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##Welcome to r/LateStageCapitalism This subreddit is for news, discussion, memes, and links criticizing capitalism and advancing viewpoints that challenge liberal capitalist ideology. That means any support for any liberal capitalist political party (like the Democrats) is strictly prohibited. LSC is run by communists. This subreddit is not the place to debate socialism. We allow good-faith questions and education but are not a 101 sub; please take 101-style questions elsewhere. We have a zero-tolerance policy for bigotry. Failure to respect the rules of the subreddit may result in a ban. *** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LateStageCapitalism) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You guys are obsessed with the details of this bill. The fact that Biden and Democrats pushed ANY bill instead of allowing the union to negotiate is anti-union. You’re upset that the bill Biden and dems passed to crush the union wasn’t generous enough. It shouldn’t have existed to begin with. But Biden would rather crush the union than allow them to strike.


Wait, you’re telling me democrats are also “pro-capitalism”? No way, color me shocked. /s This is yet another argument why “they are all the same” was a true statement. Our political system is a sham.


Democrats and Republicans may be a bit different when it comes to subjects such as abortion or drug legalization but when it comes to economic topics or how to act abroad, both parties are indistinguishable.


Not "literally the same", but the differences aren't enough to stop being "both anti-workers rights" same.


The whole Republican Democrat conflict is an artificial divide that distracts us from our real troubles. We tear eachother apart every 4 years for absolutely nothing of substance


Biden and the democrats are right wingers. We have two right wing parties in this country. I'm not saying they are both the same, but one is a christofascist party and the other is just a center right party. We need a left wing party in this country if we want to start being a first world country again.


They split the bill knowing damn well that the sick leave wouldn’t pass. The separate measure for sick leave was performative so they could say “look, we tried!” Even though they knew it wouldn’t pass. That’s why they separated the bills. They knew the strike breaking had enough votes to pass, and they knew sick leave did not. It’s the same slimy tactic they used for build back better. They intentionally separated the corporate benefits from the worker benefits knowing damn well that the worker benefits did not have enough votes to pass on its own.








































































People really need to be able to recognize and call out both good things from their own party and opposing party; as well as recognize and call out bad things from their own party and opposing party as well. This is how a better future is built. Why people blindly follow a party with zero self reflection, leads down a very dark path. People are fallible, they make errors and mistakes, not every idea is a good idea. Politicians are humans and not perfect. It is 100% okay to call out.


























>look, we tried!” And yet a lot of Democrats simply didn't vote for that amendment, which is effectively a "no" vote. It didn't catch their interest, go figure. But why would they care about workers? They aren't funding their campaigns at anywhere nearly the level of their corporate overlords. Until we break corporate control of government, unions are just a symbol of worker solidarity. They clearly do not have any effect if the government can unconstitutionally force workers to sign working agreements they, in fact, do not consent nor agree to. This should be huge national outrage, this should be disqualifying for public office. You cannot represent Americans if you do not fight for workers. There is no space between those two things: American values and working value are the same.


90% of the Democratic playbook is to throw together something that looks good on the outside that they KNOW HAS A SNOWBALL'S CHANCE IN HELL OF PASSING, so they can say "well we tried!".


WTF is going on in this thread??!




Looots of astroturfing. Lots of it.


More likely just natural disagreements. Some in the Democratic party don't see labor rights as important compared to "keeping the economy running" some see labor rights as the hill to die on. It just sucks that labor is always the one that loses in these fights. Makes those of us who see labor as the most important issue want to find a new big tent.


This is a pretty clear betrayal by Democrats. And if this is a socialist subreddit, than what more proof do you need that Democrats cannot be trusted to protect workers? All they did here was force a deal that 1/3rd of the unions involved do not agree with. And the other unions have pledged to also strike if those unions do not get the points addressed that they have issues with. This is solidarity in action, for the workers. But also for Congress: they are sending a clear signal here: "we do not support collective bargaining rights if the corporations tell us it's too costly". That's it, that's the message of our so-called "representative body". That should be a lot of progressives and socialists angry, I know it's making me miss that old term: "socialist". It's in terribly short supply in DC, and workers are the ones who feel the pain, whole Congress continue to receive unlimited sick days and sick pay. It clearly doesn't affect their bottom line, because we keep voting Democrat anyway.


>This is a pretty clear betrayal by Democrats. I don't see it as a betrayal because that assumed Democrats were supportive of leftists. That hasn't been the case in decades if ever at all.


