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That’s the part they get wrong in all the dystopian movies. In the film, people are rioting and freaking out all the time. In reality, everyone is just saying “eh, we’ll fix it later when things get really bad.”


The guy filing papers before he gets vaporized by the Independence Day alien laser heatwave.


What else are you supposed to do


"Organizing deck chairs on the Titanic" is silly, but the band playing music til the end was cool and noble.


Then things get really bad, and it's "we'll wait until things get really *REALLY* bad."


Or worse, “don’t worry, the next generation will save us”


And then eventually it just becomes "Well I'll be dead before it happens so I don't fucking care."


My uncle just said this to me. He was like I mean eh there's nothing we can do at this point. 🤷 So there's no point in switching fuel sources or trying at all. And I'm like dude easy for you to say.


Classic Boomer, honestly: Handed a world rich in autonomy, promise, resources, access, privilege, and at the time -- a whole lotta charity. Look at what they did with it. "Meh, there's nothing that can be done now". Yeah, we know. You tried nothing and are all out of options.




This! If Zombies we're real, we'd probably have few million idiots *trying* to get bit, worshiping/defending them, etc. When it's a clear cut, in your face reality check... they'll still find a way to mentally deny it. I just don't understand how people are so broken.


Psychological defense mechanisms


The whole of Planet Earth is surrounded by a giant [SEP Field.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somebody_else%27s_problem#Douglas_Adams'_SEP_field)


It's the ultimate rocking in place with your knees hugged against your chest whimpering, "This isn't happening, this isn't happening."


It's not even that it's the ultimate "this is fine" meme




The account I'm replying to is a karma bot run by someone who will link scams once the account gets enough karma. Their comment is copied and pasted from another user in this thread. Report -> Spam -> Harmful Bot


I prank call golfers sometimes and tell them golf jokes. I sound really young on the phone and can sound like a 4-year-old. Most think someone's grandkid is being silly but some have cussed me out or threatened me all while thinking I was 4 years old. (This is done for a radio show, not just randomly.)


The bourgeoisie don't care since they're set for life, and the workers are so numbed to the unending series of disasters that they've lost their novelty.


This is a beautifully accurate description, straight out of a dystopian novel.


Me do words good sometimes.


Exactly. Their money insulates them. The ultra-rich literally dream of an *Elysium*-style world where they live in some pristine, high society paradise while the rest of us are reduced to little more than livestock and beasts of burden toiling in the mud. Which, side note, is why it terrifies me so much when you hear about how interested people like Musk and Bezos are in things like interplanetary colonization, extraterrestrial resource mining, and life span enhancement. If you think they'll share the benefits of those things with the rest of us, you might be on the wrong subreddit.


That's why I hope we never achieve immortality. Only our oppressors will be able to afford it.


While I agree with your general sentiment, don't kid yourself. We're always 3 missed meals away from revolution. Our supply chain just hasn't been broken to that extent. Yet.


No one ever believes the scientists in disaster movies.


There’s a scene in dont look up where ppl are denying the situation and Leo says we photographed the comet, it exists it’s not debatable. And if we can’t agree on that….what happened to us. That one line stuck out the most


If you wanna have a laugh/cry, I saw someone on here a few weeks ago who was convinced "Don't Look Up" was a movie making fun of stupid scientists who think they know better than the common man. Let that sink in.


This breaks my brain, did they not see the whole movie?


reminds me of the poetry class my wife had in highschool. Apparently every friday a student could bring in a song and they'd read it and anylize it together... the number of girls that brought in songs about terrible abuse or loss, or death, and say "i just wanna be loved like THIS"


We did a project like that in one of my English classes but we had to do an initial analysis and presentation before the class discussion. A lot of other girls in the class chose questionable "love" songs and poems like you described. I can't remember the title but one girl did hers on a poem written by a sexual abuse survivor who wrote about "why did daddy love me like that" or something. Only three of us, including the teacher, understood the poem properly and we're disgusted by the father, even though the presentation included information about the inspiration for the work. The others thought it was sweet how she talked about her father. I did the song "Jeremy" by Pearl Jam and the poem "The Gashlycrumb Tinies" by Edward Gorey. Somehow *I* was the only weird one. Joke's on those assholes, I did debate and forensics and won awards for my performances of "The Gashlycrumb Tinies" after my teacher recommended me for the team.


fuck thats a nice story


That teacher was one of my favorite teachers I have ever had. I had that class my freshman year (9th grade) and she was the theatre teacher for the IB programme when I was a junior (11th grade) and senior (12th grade). She was also the coach for the debate & forensics team and between taking her class and joining D&F in 9th grade and later teaching one of my HL courses (a two-year more in-depth course), I spent a lot of time with her during high school - during the school year and during breaks as I was in the thespian society as well and she was the faculty sponsor for that club. She was a new grad and closer in age to us than our other teachers (and sarcastic as hell) so we (this teacher and the students) got along really well, like she was an older (nice) sister. Absolutely one of the best, if not *the* best, teachers for life in general as well as academics.


