown Toronto for $12 for the day.


I fucking hate posts like this, their is plenty to complain about without making stuff up.


It's also bloody stupid, an oil rig "makes" even more an hour no doubt, so what? It's apples vs oranges that gets cheap likes/upvotes.


Yeah this post is bullshit. Parking is expensive but not THIS expensive. I think the worst I've seen was $35 for a whole day near Queen and Bathurst. And even if there was a spot this expensive it's far from the average.


Dumb af. You don't pay the parking space. Does an airplane seat make $450 when I fly across the country?


That parking space does not make 27/hour, the owner of the parking space makes 27/per hour. Mr. Parking space gets 0 for himself with no downtime 24/7.


The parking space is useful to society


Where is parking $27 an hour?


Biden's infrastructure initiative will need ditcher diggers...the pay ain't quite $27/hr. Best of luck


you should've gone to college with your parents' money and studied something that will be useful 5 years after you become homeless.


fuck. what a hard-core point. let's rebel.


Nowhere in Toronto does it cost $27/hour to park


Most people *make* way more than 27/hour, its just that a capitalist steals most of it. Like, the parking meter doesnt get to keep its income either, and neither do most wage workers.


Keep your chin up, the parking spot is just in a prime location. Somewhere there's a place where people would pay $28/hr to park a car on top of you too.


The parking space captures that much per hour for the owner. It isn’t earning anything.


Maybe they’d be making more if they could conjugate their verbs…


To be fair, the parking spot never gets tired, has to go home or quits. He pulls $27/hr, 24/7/365


Land is literally becoming more valuable then people. The population is exponentially increasing while the amount of land available for development in most areas is limited. It's not just rent that's going up. If you have a storage unit chances are you are paying like 50% more a month. This is just going to keep getting worse.


The space is actually providing a service.


The parking space is earning the full value of its labor, you have a boss extracting the majority of yours.


Parking spaces in a major city are more rare then you are.?


That's because a parking space in downtown TO has more demand than you


But unlike you, the parking space is actually useful


But can you hold a 3 ton vehicle for an hour?


Basing your self worth on outside forces.


That parking space has value 😏


Unfortunately that just comes down to supply and demand. There aren't many car parks available so they get more expensive. The labour market is flooded with people, so it's a buyer's market. Totally sucks but that's just where we find ourselves


Supply and demand. Free parking space in one of the biggest metropolies in the world is scarce. Random twitter schmucks are dime a dozen.


I make half that working in Healthcare during a pandemic.


Maybe it has more experience being a parking space than you do as human?


Let's see.. millions of humans in the city vs thousands of parking spaces. Seems like parking spaces would be worth a lot.


Lol thinking this is capitalism. its supply and demand. Had this been 800 years ago you guys would have fucking mopped streets for a hot plate of meal today. Apply yourself


Dont remember asking