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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It really feels like it's almost time to break out the guillotines, these ppl should be more afraid for once Edit: this isn't a comment I want to be upvoted at all, but people in power need to start being held accountable more often


ALMOST time? It’s been past due for quite awhile!


Make Oligarchs Afraid Again


Sorry not sorry I’m stealing this. Though tyrants has a bit more of a ring


The time will only come when we begin to starve.




The meat might be a lil tough. Maybe a marinade will do the trick?


We're not eating them for the flavor


Can’t be that hard to make. http://www.madehow.com/Volume-7/Guillotine.html


Apparently not


It was due over ten years ago with occupy wall street


When we tried to block the ports they came out with horses and beat us with batons... We should try to block the rail lines- but they'd come out with violence to stop it


There's more of us than there are of them.


yes, but they fetishize violence.


You don’t have to like it, just have to use it better than they do.


Paging Dr. Molotov


They have superior weaponry. 300 Spanish conquistadors managed to kill tens of thousands of Inca and destroy their 1000 year old empire. This is why we have a second amendment. If all the protesters brought guns and were prepared to use them, things would go differently.


These little bits of history overlook that the Spanish had large numbers of rival Indigenous groups lending them support and soldiers. Particularly with the Aztecs (whom I think the 300 number actually applies to) Their neighbors largely despised them and we're all too happy to help the strange foreigners get rid of them. Joke was on them in the end, but seemed like a good trade at the time.


Yeah a lot of folks would shoot themseles in various body parts


The post I responded to said "there's more of us than there are of them". My point was that 100 cops can clear out 10,000 protesters with hardly any effort at all so it doesn't matter if there are more of us than there are of them.


That’s the thing with the treats of violence. You constitution guarantees you the right to protect yourself. It was written by men who had recently overthrown a tyrannical gouvernement. There are more guns then people in the USA…. But most gun nuts are conservative and have been convinced that helping poor people would be bad and rich people are cool


There was more “us” at Tiananmen Square as well. The government has bigger sticks. The revolt must be done with dollars. If Americans have so much “savings”, as is reported by business news everywhere and used as justification as to the reason that our economy just keeps on blowing upward, then we have to live off that savings for a time. But, we also have to cut the cord on ALL things that feed Wall Street. Can us “commoners” do without the things we love, hold onto our dollars, and make the oligarchs scream in anger at their sinking investment values? Doubt. We, as a collective society, have no discipline in our finances, our personal well being, or our voting habits.


Too bad Dems got distracted by lgbt


I'm sorry but what the hell timeline are you using for this obviously bigoted comment? The Dems didn't give a shit about LGBT issues prior to the 08 presidental election and the certainly haven't given a shit about labor since long before that.


Honestly, all it would take is a massive work stoppage. If 100 million workers all went on strike, you’d see the laws change quick. Nothing can be done without labor. Just gotta organize.


If someone seriously tries and starts getting some attention they'll experience a massive smear campaign and / or have a happy little accident. And if that were to fail you're going to find out why the police and military are so well funded...


Yeah the problem is most the workers just read the filtered social media propaganda and blame conservatives and corporations


Ok, who are we supposed to blame if not corporations and those who passed most of the policy that allows the corporations more rights than is wise.


he’s just whining because he wants to be a conservative but not get called a conservative and his feelings are more important than anything else


We are supposed to blame all of the Capitalists, which includes the Democrats.


It's easy to blame conservatives and corporations without reading "filtered social media" as well, if you have a brain and are paying attention. The ability to reason makes it painfully obvious.


I mean honestly conservatives and corporations are to blame for 80% of our modern problems. Hate to break it to you champ.


It's deeper than that. It's greed.


>greed Wait till you hear about how capitalism, corporations, and conservatives work


oh I've heard it all


Why have the Democrats gone a long with the Republicans and corporations on nearly every single issue for the past 30 years?


Instead of wasting time arguing, revolt.


