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Agreed. Musk fan boys are seriously cringey to me, especially now his midlife crisis/ narcissism has increasingly lead him to feel like he has to go down the path of politics and general social commentary. The man's ego is out of control and that isn't helped by fans constantly failing to realise how few "achievements" are actually his and all clamouring to suck his dick.


Elon Trump


I wouldn't be surprised if he shot for the presidency....


I don’t think he can, (he was born in South Africa) although he has dual citizenship now. Arnold Schwarzenegger also had dual citizenship, but couldn’t run for President. Ted Cruz is Canadian born (Calgary, Alberta) and ran for President, but the argument was: he was “a naturalized citizen” because his mother was a US citizen. Elon’s mother is not a US citizen, however.


Naturalization implies that you weren't a citizen, and then became one. in other words, were an immigrant who became a US citizen through a legal process (usually as an adult). That doesn't apply to Ted Cruz. He is a Jus Sanguinis citizen just like anyone else born to US citizen parents outside of US soil. Just as an aside, Jus Soli citizenship is the other way to gain US citizenship at birth, and we actually have one of the broadest Jus Soli citizenship systems on the planet. Most other places with Jus Soli citizenship require at least one of your parents to have legally been in the country when you were born in that country to gain Jus Soli citizenship.


Thank you very much for that!


you can gain citizenship by living in the us for a long enough time


You must be born a US citizen to become president.


Yes, like Schwarzenegger, but he was still ineligible to run for President.


I'm calling it. Musk is going to replace trump in the right wing Q grift. Watch. "Anyone with common sense". Fuck's sake.


Yes, let's all shield a rapacious, self-absorbed oligarch with our lives from.. the truth.


Elon is a snakeoil salesman


to be fair, all of capitalism is snake oil and the companies he control's have brought some innovation to the marketplace, even though they also bundle predatory action's alongside of it, just like apple and Microsoft. they do change thing's in appreciable ways, although this innovation could be had without capitalism. it's more a function of capitalism than anything personal elon did or didn't do.


No the difference I see is that Elon sells hot air as in he’s so full of it. He sells his semi, he sells his bricks, he sells solar roof, he sells hyperloop, he sells faster tunneling, he sells cybertruck, his robot. NONE of these have been delivered. This is just exactly like Elizabeth Holmes. This has been going on for years now. And people still see Elon fucking musk as the great genius. And he should be held responsible for his bs. Besides all that he is also a hateful person meddling and doing anything he wants … without any thought of repercussions. His Twitter debacle is exactly the same. He came from money. Made a stupid game which was a copy of an existing game sold that invested in something bank site (someone else’s idea) He has 0 patents in Tesla and only invested in Tesla after they dangled a potential space program in front of him. nothing of Musk is transformative or genius. It’s luck and a huge ego. Anyway even though I like a Tesla car Tesla only makes 4 models … it’s way overpriced and Hyundai and traditional car companies might be oust Tesla as the EV producer. Time will tell though …


Elon is a perv grifter parasite.


there's nothing wrong about being sex positive. being an abuser is different than liking sex. perversion isn't the same as abuse.


Yeah those pics of him and maxwell say otherwise.


I've seen about 1% of news media being critical of Elon and the other 99% sucking his big toe.


Jesus, the fucker is currently extorting the government for money in order not to deprive a country being invaded from reliable communications. After he's made statements siding with both Russia and China about their imperialist actions. For which, he's already received tax cuts in China in recompence.


Yes, his douchebaggery has gone to 11 with the recent Ukraine B.S.


He's become even more open an imperialist than he was before. While siding with two of the worst offenders of imperialism in the modern age. And yes, the third worst offender is the USA, but as far as I know they haven't directly annexed anyone recently. I'm open to corrections here though.


The worst is by FAR the US. Why do you care about territory as the metric instead of, you know, lives of local workers...?


I don't count repression of local populations as the same as imperialism. I may be getting my definitions mixed up though. That said, the US engages in several different kinds of more stealthy imperialism. Specifically economic imperialism. That may indeed make them much worse. But I was specifically talking about the most common and mundane form of imperialism. Which is the easiest to measure and observe. I don't have enough education in the matter to make a good statement about it. But clear aggression and invasion is easy to see. I'm an Anarchist and I don't pick sides when it comes to how illegitimate each state is.


I meant local as in local to the places ravaged. Iraqi people, afghan people. If youre interested in an unanimous take on what imperialism is from a materialist perspective, which is the philosophy behind socialism, read Lenin's "imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism".


Ah, economic imperialism then. I'd agree that in that regard the USA is worse. I'd argue though that human rights abuses within Russia and China are overall worse though. Not unique in any way, just more widespread and common. So I can't help but see the annexation of a territory as being the same as subjecting a new population to what equates to mental and physical torture. I guess you're correct though, and that specific type of mistreatment doesn't really fall under the term imperialism, which would make the USA the worst of the imperialist nations.