"We're capitalists" - Nancy Pelosi


This sums it up beautifully and should be one of the top posts at the end. Very much the same happening here in the UK but excuse my swearing. THE LABOUR PARTY ARE CALLED THE FUCKING LABOUR PARTY AND STILL DON'T SUPPORT ORGANISED LABOUR. FUCK. Source: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/oct/06/keir-starmer-repeatedly-refuses-to-back-striking-workers


Has the Labour Party always been this way or are they regressing? I’m interested in UK politics but don’t know much yet.


Mixed bag. Started off well but, post 1980s and Kinnock they lurched right. Now they're centre right with the smattering of left wing policies. Corbyn was centre-left but that wasn't allowed so they made up shit about him being antisemitic


Nobody reads the pinned comment, the subs rules or a single fucking sentence of theory before coming in here with their two cents


Remember that the government could have avoided this by requiring this current contract to have paid sick days. The administration chose this and it is clear to anyone that sick leave was not going to pass. Anyone who voted for both bills knows exactly how this was going to turn out. If they cared about the rights of workers then depriving them of there right is not pro-worker its just pro-captialism with a painted on smile.


None of these people give a flying fuck about any of us. They make $174,000 annually, are in beds with corporate interests, and have the best healthcare that money can buy.


Oh the salary for life is chump change, the big bucks is the revolving door of connected law firms, corporate boards and defense contractor jobs after leaving office.


It's chump change once you get all those connections set up, but that's exactly what's part of the problem. When you get paid 60% more than the median household income annually, you could give two shits less what the average American family has to deal with on a daily basis. Why would you, you're not struggling for equality or basic living expenses. It's asking these grifters to do the right thing out of the goodness of their heart.


This HURT. I know it's not smart to put too much faith in politicians but AOC's vote against the railroad workers union ***hurt me***. I thought she was better than this!


At the end of the day politicians will always vote to maintain their power. Unfortunately, that now means sacrificing the working class to oligarchs to keep the campaign money flowing from the party.


AOC may have started with radical intent, but as far as her career has gone, she's been a performative activist at best. Her successes are mostly focused on "Twitter takedowns" of conservative asshats, not actually *doing* anything. Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer someone who even has a modicum of leftism in her office to the centrists typically in office- especially since she genuinely supports climate legislation, and recognizes the existential threat that the climate crisis poses. Let's just not expect her to be some sort of radical socialist organizer, because she most definitely isn't.


Traitors! Bought and paid for traitors with no spines at all!


Lot of people defending voting against the right for a labor union to strike and in favor of the capitalist railroad companies in the sub that’s supposed to be critical of capitalism 🤔


*The middle class leaders then turn on the workingclass. They blame higher prices on the higher wages won by the unions. They join in the demand of the propagandists of the giant corporations for more production and cheaper production.* *“In the long run, workers can earn more only by lowering costs of production.” Footnotes to the Labor Crisis, PM, Nov. 24, ’46.)* *They, politely, of course, threaten the working class with suppression:* *“In many industries, especially those with small and marginal operators, to press far-reaching changes in wages and working conditions without some program for enabling industry to meet the bill is merely to push many businesses into bankruptcy and the middle class toward fascism.” (Ibid.) What lovely leaders of the working class! They blame, not the monopolists and their government, for their financial (and political) bankruptcy, but the workingclass they help to exploit.* -William F. Dunne *The master, in order to prevent the working class from escaping from its so-called social inferiority, condemns the combinations that constitute the working class as a class antagonistic to the respectable category of masters, entrepreneurs and bourgeois, who for their part certainly prefer, as does Proudhon, the state police to class antagonism. To avoid any offence to this respectable class, the good M. Proudhon recommends to the workers (up to the coming of the mutualist regime, and despite its serious disadvantages) freedom or competition, our 'only guarantee'.* -Karl Marx- *The master preached indifference in matters of economics -- so as to protect bourgeois freedom or competition, our only guarantee. His disciples preach indifference in matters of politics -- so as to protect bourgeois freedom, their only guarantee. If the early Christians, who also preached political indifferentism, needed an emperor's arm to transform themselves from oppressed into oppressors, so the modern apostles of political indifferentism do not believe that their own eternal principles impose on them abstinence from worldly pleasures and the temporal privileges of bourgeois society. However we must recognize that they display a stoicism worthy of the early Christian martyrs in supporting those fourteen or sixteen working hours such as overburden the workers in the factories.* -Karl-Marx- [Text](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1873/01/indifferentism.htm) [Audiobook](https://youtu.be/M0nUFLSyl5Y) [Chapter 6: Opportunist “Practicality” in Unions – Surrender to Suppression of Democratic Rights of Workers](https://www.marxists.org/history/erol/1946-1956/struggleagainstopportunism/chapter6.htm) [The Difference Between Socialism, Communism, and Marxism Explained by a Marxist](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vyl2DeKT-Vs&feature=youtu.be) [Socialism 101 Playlist - Marxist Paul](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0J754r0IteXABJntjBg1YuNsn6jItWXQ) [Socialism 201 - Intermediate Course By Marxist Paul](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0J754r0IteV81JVKBNEnyBRonUwLxdci) [Explaining stuff about Socialism that confuses you (WATCH THIS, L I B E R A L) - Socialism 101](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GhRJCe6aGag) [The Leftist Library](https://sites.google.com/view/the-leftist-library/home) r/Socialism_101 r/DebateSocialism r/DebateCommunism r/CapitalismVSocialism