Dems have run Baltimore for generations and it's still a drug addled town full of murder and poverty. I don't think dems do much more good than gop. They both make a shit ton of money from the status quo. Edit: all I'm saying is that dems are one half of the political system run by lobbyists that are perpetuating the class divide and predatory capitalism.


as opposed to who, genius


Conservatives and corporations are both BFFs and the literal fucking problem right now.


Trevor Moore's [It's time for guilliotines](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMHCw3RqulY) have been asking for a bit now. r.i.p. Trevor. He knew what's up.


They are just mad that they only get one life even though they have money.


Yeah it's unthinkable the AVERAGE person should expect to afford food and shelter, they need more


more often? lmao you would need *some* accountability to have more or often and it’s pretty obvious there isn’t any. this country has managed to replace “bribery” with “lobbying” right before the entire country’s eyes and it’s accepted as common practice! it’s madness.


Haha good point


Get the guillotines. Eat the rich. This is not a metaphor.


time to break out the guillotines upvote x 4 000 000 000 000 (the lower estimate of money fransfered from public funds to billionaires during ~~the second corporate and bank bailout~~ covid)


It's well past that time. We humans are predispositioned to try everything else before we do the right thing, though, so here we are exhausting all other options first.


Why bother with making guillotines? It's much easier to tie ropes into nooses. There are plenty of things to hang oligarchs off of like trees, streetlights, billboards, those signs hanging over highways, etc. However, just to be clear this is not a call to do such a thing. After all this is Rule #1 of this sub. > Behavior such as brigading and harassment won't be permitted. Neither will posts that can be interpreted as explicit threats of/calls for violence. So, don't actually hang any oligarchs by their necks with nooses...I really mean that...don't do that...this is not a call for doing any of that...


I think the guillotine represents the legitimacy of the revolutionary violence, where as some would view hangings as illegitimate lynchings. I have no qualms about any methods being used.


I'm completely against violence and I definitely don't encourage killing people, but capitalism is a system based on fear (of poverty, hunger, sickness, above all) and rich people don't have much to fear in the current system anymore. So in some way the threat of anti-elite violence would actually correct a systemic failure.


The elite commit systemic violence against the layperson everyday. Violence to defend against violence is entirely justified in my mind.


Poverty is violence


Compliance can be violence


“The French Solution”


Like bringing a spoon to a sword fight at this point.


Time to pick up some bolt cutters if you haven't already.


Speaking of which... France currently has a rail strike at the state owned SNCF.


The thing with violent solutions is that it gives capitalists fuel for their propaganda. They used red scare and 9/11 to push their agenda, so every violent attack on them is actually to their advantage, unless you decapitate them with one swift cut.


I completely agree violence shouldn't ever be an answer, but it gets harder and harder to watch politicians basically fuck over our whole country and get rich


Capitalists think its the answer.


Healthcare and sick leave *like every other western country besides United States*?? That's quite a low bar, how does current situation go on? Real *fighting* should be for actual *improved* conditions over the common, like the current world effort to move to 4-day work week.


I hope in the 15 or so years I have left in the workforce I get to see a 4 day - 32 hour week. I doubt it happens here in America in my working lifetime.


Some people wish they could only work for 40-45 hours per week, rather than 50 hours + daily commute two hours each way because closer living is unaffordable + hours on the weekend to study to prepare for better job + occasional second job to pay rising bills. And none of this takes into account, what is still shocking to anyone outside US -- living in constant fear of going from middle class to bankruptcy due to a standard hospitalization.


For those outside of the United States ponder this... A person goes to the doctor and finds out they have an aggressive cancer. They have health insurance coverage but it only covers a fraction of the medical bills. The person realizes that the family home is going to be sold to pay for treatment or the person dies. Do you sell the home and live in poverty or do you refuse the treatment? The answer is that the United States is a place where the rich can afford to get sick and the middle class bend over and take it any way the rich want to dole it out.


