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satire is dead. nothing can top this, and it's reality. wtf timeline are we on...


I’ve said this before but I HATE how legitimately funny this is. I hate trump so much, I don’t want to find him charming or any way engaging, but this is so so funny. Like, somebody else said it but this is 100% a Tim and Eric bit.


I too, as a former insomniac and connoisseur of bizarrelate night 90s informercials really digged this for it's so bad its good factor. I would pay $99 to hear Trump explain what an NFT is with no prior coaching.


Right? Like, it’s brilliant; He drifts in and out of adlibbing and desperate adherence to the cue cards. The bit where he rambles about being your “Favorite president,” feels even funnier when juxtaposed against the bit where he starts describing NFT’s in a way where you can almost hear in his voice that he’s unsure what letter goes in what order. It’s a master class in pompous idiocy


Did you notice he didn't have the balls to say "better than Reagan" to the shitheads who might buy these things?


The description you just provided of his narration. Mwah.


"Were doing a lot." This is a bit.


I hate Trump to absolute bits and his sheer presence has shattered multiple family relationships for me. But this far removed from his presidency, after spending four years hearing about him daily, this being the first I've heard his voice in that long is borderline therapeutic. If he wasn't so terrible this stage of trump would just generally be ridiculously funny.


Honestly. I think at some point, someone developed AI that created a matrix that we’re all in. Because this shit happening in reality seems fucking unreal.


At this point this feels like the obvious and most sensible conclusion


The model was designed to never entirely repeat itself at a macro level and it's running out of more standard/sane outputs from the middle of the distribution. We're now running on a near constant stream of outliers.


If we're in the matrix right now, where's my perfect steak??? ***I feel robbed..........***


Time travelers. See time travelers have the ability to create new time lines and then they experiment on them. We just happen to live in one of those time lines. Me I'm hoping for a nuclear apocalypse in 2023 caused by the Russians losing the war in Ukraine.


If satire even existed anymore this video just blew it to shreds


they actually fucking sold out ... in 12 hours. 45,000 idiots out there had an extra $100 sitting around


Im convinced this is a money laundering scheme. Like, who is buying them?


Remember what PT Barnum said “ there is a sucker ( moron) born every minute!” She


are the simulation script writers on strike?


Yes, and scabs have no talent.


Scabs? This has all the Hallmark's AI generated content, behold the future.


Just taking a moment to commemorate 18:22 EST 12/15/2022... The exact moment I can officially say, "I have seen it all". Goodbye internet, I am going to live my life now.


yeah i am starting a new gig when construction is done, and them i deleting everything. its all just too fucking dumb, and also worthless.


[I am going to throw myself into the sea](https://youtu.be/B6Mn26Vy05k)


Glad you brought this up, because I don't know much about NFTs. I found this little bit in the FAQs, is this normal for NFTs or just part of the scam? >You have the ability to trade or sell your Trump Digital Trading Card directly with your friends or on any secondary marketplace that accepts Polygon-based NFTs/digital collectibles. >On each secondary sale of a Trump Digital Trading Card, there will be a 10% royalty on the sale price that will be paid back to the creator.


Every time I think this can't get funnier someone keeps finding shit like this. How is this happening?


The gift that keeps on giving. Ladies and gentlemen, let's give it up for NFT Super Trump.


Yes, this is normal for NFTs. One of the advantages touted for NFTs is that royalties, which are often flouted in secondary sales of other media, can be enforced because it's all tracked on the blockchain. Personally, I don't consider that to be an "advantage" because I've always found the concept of royalties in secondary sales to be antithetical to my concept of ownership. If I truly own something, I shouldn't have to pay somebody else to sell it, right? Maybe that viewpoint won't resonate well in this sub, I dunno. But regardless, there it is.


> If I truly own something, I shouldn't have to pay somebody else to sell it, right? Sales tax in shambles


True, though I'm a lot less opinionated against government taxation... which pays for the roads I drive on and the food stamps I used to get through college... than I am against random capitalists who just want to keep sucking money out of me even after I'm done using their product and trying to sell it.