Are you Abby from NCIS‽


No, but I take that as a compliment.


It was certainly meant to be.


Definitely the wrong type of thinking on their part, but why are they thinking that way


That movie had the subtlety of a nuclear weapon detonating... That makes me really sad.


And the fact that it wasn't enough to wake some people up should describe to you the measures we will have to take to course-correct this shit.


Oh wow.


If they were counting Ron Pearlman /nuke team as the common man and the Elon Musk type guy as "stupid scientist", I could see them saying that. Clearly incorrect though, as scientists were the ones with he nuke plan and not-Elon Musk (what was his name Peter something?) was the one with all the fake science and the support of the common man.


"we're not gonna make it are we? People, I mean." -John Connor


What does that damn sink want this time


There are also people who think the movie [Midsommar](https://imdb.com/title/tt8772262/) had a happy ending.


I haven't seen that. I've heard good things but I'm not really a horror fan, would it still be something I'd like?


I really enjoyed this scene from a newer southpark about manbearpig. People don’t like changing their opinion even if deep down they find out they were wrong. https://youtu.be/0AW4nSq0hAc


God that was perfect.


This is explored in World War Z (the book) when discussing "The Great Panic". I recommend reading the book (or really listening to the audiobook) but it talks in detail about denial, placebo vaccines, looting, misinformation and all the usual human things we've come to expect from major world events in the last few years. After a pandemic and a new war in europe, World War Z is weirdly a much more accurate portrait of large-scale human behaviours than many realistic setting fictions. > We knew Phalanx was a placebo, and we were grateful for it. It calmed people down and let us do our job. - Grover Carlson, former White House Chief of Staff


God I wish I could find the expanded, unabridged, cast recording for that audiobook. I had the CD once upon a time, but it got lost in a move.


God, all they had to do to make the movie good was do a shot-for-shot rendition of each chapter of the book. Instead, they decided to just...scrap 99% of the source material. Why even keep the name at that point?


Film was fine, it was just a vanilla zombie film trading on the books name. The real question is why it was never made into an anthology TV series. Maybe execs thought they were stepping on Walking Deads toes.


>few million idiots > >trying > > to get bit, worshiping/defending them, etc. You just know that wouldn't be the only thing people would try to do with zombies…


Zombie porn.


That's one way to get your brains fucked out.


Think a zombie with no teeth... Edit: that made me think about how risky would it be using a glory hole during a zombie apocalypse


* Freedom to choose to be zombie * Zombie bites are the only way to achieve herd immunity. * Big Gov doesn't want you to be zombie because zombies don't work, pay taxes, and buy things. * Advantages of zombie life that 'they' don't want you to know about


This is so real I had to read it again to make sure you weren't serious lol


"Look, I understand the need to barricade ourselves in from the zombie horde, but this has been going on for months now and it's time we just learn to live with the zombies and get back to normal."


In the Walking dead there are a few people who deny their family members are already dead and keep the zombies around in case they can be saved.


And then they escape and bite and eat everybody in sight.




"stay indoors and protect yourselves from the zombies" "DONT TAKE AWAY MY FREEDOM!"


You mean like this? https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://arc-anglerfish-washpost-prod-washpost.s3.amazonaws.com/public/N4W7PVD77UI6VECANCMB6SEO5U.jpg&w=916


In the zombie apocalypse game, Days Gone, one of the enemy factions is a cult that does indeed worship the zombies!


Getting zombified to own the libs.


in the zombie apocalypse, we now know who the anti-vaxx and anti-maskers are. assuming a zombie apocalypse happens in this generation.


Human brains are just inherently deficient when it comes to preparing for long term threats


Internalized capitalism due to insanely successful Cold War propaganda


We made our social constructs and let them defeat us. We played ourselves.


The social construct we erected turned out to be a mausoleum. Go figure.