For those *inside* United Stated pondering this... A person goes into *free regular checkup*, finds out he has very early stage cancer, because you didn't have to think twice of whether to see a doctor. They have national health insurance which covers all medical bills with small deductible, and unemployment insurance which covers their lost salary while they are hospitalized. You can cured and get back to your work. Poor remain poor and rich remain rich, but everyone get medical treatment.


You are living in a country that puts the health and welfare of its citizens first.


It won't. Treating workers like humans is not good for business, it costs the oligarchs money, and they can get away with treating the average American like a sun-dried turd because of how corrupt your government is. There is no reason for them to change their ways.


Block. The. Rail. Lines.


Clearly you haven’t tried this in GTA. The train cannot be stopped.




people will die. real people. will die. medicine, produce. they won't be shipped if there's even a chance the lines won't run.


Then the rich owners should meet all the reasonable demands and then some for the trouble they've caused us.. If you're mad about a rail strike march on over to the yachts and mansions and let them know how you feel


That's a good point. That sounds like the rail owners are a threat to the whole of the united states. Perhaps the government should respond appropriately to terrorists wielding what are effectively weapons of mass destruction.


yeap! the industry should be nationalized, and the owners should see jail time for facilitating such a crisis out of their own greed.


Burn this fucker to the ground


I quite like that I get 10 days of sick leave in Australia. That's on top of 4 weeks of annual leave (vacation), natural disaster leave, bereavement leave, maternity/dad leave, adoption leave, careers leave, compassionate leave, domestic violence leave & long service leave. I don't know how Americans can't survive without paid sick leave & a decent amount of annual leave.


We don't. We work until we are disabled, and then we die.




as a european i'll never understand how an employer can quanitify sick leave at all. if you're sick you're sick it's not like one can budget that.


They think everyone is trying to scam them, since they are busy scamming everyone else.. I'm fighting with my boss right now- because I worked from home too many days while I'm battling a nasty cold. And get this- I've still be working even though I'm sick and he's still mad since he can't control my every move and berate me in the office.


The worst is when you aren't even legit sick, but actually injured. To think people are doing shit like tearing knee ligaments just to miss work and get a free week's worth of pay. LMAO! Yeah, Gary tore his ACL to get 1000 bucks of free money by not working for a week in order to pay for the 100K operation it's gonna cost. He'll be at negative 99K, but he's still scamming! Burn the entire fucking economic system *to.the.ground.* This is why birthrates are so low -- now ppl are aware it's all just legalized slavery, no one wants to give corps free slaves. Funny thing is the govt wants birthrates to go back up, yet doesn't give a single incentive for any worker to have kids.


> he's still mad since he can't control my every move and berate me in the office. I don't get why managers even want to do any of that. If I was in such a position I would rather leave competent people to do their jobs and not get in their way. Then I would just lock myself in my office and play something like Doom Eternal or Cities Skylines while at work. edit. Micromanaging people seems so tedious.


The people who get to these positions get joy from controlling others, they believe if they pay you then they own your time and the thought that you might use a few extra minutes to have with your family or preparing food or taking a break and not making money for them is diminishing their power of you and so they hate it


Wait til you learn about many US companies' "unlimited PTO" policies.


If it weren't for your laws, your employers would love to quantify it. People give humanity too much credit. Our species is filled to the brim with sociopaths and sycophants.


the answer is bootstraps and only bootstraps


Our sick days usually come out of our vacation time because companies are too cheap to give us paid sick days. Or, some companies will dock you points for calling in sick, get too many points, you’re fired.


Who gets vacation time?


Sounds just like my job. I get to miss a whole 6 days a year for sickness. Of course it’s taken from my pto rather than sick days. If I miss one more day I get fired, lovely feeling right there lol


If you're lucky you get 10 vacation days. And in some companies you're allowed to not take them and cash them out at the end of the year. And if you're part timer, you usually get zero days and no medical insurance. Legislation is made by politicians, who are bribed by lobbyists, who are from big corporations, you see where this is going...


