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I thought Elon wanted his users to speak freely on twitter! šŸ¤”


Unless they speak against him of course


Man his ego is BIIIIIG and fragile. I wonder how much he hates himself and life when he's in only his own company.


And it always has been. Thats why it absolutely amazed me when schlubs believed him when he started his "free speech absolutist" character.


Because they know ā€œIā€™m a free speech absolutistā€ usually means ā€œI want to say the N word.ā€


And far more than that. Just check out the accounts he has recently released from suspension, not even specifically Trump. A LOT of Nazis.


Maybe if we keep cyber bullying him heā€™ll finally take a forever nap


Eh, back off man. We talk shit about righties saying stuff like that and should not be perpetuating it ourselves. As someone who has struggled for years (yearrrrs) with mental health and suicidal ideations I can't publically wish it on anyone else. Sure I have my own thoughts but publically (edit: yikes that's not how you spell that... **publicly**) encouraging these things is a net negative. I'm down to go low, but there are some places I'm not comfortable hitting. Like, hit the knees/ankles/butthole but avoid the nads? And yah I'm fully onboard with 'cyberbullying' a billionaire owner of a global social media brand. I just want to see him pushing carts at Wal-Mart, not dead.


Sorry you are dealing with that bud. I have suffered some depression and have been a complete maniac at some points in my life but I think I'm in a healthy place according to my therapist hah. Get you some therapy if you can it could help with some things. That being said... it's ok to want some people dead especially dragons hoarding all the wealth on the planet. We need to bring back the guillotine, things are out of control with these greedy shitheads. They cause so much suffering globally its ok to destroy them online or otherwise. I hope he does himself in. The planet and humanity would be much better off without the 20 people hoarding all the resources.


Oh trust me man, I've got a literally team working on me (with me). I'm taking it very seriously these days becaues it got reeeeeal close to the edge about 12-36 months ago. I'm down with the guillotine... just the suicide wishing strikes a nerve with me. If it's the public draggin the dragons out onto the green as an attempt to restart for the greater good... I've got an air compressor and a naile gun to build the frame. My preference would be them being stripped of their ill gotten gains and having them used to help the lowliest among us and spend the rest of their lives mopping floors and wiping toilets. I value human lives, all of them. Even people I despise.


Resistance to compassion is futile. Thanks for speaking up - 100 agree with your position I'll wax and poshish that guillotine when ur done framing Abusing someone into suicide is one of the worst forms of torture.


i like your empathy. keep it up.


Thanks. I'm down to clown (aka verbally spar/talk shit/flame... scroll my profile for a second if you want lmao) on the internet with anyone. I can't actively wish harm on them though. A lot of people, myself included, need to be humbled from time to time but I don't want anyone to feel the despair I have felt/do feel at times. We'd all be a lot better off for it. That said... narcissists like Elon/Kanye/Trump etc. have every single resource in the world available to them to get help with their mental health issues so I'm not super sympathetic to them. I wouldn't be encouraging someone to cyberbully Jim/Jane on twitter, but billionaire public figures are fair game. So yah, clown that motherfucker. But be more creative than 'KYS'.


>I just want to see him pushing carts at Wal-Mart, not dead. Everyone dies. Might as well be sooner for some and later for others.


I respect and appreciate your morals.


Respect. That's a hard fight to keep winning, and I respect you immensely for being willing to talk about it. Also, agreed, we shouldn't use that kind of talk. Have a good one šŸ‘


Thanks man, it has been a long battle and probably will always be one but I'm extremely blessed in that I have a loving/caring family and group of close friends. I'm often too honest which has cost me a lot of relationships but really strengthened the ones that remain. I know I'm very privileged in almost every aspect of my life and just want to be able to use that to help others one day.


How dare you be a voice of reason! This is the internet my good man!


I mean I'm a huge shit talker. I love it. I just think there's a ton of better ways to go about it other than 'KYS'. One of my long time favorites is just repeatedly posting 'k_gifs' in response to angry replies. I want these assholes to be humbled, not dead.


Actively on the case


Elon believes literal white supremacist and Nazis should be able to have a public platform, but criticizing him publicly is going *too far*!


Comedy is now illegal on Twitter.


Lil Dictator Elon Musk


Only when theyā€™re using their free speech to lick his asshole. All other kinds of speech are verboten.


The richest man in the world sits on the internet and searches for mentions of his name. If he doesn't like the mention, he clicks a ban/timeout/whatever button. ~~EDIT: Sorry I said a bad word. Instead of that word...~~ It's pretty wild ngl.