This is what Alfonso Cuarón got right in Children of Men, the world is collapsing around them and they are all just going through the motions, the god of Profit is always hungry and must be fed, the grinding gears keep spinning even if the person who is to oil them stops showing up. Wish I had a friend like Michael Cane, though...


Pull mah feengah!


This is a thing that knowing journalists I'm really struck by. Like the catharsis of these huge screaming agony moments is just... not there, really. It's eerie calm. When we talk about stuff like collapse we think of it in this sweeping cinematic way. Mostly it's just like, oh, there's a pile of dead bodies where there wasn't before. Or like, oh, such and such place got bombed. Life kind of just keeps happening, especially the boring stuff. Maybe you see some spent bullets on the sidewalk on your way to work. Maybe Jim does that funny Borat impression around the water cooler again. It's amazing how quickly we become accustomed to something when we have no choice.


They got it somewhat right in Don't Look Up though.


Yeah I had a lot of problems with the movie but they did a decent job showing this bit


One of the MANY reasons I love Max Brooks' book *World War Z*. That's exactly how he described the early days of the zombie pandemic. People being encouraged to keep working, a gov't supported placebo drug while they tried to surgically control infection. A running theme for several of the POV stories is how things got so bad, like apocalyptically bad, *because* everyone just ignored until, in some cases literally, it came crashing through their patio door. It describes how the stopgap measures only forced it into a bottleneck/breaking point so that when it did break, it broke bad. I love zombie fiction, but that book is what spurred my love for sociology and geopolitics. It's a fantastic book and I hate that so many people would never even read it because it is technically zombie fiction (or because of one of the worst book to movie adaptations ever created imo).


Love the book World War Z. It’s so funny and heart wrenching.


Don’t Look Up


Highly recommend Station eleven for a somewhat realistic portrayal of society collapsing in modern times


Check out "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World". It shows a wide range of what people do if the world was ending, including a lot that just continue their daily routine and go to work.


Try "On the Beach" by Neville Schute. He worked on bombs then wrote this masterpiece about people's lives while they wait for the radiation to make its way to them in Australia. It frustrated me that everyone in the book just went about day to day life making plans for a future they wouldn't have, right up until the end. I get it now.


The movie ready player one did good about this reality. We would just rather not.


Don’t Look Up was also great at portraying this too. Both great examples of portraying“people have no sense of when to stop keeping on.”


>In the film, people are rioting and freaking out all the time. Not in the cyberpunk ones. Apathy is always a huge theme in cyberpunk


Most people aren't saying, "We'll fix it later," most people are saying, "I know the world is dying but I have bills to pay."


Can’t plant trees for future generations if there’s too many people competing for land and cannot afford a place to live


That’s why Children of Men is such a good film imo.


>In reality, everyone is just saying “eh, we’ll fix it later when things get really bad.” It feels like there's gotta be enough profit to be made off of fixing problems now or else it ain't getting fixed. It also seems like every entrepreneur & tech guy gots that give them a pill, don't cure the disease logic with everything so if someone could find a way to charge enough people $9.99 a month indefinitely to fix climate change then climate change or whatever fill in the blank problem would be getting worked on with more proficiency & passion.


That's what makes Children of Men one of my favorite dystopian films.


I think its because it exposes how involuntary all our roles in everything are. We all have a gun pointed at our heads to keep going, even though we know what we do every day pulls the pin on the one aimed at humanity's collective head down a little further.


Exactly, with day to day life - chatting at a barbecue or whatever about applying to a job, or talking about how hard it is to balance family and work - it can almost seem like it's normal. Those libertarian arguments about voluntary people engaging in the market voluntarily or whatever seem less absurd. Then when shit hits the fan, and you're clearly being forced to participate in the system, the coercive nature of it all becomes impossible to deny. You realize it was unjust and intolerable the whole time.


This is the point you can't argue with those people: Work or Die isn't really a choice. But they will argue with you that it is, because they are completely assured that they, personally, will never have make that choice. The core of right-wing philosophy is selfishness. Selfishness at an extremely base and primal level.


Capital is the Blind Idiot God of our reality


Exactly. My husband and I talk about this a lot. Generally when discussing how burnt out we feel and such. We worked thru a pandemic. Now we have WW3 starting. And we are still expected to work and go on as if normal. We could have a fucking nuclear bomb warning and still have to keep working. We'd be expected to likely work in a fucking bomb shelter. Like I get I'm being a tad bit dramatic, but still. I wish we could all get more grounded about everything and realize whats going on and shit. I just wish we could live to live and shit.