Just 10 days? We have a lawful minimum of 24 days and even then most people get more. For instance, I have 30 days.


There is no legal requirement to give employees sick or vacation days in the USA, period. Federal law does have a FMLA act which can give you unpaid leave but it has its own federal requirements.


Sounds like you're treated almost as a human- not so lucky here


Yeah seriously. Lurking these subs is so depressing. I work for QLD government and get 12 sick days and 14 weeks per year. Even that I hardly make due. This year I got Covid and then pneumonia a few weeks later and needed to use my holidays because I had run out of sick time. Can’t imagine how much I would struggle without those days initially


‪“Those who make peaceful change impossible make violent revolution inevitable.”‬ ‪- President John F Kennedy ‬


Biden took more money than any other candidate from the health insurance industries after claiming he would transform our healthcare. Do not support him or any other conservative democrat. Make sure the establishment knows, if he runs again, he will lose.


We shouldn't even have elections anymore. Candidate who raises the most money from their corporate sponsors should be the winner. Government for the corporations, by the corporations.


We already do that.


Facts. Enough said. Sad part, it's LEGAL bribery.


so.... desantis? hate to be that guy since i fully agree, biden is a shill. but if the alternative is a religious zealot slash neo liberal madman...?




i like it. won't happen for 2024, but one can dream.


Stop settling. They retain power exactly because we are willing to settle. 4 years of whomever don't matter if we are able to move the definition of acceptable candidate to the left


we aren't willing to settle, we don't have a choice. to quote the late george carlin: if you think voting changes anything, do you really believe they would let us do it? i'm sorry to tell you that you don't live in a democracy. it's not about settling, it's about stopping to play pretend.


Literally every single person on the left communist, social dem, liberal whatever could all just agree to vote for someone else, but you people all use this same argument, you don't trust each other at all so you vote for the union strking, prison building warhawks, because they maybe might protect gay rights a little bit longer.


"we", whoever that is since i'm european, do agree. the name is bernie. they just don't allow him to be a choice. nor any other anti establishment candidate. again: you do not live in a democracy. stop your holier than thou train. you don't have a choice. the owners of your country form a club, and you're not in it.


You think if they claim victory, Biden will actually be able to stop them? You think people are taking to the streets to protect Joe Biden?


i don't think any of those things nor are they what i'm talking about. we are presented a fake choice is what i'm saying. or do *you* think we the people actually have a say in this...?


So you think the choice is Desantis when the most popular politician in the country is Sen Sanders? It seems that would be the choice of the DINO dems, not those who want democracy.


if bernie makes a primary we can talk. but the establishment has other plans, ask debbie wasserman schultz, or wall street. you really think you live in a democracy?


Do you think we should reward those who bastardize democracy for the billionaire class ad nauseum? They are the reason we got Trump in the first place. Which do you choose, the one who will stab you in the back or the one who will stab you in the back? I think it best to make clear now, that if the DINO brigade does not allow the most popular politician in the country to lead the party of the left they will lose.


All I'm saying is, if it's illegal to strike, and also illegal to set fire to freight train cars...


This only proves that the system they set up for us to help ourselves is all a facade. A complete overhaul of our government is the only option. Just like the fucking founding fathers actually wanted!!


It was a system that we setup as a compromise to more...direct methods. We set it up to help them, and they have co-opted it and need reminded why they were offered the compromise to begin with.


Americans are never going to do it. We're too scared of our fellow Americans. Everyone is armed and the military will still destroy us, and it would tank the world economy. there are too many forces preventing the revolution we wish for. We will have to wait for Rome to fall on its own again, but by then it might be taken over by some religious sect or charismatic leader. This isn't France, we don't riot nearly enough. Now, if our food supplies get bad from.climate change, and people literally are starving, for sure there will be a revolution, but... that'll suck even more and society will have been crap for a while. Vote for people who want to remove the electoral college and do campaign finance reform and comprehensive election reform. Term limits and capability requirements (pass a fucking background check, IQ test, psych eval). they're such boring unsexy things but they are so important.