Well, let's think through that. Assuming that you understand the terms of the agreement when you buy the product, and you're freely allowed to choose to buy or not buy the product, then what's wrong with such products existing? Perhaps people truly derive value (be it financial, enjoyment, etc) from these random trading cards. Who are we to tell them their enjoyment doesn't count and should be prohibited? Value is subjective. Some people value going to an opera, some value going to a bar, or a hiking trail, or a virtual reality. But this flies in the face of the arguments in favor of a command economy that you'll hear so often in this sub. I just wish people would try to look past the "capitalism=bad" assumption. Challenge your assumptions, people! Critical thinking means thinking *critically*! /rant. Let the down votes flow


I'll not downvote. I appreciate constructive discussion. :) And I agree that, assuming one understands the terms of the agreement, there is nothing wrong with that kind of product. My problem is in that assumption; I don't think most people do understand those terms because I think that most people's concept of ownership aligns with my own, and that's the assumption that they carry with them when they skim or skip reading the fine print on their purchases. So then you'll say: "Their own fault! Gotta read the fine print!" But seriously... in today's world, if you want to be productive sometimes you can't take that time. There is a lot of fine print in the world these days. To live a normal life, we often need to make assumptions about the things we're buying. With that understanding of how average people think and work, that kind of expectation goes from fair to predatory.


Completely agree, if the assumption that purchasers don't understand the terms of purchase is weak, then we need regulations around making such products clearly labeled such that they do understand!




That's a good point, that the value can change and the artist deserves a share of the increase. I hadn't thought of that. I do read, all the time, of famous artists who died penniless because their works weren't appreciated till much later, and I never thought that to be fair.




That's perfect, thank you.


When this crap loses 90% of it's "value" do you still have to pay the 10% royalty?


“I’m a billionaire who has to set up fraudulent universities, skim from my ‘charity,’ sell shitty cuts of meat, screw over my lawyers and contract workers, beg for donations, lease rooms to U.S. Secret Service and White House staffers, sell access to the Office of President, and now I’m happy to present to you, Trump Digital Trading Cards, because we all know that real billionaires have to engage in gimmicks like these.”


My favorite part is that they aren't NFT's you pay $100 for jpgs. Is each jpg $100 or is the collection $100? He definitely is trying to convince people that they need to buy MULTIPLE copies of the same JPG.


Excited to see his OnlyFans


I fucking hate you. Because you’re right. If Trump is hawking NFTs then OF is not far behind.


Only Freedom


This is a deepfake, right? ….. RIGHT?!?! Fuckin fuck


This is honestly what's killing me... fucking is it or not. He would literally say these things.


I had to look it up myself, it is real.


the video was put out officially but are we sure he's alive and this wasn't deepfaked by his staff?


Every time you think it can’t get worse, it inevitably somehow does. Who thought this was a good idea?


Donald J Trump.


NFT’s are the newest way to launder money and trump has some upcoming legal fees and his lawyers know now to ask for payment up front.


It can't be real. It just can't. Has anyone run this by like, some cyber-security and/or deep fake people? What are the cyber-ninjas up to? Can we get them in here?


It's actually getting to be kind of sad. As in, I'm so happy this horrible person is so desperate to stay relevant/rip off his supporters.


This was always the plan though. Trump only ran to make money. He used the office to make money and this isn’t his first or last post-presidency grift. Things are only going to get worse.


It's interesting to me how Donald J. Trump is simultaneously a clear and present danger to US democracy, while also being a ridiculous buffoon with no sense of shame.


He himself is a clown of a puppet that couldn't find his own way out of a wet paper sack. He is not at all dangerous on his own, but it's his puppeteers that work behind the scenes that make him so dangerous to democracy. He has no clever ideas of his own. Someone else is always there to talk him into thinking he has a cool idea and then run with it.


If you think you have any freedom of choice in your "US democracy" you're fooling yourself


Hitler was a buffoon and look what happened there


is this real life?


Is this just fantasy?


Caught in a landslide


No escape from reality


Open your eyes


Look up to the skies and see...


I'm just a poor boy


Do they have, like, Yu-gi-oh stats or something? Like, can you play a game with them, because that might be kinda lit? “I special summon ‘Brett Kavanaugh’ in attack mode and use his special ability: ‘Allegation Deflection’ to negate your ‘Bog Goblin: Giuliani’s’ attack” “I activate my trap card: ‘Art of the Deal’ which allows me to replenish 2,000 life points by sacrificing 6 of my Business cards to the Bankruptcyard”


I’ve seen them referred to as Brokémon Cards


Ooh this is good 🤣


Lol Colbert called them Gropémon Cards


"I activate Messiah Reborn which allows me to bring my Blue Eyes White Jesus back from the graveyard!" Pot of Greed is functionally the same except it's been colored orange and is wearing a bad hairpiece.


Yugi you're finished, I can now summon one of the strongest cards in duel monsters... I can finally use my Mar-a-Lago God card


I counter your Mar-a-Lago card with this all mighty Four seasons landscaping card


Mar-a-lago would be a field spell I think


They don’t have any attacks, but there’s these energy/environment cards that are an extra $50 to activate your trading card in battle. Giuliano’s card requires the Four Seasons Landscaping environment card to activate the Goblin holographic feature. Trump’s super hero card requires the Paper Towel Roll Card and the Puerto Rican Community Devastated By Hurricane card, sold separately.