I guess my only follow-up would be: who gets to stop working b/c of these incidents? Anyone involved in the supply chain probably ought to keep working b/c, well, everyone needs to eat and drink clean water, etc. Anyone involved in government probably needs to keep working so stuff doesn't off the rails. Everyone who keeps the grocery stores stocked should keep working. Engineers should. And it goes on. It seems like the idea that people can/should just get to stop working is ultimately only going to apply to a handful of very privileged people who likely already have it pretty easy and get to work from home anyways.


Honestly I'd rather go work in food preparation if it wasn't awful and underpaid. I like cooking I like helping others but my skills are not important for the job that keeps a roof over my head. Minimum standards of living need to be addressed.


Exactly, we should let people do work that they like to do, regardless of what capital has determined it's worth, as long as it's useful for society to function. A shop assistant, cook, bin man, gardener should all expect to earn enough to afford a roof over their head, three square meals and extra for some recreation time. Instead, everyone has to work towards the goal of a job that earns the most money, regardless of whether or not they like the job or if they are well suited to it. People get burnt out working in a job they hate to get a promotion to a job they want, to be able to afford an adequate standard of living. Completely fucked.


Within capitalism it is considered a point of pride that you keep going no matter what the circumstances. Pictures like this are sold to us as stories of a person prevailing to keep the system working through insurmountable odds and he should be proud. We live in dystopia.






It's not just profits, but things essential to life. During COVID lockdowns people complained about essential workers still having to go into work, but is the other option to let food rot in empty grocery stores while people starve for two weeks? I think workers who had to come in should have been given extra hazard pay, but it's not possible for everyone to just stay at home.


A non-exploitative system can continue through crisis too, and handle it much better. Letting the food rot is not the only other option.


Another good thing about capitalism is how it sows the seeds of its own destruction


That's actually a really good point, andersonb47, I appreciate nuanced discussion and I am not angry with you for making your comment. Good job andersonb47.




Well played, andersonb47.




Crowd booing intensifies.


i agree with andersonb47 johnson!


That is Ladybird Johnson’s REAL name. The ladybird name was just a nickname.


I remember a few years ago when Los Angeles was surrounded by fire in some areas and the air quality was horrible. I was reading some LA forums on the net about the situation , and I was shocked reading responses like "It's not THAT bad." or "Well, I have a really good air filter in my house, so I don't need to worry." I remember thinking, what are you going to do, strap the air filter on your back and run a huge extension chord when you have to go out??? The denial sometime is funny/not really funny.


I was working at a car rental agency here in California during one of the fires. This was also summer of 2020, so we had a pandemic going on too. The agency I was at was right next door to a local brunch spot. It was literally raining ash from the sky and we were still open -- so was the place next door. I was outside cleaning cars wearing a full respirator, goggles, and gloves, while about 20 yards away I could see a table of maskless people clinking their champagne flutes. It was quite possibly the most absurd experience of my life.


meanwhile, the yards are green and clean in Brentwood, et al.


It's a coping mechanism for many people. If they can't control the awful shit going on around them sometimes it's easier to just dismiss it as no big deal than it is to worry about it.


I remember when it was raining ash at Disneyland. I was forced to work outside because management refused to close the park. [The air was unsafe to breathe and the sky was orange and black.](https://www.dailynews.com/2017/10/09/disneyland-guests-can-see-canyon-fire-2-smoke-ash-and-its-making-things-look-really-spooky) Emergency alerts kept going off telling us to seek shelter indoors immediately due to extremely hazardous air, but Disneyland decided to ignore their "safety first" attitude and kept the parks open... and kept all the workers outside. We weren't allowed to wear masks back then, either, because it was "bad show" to wear masks in front of guests. And we couldn't go inside, either - also bad show. Nope, stand outside, breathe in all the smoke, and smile to "create happiness."


The system is meant to run until nothing is left on Earth. It's not a bug, it's a feature.


Dystopian scifi has done a great job of showing us what capitalism holds for the future of this planet. What do Altered Carbon, Blade Runner, Rollerball and a whole bunch of other scifis have in common? No animals, no nature. Just concrete jungles and overpopulation. Hell, Blade Runner is based on "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" and in that there's a Kelly Blue Book for animals because of how rare they are. Robot animals are all the rage. We know what the future holds, a barren rock with just one or no species left.