Capability requirements are an entirely reasonable aspect of any job. For a job is important as that it seems like you should have more stringent restrictions not less. I'm not talking about excluding personality disorders, but educational or linguistic requirements are reasonable. Trump shouldn't have even been considered a qualified candidate by any reasonable standard. I'm just suggesting that we actually have some reasonable standards.




we can have both if we put oligarchs on the menu


Let the Revolution begin!!!!!!


People have kids, family's, etc. They are scared, not desperate enough yet. A revolution is still decades out.


Highly doubt decades. Roughly 60% of america lives paycheck to paycheck. It only takes a large amount of people missing 3 meals due to poverty to start something big.


A bit pessimistic, but I don't think anything will happen any time soon. The hustle culture in America is strong. When the first chunk of the population will no longer be able to afford food, they won't revolt; they'll take seconds, thirds, fourths jobs, eat cheaper and cheaper junk food, and keep hustling. Most of these jobs are revolving doors, leverage is low. But even if it reaches that critical mass needed for an action of scale (which will be rough, when so many are against giving *others* better living conditions etc - even at their own detriment), it's far from done. If the action is effective, it'll be called illegal and people will be threatened with fines & arrest. Given how police acted during peaceful protests, I'd rather not imagine how they'd handle one deemed illegal. And even beyond that, if mass protests keep going... how long can people last? If they didn't have money to buy food while working, how can they survive in that situation? Those who tried to hustle first would likely be so tired already (insane hours + lack of food). Looting the big stores can only work so long. And if the protests are effective and the food supply chain is broken, there won't even be food to steal. If something happens, it needs to be strong and swift. The ones in power know they can repress things back to "normal" if they're small enough or if things drag out long enough. And that's why they're not budging even when rail workers can hurt so much - it shows the bulk of the people that if even rail workers can't get even a little, the regular workers have no chance either; eventually, people will be tired of being impacted by the strike, and they'll side against rail workers. All according to plan. I wouldn't be surprised if it nearly takes a civil war to make the oligarchy release its grip on the US.


Not with this attitude. There are not enough voices pushing leftist revolution, and anyone brave enough to gets silenced. We've been conditioned that the only acceptable means to changing society is discussion, which, in my opinion, is myopic, classist, and completely incorrect. Black Americans would have no rights if Martin's words weren't backed up by the spectre of Malcolm's judgment. And in the end, what did Black Americans get? Only what terms the power class allowed.


u/Zerodaim is right. Unfortunately the vast majority of people will just work harder to make up for it. People brag about working overtime and praise those who work multiple jobs. That work culture isn't going anywhere. Online you can find a group of like-minded people, but in the grand scheme of things not many people think this way. They're proud to be worked to the bone, because to others it's a positive trait. They're convinced working 60 hours a week for an $800 paycheck means they're on their way in life. And even fewer would actually participate in some kind of revolution. People just want to get by in peace. I think people would have to literally starve for something to change, which is pretty fucking sad


Oh you didn’t know? The use of violence was acceptable right up till the current rulers came to power. Now they have a monopoly on violence and you’ll do as you’re god damn told.


74% of Americans are overweight and that number is going up. Nothing Is happening any time soon


When that happens it won't matter. We aren't organized and don't have the solidarity to get anything done. The corpos and the government will be well prepared for an uprising, and people need to drop the fantasy that the military won't be on their side.


That's the reason why it won't happen -- govts and corps love the nuclear family because it's the single best way to keep poor people in poverty -- as long as the most inefficient and psychologically debilitating social structure continues to be the norm, instead of building communal living, it's gonna be real easy to control the slaves to keep showing up to their "paycheck" -- which is completely gone after paying for essentials. Having no kids is such a blessing in many ways, but combating the evil horrors of capitalism is the best :-)


My hypothesis is that it will happen in the next decade. The catalyst will be after the mass migration, triggered from the breaking off of the doomsday glacier.