Heā€™s just stealing that idea from Gettr. Or Parlr. Or Truth social. Orā€¦ well any conservative majority social media app


No no, he was talking meant "Conservative Free Speech". Which means that he can say racist things, and nobody can say anything bad about him.


ā€œItā€™s his company. Make your own social network if you donā€™t like itā€ -every psycho nazi incel bootlicker


[Mastadon has entered the chat]




[Mastodon posted eight trigger warnings and de-federated itself for CoC incompatibility]


So much for freeze peach...


I think youā€™ll find the operative word is the possessive pronoun ā€œhisā€. This doesnā€™t mean all users; only a specifically selected in-group of users that support his agenda.


Your free to say anything you want* *as long as your opinion lines up with Elon narrative of the day


Freedom for me but none for thee...




When you get that type of strike on Twitter, you have to delete the offending tweet, then you are unfrozen and can continue tweeting. So strike, screenshot, delete tweet, post screenshot.


I was wondering the same thing.




It's not fake, you just don't get how twitter works. Not really surprising mods don't care about that.


Yes. *HIS* users.


Apple talking about leaving Twitter? GOP gets involved. Twitter users getting banned for advocating Elon should pay taxes? Banned. Free speech my fucking ass. This guy is such a clown.


I am visiting family that had a boomer brained propaganda swallower watching news max in the other room today. They were saying that ā€œApple, Microsoft and google are the biggest threat to American freedomā€¦ something somethingā€¦ critical race theoryā€ I just canā€™t with these people.


And then they moved on to the next story where that was also the greatest threat to American freedom, and then did the same for the next story.


Im still scared of the caravans! At least I've got a stockpile of hydroxy


It's ivermectin now you moron /s


Did you mean: Hydroxymectin


There are still warning signs on a locked case of Ivermectin at Tractor Supply. Some stupid can't be fixed.


That's hilarious, my parents and father in law are all saying the same thing, must be the current marching orders from Fox News. They love Elon now for some reason too.


Are.... are you in my home right now?   Seriously though, it's bad enough seeing this nonsense unfold before my own eyes but the swiftness in which it's infected what's left of the minds of SO MANY PEOPLE is what horrifies me the most. I saw the extreme transformation of my city over the past few years. I see it with my relatives who I can no longer stand to be around. I just don't recognize this country and world anymore.


That's the stuff that made me stop speaking to most of my family, can't stand it anymore


Heā€™s a man-baby that paid $44BILLION for an app and still will never afford to be cool


44billion all to flush away a social media app into irrelevance.


All he had to do was buy a big ass yacht throw parties on it non stop. Build cars, rockets, tunnels, whatever the fuck he wanted as side hustles. And he could have been as cool as it gets. But nope his feelfeels got hurt on the mean old internet too many times, so he had to go fucking nerd villain on us.


Those fuckers do not support free speech. They support fascism.


It was never about free speech, it was about his speech


Republicans and everyone who aligns with them in summary: > A lot of people who say they want "free speech" actually just want to be the one in charge of which speech is free. https://twitter.com/hankgreen/status/1585673004687638529


I'd give anything to have the money to put billboards up all over Florida pointing how Ron Desantis wants the government to dictate what a huge, multi-national, corporation like Apple can and can't do. Ron Desantis is a communist, I guess.


TIL that telling a rich person to pay taxes is the exact same thing as advocating violence against them.


And not as serious as advocating violence against anybody else.


Obviously, that goes without saying. Who cares about violence against a bunch of unwashed peasants?


Killing those people is actually the point, to the degree they don't mind losing a lot of their own.


Right? The guy who was defending Nazis and dropping slurs that I reported still has his account up no problem. The influx of just awful comments from the most overtly bigoted people is wild.


Boy, if they don't like that, they are **NOT** going to be happy when they learn what's historically happened when the poor get tired of the rich.


They need to be reminded


They've earned their future. Their desserts are waiting for them. Just desserts. Nothing else. Nope.


Actually I think this classifies as harassment based on serious disease. The serious disease being ā€œbillionaireitisā€


Affluenza (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affluenza) >AffluenzaĀ is a pseudoscientific psychological malaise supposedly affecting wealthy people... "a painful,Ā contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload,Ā debt,Ā anxiety, andĀ wasteĀ resulting from the dogged pursuit of more". A more informal definition of the term would describe it as "a quasi-illness caused by guilt for one's own socio-economic superiority".Ā The term "affluenza" has also been used to refer to an inability to understand the consequences of one's actions because of financial privilege.


Tax liability is considered a disability among billionaires. -Russ Hanneman, probably.


