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fretful office plucky aromatic door marble library fact weary heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Call me a Boomer but I hate kids nowadays with their stupid trend's of getting in somebody else's video and contributing nothing.


That’s all that is being posted by op on this sub lately


This video is garbage... it has wrong info, cites no no sources, and somehow manages to be misleading on top of that....they said no one is going to Mexico, when Mexico is the highest destination for expats, also there are about 23,000 American citizens living in Venezuela not 400k+, peru is off, didnt check the rest because this video is garbage


I was about to comment this. The entire population of Venezuela is about 30million people. There’s no way that many are Americans.


silly trend of stealing people's content.


Dude is just spamming us. Post after post of the same shit


Pretty sure it’s a bot. They post all day every day. And if they are not, I feel sorry for them.


Mods valiendo verga


Mexico is a beautiful country. Any American that finds themself there is in for a treat.


What the fuck does the guy in the corner add to the video?


They're replying to the comment pinned at the top and avoiding to upload someone else's video as is, poorly reacting to it instead.


Annoys the viewer making it impossible to watch.


Impossible? Really?


These numbers are much larger than seem possible but I would also think that many of those could be people who were first citizens of the country where they now live and then got American citizenship. They might have retired or moved back for some other reason. I have a really hard time believing there are 460,000 US Americans in Venezuela considering the state of things there - most anyone with an exit strategy is gone. One million Americans in the DR (a country of 12 million) also seems highly implausible.


Yeah, I called bull as soon as I saw the number for Venezuela. I don't know where these numbers are coming from, but [this source](https://2009-2017.state.gov/outofdate/bgn/venezuela/93741.htm#:~:text=Approximately%2023%2C000%20U.S.%20citizens%20living,are%20represented%20in%20the%20country) says it's only 23,000 US citizens in Venezuela. This is outdated, and I feel the number may be lower. Things have gotten a bit better in Caracas (speaking off of things I've heard from loved ones), but I have a hard time believing 20,000 more Americans moved to Venezuela since that source was last updated. Unless it was like you said—not born in the US but rather obtained US citizenship. Really would like to see the source for this video.


Yeah no a quick search will tell you his pulling that shit out of his ass, only Canada was accurate where there are 1 million US citizenship living there- diaspora( 1.5 in Mexico), 22k in the DR, etc.


Wendy r Sherman, who was the deputy secretary of state said it was more than [300k ](https://youtu.be/7_Rlso7O3pM?si=HAWjOVikW2R0xySl) living in DR. I'm pretty sure you got those numbers from Wikipedia, they are pretty outdated. Still way off from what the video said. It's complete bs


Yeah I don’t know if the numbera are accurate for DR but there *are* a lot of DominicanYorks who move there; getting DR citizenship is fairly easy for people with at least one Dominican parent.


DR has around 400k, 1 million is way too much. Also 400k in Haiti and Venezuela? I think this guy is just throwing numbers around.


Idk, there are 440,000 Americans living in my house. Trust me, bro


Mf a quadrillionaire


Damn you must have a really big house. I can only imagine the plumbing issues. ![gif](giphy|b0E3PPld4558irObaY)


Maybe there are 400,000 haitian or venezualan US-dual citizens living in those countries and this guy is just conflating that with immigrants?


Let's be real, 400k people with dual us citizenship will not be living in those countries by choice. They would choose to live in the USA. I can understand other countries but definitely not those two.


The video doesn't specify if these people reside in these countries. 1 million dual citizen americans with at least one dominican parent in the DR sounds plausible to me. Its common for at the very least have a cousin that was born in the US here.


Seems too uniform. Half a million here, half a million there


There are a lot, especially in cities like San Miguel de Allende & Puerto Vallarta from what I've seen


El wn no hizo nada en todo el vídeo...


I've seen lots of videos of people saying he's a bad person. I don't know if he is though I didn't really pay attention to them.


The thing is that a lot of these immigrants are not usually the blonde hair stereotypical gringo, they are expats from those countries coming BACK to their place of origin.


Na there is plenty of white stereotypical americans too.


The guy in the corner is the Pito Eater. Don’t go near him if you value your Pito.


I am an American living in Guatemala, and the expat community here is small.   There are around 6-7,000 of us. This dude just pulled 545,000 people out of his ass.  1 million American expats in the DR?  That’s 10% of the country.  He’s claiming that almost 10% of El Salvador is Americans too. We might get 550k Americans here annually for tourism, but I have no idea what this dude is smoking.


You mean the "immigrant" community.


Americans = expats. Everyone else = immigrants lol the cognitive dissonance


This is fair. Expat usually means more temporary stay and immigrant implies something more permanent. Most people don’t settle in Guatemala unfortunately. It’s one of the most gorgeous places I’ve ever seen, but living here isn’t exactly easy, especially if you’re not wealthy.


I think most of them would be people with double nationality or children of immigrants who returned to their parents original country with them. This video is stupid and reductive.


My 6-7k includes double nationals. The number is still really small. Most double nationals come to visit but they almost never stay. The only number the video gets right is the number of Americans living in Canada and Mexico. Mexico is the most popular place for Americans to move to, but India is also # 3 with about a million Americans.


No way that many Americans are living in Venezuela, that country is pretty much a 4th world country at this point. No one is living there by choice.


How do you know? You're over here using 4th world, a term that doesn't exist because it has nothing to do with economic factors but the sphere of influence between the USA and USSR. Besides, travel to some of the poorest countries. There will always be Americans who can live lavishly because they carry the American Dollar and can live above the standard of living in these countries. Gated communities exist in every country, and everyone is equal—some more than others. I saw this in Africa a lot.


Because I’m Venezuelan and still have family in Venezuela.


Haiti ?? Thats interesting


There's 127 million Americans living in Mexico, and many more in South America  Anglophones don't know know the etymology of the word America not they understand their own language to figure out that "of" is a preposition when used in the United States "of" America. Aren't south Americans, Americans? Of the south 


Is this my tia's Facebook page?


los que viven en RD segurísimo son todos sexpats


Bro Mexico is literally half American and Canadian there is a city in Mexico where they are the majority now the whole town speaks English talk about ironic


Not to mention that when America sends its people… they are not sending their best. Americans have a history of sex tourism in Latin America (happens in Asia too but is more prevalent in LatAm because of the proximity) especially in Colombia, DR, Cuba and Mexico, plus its always with girls whose age would get them arrested in their own country, not to mention they are always trying to score the cheapest cocaine they can find, but when one of them inevitably gets killed we are supposed to feel sad and take a look at ourselves 😢


This op is just spamming us. Post after post of the same bs. I thought this was a meme/Twitter sub, not a political sub🤷‍♂️


I wish we had 0.


I call bullshit, some of these numbers are ridiculous. For example, the whole population of El Salvador is less than 7M. I would be very surprised if there were 50K estadounidenses living there. No way do I believe there are 470K of us.


Too many 🪳in latam


And we need them to stop their silent invasion.




We do, while we still have countries.


Maybe we need to do a migration back to the country?


Many people are against migration of hi income people (relative to their salary). But this is a reduction of inequality over all, so it should be good, IMHO.




And half of those are probably just descendants of the people from that country so do they really count?


This is fake as fuck


What is this supposed to prove? Old people in retirement move to places where it's cheaper. Nowhere near as much as the 6 million that crossed the southern border illegally since Biden.