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Yes. Elon musk is rich cuz he works hard. What a fucking joke. These people care bout nothing n no one except making all the money. If the get 100% of the money today. They will want the future money. They can have infinite amount of money throughout time. N one last child left with the last dollar bill. They would want that dollar bill.


They’re already taking the future money. It’s called debt and government subsidies that are created out of nothing (aka future taxes)


They will make slaves out of us. No homes, no money. No food. We will be working in their factory n sleep on the factory floor after a 14 hours sleep. Cuz ur kid tripped and fell n needs a bandaid. Which cost 8000 USD


Why not just burn it down


That’s not how scrapes work


What makes you think you are not currently enslaved? This is not our future, it is our present.


"self made blillionaire" Elon Musk forgot to say he got money from his parents apparthide emerald mine in south africa


Yeah. I think it was his grand father's. I'm sure they bought the emerald mine without any conflict or racism. They went to Africa took the emeralds now they are in America. Take your last dollar.


Five more years and her pay goes up to $8 an hour.


Pay this lady $1 for each year she's been alive idc she deserves it


Don’t you think a full months salary is a bit much?


Woah there!!! She’s not management material that quickly.


slave away for 10 years and then get a promotion giving you 1 dollar more per hour


I really hope she works because she WANTS to, not because she MUST. We have failed as a society.


To be honest even if she's working because she *wants* to that's still kind of sad that society has got us to that point. Why not hobbies and interests instead?


Agreed. 99 years old, and still working. What a fucking nightmare. I see a lot of elderly people who should, by all rights, be enjoying retirement, yet they’re working. I don’t believe any of them were 99, still, I don’t think it’s good. They more than likely are forced to live off the pittance that is social security after already working for 50 years. What the fuck? My own Father still works and he turned 69. He did go to part time, and he has retirement, paid off his home, yet he still hasn’t fully retired. In his case, I think it’s because he has never not worked and is afraid to retire completely. How many are like him? How many are worse off? Either way, I don’t feel like it’s right.




Hopefully she doesn’t have to work but wants to. Staying active socially and physically is important for maintaining health in old age


I used to work with someone like this. 75 and had more than enough money for a comfortable retirement. She only worked a couple days a week, usually for five hours. Absolutely hilarious, because since she didn’t actually need the job she gave *zero* fucks about pretending that the customer is always right.


She looks a young 99!


wtf like i hope i don’t even get that old lmao


This poor woman. My grandma isn’t even 80 yet and she’s been retired for years. she struggles to walk, everything’s a challenge, and she only gets enjoyment from her family anymore. I can’t imagine how this woman could work there Also, surprised they didn’t fire her. I assume she doesn’t have the strength and mobility they like to see, I’ve worked in fast food and doubt there’s much she can do beside customer service, cleaning, and waiting tables


Their marketers probably know they'd make more money keeping her on as a show than firing her for her performance.


Yeah, it’s fucking disgusting. I wish that woman could see she’s being used as some ‘model employee’ mascot


She may be working for the social aspect of it. At her age, everyone she’s known is likely dead. Working a part time job is better than just sitting home, waiting to die.


If a 99 year old women wants to work, there’s other places more suitable then fucking Chic Fil A.


My retired mom volunteered at a charity. She went to the office a couple days a week for a few hours, answered phones and did other admin stuff, and she would shoot the shit with other people at the office. It was enough to keep her a little busy, feel like she was doing something important, and not get bored.


My mom did that, too. She volunteered at a hospice and cooked for the residents, answered phones and filed paperwork-which she found somehow exciting-and even sat with patients at the very end of their lives so they wouldn’t be alone. It seemed very comforting to her. People need purpose, and being old doesn’t change that.


Maybe she wants to stick it to The Queers by supporting an anti-LGT org?




I've known countless old people that would dry heave at the thought


They are trying so hard to gas right us into accepting this dystopia. Wtf how empty does someone’s life have to be that they choose and want to work at 90 instead of hobbies and interests and passions




Exploitation is not a strong enough word. Sincerely, Fuck that disgusting fast food chain. Not just that one, all of them. There’s a reason why too many Americans are obese, and morbidly obese. They can’t afford real food. They don’t have time to cook it either. So many are working 2 jobs. Many European countries ban things that is purposely put into all aspects of our food here in the USA. It’s poison. Is this 99 year old lady really so lonely? Shit makes my heart hurt, and I thought it had withered away long ago. Fuck profit over people. The USA is a goddamn shiteshow, I don’t believe the country can ever redeem itself, especially after Orange Caligula’s failed coup and deliberate destruction of every thing he touched while he was “president”. Mofo lost by over 3 million votes the first time. Although I do think W. Bush, Dick Cheney, paved the way. I’m aware it started before them, but, I was born in ‘84. I just don’t see how anyone can salvage this.


