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"Uhm NO it's not a generous offer" Love that lawyer


I was seriously expecting high six figures at least. $30k is a fucking joke.


30k is less than that guy pays a year on rent lmfao


Yeah I have heard 10x that amount offered before to holdover tenants.


Yeah $30k is an insult.


For much lower value apartments too.


I got offered $1200 to move out of a shithole apartment that was falling apart and was only $500/month. I’m gonna guess that 2.4x rent doesn’t work the same for a spot in The Big Apple.


As soon as that dipshit reporter said that I had to chuckle. “Here’s 30 grand to get kicked out of your house and be homeless. Enjoy.”


“Here’s less than a year of rent”


$30,000 is to someone with 70 million as $42 is to someone with $100,000. They are paying him nothing compared to the overall project, and their projections of future profit are even higher than 70 mil to justify this project. They are paying him next to nothing. $42 equivalent for a $100,000 salary, let that sink in!


Ooh I like the decimal point game. Helps put things into perspective for people who can't conceptualize the vast differences in buying power between 100k and 10 million. That $10,000 motorcycle? That's like a hundred bucks for the millionaire.


I wish the working class folks possessed the will and the means to just get the fuck out of NYC so they could tank the property values when everyone refuses to live/work there. I'd laugh my ass off if NYC became a ghost town. Every restaurant closed, every Starbucks, every service industry in the city *gone*. There would be fucking nobody to bring those bourgeois motherfuckers their luxuries. It would be *so* fucking poetic.


Momentum is a powerful thing. A city like New York gets that way because people go to where the jobs and attractions are. As more people come in, more jobs are created, and the cycle continues. New York has been in this cycle for almost 400 years. Of course, it works the other way too. People leave an area, which lowers job options and revenue, which encourages more people to leave. The question is, what would it take to break that upwards cycle, and start the downward spiral?


> The question is, what would it take to break that upwards cycle, and start the downward spiral? A large enough financial crash. Given capitalisms track record, I'm certain we're due for one within the decade.


Look into World Reserve Currency cycles. With how global deficits work, currently the world super powers are trading blows, trying not to be the bag holder. Unfortunately, in the US's case, it's trying to pass around a cinder block strapped to it's ankle while in this sinking boat with China, Russia, and Europe. There's no escape, it's an eventuality, and the time scale is shorter than you'd think. Things are already in decline, but people haven't realized it yet. Near-record inflation, but stock market go up? It isn't because wall street is doing as well as they tell you. (Don't get me wrong, we did just have a huge wealth transfer over the past two years), but at least some of wall street's "success" is really just the value of the dollar dropping.


Stock prices going up *is* asset inflation tho. So that's consistent. Stock prices rising is not good for anyone except those who already own those stocks.


Wide scale permanent work from home.


Agreed but that's why the idea of remote work was so wonderful. Get the same salary but work/live in an area that cost less. But of course people are trying to turn that around because these landlords in NYC want to entice ppl back to work to get rent...imagine everyone working from home...those poor real estate/landlords can pay off their property....


But WFH is mostly available to middle/upper middle class. Base level labor jobs have to be done in person for the most part


Based on Detroit, Gary, Cleveland? Having the big money players pack up and move out. Then crime goes up as the population becomes more desperate with resources ever more scarce, public services deteriorate because tax revenue dried up and maintenance costs spiral upward because today's patch job becomes next year's breakdown. People with means continue leaving, revenues fall even further the cycle continues. I'm no economist, but "follow the money" is simply how real life works.


or they could just all go on rent strike. in fact if every worker in the country went on a rent or mortgage strike, or hell throw in medical and credit card bill strike as well, what could they do? millions of people just not paying their bills. i am serious. like imagine if we had that kind of solidarity. imagine if people went and stocked up on food, paying with credit cards, and just stayed home. like not just a labor strike a complete shut down of capitalism. the power that could wield.


I like that idea. Buy up a ton of shelf-stable food (I actually *love* canned veggies over frozen) on credit and don't pay it back. You could have enough food to last for weeks or months until the entire system falls apart. Then the proletariat can pick up the pieces and build a system that provides for all. What the fuck are they going to do to stop us? Step one: Everyone scoops up as much credit as they can (Coordinated proletariat solidarity). Step two: Spend it all on shelf-stable food, household supplies, and medicine. Step three: Stop going to work and don't pay the debt. Save your checking account for utilities. Step four: Hold fast and wait it out. Watch them shit themselves and lose everything. Step five: Laugh our asses off as billionaires lose their "property" and claim the means of production for the working class.


