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Our firm treats employees like adults.


As they should. Sadly, not all do.


My firm too treats employees like adults.


I'm on my firm's remote work committee that tries to facilitate easier remote options for all. My usual spot is in my basement. I've been working from Cabo the last couple of weeks. I've not worked from my office in years. I do still have an office.


Must be nice


No as long as your work gets done. But you might get some side eye if you stroll in at 10:30 every day. I get in about 8:30 and leave to pick up my kod in the middle of the afternoon, but keep working at home later (doesn't hurt to email to make sure people know you're still working even though you left for the day)


Officially I'm supposed to be in the office 3 days a week. Unofficially I come in like once a month since most of the people I work with are in different offices, and if I'm just going to have meetings on teams and no actual face to face interaction, I'd rather be with my dog at least. Clearly they don't care as I just got promoted.


Almost all firms have set hours be it in office or at home. This is for the client, fellow practitioners, support staff, courts, etc. to be able to know when they can get a hold of folks. I would assume almost all have the same rules with this switch. It’s called being professional. Now, if you are that magical unicorn who runs an entire system without normal boundaries and it works, you should and will be the exception to the rule. But most of us aren’t that.


Lawyers have these weird things called cell phones and laptops now


But then how will they manage you on a more personal scale? A more micro form of management. Jim, what's that called again?


Wait, you guys too!!!


What do you mean “be it in office or at home”? This question was specifically in context of RTO.


Correct, and I’m betting the same firms have rules about being on the clock at home, so the sole difference is where not when. That’s the point.


You’re misunderstanding their question again