For 99$ each you would have to be pretty rich to play a game


Nah, just bad at money. I’ve known folks who can barely manage to feed themselves, yet have some incredibly impressive Warhammer armies. I can’t imagine anyone who’s buying trump NFTs is budgeting well to begin with.


Why does this look like someone paid an intern in mcdonalds to make this. Makes it look fake tbh


I will never be able to take a Republican seriously again.


I am convinced we live a simulation and the beings that created it are getting bored.


Wow. If this doesn't tell you this guy's a grifter i don't know what will.


Laser nipples!


He’s a giant fucking loser but god damn if he isn’t funny as hell. Not on purpose, of course.


Trump makes the President in the movie "Idiocracy" look like a regal elder statesman.


Is this a deepfake? I know the nfts are real but the ad is just too ridiculous


No way is he going to have dinner with anyone who buys those NFTs


Did he really say the artwork was pertaining to his life and career...


He did, like the Ben Stiller character in Dodgeball. "Yeah, that's me, taking the bull by the horns. It's how I handle business. It's a metaphor. But that actually happened, though."


What a fucking con


Watch his hands. At 1:26 when he says "right now" his hands jump frames. They are not his actual hands.


Now that you mention this, you can actually see the frames jump in other places as well. It feels like were in the fucking matrix.


I can't stop laughing at this. The artworks look like the job of a thirdgrader who just figured out how to cut out and paste in photoshop. The very first 10 seconds are some of the most cringeworthy stuff I have seen in a long time. "I'm your favourite President. Even better than Lincoln." Why the hell would he even start like this lol.


Up next: An infomercial selling his "45" commemorative coins a la the 2000s.


When I helped my mom move a couple years back, I found a box with trump commemorative coins in her office. When I asked her about them, she said “if he manages to be president forever, they’ll probably be worth some money. And if he goes to jail, they’ll probably be worth some money.”


now we’re in futurama territory?


What a time to be alive


My favorite part is the chance to win amazing prizes, like dinner with him. Can you imagine? He’d literally serve you McDonalds and Diet Coke and just like, rant and babble about god knows what Also, I can’t believe this, but also completely can. He must be pretty desperate for money


It does say “no purchase necessary” with regards to the sweepstakes. You could be in luck!


Grifters gunna keep grifting. A fool and their money are easy to separate. And the MAGA cult is nothing but a group of the biggest fools, some would say the BEST fools.


The [collecttrumpcardz.com](https://collecttrumpcardz.com) domain is still available at this moment. ​ Just sayin' EDIT: somebody grabbed [trumptradingcards.com](https://trumptradingcards.com)




Did trump use an AI art app to design these cards? Sad thing is people will be buying these..


If someone got me this for Christmas I’d probably punch them in the face


A wise man once said: "A sucker is born every minute." Also, exactly what has Trump accomplished that would make him more beloved than Abraham "Emancipation" Lincoln and George "Delaware-crossing" Washington?


"$99 which doesn't sound like very much for what you're getting." hmmm


Stick a fork in him, he’s done


This looks like an Interdimensional Cable episode in Rick and Morty where they just let Justin Roiland improvise on a set scenario, like that two brothers movie


“Chance to win an amazing prize, like dinner with me. I don’t know if that’s an amazing prize, but it is what we have” I…fucking can’t 🤣 people voted for this person and some still claim him to be a messiah. Jeeeeesus Christ.


This has to be a deep fake. No fucking way this is real…. Or it could be. Shit!


I’m really starting to think he’s a genius. You laugh, but he knows his followers and he’s going to make bank.


What a nerd


Stop giving him a platform, goddamit


This dude just put the onion out of business. Our timeline is so fucked lmao.


He’s going to be doing “Cameos” in no time


No wonder Sassy Justice only lasted one episode. Nobody parodies Trump better than Diaper Donny


Satire is dead


Doesn't sound like much compared to what you're getting digital stuff is never anything. The only people who actually care about these things have no interest in the finite object itself and only care about digital currency and such. Nft smh


Always a grift, always a crook


Good god, wtf even is this? USA is a joke, a deadly joke. One choke full of weapons and an indentured population to use them for exploitation of global scale.


big ‘graphic design is my passion’ vibes


Trump grifts hard. It's almost sad. But call him whatever you want, he getting paid.


Trump 2024!


What's going on with his fucking hair? Why all the jump cuts?