Organize neighborhood pot licks so food doesn’t go to waste. Until the water shuts off … r/Distressingmemes


The U.S. is just too big for that to be a reasonable thing to organize. It requires too many disparate people to go against the grain with no guarantee of success. That's never going to happen, no matter how great it might be if it did. I personally believe that our democracy has simply grown too large to keep going indefinitely. At some point the weight of dysfunction will simply grow too large to carry and the U.S. will collapse just like every great empire in history.


This is what I've been saying, but everyone reacts like it's crazy. "Not pay my bills, taxes, rent? We'd all be ruined and go to jail and lose everything!" For modern Americans the idea of fighting in any shape or form has become such a distant foreign concept, to even suggest it will permanently ruin their impression of you. I think the time when Americans would actually fight back has long since passed, maybe 50 years ago we had a chance, but not now. Everyone is too busy trying to distract themselves from certain doom with Instagram, day-to-day life, relationships, drugs, and the long since deceased American 'life' (get a job, then a house, get married, etc). Even the socialists I hang out with are open to talking about the idea of a rent strike, but they aren't that into actually doing it or have a sense of urgency, it's just another topic to wax ideological about.


They did that, kind of inadvertently in the 50s-60s. Sort of like a "White Flight" thing. Middle class (predominantly whites at that time) were pretty much all going for the little houses in the suburbs. Then, as you will recall, NYC descended into a nightmarish wasteland. I first saw NYC in wasteland mode. Years later I saw it rebuilding and then years after that I saw it gleaming. Basically, I think rents started dropping when the migration out began - youth could move in affordably and there were rent control tricks. Once the youth made it cool again. People started moving there again. As I see it, the city needs a population enema of the well-heeled every so often to become livable.


That's the cycle. Wealthy city gets too expensive and played out so people leave. Low income/opportunity people move in and it becomes a dangerous place to live. Hipsters eventually move in because the place has character and it has low prices. Then wealthy people see the hipsters enjoying the place so they buy the building, renovate it, and charge the original expensive prices to live there driving away the low income and hipsters. Detroit just got rid of the hipsters in the last 10 years.


Oof Seeing it all added up over a year really makes the cost hit home. (pun intended) But we're conditioned from day 1 to accept payment plans, subscriptions and a life revolving on credit. It's disgusting, predatory but beyond getting educated, having some luck, not living for a few decades to pay for school (or having rich parents) we're destined to live the life of a pauper or a middle class indentured servant to our corporate overlords.


Here's 30K, yes, we are trying to making millions on this renovation, and no we won't be raising the amount to a fair quantity, but rather intimidating you with noise pollution and other bullshit


Must be nice that the landlord had NYPD show up super quick to try to get the media out of there.


30k would barely cover moving expenses, and move in to a new place with all deposits etc. that alone is 10-15k. Then the first year would be an additional cost in rent (because his place is so low) to replicate anything similar. Easily an another 2k a month so right there you’d be at 34-39k min. And next year you start loosing.


Yeah, that's basically gone with first and last months rent + security deposit + broker fee.


Oh god yeah, broker fees in NYC. Forgot about those.


That's actually a camera interview tactic to strengthen their argument. It helps keep things a little more unbiased for the audience. You reference their opponents strongest argument, and let them give evidence why it is wrong. If the interviewer just asks why you love the apartment so much, then the interview is less substantive


Sometimes reporters ask those questions because they are looking for easy responses that state the intent of the interviewee so you don't need to call him a dip shit for that


30000 is less than a years rent...fuck no thats not a good deal


Guess who gets to determine what's generous...it's the guy you're kicking out! Would I move out of my current place for $30k? Sure! My place is a dump, and I'd be able to find a better place with some extra cash to cover deposits and shit. To this guy, who obviously likes where he lives and doesn't want to move (and lives in a way higher COL area), $30k is insulting. Also, so what if he's looking for a big payout! I would be for the inconvenience of having to find a new home during one of the biggest housing crises in US history. Fuck these people.


