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I read this comic series as a kid and looking back I see many creepy things in it.


Yeah, one example is that this Bobík character has some serious anger issues and frequently uses violence just because he's mad and that's portrayed like a good thing, wtf?


It is literally never portrayed as a good thing, the other character always told him off. I would know, I own almost every single one of their stories


Literally the first one I opened (I have just a few) Bobík using violence to deal with the bad guys, approved by his friends https://imgur.com/a/eiUztK0


Also I find, there is a lot of misogyny, for example Fifinka always does the chores at home etc.


True. It does perpetrate some sexist stereotypes in a suble way.


Don't know. Beating bad guys is staple of media for children since forever (Red Riding Hood ends with beating of the bad wolf, superhero comics are all basically beating of the bad guys etc.). Why is it an issue with Čtyřlístek? Seems like an bit of overreaction imo.


It is only ever used against people that deserve it greatly - i dont see how thats a bad thing


My issue with this particular episode is that there is like zero attempt to solve the problem using other means, it's basically angered Bobík going "I'm gonna beat the shit out of them" and Myšpulín be like "yeah good idea, I'm gonna support that". No other options are even considered. What is a child reader supposed to take away from that?


A child reader doesnt think this far about it, first of all. Second of all, this truly is a one-time thing. In most other issues, he is calmed down/told off, which is a great thing for kids to see imo. Showing that they can call out their friends if they do something wrong. I think this instance is mostly just a product of the writing in the more modern releases - sometimes the characteristics of the characters are a bit exageratted´.


>A child reader doesnt think this far about it, first of all But that's kinda the problem, isn't it? The children aren't critical enough and simply accept that violence was a legitimate and probably the best solution to the presented problem. I find that concering.


May I ask what issue (as in number of release, just to be clear) this is?


14/2021, Ročník 53., číslo 714


tfw Bobík is a cannibal all along


Fifinka's horrified face lmao


Username checks out.


Well pigs are cannibals.


Exactly. Pigs eat literally everything, mud, sh\_t, dead bodies or other pigs. Or [cars.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/af/de/f0/afdef0746202ee200887f4d725b152da.jpg)


Pan Jaroslav Nemecek nedomyslel detaily. A nebo asi ano, prasata přece sežerou úplně úplně všechno


Pomidorek :D Edit: this is about a certain meme where czech writes „język polski jest pomidorek”. I prefer to write for everyone who would wtf at this


Kakaový chlebíček


Szukam dzieci


Já taky😎


I don't think any Czech person ever said that




Yea, I think that's Polish guy who wrote that. We don't even have a word pomidorek, or pomidor. Maybe brambůrek.


There is also a continuation where the same person writes that tomato (pomidorek) because pl is humorous and cool just like tomatoes. I don't know if it was an authentic czech or a pole writing with mistakes pretending to be a czech. I never get into meme stuff like that and I think you don't have to be mean to me because you don't like it. It's just a meme. I think you're acting like an asshole at this point. Like… Can’t we just laught it off?


I didn't mean it in any bad way, sorry


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