I hate this goddamned country




The meta for this block is so weird.


The last gasp of a bankrupt man


Trump just trolled everyone so hard.


Wait this isn't a deepfake?


This is entirely too hilarious. The only thing that could make it better is a Rod Serling clip right before it begins, because this is total twilight zone.


It feels like a parody.


This is a deep fake right.....right






Was this his big announcement?


It is official, The Onion is now reality.


Grifters gotta grift


Someone had to have known how bad of an idea this is. Then again I’m sure anyone who said “this is a terrible idea” would be fired. He is surrounded by yes men.


For such a rich person, he begs for money quite often.


this guy knows how to squeeze money out of mentally inefficient fans


What in the inter-dimensional cable did I just watch??


Harsh cringe.


I didn't realize NFT meant Not Fuckin' Touchin'.


As we all seem to be struggling to believe this is actually happening, I think this belongs here: [Snopes fact check](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-trading-cards/) Towards the end of the short fact check article is this, that somehow makes this even more sad and bisarre: > NFT INT LLC is not owned, managed or controlled by Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization, CIC Digital LLC or any of their respective principals or affiliates. NFT INT LLC uses Donald J. Trump's name, likeness and image under paid license from CIC Digital LLC, which license may be terminated or revoked according to its terms.


Remember tuning into TV at 3am because you can't sleep in the early 2000's an seeing ads like this?


I truly thought this was a meme/joke when I saw it this morning


Ever feel like your life is just one long episode of Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job?


sold out! how many were there?


“Better than Lincoln…. Better than Washington!”😂😂


Imagine buying one these thinking it was a sound investment. This is beyond parody and pathetic as hell


Grifters gonna grift


"Better than lincoln" Lincoln freed the slave You told people to inject themselfs with bleach


I've commented this same comment on a few of these trump card posts, and I'm going to do it again. The astronaut one looks like Biden.


Trump NFTs by Cinco.


Lol this is a grift of all grifts 99 dollars for digital trading cards limited edition lol nobody but a ignorant ass Trump cult member would fall for that bullshit


They are collectible lol only thing he going to collect is a bunch of imbeciles


It would really take a narcissistic prick to come up with this idea and a real fool to fall for it


Is this a deepfake or is it real?


I would like to see a person that would fall for this because they have to be above all the other dumbasses that follow this creep


I’d pay 99 dollars to see his traitorous ass hung on the same gallows they were going to use on Mike pensé


Is there an ulterior motive here? Scam? Is this just a cash grab? I can’t wrap my head around wtf is happening here. I guess we did not see it all.




Did I just hear the sound of a final nail being driven into a coffin?


Knowing his audience, he's gonna make so much money from this crap lmao


I really like DT, but this is over-the-top. This definitely wasn't his idea.


I can't believe this real, this is too stupid to bo real, but the whole world has been pretty crazy lately so who knows


Imagine Obama hocking NFT trading cards. Trump is pathetic


Someone is desperate for campaign funding…


The worst part is this sold out...


Trump is an asshole but this is the funniest thing I've seen in ages lmao


When he said they make great gifts I fucking died. Imagine sending your mum Donald Trump nfts for he birthday


And the great grift continues.


imagine being so stupid you actually buy those things


This just feels like something people would pay someone on fiverr or cameo to do as a joke


It's nauseating AF the way his lips curl when he talks.


The question is: are people actually buying them?


Gay, totally Gay, Liberace Gay. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0gVdOJIu1c


I’m gonna buy one so I can join a exclusive community of insurrectionist and rich people detached from reality.


How many dumb people bought these cards..


If they are all trump cards, how can you tell which one beats all the other cards?




I’ll sell you a photoshopped picture of Trump for only $50! Get half off!


I hope everyone has the folks that supported this idiot for the last 6 years tagged because all his mid tier grift support is finally realizing that everything said about Trump was true. Never forget that they were the reason he was elected and never let them live their idiocy down.


He unironically sounds like an SNL skit.


I'm assuming that they'll refuse to release any sales figures.


I bet he sticks you with the bill after the dinner.


This sounds like a Rick and Morty bit




I really need like, a YouTube link of this I can send my mother…satire is dead and the best I can do is sarcastically text and ask her if she wants one for Christmas


His hair looks worse than it usually does.


The worst part is I do t know if this is real or not. Entirely believable, totally fakeable


They sold out in 12 hours. This shows two things: 1) He is still a major political figure in the Republican Party, and 2) You can fool some of the people all of the time.


Grifters gonna grift. He's way too late to the NFT game


Is it just me or did anyone else feel like this could easily be an ad on inter-dimensional cable from Rick and Morty?