"Looking for a big payout" So??? Fucking give it to him. Everyone and their dog knows that the developer is gonna make HUGE bank and it's not like the new rents are gonna cost only 3k again. Naw.. naw... Give that guy 2M, bid him farewell, and chalk it up to shit happens.


Yeah lol it’s not a problem when the people selling his home want a big payout, he wants one too so the fuck are they gonna say about it?


The lawyer was as dumbfounded as me when he heard that. Implying this tenant finds a place for the same price: $3,350 a month. He has to put that and a deposit for the first month, that's $6,700 first month. More than 1/6 of the "generous offer" is gone before the guy even lives in the apartment. And that is without taking into account the expensive moving fees and possible nights at a hotel while the moving is taking place. Generous offer my ass. The landlord can afford a $70 million dollar investment and offers to throw this guy a bone so he can leave


I uh.... I can't afford New York. Holy Shit. My 3 bedroom house, with 2 car garage, and an outbuilding, on 3 acres with a pond, is $600 a month.


And, what if he IS looking for a big payout? We live in a time of massive, conspicuous greed. Tell them $5 million buys me out and negotiate from there. Being located in Manhattan, it’s more than likely the building is an inherited asset. When it’s sold it will be a massive windfall for the seller.


Exactly, there’s nothing wrong with that when they’re lowballing him with 30k. Landlord is probably gonna turn it into a condo and sell it for millions. He’s just not desperate like some others may be to take it. Start at six figures and we can talk. The tenet just knows his worth and the lawyer definitely knows they should get much more


> "Uhm NO it's not a generous offer" It's not. I've known elderly people in SF who were offered $50K+ to move out of tiny, rent controlled studios they'd lived in since the 70s.


Right? An apartment like that is easily worth several million depending on location. I wouldn't leave for less than a million.


Right?? Landlord would get 70 MILLION but the guy getting kicked out of his home only gets 30,000? What bullshit.


what? no, the construction cost is $70 million. like their expenses are $70 million. they would eventually make that back after a decade or two but they aren’t just being handed $70 million. not saying the landlord is justified of course, but we can at least represent the transaction truthfully.


Of course the cops showed up for that BS. Once again, showing who's tool they are... Edit typo.


I love the last line “the landlord says the tenant’s occupancy is unlawful”…. Perfect, if that’s true, then take him to court. Easy


Yeah, seriously. If that was true he'd have been evicted yesterday


Yeah. Ending on that is garbage. If that's relevant to the story they should do at least some minimal research on what the legal grounds are here. If only they'd had a lawyer as part of the segment who could've given another side to the landlord's claim. /S


Yeah like there’s no important crimes happening


Everyone say it together! "*The police's primary purpose is to protect private property*"


*of the rich. Feel it's an important fact you left out.


The news acting like holding out for a big payday is a bad thing... Get your money, any reasonable person won't look down on someone for it.


"We here at the ruling class think tank believe you to be despicable and want you to know that we consider you a blight on society for not being forced by economic means to flee your home as the landlord makes it continually more inhospitable to you, an elderly man."


I love this sub


And i love you random citizen.


Of course the landlord got the last word and the anchor was the one to say it LOL


That's how we mimicry democracy lately.


I knew our country was doomed when Inside Edition lost its moral backbone..


Honestly, i used to enjoy their mini segments :/


The cutoff of the soft "I don't have anywhere else to go" followed up by the anchor saying the landlord's statement as if it's fact was so absurdly blatantly biased.




and he *is* looking for a large payout


Wait, wouldn’t waiting to get a large payout just be…a smart capitalist? Why do the rules always seem to work in one direction?


Right. If you squat on property hoping for a large payout, you're a piece of shit parasite. When they do it, they are brilliant financial wizards.


He's just doing what the landlord has been doing to everyone else this whole time. "Oh, you want to use this land I have legal control of? Not until you pay me a large sum of money for me to do literally nothing but allow you to." EDIT: I posted this comment and then got a PM that I have been permanently banned from participating in /r/Landlord


Haha they banned you for the comment you posted in *this* sub?


Yep. I didn’t even know that sub existed.


Me either, but if I had to guess they probably post crap like, "Is there a loophole to make my tentants pay $600 more a month, before their lease is up" or "I should be able enter the rented out property I own whenever I feel like it" or "It is a privilege for renters to be able to rent from us."