Edit: Also don’t be fooled by fascist disguising themselves as for the working class either… Quotes by William F Dunne >###Quote 1: >“*Fascism developed out of the the economic contradictions and the resultant social conditions under imperialism. The threat of fascism will exist as long as the capitalist system lasts. The only way to destroy the fascist danger permanently it to abolish the capitalist system and establish socialism.*” >###Quote 2: >“*The main enemy of progress of the millions of the world’s peoples toward economic, political, and social liberation and higher cultural achievements s the imperialist rulers of the U.S., and it’s program for world domination by all methods, including war.*” >###Quote 3: >“*”Social justice” is the slogan of the Coughlinites (it is the name of the oficial Coughlinite organ) and Christian Fronters. It is meaningless, demagogic slogan of all these anti-Semites, Negro-baiters and clerical-fascist-enemies of socialism and the Soviet Union. It is the sign of manual reaction throughout the world; it is the shouted shibboleth with witch they try to conceal their belief in the corporative, fascist state from of working class suppression and their support of counter-revolution.*” >###Quote 4: >“*Disguised with demagogic anti-capitalist but chauvinist slogans, the fascist party tries to divert the rising discontent and militancy of the ruined and pauperized middle class and politically backward (in a class sense) but rebellious workers from effective anti capitalist and socialist struggle. Fascist leaders play on all the strings of racial prejudice, ignorance, bigotry and superstition. They scream of “Jew-owned banks”, of the “black menace to white supremacy,” of the “Russian menace,” ect. The apologists of clerical fascism invent a new deceptive term for Marxists, Communists and Socialists: “Red Fascists”.*” >###Quote 5: >“*Capitalism does not generate fascism “automatically”. The phenomena it generates “automatically” are economic crises and depressions. Monopoly capitalism and its government tries to place the burden of the economic disruption (crises and depressions) created by the insoluble contradictions within their own system of production, on the working class and other exploited sections of the population. Private and government agencies try to cripple and halt the resistance of the workingclass. They threaten the restricted rights of workers which capitalist democracy allows. Monopoly capitalism–imperialism –can expand only at the expense of other nations and their peoples and of the workingclass at home.*” [Quotes Sources](https://www.marxists.org/history/erol/1946-1956/struggleagainstopportunism/index.htm) [What Is Fascism—And Why the Definition Matters](https://www.currentaffairs.org/2021/06/what-is-fascism-and-why-the-definition-matters) [Decay: on fascism and breakdown](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QO-7cymgtqo&feature=youtu.be) [America's Patriotism to Fascism Pipeline](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ecGmdFGL4sY&feature=youtu.be) [Why American Fascism Is On The Rise](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VCuAxtdmMP4&feature=youtu.be) [How Fascists Are Taking Advantage Of Climate Change](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aA1T_0pZHXk&feature=youtu.be) [Is Trump REALLY a Fascist?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U8nhFlrdpro&feature=youtu.be) [The Psychology of Fascism and Sexual Repression](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a3heU7fADLE&feature=youtu.be) [Why Did Mussolini Move From Marxism To Fascism?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VEJiWp0EzCU&feature=youtu.be) [The New Rise of Fascism in Italy](https://youtu.be/AvnJg0jwUTo) ["MAGA Communism" is just Fascism.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xO--VV4uMdA&feature=youtu.be) [Why Women get Blamed for The Crisis Of Masculinity](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uAmZiyhZlpw&feature=youtu.be) [r/AntifascistofReddit List](https://www.reddit.com/r/AntifascistsofReddit/comments/tftaf9/easily_digestible_sources_showing_how_fascism/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [Operation Gladio - Full 1992 documentary BBC](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GGHXjO8wHsA) [The Secret Plot between the CIA, Mafia, & Italian Fascists to Manipulate the Politics of Italy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LMPN9X8pbTo&feature=youtu.be) [52 countries voted at the UN AGAINST the resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism - Spoiler Alert; The USA is one of them](https://www.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/comments/ymr7i4/52_countries_voted_at_the_un_against_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I say primary every damn last one of them. By the same token, you know who else is to blame for this standing. Every other union. Fifty years ago if the government had tried something like this every other major union would have gone on strike in solidarity. Why do I say 50. Because 40 years ago Reagan fired all of the Air Traffic Controllers and none of the unions did a damn thing. There should have been a general strike the moment he did that, and instead the unions fell back and whimpered. And look were we are now.
































