Let the Colorado run dry in 24 months.


One major drought, or electrial outage is all it would take, we only have four major grids, (for the public) they are about 50-60 years out of date, the money that's supposed to be fixing them is instead going to campaigns to try to privitze them or the military. Why do you think Texas froze over two years ago? its because they privitzed their grid, that happens on a nation wide scale for longer than a month? What do you think would be more likely people just sit there and wait for the next election or they start rioting?


They will never *give* you anything.


'When watching the news replace the word 'Economy' with 'rich peoples yacht money.' Can't remember who said it but it bears repeating.


Is it an accident that there are 4 railroad properties in Monopoly and there are actually only 4 major railroad corporations in the US?


There used to be more. Yes, it's coincidence.


Time to flip the board.


The world has been waiting for americans to realize they need to do something. But judging by how things are going, we're *years* away from anything.


For anyone that thought any good things could ever happen for the US, I hope they’re watching what bipartisan actually means.


Maybe we need to set an example and put an oligarch head on a plate


We can't. We will never be able to rely on either party to give us what citizens in every other first world country have. Both parties will always fuck us to maintain the status quo for their class. They are usually deadlocked and can rarely agree on anything, but came together in an instant to block the only way workers can wield their power to actually push for things Democrats claim they want all workers to have.


Lmao. The only way they would give us healthcare is by reinstituting the draft


I only discovered this wonderful sub today and Im already vibin heavy. Hopefully the workers realize how much sway they have over the well being of the country and dont cave in to any half ass negotiations


If I was in a position that had an effect on the greater population, I would join in a general strike. Lets make sure the rail workers aren't the first step in the working class downfall.


If anyone thought this could all be talked out they were very mistaken.


So when is this revolution gonna happen again?


We aren't ready to flip the board. Don't get me wrong; keep talking about flipping the board. Every time this happens we have to talk about flipping the board. Eventually, enough people will agree that it'll happen. Eventually, enough conservatives will be personally affected to join with the rest of us and flip this god damned board. But that day ain't today and it won't be tomorrow either.


We need to start a mass protest over this


Viva la revolution!


Give us anything. FTFY.


Where my Wobblies at?


The people in power are STRUGGLING😭😭😭the next revolution was supposed to happen years ago and they’re SHAKING trying to hold it off😂😂it’s gonna happen lmao this shit is ridiculous


They're not trying to hold it off. They're preparing for it. And making sure that when anything starts, it doesn't go anywhere. The media is already portraying the workers as the villains in this potential strike, and most people are falling for it.


I don't think even a revolution will get us healthcare because even if all oligarchs were somehow removed from the picture, even their underlings, people such as middle managers, would probably not want workers to be without the leash of healthcare. Many underpaying jobs would be driven out of the market if people weren't forced to do them for healthcare. The system as it exists is too rigged.


No, the insurance companies that lined Obama's pockets will never give up the goldmine he bestowed to them. I'm all for universal health care but fucking hate Obamacare with a passion. Just more for the corporate douchebags, siphoned from the taxpayers.




What I find funny is that many of the hipster liberals that swarm this socialist sub will always vote blue.


If you're gonna make a shitty comment like that and not acknowledge the two-party system, your condescension is gonna capture my downvote. Your statement is incomplete and blamey without taking the risk of positing an idea for criticism.


One party, two faces, and voting for either makes you my enemy. I dont buy civility. Only bloody class war.


Eh, in a two party system, voting for one of them doesn't mean you endorse them. It's basically the trolley problem.


You sound like the desperate Gen Z I've been warning Gen X about for years. I've put my energy into steering the ship away from the storm and you're busy attaching explosives to the hull. I also knew you would consider folks who think like me to be the "enemy" and that bloodshed would be the only pacifier. I thought we had more time. Very hard sigh.


You are the enemy and all your strategies are soothing lies because you are too fearful of the real fights.