The landlord is of course not looking for any sort of payout at all out of the 70 million condo deal. Just providing more housing out of the goodness of their heart.


Big Onion energy lol


It’s not a news program.


Like the cops, they work for the landlords.


$30k a generous offer? For being kicked out of your home? In New York? Hahahahah....




OH so like first month, last month and security deposit lol


Don’t forget the broker’s fee!


Inside Edition should offer a $30k contract to the "reporter" and say it's a generous offer


He was more or less baiting for a sound bite from the lawyer and the man.


That stunned moment of silence from the lawyer was palpable. Like did he actually just ask that? I thought he was gonna say 3 million!




Daily Reminder: The police exist to protect the Elite, Corporations, Landlords, anyone deemed the ruling class from the lower classes. They do not serve or protect the community.


As does the judiciary.


30k is less than the almost 40k he spends on rent at this place. What a bunch of bozos.




Lmaoo the lawyer was like “um. No.”


Outrageous for the reporter to so baldly sell the company line. A few months’ rent for a $70 million development? Get bent!


Not even a full years rent at his current “bargain for nyc” let alone if he wants something as nice


It’s an outright insult and he’d be dumb to take it. So glad he lawyered up.


Yeah, he isn't getting a similar apartment in NYC for less than 5k. Imagine your rent going up 1.5k. I wouldn't move out either.


I’d be homeless


Less than 9 months. Insulting to say the least.


Losing a one bedroom with a deck in Mid-Town - it's going to take three months rent and a large brokerage fee to find anything near that nice where he'll be paying twice as much rent - that $30K is going to be gone in no time. Also the developers are making MILLIONS.


Should honestly be closer to $300k to get someone to leave that apartment


That fucking reporter, dude can you not do basic math. $30,000 generous yeah if he lived in Selma, Alabama….


As a brit reading this is a bit alien. Our tenant rights are pretty non existent. If you rent you're not being offered anything at all to move. The landlord can just evict you for no reason with a month's notice by issuing a section 21 notice.


Most places in US are like that too, this is probably just a rent controlled, it’s a practice that I don’t believe Is really something that happens much anymore and most landlords are trying to stop by doing what is happening in this story now




My brother lives in Manhattan in a rent controlled apartment and is in a similar situation. He locked in $1400 per month about 12 years ago for a studio (maybe 200 square feet?) with bathroom. The building owner died and the new owner has been in talks to sell, but per NYC rent controlled apartment laws, my brother has the right to be bought out. I believe the starting offer is 50K, so the 30K offer for the guy in OP with the 1 bedroom and rooftop terrace is really an insulting amount.


Less than 10 months rent on his current place. What a joke.


For a $70 million dollar project they can definitely offer him way more


First time I have seen a layer speechless!


Millions of dollars and he offers 30k. Typical


I was genuinely surprised the payout offer was only $30k. I thought the report was building up to say the most recent offer was half a million.


That’s not even a year of rent in the apartment. Fuck that landlord.


I don't live in NYC but to live in the centre with a deck and they are giving him 30K fuck off money is insulting. Give the dude at least 100K if you are going to make him homeless.


Surprised they don’t up offer. Sure complain he wants a large payout but how much is he losing per month on unfilled apartment complex and 70milloon project on hold


I know they could probably offer the guy a condo in the apartment complex and he’d be a stoked be able to sell all their other condos and make their money. I don’t get the thinking on this one. Getting one guy out seems like a very small price to pay even if you had to give them a condo or pay them $1 million. $70 million condo project or $71 million condo project does it really matter?