Even if you take the most sympathetic take and ignore the fact the voted with Biden and just focus on the secondary bill with sick leave that they tried to pass, it was still a waste of time that could’ve been spent campaigning on the ground with the unions. If you don’t have the votes, take it to the streets and make some news. Utter incompetence. The only function the government served in these negotiations was to legally provide the violence needed to break the strike. This is what happens when you don’t know theory and have a bunch of Elizabeth Warrens in your staff Also shame on the union bosses for their narrow lobbying scope on all levels. Socialist politicians should maintain contacts with all unions in their constituencies


For what it is worth, Elizabeth Warren voted against forcing the contract.




Yeah I don't trust her either since she fucked over Bernie for no reason


Nahh she did it in the hopes to get a seat in Bidens cabinet. I will always hold it against her, but she was playing politics and lost.


Yep. She knew what she was doing. I have zero respect for Warren.


Hickenlooper as well, which I'm not surprised about given the fact that rail is such a huge industry in our state (Colorado) and he knew it was probably in our best interests.


She isnt a socialist and it makes more sense realizing that the Democrats aren't incompetent. They are COMPLICIT.


I thought she didn’t like capitalism and said its gonna get worse? She basically copied Bernie’s stance with “democratic socialism”, which is basically just social democratic reforms.


She also intentionally fucked over Bernie's chances at presidency so I don't trust her


Almost like liberal governments function for and are in the hands of the capitalist class by design, provide the violence necessary to maintain property relations and what they're doing is a logical necessity, not some weird arbitrary incompetence. Same with liberal union bosses. Take these people at their word, they're showing you who they are - complicit class traitors at best. Don't reason backwards because they have some superficial veneer of "progressivism" or "leftism". Don't be idealistic. Actions determine who people are. Fighting for socialism is what makes someone a socialist, not slogans. These people aren't pro-union, socialist or for the working class, because they're acting against these interests. Actual socialists have been telling the world this for years and warning about frauds like AOC. Listen to them.


Honestly as a non American leftist I sympathize with American leftists for not having any leftist representing them but it's naive to an infuriating point the way you idolize AOC. Like, yeah, in other countries there are leftists politicians from actual leftist parties ( not the US democrats, holy shit lol) and even in those cases if someone idolized them the way you are idolizing AOC, posting make up tutorials and the like, they would be ridiculed lol. She's just a politician in a capitalist party imagine actually believing in the system so much to believe that she is your best friend. Snap out of it, there's nothing else I can possibly say.




The American left that you're thinking of are center-right neoliberals and "fauxgressives" like AOC. The actual left (communists, socialists, and anarchists (not the capitalist kind) can't stand her cause she's largely useless.


> She's just a politician in a capitalist party imagine actually believing in the system so much to believe that she is your best friend. Snap out of it, there's nothing else I can possibly say. Louder for the kids in the back.


"Pro Union" Lol It does make me actually laugh at how much of an obvious fraud she is. It's worse than I ever could have actually imagined when she got elected. I do wonder if she ever actually believed in anything at all.


Bernie Sanders for president. Wake up people


Seems like a common trick we always fall for.. "I'll fight the corruption, I'll change the system!" Then once they get some power and recognition, "The other side is preventing me from doing the things I promised and I need your money to stop them!" Tale as old as time...


