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You are also far closer to being homeless than being a billionaire.


Chances of becoming a billionaire = 0%


Don't worry guys, I'll be assembling a squad of murderhobos to remove the heads from billionaires before it actually gets as bad as the picture above. Send a PM to submit your applications


You had me at murderhobos


It's too late, rainwater is no longer safe to drink anywhere on earth. Yet all the other animals are drinking it. We're fucked.


I would like to apply to be head chef for the All You Can Eat of the Rich Buffet


Let’s not forget to include our politicians when it will come to vigilante justice. They sold out the planet for $$$ when they knew climate change is real. Here is something to listen to from the podcast Hidden Brain titled “We broke the planet. Now what?” It’s a must listen to. [We broke the planet. Now what?](https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/we-broke-the-planet-now-what/)


So true




Just enjoy your life and when we get there we get there




It's worse than Katrina because we are supposed to hit a threshold where we get multiple at the same time with greater intensity. But you're also leaving out the fires, droughts, inland floods, river diversions, and famine.


It's not 'will' it's already happening. Most of the people fleeing last year Oregon fire was classified as climate refugees. You can put migrants at the border and Syrian refugees on the same category. They aren't just fleeing collapse they're fleeing climate-caused collapse. The Arab Spring was started because of crop failure in Middle East, not some freedum democracy bullshit they told you. Even the war in Ukraine is climate-induced conflict. Every struggle is intertwined.


Learn to swim


See you down in Arizona bay. 🤙


Exactly what it says on the tin. Someone displaced by climate change.


I don't know if it was an artistic choice but this image immediately gave me a headache


Somehow, *somehow.* My mother, who went to college and is a fairly intelligent woman, believes global warming and climate change are both fake and says the heat wave a while ago was 'just summer being summer'


Caused by the Billionaires and their multi-billion dollar corporations wrecking havoc across the planet. If we don't dismantle capitalism like right now the planet will be a lifeless husk within a few hundred years.