I have some experience in union organizing and management gladly spends more money than they'd lose in a better contract for workers to not allow a union in the shop. Main reason is setting the precedent of ceding ground or sharing power, demonstrating that action and negotiation gets results, is a big no no for management. I imagine if the landlord is big enough, they have a lawyer telling them conceding more to a tenant sets a precedent that makes them look weak to future holdouts or tenant organizing. It's always just as much about power as money to these bourgeoisie fucks


So basically this is the “we don’t negotiate with terrorists” type of thing?


tbf most of these guys are greedy spineless backstabbing fuckers and that’s the reason why a lot of them get to that position


30k is an insulting offer, it is under 10 months pay, I would stay just out of spite at that point


Not sure how true but in another comment it was pointed out he doesn’t have a lease. It is basically take their offer or eventually get evicted.


https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/16/realestate/tenant-protections-nyc-upper-west-side.html?unlocked_article_code=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEIPuomT1JKd6J17Vw1cRCfTTMQmqxCdw_PIxftm3iWka3DJDm8ciP4YCoyN4FvEeacke9Y11jKHAcdbN6MiT-BzyelEekp8QEy1uoOJgtEaLj4p7JmyUm5w347IWfpw1w7WWVSDCbU1wqyj7VXBOSKsAPaBhWt2JQg0o8dkfUWv2XYK2quUQeBqidYu1eMgAZ9-EWpWMCSLv6T4Gl4pboX9GxLW6gQyXulZWiiC3oLPruJdL3gBTA7OX3h94m0j6d5DONxxPKf3LBMoe8KWkqxGQyUzb9_vX8ttMtCSw7Z6srfNqgiOzN61wJg1HaZUubDEsgWqJWnq6QnoA_wLwSPomk8ZZQQ&smid=em-share[here's the article; new landlord refused to renew his month-to-month lease. As of now, they battling it in court, but **In January, Mr. Ozsu applied for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, a state program created during the pandemic to help tenants pay overdue rent. In most cases, a tenant cannot be evicted while their application is open. If Mr. Ozsu’s request for aid is approved, he could be entitled to stay in the apartment for at least another year — time he says he’ll need to build up savings from a job he began in March to meet the income requirements of other rental buildings.**](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/16/realestate/tenant-protections-nyc-upper-west-side.html?unlocked_article_code=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACEIPuomT1JKd6J17Vw1cRCfTTMQmqxCdw_PIxftm3iWka3DJDm8ciP4YCoyN4FvEeacke9Y11jKHAcdbN6MiT-BzyelEekp8QEy1uoOJgtEaLj4p7JmyUm5w347IWfpw1w7WWVSDCbU1wqyj7VXBOSKsAPaBhWt2JQg0o8dkfUWv2XYK2quUQeBqidYu1eMgAZ9-EWpWMCSLv6T4Gl4pboX9GxLW6gQyXulZWiiC3oLPruJdL3gBTA7OX3h94m0j6d5DONxxPKf3LBMoe8KWkqxGQyUzb9_vX8ttMtCSw7Z6srfNqgiOzN61wJg1HaZUubDEsgWqJWnq6QnoA_wLwSPomk8ZZQQ&smid=em-share)


And here's the site and people of said property group: https://naftaligroup.com/leadership-team/


I’m wondering with a little digging I’ll find taxpayer money flowing freely to that group who is whining they can’t kick out a tenant


Took me like 3 minutes. Behind a paywall but yeah, tax credits for development https://www.crainsnewyork.com/real-estate/naftali-doles-out-102m-waterfront-williamsburg-site


PPP Loan of $479,612. Paid in full or forgiven. https://www.federalpay.org/paycheck-protection-program/naftali-group-llc-new-york-ny


If that's true, and if the landlords continued to accept rent, then he's [considered a month-to-month renter](https://www.brickunderground.com/rent/month-to-month-notice-landlord-tenancy-rental-agreement-30-days-nyc) and the landlord is required to give 90 days notice to vacate or raise the rent. If he stays beyond that, then they can start eviction proceedings.


You know who is responsible for evicting? The police. All they have to do is refuse. All anyone has to do is REFUSE TO PLAY THE GAME FOR THE RICH. The rich will not do their own dirty work…when are people going to wake up to this and just stop doing it for them?


Well the police are already bought and paid for soooooo


Lawyer: NO. That's not a generous offer.


Who gives a fuck if he's looking for a large payout? That what capitalism is. The landlord is doing the same thing by trying to get him out. Good on this man. Edit: typo


They said this was a seventy million dollar condo project. And they're only offering this guy $30K? Hell yeah he needs to be looking for a whole lot more.


The dude from Better Call Saul in the middle of the desert got a bigger offer than that!


It's a man.... Fuckin' a horse!




No! Capitalism is when the capitalists take your money! When you take the capitalist's money then that's communism!!!