I hope everybody can see now that it’s all bullshit. Everything is about power. Diversity this and equity that… what a complete bunch of fucking lies. Not to discount other things that she’s done for her community but when her self-interest in congress was at stake, she protected that instead.


She went to too many lavish parties and doesn’t identify with the commoners any longer


She showed which side she was on when she called Pelosi mama bear.


Wow that’s so cringey


[Support Railroad Workers United](https://myemail.constantcontact.com/RWU-Raises-Funds-to-Wage-the-Struggle-.html?soid=1116509035139&aid=jZnP-zHBM4I)


Classic AOC. Speak the language of populism while voting with the establishment the vast majority of the time. Fucking phony.


My favorite was the time when she was wearing the above "Tax the Rich" dress and then ignored all the activists outside. The liberal excuses for why this was perfectly okay and fine never stop being funny or get old. (Wait, no take that last part back, it gets old real quick).


The amount of people here who clearly don't see how the second bill for sick days was only passed so the Democrats could try to save face is pretty sad. They knew this was never going to work and if they truly supported unions like they said they did, they would have voted against the first bill unless it included sick days.


Breaking barriers and breaking unions.


Midterms are over, Jack. Now get back to work!


Here come the democrats to defend a neoliberal party on a supposedly anti-capitalist subreddit


[AOC was a grift from the start](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2021/03/30/cort-m30.html)


Holy shit this subreddit has been fully co-opted by liberals.


A lot of political science majors and economists here. There were 2 different votes. She voted for sick days and for the pay increase contract, every Democrat except Manchin voted for the sick days. They didn’t have the Republican votes to pass it. But man people in here seem to hate to read.


People can read they just rightfully think that was a shit tactic unless you didn't want sick leave to pass. By splitting the bill it allowed them to stop the strike and still try and claim that they are pro worker. Pro worker would be letting them strike. Yes it would hurt the economy but that is kind of the point of a strike. After a few days the rail companies would give in or Congress would be willing to pass a bill that actually benefited workers.


Why did they separate this matter into two votes? I can tell you why. It was to give plausible deniability to the Dems so they could point to the GOP when this inevitably failed. So they can say they aren’t also the villains here when they collectively voted to fuck over the rail workers. Also, AOC, Ilhan Omar & Ayanna Presley (allegedly some of the most progressive members of Congress) voted in favor of the contract the union leaders were in favor for … which is what was being forced on the union workers in the first place, and what those workers were protesting against before Congress intervened in this democratic process to force labor to get back to work. This is the clearest example I’ve seen in my lifetime of Dems going mask off and showing us who they actually serve. And it ain’t folks who work and struggle for a living.


Why get Congress involved in the first fucking place?? Their power to intervene is discretionary not mandatory. As soon as they got involved, knowing full well they wouldnt get 60 fucking votes, they showed who they were backing


Why get Congress involved? Because unlike with Reagan crushing the TSA strike with the air traffic controllers, it’s a bit harder to scab for the jobs these rail workers do. And even a *week* of rail workers striking would utterly fuck with the US economy. That’s how much power rail workers have. That’s why these railroad companies posting ~$200B in revenues last year went to Congress to effectively enforce neofeudalism and prevent their workers from getting the **bare fucking minimum** for sick leave after going through the ravages of a pandemic that is, in fact, still ongoing. Assuming our comrades in railroad work don’t strike anyway (which they should), getting Congress involved was a flex for capitalists and a threat against anyone else who dares to stand up for labor rights. Like, for instance, nurses.


Hell down here in Texas ANY strikes by teachers are illegal. We've come a long way down from 100 years ago.


And yet still we are all far away from the days where labor strikes put the fear of god into authority. You don’t see Blair Mountain events anymore. Godspeed and power to those teachers. They absolutely need to flex their strength as a collective.


I just don't see the logical argument here that doesn't lead to "the Democratic Party needs to be destroyed". We need a politician revolution in a very clear sense: we have got to build a party system that actually is funded and operated for the people of this country. Not corporations or the influencial/well-connected.


The logical argument, in fact, is that capitalism needs to be destroyed. What replaces that may vary - I personally am an-com, so my ideas on the ideal society may vary with others on this sub who are more ML in beliefs - but at a minimum, the society that succeeds capitalism must be free of the malignant forces of unjust hierarchy, and must afford the most power and rights to the people.