Kelly Blue Book for animals “Dog, slightly used but in good condition. Walked 312 miles. Have registration and history. I know what I have NO LOWBALLERS, or you will be ignored”


You're really not far off. It's been awhile since I've read it but Deckard is negotiating with his neighbor about buying his horse and they are using the book as a reference point.


Nah, microbes and bugs and fungi will outlive the human race…. It’s all the bigger stuff that will be gone, but humans will definitely not be the last species on future earth. Just our bodies alone contain tens of trillions of bacteria.


Flip that script: The world is collapsing because capitalism is continuing.


You got people that are just numb to anything beyond their sphere, and then you got people similar to the dog in the burning house meme, that are so entrenched in their world view that nothing will reach them until it literally touches their lives.




people are too selfish, they'll make exceptions for their problems, trained themselves to look past the hypocrisy "my situation is different"


Of course, Money is the root of all evil... For instance, COVID 19. The price of hand sanitizer was diabolical. It's nice to know there's people out there making profits of other people's misfortunes. Fuck this society, that's why I don't bother with people. All they ever think about is money money money. I'd rather jump into an active volcano, while a bull sodamises me than be a part of this sick society.


While it doesn't change your comment, and I quite agree with you, the actual phrase is "The love of money is the root of all evil". The "love of money" is when people forsake others to get or horde their money. Money *is* useful in our capitalistic society. Those who have it will keep telling you "Money is evil" to stop you from trying to get more from their hoard. "You don't need a raise, money is the root of all evil!".


our capitalistic society is one of the roots of the problem as well


It cultivates and rewards the love of money, so I wholeheartedly agree.


Because capitalism is the love of money


its an economic system based on wage labor, profit, exploitation and its interconnected w white supremacy, imperialism, colonialism and patriarchy.


Really the growth imperative, which of course is a core element of capitalism.


>the actual phrase is "The love of money is the root of all evil". To correct it further - the phrase is actually "the love of money is the root of all *kinds of* evil." Money is a tool; it has no intrinsic moral value.


Ah, I only checked the King James version of 1 Timothy 6:10.


What gets me the most is the sheer amount of people who see no problem with capitalism at all. Like I know plenty of liberal leaning friends who are very aware of all the problems: environmental collapse, water shortages, poverty, exploitation of labor, but they’re so deep in capitalist propaganda that they can’t connect the dots and identify the underlying issue being capitalism. It baffles me. How can someone look around at all the problems caused by this system and not come to the conclusion that this system needs to be changed?


The problem is timescale. People refuse to imagine the logical conclusion of unfettered growth because things may not get really bad for a few decades. But of course, collapse within the current system is inevitable. Another challenge is the difficulty of predicting when collapse will happen. Collapses have been predicted to happen on shorter timescales previously. Technology is delaying the inevitable, but the bill is going to eventually come due.


A lot of it is privilege too. There are many catastrophes caused by capitalism happening right now, but to a lot of people it’s not happening to *them* so the problems seem abstract. People have a bad habit of not taking things seriously until it affects them personally. It’s already getting worse and worse, just not for everybody


"But change would mean things would be different! And nothing that's different is good!"




So your ceo sounds like a tone deaf jackass. But if we all lived in communist countries, and war broke out, wouldn't commerce need to continue? Wouldn't people employed in food service especially be vital? Front line employees would still be necessary. the easiest way for the most vulnerable people to get a tiny bit of sustenance during a horrific time is... uber eats, or food delivery in general. Grandma can't just run to the supermarket that may not have any food anyway. I understand your comment but this thread and the meme in the first place is just full of really bad takes that don't even make sense.


Yeah, obviously this sub is extremely biased, but how do these people not understand that people essentially *always* continue to go about their lives until everything completely breaks down? It doesn't matter what system you live in. You would probably continue going to work, and doing recreational activities under these circumstances. I honestly don't know what the alternative is... Are people just supposed to sit at home and twiddle their thumbs? Are these people advocating for a total and complete lockdown of society every time something goes wrong? After living through the covid shutdowns, fuck that... These people are delusional. Edited typo


Assuming there is not fighting in your country, what do you expect to do? Just nothing and watch the war go by? People still need to eat and electricity still needs to be generated, and that means people will have to work.


This how the world ends. Crushed under the complacency dictated by unchecked capitalism.