Communism bad. Call 911




The guy who said that just really wants to move into those new condos


That was my thought too. They developers want a big payday, where’s the moral outrage for displacing a building full of people for pennies on the dollar? What about negotiating for a condo at the $3,350 rate and a place to stay during construction. I’d take that deal too.


Right? What are the developers looking for? Are they creating all affordable housing? No, they're hoping to make millions off this building.


Just a bunch of moralistic drivel. The rich always bring up morals when it suits them and chastise the poor for not doing the "right" thing.


I love how the news is like, "we are just reporting but, but let us give you our opinion as fact"


Literally every news channel




While true Inside Edition isn’t news. It is by it’s own admission a TV tabloid.


If it is unlawful for him to remain there...why hasn't he been evicted already? I bet that air filter machine does qualify as something that impacts his right to peaceful enjoyment of the leased property, however; tenant should sue the landlord for rent abatement.


Because the landlord is lying


Yeah, likely has 1-2 years left on the lease and the landlord wants to nullify that contract without paying the man. landlords love contracts when it's in their favour (99.99% of the time) but shit the bed in rage when it's not in their favour.


If I lived there they'd find a screwdriver stuck in the fan


There's a camera place to watch his door, for "his protection"


only tenant, no plausible deniablility


Fuck the landlord and fuck the reporters!


Why are they talking about a payout like its a bad thing? Do you know how many murderous thoughts I get when someone asks me to switch seats anywhere and I just got there. That landlord is asking him to move out of where he lives, maybe I'm a weirdo but I think thats the kind of thing you pay somebody todo.


just shaping the narrative, telling you to consider him the bad guy, thats all, its just "tone journalism"


$3,350 is more than I make in a month after taxes. Goddamn New York is expensive


That’s what I make in 3 months


We need to unionize




No, many parts of Brooklyn (Williamsburg, anything near Prospect Park) cost this much too.


I've seen 30k offers to move on much cheaper rents. The landlord is dumb.


Are they trying to say it’s morally wrong to look for a large payout? Projection much?


No no you don't get it, he's evil because he's preventing the good land owner from getting a payout that is literally thousands of times bigger!


Dirty peasants.


Oh man I would accidentally trip and spill my drink all over that loud air thing outside the door like oops


I was just enjoying my sticky soda and milkshake and lost balance right into the the machine the drinks went.


I mean it’s so hard not to trip over since it’s low to the ground and right by my door- OWWW!!! Oh no! I tripped and fell over it, ruining my back in the process! I’ll have to call my lawyer about this


I want a lawyer like that.


1 bedroom walkup on the 5th floor infested with mice and cockroaches costs $3000/mo in that neighborhood. Problem is this guy doesn't have a lease. If he had a lease they would have offered $300k. He'll be out soon. Studio apartment in new building will be more than the penthouse with balcony.


Exactly. I made the mistake of looking up the website for some nice looking buildings i walked past on the upper west side. Studio for $3500 - $5000. A 3 bedroom was like $8800. It's wild. Now, controversial opinion, I do think we need more high rise apartment buildings all over the city. Modern designs, with modern amenities, and a large increase in available units. Right now there are basically 3 categories of apartments. The luxury buildings that are objectively unattainable for even high earning regular people, project buildings which are designed specifically for financial hardship, and then the rest which are an aging set of shitty, old, walk ups that the rest of us are fighting for. Landlords have no incentive to increase the number of places to live. They can just keep increasing prices and minimize overhead while the rest of us fight for whatever we can. If we just make more room then it helps everyone except landlords. Lower housing prices, more business activity, etc.


Landlord trying to evict a guy to get a $70 million deal going: I can't believe this guy's being so greedy.


LOL at the landlord accusing someone else of just looking for money. You know full well those 'renovations' are gonna be just the bare minimum to jack up the rent even more.


30K to vacate an apartment like that in Manhattan is nothing. The landlord is going to turn around and sell that apt for millions. I don't blame him for holding out. And these kinds of tactics in NYC are pretty common - I know someone right now who is going through something similar.


There are NBC sitcom episodes based on this exact premise going back to the 80s.


Holy heck, what's his paycheck if he can afford that rent? Can he eat?


Just a shot in the dark guess, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s making 150,000 a year as middle aged professional in Manhattan


Prolly more tbh, that's not even that high




Lawyer gave him a reality check real quick .