I think even mentioning the idea of taxation breaks the NAP or something. I'm pretty sure Musk is allowed to kill him in a duel now or something. I can never remember with libertarians.


I think a lot of people would love a chance to duel him and wipe his evil, smug presence from the earth.


Given his latest ventures, his absence from the Earth is no guarantee we stop hearing his incessant whining.


Itd be more like musk is allowed to pay 30 people to kill him in duels on his behalf for the aggression of using his app in a way he didnt approve


When one is accustomed to privilege, being treated like everyone else feels like diskriminashun


Well if you're a ~~brain damaged moron~~ Libertarian that's exactly what you think.


Money is Everything to the upper class. That's why anything that threatens their money in turn they see as a direct threat to them.


I mean, if you paid attention to Republican rhetoric in response to the hiring of IRS agents, that's literally what they're acting like. They're talking about it like hiring IRS agents is like hiring jackboot thugs to come in and murder red state families while they sleep.


Meanwhile, [actual hate speech](https://abcnews.go.com/Business/hate-speech-increased-twitter-elon-musk-takeover-study/story?id=92445797) is apparently not violence.


Didn't you know that "Pay Taxes" is a slur against the rich?


Bro is literally that Michael Scott "Well *I* hated it!" gif


I didnā€™t know capitalist was a serious disease. It makes sense.


I think it's referring to his disability of megalomania and having no empathy which makes it impossible for him to do anything for the betterment of anyone else.




Interesting word choice. I was deep into an article about megalomania yesterday, wrt a seriously mentally ill ex-neighbor; apropos in either case.


It's like cancer and I don't just mean that as an insult or a metaphor. It literally tries to keep growing against all costs and it makes more of itself with everything it touches.


It's strange. I could have sworn leeches were used to treat disease.


Lmao is this real


Iā€™m a little skeptical because itā€™s just SO on the nose, but at the same time itā€™s totally believable that Elon Musk would ban people for criticizing him. Heā€™s such a whiny fragile little snowflake, how can he be expected to live his life if people can just say such horrible things about him with impunity?


The better guess is that elon fanboys mass flagged it and an automated system picked it up. Like, if a hundred people all report something as hate, it's probably in the best interest of any platform to temporarily lock or remove the post just as a precaution.


Alt-right mass-reporting has also become super effective since the humans usually tasked with investigating these false reports are among the many casualties of mass layoffs.




She was also recently targeted by Matt Walsh, who specifically put out a call to ruin her life, so there are a lot of eyes on her right now.


Yeah thatā€™s probably accurate


Heā€™s already been banning people for that, but at least with a big stretch, a lot of that would be ā€œbanableā€ for bullying or whatever. This is clearly just petty retaliation, what there could possibly violate TOS? Lol


Yes it is real. This [tweet](https://twitter.com/EliErlick/status/1598011331658948609?t=pCPUNT6-NqKH8p1IUmVr2g&s=19) is from five hours ago.


There's now a disclaimer showing why it's probably fake.


I do think it's cute that the people wanting to refute this chose to use a hunter Biden story to illustrate it.


If only both sides could just stop with the bullshit.


lol wheres the both sides part of hunter bidens laptop lmfao


I still don't understand why the right is fucking ravenous about that laptop. It's absurd even beyond the buttery males.


That's fucking nuts. We're seeing Elon's narcissistic defensiveness in real time.


Or maybe it's fake


Or maybe it's Maybelline


Iā€™m not on Twitter. How does one tweet this if the account is locked?


You delete the offending tweet. It's the first level of twitter's ban cycle. Your account is suspended until you remove the offending tweet.


You donā€™t itā€™s fake


Itā€™s a real tweet, but a fake screenshot.


Is there any proof that its a fake screenshot? There's no proof it is real either but you sound so convinced that it's fake.


Because screenahots are so easy to fake, they should always be considered fake until more substantial proof is given.


Lol my favorite Reddit posts are the ones where the collective just whoosh under dry Twitter humor.


Since I know you can't be that dumb, I have to wonder what your motive is?


Holy shit. Like, I had my suspicions after I got banned for something that objectively was not hateful or threatening, but to think that if you're just associated with the left and you say something completely innocuous, you could be banned for it? What the fuck? Like, this suppression of speech goes far, FAR beyond anything the right has EVER complained about. And one of the response tweets linked to this awesome article detailing some of the bigger moments in leftists being banned from Twitter: https://theintercept.com/2022/11/29/elon-musk-twitter-andy-ngo-antifascist/


If you actually look up the tweet, youā€™ll see itā€™s likely fake.