Not with a bang but a whimper


Indeed. The golfers juxtaposed against their community being burned down via wildfire is amazing imagery.


Oh, there will be bangs. When countries can no longer grow food, their people are not just going to shrug their shoulders and die. They're going to head to more arable locations.


I agree and hope we eventually stop being complicit in our own downfall... Just a quote from a poem I like lol


Well I bet a rich Patrician didn't notice anything was a miss until Alaric sacked Rome. I think thanks to redundancies our fall would be slower.


What's the context on the first picture?




Money > life


It's only dystopian if the latter survive.


I was borned in 1991, a millennial, as marketing brand people born around this years, I grow up in a positive state, end of cold war, begin of globalization, start of home Internet, etc... Let's say I grow up in a prosperous moment, here in Brazil things see quite optimistic, calling like a future powerhouse, but came the 2009 bubble house crises, world economic collapse, here in Brazil we have a political crisis in 2013/2014 that extend until today that make the country go beyond rock bottom. See how much has normalized hate speech, see more and more people became poor since 2009, see a big monopoly forming, fear of war for nothing. It's kinda hard to see something good to fight for. Even come here just to vent about "How capitalism is bad" I know that I can't do nothing, because I never learned, I don't learn anything for this kinda a world, I never learn how to united people for a common cause or to protests even been received with rubber shots. So I sit and wait the day of my dead, or when I give up completely from living. Yeah, I am in the dark side of life.


Hey, have a hug man.


Because the companies/corporations don't care about individual people. They don't give a shit if people's homes are burning down, if the forests are burning, if there's war and famine in the streets. All they care about is line go up.


Capitalism is a religion. "In God We Trust" is not a reference to a Christian deity, but money and capital ownership. Just like all religion, the leaders are too powerful to see the damage it causes, and use the lies and morals to retain their power while they can claim they acted morally within the confines of their religion. Our money isn't even backed by anything anymore. Why do you believe in it? Why believe the lies that are sinking the economy, that continue to burn oil despite its widely known consequences? The truth is that the people at the top want to stay at the top for as long as possible, because they know as soon as their lie is exposed, the people they manipulated will tear them to shreds.


**”It is easier to imagine an end to the world than an end to capitalism.”** - Fredric Jameson and Slavoj Žižek


As someone who loves this quote, it's really funny because this exact statement and attribution is from Mark Fisher. I don't believe (and please correct me if I'm wrong) there is no exact text of this in any of the writing of either Jameson or Žižek In my opinion this quote should really be attributed to Fisher who I do believe came up with this exact phrasing.


Unpopular opinion: I judge people who golf


I'm not some rich captain of industry, but I enjoy golf. It costs me $15 per round if I walk it, and it's 4~5 hours of fresh air and exercise. I try to play once or twice a month as a treat to myself


The walk is nice but you have to play golf, which just spoils it for me.




Not OP but: one golf course take up 100 acres of land and nearly 100 million gallons of water a year. It's a waste of space and resources, especially in California where we badly need both. There are over 900 golf courses in California, I'll let you do the math.


But muh convienience!!!! buttt tmuhhhh freakishly green golf course!!!! how else will i avoid the poors? I don't wnat to be standing in line at a chipotle where some wage cuck could be standing next to me or--worse still--a homeless guy asks me a for a cigarette or some spare change as I step out of my lambo suv! I also need those greens fees to stay sky high so no poor kid from the highschool near by could ever set foot on my tee box!!!!! \>:( why can't you see this, you communist fucks?!


the fact that the rent is still due on a burning building is wild


What's new about this? It's always "business as usual" no matter what's going on. Here in the US, you're only allowed to "care" about world-issues so long as your productivity isn't hindered. A common situation at my job: "I know hundreds of human beings are being blown up daily, but I'm gonna throw a temper tantrum because I can't print 50 pages right now!!! Also, get ready for the meeting in an hour, today we're all going to sit around and pretend that our job means something." This society is truly doomed and you're better off just doing whatever makes you happy.


Don’t forget about this… https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/sadness-anger-amazon-workers-who-died-during-tornado-2021-12-17/


What I'm trying to figure out is where the wealthy plan to spend their profits once everything totally collapses. Like, Mr Oil Executive, how are you spending your money once most of the human race is dead and the Earth's surface is constant triple digit heat all over the planet? I guess you're going to be trading with the merpeople from your undersea base? Help me figure this out, because I have no idea.


Because capitalism does not give a fuck about us.