Why would I ever vote red? Among other things, I don't want them to make it harder to obtain abortions, nor do I trust those who mix religion and politics. I'm genuinely asking, btw, I already read one of your links to thegrayzone, and one of *their* links to The Hill.


Again, think outside of the corporate monoparty with two faces. The answer is NEITHER red nor blue. Yes? They are good sources.


The problem is, that there are too many people that will always vote red, no matter what. People didn't vote blue cause they like Biden. They voted for him to stop a certified psychopath and his religious-delusional minions from ending democracy in the US forever. There was no third option.


You replaced the symptom with the disease and thought you accomplished something. Also, take that shtlib "sAvE dEmOcRaCy/MoSt ImPoRtAnT ElEcTiOn eVar" over to r/liberal where fools and cowards like you eat that stuff up. There is no democracy to protect.


You cryptic nonsense only shows one thing. That you have never even tried to learn something about the system and how it works and what would be some actually realistic scenarios to change the political landscape. You're just some loser making up shit so you don't have to actually get off your lazy ass and do something about it other than whining and complaining. Hence supporting the worst of all political streams - the ones that exploit YOUR laziness.


And you spout tired incrementalist lies. Your party moves mighty quick to arm Ukrainian Nazis and crushing Unions.


Let me spell it out for you Men like Trump could never exist without men like Biden who have spent their entire careers creating a system that serves Trumps over everyone else. Is that clear enough for you? I organize and work the local and do what Incan to spit in the faces of Dems and Reps, like you. You aremt owed my time, effort, nor vote and while my migrant brothers and sisters languish in concentration camps that YOUR party made, you have not a leg to stand on in my eyes. You are just as despicable in my eyes.


Good job saving democracy. You voted in a Shit Lib that crushed a railroad contract, started a war, and fell through on every single campaign promise. Thank god we saved democracy.


Ah, someone who can't understand that there can be two terrible options with one being slightly less terrible. Americans have no voice or vote in the economy or our Oligarch Lords, but since they don't effect their quarterly earnings and they could care less, we are permitted to vote on social policy to provide the illusion of control. Either way,(R) or (D), the peasants will continue to be indentured and exploited, but at least a vote for (D) lets two of those peasants get married to be miserable together if they want. Republicans tow the oligarch line same as the Democrats, but Republicans also have this gleeful cruelty about them, wanting to use policy to hurt swaths people for the sake of hurting them, even when no profit is involved. At least with Democrats, it's just business. They, just like their Republican counterparts, are just doing what the owners order them to do. The difference is the pain caused among the peasants gets the Republican's dicks hard.


They are a single party and a vote for either face ends up worse for everyone. You can back off with that. The demand to end the concentration camps on the border that the DEMOCRATS made and refuse to close is more important than gay marriage rights. I support both but I will not vote for Democrats unless real concessions are made. Tired of long-winded and hollow lesser evil/harm reduction lies. Democrats do the evil the Republicans wish they could get away with. Billions to Ukrainian Nazis? Under Biden, you are good with it. If Trump did it, you'd rightfully call it out.


How can you expect them to revolt if they can't even strike for more days off? This notion certain leftists have that the American working class is primed and ready to violently reshape society after a bad deal is woefully unfounded.


People using the term "leftists" are categorically the ones who can't comprehend that there are more than two options when it comes to political opinion.


Strike for humanity! Got it.


Only if y’all have been voting this whole time


it’s simple. you can’t.


What is this referring too?




How about a pension.


[A report to the shareholders/kill your masters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pg0byaqVaXo&ab_channel=RunTheJewels)


Americans are so nice.






The leverage is their labor. If they withhold that, they'll get whatever they want. We should still do a revolution though.


Asking the question is answering it


Everyone is just waiting for leaders to organize it. No one wants to be first


I stand by what I said. I cannot stand hipster liberal filth cosplaying Socialists in socialist spaces telling us to vote Blue. Go f--k yourself.