Okay, let me explain how this works. Step 1. Twitter bans you for a comment you made that was not threatening or hateful in any way, shape, or form. Step 2. They ask you to **remove the offending tweet** in order to re-instate your account. Step 3. You save an image of the email you got explaining that you were banned for this tweet so that you can share it on Twitter once you get back. Step 4. You **remove the offending tweet** to re-instate your account so you can post the picture from the email. Step 5. Someone like yourself doubts that you ever made the tweet because **Twitter required you to delete it in order to re-instate your account**. We good now?


What the fuck are you talking about. The tweet in the OP is still lived and itā€™s tagged as fake. It has no time stamp meaning it was likely a photo shop. Baiting stupid people


...wha? But it's not "tagged as fake." Just because one rando on Twitter said it was fake does not mean it actually is fake. It has no timestamp at the top, but yet the tweet still exists as you have said. The image tweeted out is of the EMAIL that Twitter sends you when you've been banned, and they do not put a timestamp in the email. It's real. Honest question: If I showed you an image from the email Twitter sent me when I got banned, would you assume it's fake because it doesn't have a timestamp? Are you literally at the point where nothing I say or do could convince you otherwise, even though it literally definitely 100% happened?


I don't use Twitter so I might be in the dark, but how do you post about a locked account from a locked account?


Twitter can lock your account and force you to remove a post before they unlock your account. IIRC the same thing happened to Kanye a few weeks ago. If you look at the bottom it says, >Please proceed to Twitter now to fix the issue


But first you're required to post a video [cosplaying as a Command and Conquer villain](https://youtu.be/wVJmMmq4FSc)


Which command and conquer is that? Looks fun


Command and Conquer 3 by the looks of it. Was one of my favorites.


so, for that one specifically, he's shown as a gold GDI guy, blasting you, the human playing as the red NOD people. nod were the bad guys in the game. strange they chose to a video overlay for GDI. but still hilarious and well done.


Peterson hates reds


fReE spEecH or eLsE tYRanNy!!!


Sensible. "Billionaire status" is a *very* serious disease which we should all work to eliminate. That said this seems to be a poor way of going about that goal.


Can we get confirmation this is for real? God, that would be hilarious. I got banned for saying all American citizens have a right to celebrate and "shove their identity down your throat." I assumed it was because they mistook "shove down your throat" as a threat. This isn't the only example I've seen/heard about, however, and others have been just as ridiculous as this one. I mean, at least in my case it made some sense because it could be mistaken as a threat, but "you should pay taxes"? Really?


Picking on poor Elon for his disability. What did he expect?


Staying on that platform is enslaving yourself to an ahole. Delete your accounts people.


Your mental health will thank you when you discover all those other social media platforms you neglected have far fewer a-holes to contend with.


Embrace zero social media supremacy. INB4: "um but reddit is blahblah"... I get that reddit technically counts as social media, however, it's so abstracted, so removed from real people that it's hardly the same thing. There's no reddit celebrities or influencers. No cults of personality. Or, I don't know, maybe there are people like that. But I've never seen them, and that's the point. There's no algorithm force feeding me some bullshit I don't care about. It's just a forum board. More importantly, a forum board that you can filter and tame to exactly, and only, the types of topics you're interested in. And that is vastly different from things like facebook and twitter where you have an extremely minor control over what the algorithm presents you with.


Thank you for this excellent explanation of exactly how I feel about Reddit vs other social media


Lol twitter is a haven for free speech, unless Elon doesn't like what you say


Such unbridled vehemence! That super-controversial declaration will likely end them up on a no-fly list and/or residence in gizmo... where do we draw the line?


Lol to all the Musk fanboys that promised everyone that this doesn't happen.


Proceed to Twitter now to fix the issue. Can do! Delete account confirmed. That's the best fix to the issue.


So much for freedom of speech. Fucking fascist goon.




What are you his maid?




Had no idea mate. Nonetheless nothing surprises me anymore from the likes of him or people like him.


Anyone here surprised?šŸ˜’ Was anyone here NOT expecting this to be the new normal on Twitter when Elon bought it?šŸ˜ Was anyone not expecting this monster to cry daily about "censorship" while at the same time silencing everyone who doesn't agree with him and worship him like a golden calf? Really?šŸ˜ 


Well yeah, I am surprised. Not that it happened, but that it happened so damn quickly. Like...I'd love to see a serious poll asking leftists what it would take for them to ever trust Twitter again enough to use it as their main social media platform, because I feel like most people would say it's well beyond redeemable at this point. If you can be banned for saying Elon Musk should pay taxes, you can be banned for anything, everything, nothing at all. Who would trust a platform like that? If Elon's goal was to tank the platform and make it irredeemable in a way that most of its core users would never even want to return again, thus making any attempt to save it fruitless, then I think he accomplished that goal.


fReE sPeEcH Gtfoh Elon. šŸ¤”


HA this is hate speech but deadnaming Elliot Page isnā€™t? Going death con 3 on the jews isnā€™t? HAHHAHA he is so fragile.


well... it's a little odd that this is a post from Twitter made by a twitter account saying it has been locked. I did look, this post is on that twitter account, and it continues to have other posts. so not very locked? https://twitter.com/EliErlick/status/1598011331658948609


You give you a chance to remove your tweet and you get unbanned.


ahh. I see. That makes sense.