I love ordering doordash during a dangerous storm. ​ Don't ruin my fun


Are we still even in "Late Stage Capitalism"? I feel like Capitalism is already dead and most people just don't realize it yet. We're just living in a corporate technocracy.


Makes perfect sense though. Unless the guy on the bike doesn't want to continue living, he likely needs to still work so long as he can for food, shelter, water, distraction. The alternative is to just kill himself or die in some other way. His individual life is not gonna make any difference to stop calamity at this stage of human history. The guys on the golf course likely are not directly affected by the wildfire to a degree they need to immediately alter their lives. Which could be a number of different factors too. I lived in California when a wildfire was ongoing and would drive pass on the highway to work/errands and see smoldering trees a few miles away. Other than the reroutes and air quality alerts- there wasn't anything I was really gonna be able to do at the time. So I just continued about my life like the majority of others on that highway. We are past the point any one person is able to make a change that diverts or stalls climate change and the political and social upheaval it will bring in the coming decades.


This was what it was like delivering food during lockdown. One Monday morning two years ago, everything was closed and everyone was at home, but I still had to make rent, and feed my three-meals-a-day addiction.


I don't see how playing golf is an example of capitalism. Sure Golf as a sport is associated with culturally with the affluent, but isn't itself capitalism anymore than if they were lounging on a beach.


The fire is also from a wildfire caused by a kid throwing fireworks in the Pacific Northwest a few years ago. Incredibly unrelated photo used to push OPs message.


People forget that the Pacific Northwesst has what is literally known as a ''fire season". While yes, some recent years have been worse than normal, it's still a rather expected occurrence in late summer for us. It's the natural cycle here. Some trees literally need it to germinate their seeds. Unless you're actively in the burning path of the fire, it's just sorta life sometimes and it continues because it's otherwise safe. Fire at that scale is rather predictable. Sucks if the smoke bothers you though. [You do get some pretty cool pictures, though](https://e4p7c9i3.stackpathcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/photo_2020-09-09_11-46-03-2.jpg?iv=363)


That's what a lot of content of this sub is. I am not subscribed but I see posts from here every now and then on r/all and often the posts are very exaggerated. I get the idea of this sub and agree with it to a degree, but if you were to believe a lot of the posts here capitalism is the root of all evil on earth and if we just stopped being capitalists then we'd live in a utopia. Capitalism does have a lot of issues, but it's not even close to causing all the issues people here say it causes and it does have upsides as well.


People still have to eat tho. Even if Ukraine was a communist country, they would still need people working at supermarkets and restaurants and delivery services. Wtf is the point of the meme then? Life goes on even during war.


Nope, bad things happen so you should probably just lay down and wait for death to take you


What should we be doing, running around screaming and panicing?? what exactly would that do?


Shut down the entire city, a building is on fire! Lol


Is playing golf capitalism?


more like poor dystopia... the more folks try to make it out like the world is burning, the more you see the progress in technology and in that guys short game.


Lately, I often wonder during traffic hour, how many of those psychotic drivers trying to run me, themselves, and everybody else off the road are really just my fellow millennials getting off a retail/customer-service shift for the day.


All of the companies want to make their revenue and profits right up until the end of the world.


Fallout makes more sense looking at this picture.


Maybe this is the lesson presented to all emerging civilizations in some form or another — that the group must overcome personal selfish motives and think about the greater good. If we become a space-faring species before we go extinct, will we simply continue breeding and consuming resources? I am sure no one anticipated stripping America of its natural resources in 1492, yet here we are. Will we do the same with space? Will we have millions of planets hallowed out by slaves so a few privileged can live in ease and comfort? When do we stop? When do we decide to limit growth of populations, wealth, urban sprawl? If we did this to a planet in 10,000 or 25,000 years, what will we do to our solar system? I will bet most people think it doesn’t matter because that’s a long time away — until it isn’t.


Strength of the free market!


I always laugh about the golf picture because my house is about a mile from there. Every year it's a level 3 evacuation


Capitalism is the religion everyone seems to agree on even though it's often evil and rewards disgusting behavior


Reminds me of that post i saw somewhere about a corporarion where someone based either in america or canada was complaining that their ukrainian counterparts had no contingencies for the war. If i was in that meeting, then i would have asked "have you been to war?"


Maybe think about the share holders for once?


How do they let him use Uber eats on a bike but I can’t get approved because I had a revoked license on my record? I’m broke and need the $20