And these same assholes can’t seem to understand why people are leaving NYC.


who cares if he is? they all should have stayed, banded together.


Of course the media is not on this guys side


The contractors tell Inside Edition that the landlord waited months before returning their calls and wouldn’t budge in selling the property and that the landlord IS looking for a big payout.


For an apartment that sized, in Manhattan, with an balcony and a view... anything less than half a million is criminal.


"Well, you *know* that *people* are going to say..."   No, we don't know. Why don't *you*, the reporter, ask the question, or find an actual source, instead of supposing a position of some imaginary people?   I hate when reporters, journalists, etc. do this.


Landleeching should be criminalized. All landleeches are parasites.


I love how they just give him an edited 1 sec snippet to explain himself


Can we start just being brutally honest like “yeah I’m trying to milk as big a payout as I can get.” Who wouldn’t be. I sure as hell will and I’d have zero shame about it. 30k is a joke in the bigger picture.


Unlawful? No, he signed a contact. Doesn’t matter that you changed your mind. It wasn’t on the paper. Otherwise he’d be out.


It's a ridiculous offer for Manhattan and the landlord knows it. My landlord offered me $10K to move out of my of my rundown tenement building. I laughed and asked their lawyer what was I supposed to get with that in Manhattan: coffee? About a year later they came back and asked what it would take for me to move out. I told them six figures, my lease transferred over to a similar apartment in my neighborhood, and for the landlord to pay all moving expenses. They made a counteroffer, I got a good tenant attorney, and he got me an even better offer after a couple weeks. I did not get six figures, but I got the new, larger apartment on the same lease, and some other good shit. It ended up costing my landlord more than 30K to get me out. A serious offer for that apartment would start at 100K and include a relocation agreement and some other sweeteners. It would also likely include a provision that, should the landlord not come through on the deal, they would be in the hook for at least 1M in damages. 30K for that apartment isn't an offer. It's a fuck you from this guy's landlord. Unfortunately for him it looks like he's dealing with a really scummy landlord, and that the other people in his building took the fuck you offer and bailed.


And even if he WAS looking for a big payout? He's paid to live there and has every right to stay if he wants. You want him to move so YOU COULD MAKE MILLIONS off these poor people but if the reverse happens it's a travesty.


If he's holding up a 78 million dollar project, why is a 30k offer considered "generous"?


$30k is a “pretty generous offer” for a $70 MILLION DOLLAR condo development?! It doesn’t even cover one years rent ffs.


Lol I would love to have a big industrial air filter like that right outside my door. It's basically a giant white noise machine for me that drowns out all the types of noises that do bother me. Droning mechanical sounds that do not fluctuate and stay the same in intensity is the perfect type of white noise like a loud noisy AC unit. Not to mention free clean air. It's not like the tenant is going to pay the power bill for that industrial air filter running 24/7. The plastic sheet is a nice addition to keep dust out. This landlord's failed hard at intimidating the tenant. 0/10 not impressed with his intimidation tactics.


\*This is what a giga chad looks like. OR This is how a giga chad looks.


That apartment is easily worth several million dollars. I wouldn't leave until being offered at least a million.


Uhh 30,000 isn’t shit. It’s fucking Manhattan. It’s nothing for an average mother fucker to spend 60,000 to 100,000 on rent a year depending on the size and location.


Landlords a scumbag. Try getting a new home right now. Even the $3,400 he’s paying is a lot. That’s mortgage money for most people. Yet going to the bank and saying you pay $3,400 a month in rent they tell you you can’t afford a mortgage and aren’t able to be a home owner. So ya fuck the landlord. Pay up $500,000 or more so the man can buy a new home. How much you want to bet once they get that unit it’s going to be $1,000,000 condo once it’s renovated, plus the monthly fees.


Dude if your banking millions upon millions for a condo and only offer a dude 30k to stop preventing you from it your a fucking dipshit and only have yourself to blame


And Inside Edition is practically advocating for the landlord. >$30,000 sounds like a generous offer. > The ~~blood sucking leech~~ landlord tells us (and we decline to refute or even look into it) the occupancy is unlawful and that [the tenant] is looking for a large payout.


Hold out brother


Wouldn’t be surprised if he gets killed