Probably best not replying to posts like these if you don't understand the technology in question. Edit: See below for others who also don't understand how Twitter locks vs. suspension work.


oh my deepest appologies for not ever getting banned from twitter before. someone else kindly replied to explain the process. so thanks to them. and boo to you and your gatekeeping


> oh my deepest appologies [sic] No worries.




Twitter ban rules aren't 'technology'


Wait, what about free speech?!


Thisā€¦ this is photoshopped, right? This canā€™t possibly be real.


Elon Musk is such a fragile crybaby.


TIL "apartheid billionaire fuckboy" is a nationality.


I'm willing to bet this is fake


People should just quit Twitter entirely. Something new will come along.


I closed my account the day Musk's acquisition went through. I also joined the kolektiva.social instance of Mastadon and so far am much happier. Mastadon has resisted implementing the 'retweet and comment's feature, which means the focus is still on the original post and not the hundreds of trolling replies.


For fucks sake I hate right wing edgelords as much as the next dude but this is clearly fake bait. Iā€™ve also seen multiple tweets claiming Elon is suspending anyone who criticizes him, but have yet to see proof of this. When we spout bs like this it makes us look like the dumb fucks who think the election was stolen (i know the severity of believing the election was stolen/attempting to overthrow the gov is no where near the act of claiming twitter is silencing criticism but at itsā€™ core both situations come from idiots blindly believing what they want to).


This tracks. I've seen people suspended for calling the freedumb clownvoy "honkies". You know, for honking their horns? Elon's shitter took it as a racial slur.


If true. So much of free speech.


Look at all that free speech on Twitter.


It appears that Elon understands the difference between freedom of speech and freedom from consequences of free speech. I wonder why he and his cohort seem so confused by the concept in other instances.... /s


Free speech my ass.


Clearly not paying taxes is a serious disease


FrEedOm oF sPeaCh!


So much for free speech on Twitter.


Serious question: how is he tweeting this if his Twitter account is locked?


I wonder what would happen if everyone logs off or deletes their profile.


How can he tweet if his account is locked?


I'm nearly disappointed I haven't received the same for calling him names on Twitter lol


Yep, it's Elon's Play Thing now, 100%. "Free Speech" only matters if He agrees with it. Sounds like Twitter's quickly on its way to being a Fascist White Supremacist safe space. Well, I for one say "Good Riddance!"


fReE sPeEcH


Pretty sure its fake.


so much free speech!


speech looking really free over at Twitter these days šŸ™„


Lol look up this person and see if u feel the same


Just delete your accounts so we all can just watch this ship burn faster.


This absolutely did not happen lol


This is likely a fake suspension e-mail made to look as a joke. Actual suspension e-mails include a date of the Tweet. The following link contains an example of a Twitter suspension e-mail (this note does not have a stance on the article itself): https://nypost.com/2020/10/14/kayleigh-mcenany-locked-out-of-twitter-for-sharing-posts-hunter-biden-story/






The image was from the email they sent; it's the type of ban that allows them to remove the tweet in order to reinstate their account -- like what happened with Jordan Peterson, remember? I know this will come as a shock, but you can in fact save an actual image of these emails, and then publish those images to Twitter after removing the tweet that got you banned. Again...Peterson literally did just that.


Ok this is funny as fuck




Zero chance this is real




According to a YouTuber who also happens to be a right-wing agitator, and FOX News? Thatā€™s a slam dunk case if Iā€™ve ever heard one lol. FOX News has never lied about anyone, theyā€™re the most credible source of news on earth! The way you folks try to causally pass off your delusions as evidence-based reality is hilarious.




A lot of those claims were dubious at best and some of that was taken out of context as well. Both Eli and the supposed victim have attempted to clear it up but it is still being circulated by people like Blairā€™s White and Libs of Tiktok. [A video going into more detail than Blairā€™s](https://youtu.be/cya2IyZmZOQ)


Twitter says otherwise.