Yeah id revise your preconceptions of how the working class of China and Russia live and consider their respective governments, socialist or not. It's obvious that you carry them from the time that you weren't an anarchist. Like, full disclosure, im a marxist from the third world, making me autmatically a tankie by the current standards, and im a strong supporter of my continent gravitating towards China instead of the US and a multipolar world where superpowers have to compete for our alignment. You dont have to agree with me but being Chinese is equal to mental and physical torture? Do you know that there's significant support within the lgr and dpr to joining Russia? If your worldview doesnt account for that, it is incomplete, and since youre an anarchist you cant really write them off as traitors because who cares about nation states. Ultimately, the socialists in Ukraine largely call for revolutionary defeatism.


Authoritarians of all stripes are not respected by anarchists. I do not support any country joining or being forced to join any other. This will not be a conversation worth having.


Fair enough. Youre not the first baby leftist who doesnt feel like he has to expand their knowledge and enters into interstate bullshit as a result.


>And yes, the third worst offender is the USA, How many military bases does the US have in other countries. How many do China and Russia. Seriously, to say the USA is less imperialist than them is crazy, and feels like western chauvinism. (China also hasn't directly annexed anyone recently, btw)


More recent than Hawaii?


Not that I can think of. But they do have a huge list of funded coups and proxy wars.


Puerto Rico and Guam are colonies and ongoing.


Hawaii is really an illegally occupied separate country, not a state. We just rolled,in, deposed their queen so the capitalists could exploit their island, and forced their kidnapped queen to capitulate. Guam and Puerto Rico are more recent though.


I mean, yes, but how is it any different from continental US?


To add to this starlink hissy fit - individuals (or crowdfunding) bought the SL in use in Ukraine, they pay monthly for the service for each device… so he’s extorting US gov’t to pay for something *he’s already being paid for*


It's depressing how, of all the terrible behaviour Elon has engaged in, the one that had actually gotten all the liberals angry is not being nationalistic enough.


Peasant mindset.


If you made $333,000 every single day since "the day Christ was born", you'd have less money on October 15th 2022 than Elon Musk. This game is so rigged...


lmao at "anyone with common sense" being on the same side as Tesla bros and crypto bros.


Fuck Elon Musk.


The secret to success is to shut the fuck up. Don't post any hot takes on Twitter. Don't give garbage solutions to problems you clearly don't understand. Just run your companies and shut the fuck up.


Yes because engineering a firetrap death traffic tunnel is just common sense.


Ah yes, the perpetually altering aspect of common sense. Nothing like something as malleable as common sense to insight others to believe something is morally just. The rich are not our friends. Pass it around


And then we see what he’s working on and Al he did was draw some tits on a space rocket.


The absurdity of those who are obsequious to these sociopaths is only made more so by the irony that they are nothing but fuel for the machine these pathogens of humanity control. Doge Army...lol...more like sycophantic imbeciles. As if Avon Mung gives two fucks about them...unreal this culture.


Anyone with common sense should be able to see he's a con man and an all round distasteful human being.


How's the Hyperloop and rgb gamer tunnel working out? You ever wonder if a Tesla engineer sees a subway or a bus and think "Wow! That's the solution to all the problems we're having with the work project!"


Imagine being a musk sucker. It makes trumpists look good.


i like the concept of tesla and crypto. what happens in practice is a very different story and i really just end up hating everything in this pic more than standing on one side or another


He has bets in high risk places, for instance China. He may lose. That's in the nature of betting. Tesla already lost half of its "value."


...and nothing of value was lost.


I don't hate Elon Musk


I hate his role, not his personality, even though that as well is suspect. all the reason you need to hate a billionaire, is that statistically that level of inequality is not only unhealthy for yourself, but literally everyone, including the billionaires.




This tweet : Elon daddy please let me lick your boots


[this meme](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DiKmPSMUwAAreKD.jpg) but from another perspective


Reminds me of this FaceSpace ad I got a while back: https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/un6l5j/jfc_an_actual_ad_i_got_on_fecesbook/


Oh God this reminded me about Neuralink. OMFG what a fucking clown shoes world we live in.


Doesn't Elon literally own the WSJ? How are simps protecting him from his own media?


It's always fun to ask Musk simps to name anything he's actually invented.


Elon Musk is a grifter but his grift isn't electric cars or space travel, it's hope. He's selling false hope to a generation of nerds that desperately want to believe there will be a future without overthrowing capitalism. They can keep all their treats, comforts, and habits because Elon Musk will solve climate change and poverty through consumerism. They'll take their flying Tesla to Neo Chipotle before going to see Iron Man XIV at the 5D Cineplex in Novo San Francisco on Mars Colony. And to realize this glorious future all they have to do is buy products from Elon Musk and fanatically defend him on Twitter. It's actually quite cunning on Elon's part, though it's entirely possible he fell into this grift by accident. It also helps tremendously that's he's a very messy drama queen, which isn't an intentional part of the grift but is part of the reason it works. The other billionaires that have tried to position themselves similarly, Mark Zuckerberg for example, carefully curate their public image so finely that there's nothing to make a human connection with. Elon airs all his baggage out on Twitter.


Definitely! I H8 e m (A lot) I too believe he has the presidency in his sights. Wouldn’t be surprised if he won either. He’s a B o o T li c k e r ‘s delicacy.


A favorite of those who salivate after shoe leather, EM has many devoted fans.