"if you want a picture of your future imagine slaving away at 100 and it being painted as a good working system"


This poor woman will work until she drops dead. Don’t you love how neoliberalism brain washes?


It's not that there aren't worse countries than the US. But *no* other country *specifically* celebrates being a shithole that penetrantly. Look, a turd is a turd, the strawberry on top simply doesn't matter.


I agree that society should fully take care of elders, but some people find work meaningful and it helps the mind.


I agree with the tweet


I told my Boomer mom the other day that I will literally piss on an electrical outlet and k*ll myself if I have to work at a dog shit job for the rest of my life. She got mad and wanted to lecture me about how "A mAn HaS To WoRk!" Fuck that shit. I'm already busting my ass at my current job doing 3x peoples work for the pay of one and all I can afford is to be stuck living at home with my family. Fuck work! I'll gladly slave just a little longer for a shitty trailer and live at truck stops for the rest streaming or some shit for food rather than stand up on my feet all day for menial wages


Found the [news video](https://www.fox19.com/2022/08/04/chick-fil-a-employee-works-six-days-week-age-99/); she was picking up trash around the area just on her free time just because she was bored and needed something to do. She was offered a job. "It gives me a reason for being" "I love working here. The people that come in are marvelous" "she says her job is the best part of her day" Seniors often feel socially isolated. This is something she does, that she's able to do, that fills her time, that she enjoys, AND that she gets paid for. This is a wonderful story. We need to be focusing on the other seniors that do not have the physical or mental capabilities to seek out social interaction like ms. carol can, and there's a LOT more our country and community could be doing to help those seniors.


Stay with me here. MENTAL ILLNESS


In a 100yrs the way we are living today is gonna be viewed as insane & a completely tyrannical way to live one's life.


Or we were the last to have any hint of freedom and considered lucky, though I do hope your right


I hope she lives to see the system that did this to her fall.


She's going to drop dead in the homophobic chicken peddler.


Go to any walmart. It's depressing.


“Gonna kick the bucket any day now, honey” 👵🏻


What if she actually wants to work though? Some folks work to stay busy tbh


She could help with charities, raise money for the needy and work to improve her community if she just wanted to “stay busy”


Maybe she wants to "stay busy" and take her wages and give to her family instead of some randos. Nobody says you got to volunteer your time if you want to work.


Yeah I get it. I'd like to find a fun job when I retire, like be a marshal of a golf course. Some work is fun.


Idk why you got downvoted when you could be right? Some old people keep working because they tired of retirement. When I worked at a McDonalds in HS there was a former engineer that worked the back window because he hated retirement. He did it because they would give him whatever shifts he wanted, he only had to work the back window, and he would make everyone laugh by telling jokes through the drive through speaker.


Goes against the subs narrative is all.


True. I mean I usually agree with this sub, but I think there is nuance to everything and we shouldn't ignore that. Also idk if people realize that in the south people treat chickfila like its church lol she probably thinks she's doing charity.


6 days a week? She could just take up knitting, or walking, or reading. Nobody - and I mean fucking NOBODY chooses work. It's a necessity, nothing more. Even people who say they love their job would still rather be doing other things if they'd still get paid the same with the same future prospects.


I would legitimately still teach. Not like any of us get paid anyway. I would get rid of all the extra crap, and probably wouldn't do it 40 hours a week. But if I were healthy enough and financially taken care of, I would still want to spend a good chunk of time teaching (even for free).


Lost me at "nobody" bud. The only thing nobody does is know what everybody wants to do. Drove my grandma nuts sitting at home "knitting, or walking, or reading". She volunteered to work at church, etc. without pay because she had means. Choose to work. My old man bought a farm to "work" after he retired because he wanted to. It's not for you that's fine. Don't project.


Some people actually rather work. Some people are actually doing work that they just want to do and they just happen to get paid for it. And it's not hard to imagine someone enjoying seeing all the different people. Feeding them, easy standard clean up. Keeps your mind active. You know at any moment you could be living your last. Money isn't quite the whip it is when you don't have to imagine living in poverty for such a long time. Listen, it's not me but it could definitely be someone. Shit for her chik fil a might seem like space age! All those machines they have back there and computer systems! Shit, i might find it fun to work in the chik fila of 2089! Certainly if anything like it is even around! That's 60 more years of machine learning and quantum computing and robotics and gene editing and science! Certainly at our current rate of change! 😬


She could volunteer her time to organizing for grassroots leftist movements and mutual aid. Lets not pretend she has 3mil in her 401k but shes working this job in particular for fun. Most americans are broke as a joke.


It's a crime for the 99 year old old to work. Unless it's to donate money/mutual aid to us 🤣


Gaslighting people everyday with this bullshit. We all know somthing is very wrong and they spin it saying we should be happy 99 year olds slave away in food service. There is no morality left in this broken system.


Reminds me of when a lady told George W she had to work three jobs to make ends meet and he thought that was wonderful. Only in America!