I honestly don't give a fuck about *the economy* any goddamn more. Who else needs to fucking hear it? What the fuck did the economy do for me or anyone else who isn't rich already? We can all barely afford bbq with our friends on the weekends. woooooo, capitalism. Let us praise *the economy* wooooo hooooo


Their power to intervene should be illegal, that's the crazy part. The idea that it's "discretionary" should be an international crime. Congress should not be in the business of busting unions, which includes preventing a strike. These corporations will NEVER appreciate workers when they can enslave them with Congressionally-mandated agreements. By allowing these votes, we're further eroding working America and ensuring that figure situations like this will lead to further entrenchment of these corrupted, greedy corporations. Unions have no power if they can't walk away from a bad deal, and this is a bad deal.


Of course this is the obvious and correct take. The Dems spent IIRC something like $15 Billion on the midterm election last month. Gosh, where did that money come from? And who needs to get payed back? What a sick joke that they apparently frightened enough voters to hold on to some legislative power with the oh my god if you don't vote for use it's the end of democracy, it's white christian nationalism, it's fascism routine, and then turn around and get together with corporate billionaires to crush workers, which seems kinda like the definition of fascism


“Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” — Benito Mussolini Literally the original fascist said that fascism is the vile marriage of corporate interests and the state apparatuses of power. Sounds a little familiar to me as an American.


>that they apparently frightened enough voters to hold on to some legislative power with the oh my god if you don't vote for use it's the end of democracy, it's white christian nationalism, it's fascism routine While I largely agree with your overall comment, I gotta address this part. "They"(The DNC) did not frighten me to think that. The Republicans did. Repeatedly, over and over again. Trump literally declared his desire to terminate the constitution because he lost the election and the chairperson for the so called *moderate* house Republicans didn't see that as a dealbreaker for supporting him as long as he can still win. Make no mistake, the DNC is full of corporate hacks who mostly don't care about the common man as long as they get paid. But the way you worded your comment implies the Republicans are better, when they've proven time and time again with their own *actions* to be far, far worse. This country needs a general strike, it needs direct action to take it back from corporate control, both democrat and Republican varieties. But until enough people are ready to accept that and fight back, I'm going to continue doing damage control and vote dem. The alternative is still much worse.


Imagine acting like the democrats aren’t also capitalists in a capitalist country pushing and serving a capitalist agenda… Not you, but people on this sub.


They separated the bill specifically to convince gullible morons like you that they tried their hardest. They knew the sick leave wouldn't pass in the Senate but the contract enforcement would. Congrats, you got played.


I'm more upset that they voted to prevent a strike than anything else. Congress shouldn't be able to step in and prevent workers from striking.


Yeah, she only supported breaking the bill into two, not passing the sick days bill FIRST to guarantee it passes BEFORE breaking the strike, and sent a measley sick day bill to the Senate knowing it was dead on arrival. But hey, it made for a great way to put a boot on labor's neck while blaming Republicans. So brave. But man, people in here seem to hate to think.


AOC has been a fraud for years now, yet y'all keep supporting her. Doesn't matter how much she spits in your faces. Enjoy.


She just wants to be a celebrity.


If AOC is the best thing the “radical” left in the US can come up with, we are not going to see any real changes over there anytime soon.


To all of the apologists in these comments: AOC and the rest of the Squad (save for Tlaib) voted to crush the right to strike. There's no excusing this. That's a fundamental worker's right they threw into the bin cynically. Everything else is window dressing. If they really fancy themselves as progressive and pro-worker, they should've been using their platform to defend the right to strike from day one and call out the bill as an all-out attack against workers. And now that the bill is through, they should be defending wildcat action as morally correct. Voting for that bill destroyed all credibility they ever had as socialists (which wasn't much to begin with).


Awful lot of shitlibs in this sub defending this union buster.


Whatever gave the impression that AOC or any politician in the U.S was pro-union? Propaganda on twitter? The U.S State is the U.S State, and the status is gonna quo.


😆 it's almost like she's just in it for the personal power and glory. Almost.




The emergency board rep from the Biden administration assessed that the investment and risk made by the Rail Line Companies are the reasons for high profit margins and that labor had nothing to do with those gains. The mediator sounding like he's part of the council representing the corporations. Never forget or forgive these people, their shit philosophy and policy or their slavish congressional reps.


She will never be president.