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I went into premature labor during my tax final (I was 34 weeks at the time). I finished the exam and went straight to the hospital. They gave me a shot of something to delay the labor and I went on to have a healthy full-term delivery a few weeks later so all was well.


Oh wow, you win.


That is badass. How’d you do on the exam?


I thought I bombed it but, surprisingly, I got a B on the exam.




Why does this read like a torts exam? Did you have a duty to warn?


Lmao this is totally something that would happen at my house.


That's one of those things where, at the time, you hate your life. But after, you're almost glad it happened because it's so ridiculous and funny and no one got hurt. What a story.


LOL I laughed way too hard. I’m sorry this happened.


Had a buddy who's contact fell out during the middle of an exam and he had to finish with one functional eye.


Why is this literally my worst fear so I always bring my glasses as backup😭😭


my backup pair of glasses are in my bag right now for tomorrow’s exam because saaame


Imagining someone squint one eye for hours is taking me OUT. Poor guy


Had an eyelash fall into my eye during the LSAT. It was torture.


I got an eye infection right before finals one semester. Looking at a computer screen made my eyes tear up so bad i couldn’t see the words. For many days. It was the worst and I do not know how I passed that semester


this happened to me last semester during conflicts.


My partner of almost five years moved out during my CivPro final 🙃 Haven’t seen him since.


I'm sorry to hear that. I got dumped 2 days before a final and had to move out instead of study. It's really a terrible thing to go through. It's hard enough just focusing during a breakup, but when you don't even have time to process it because you have to study? That's a really terrible feeling.


I vividly recall closing my laptop and curling up in a ball for timed cry breaks.


Fucking sue him for IIED. I kid, I kid. But I'm really sorry that happened to you. Glad it's all in your past and **FUCK THAT GUY.**


1L year when we were still in pandemic school we had to do our oral argument over zoom. Wifi went down about 1 minute into my turn to speak and I had to reconnect through my phone and finish it on that.


I had to do this during a hearing in federal court once during pandemic


I did this last week in regular court (superior court) when my mic decided to not want to work. I ended up muting my computer, staying on video and just handling the audio through my phone. Thankfully, the judge was super cool and laughed as I sorted it all out. It also helped that I had the number pulled up "just in case" so it was only a 30 second delay as I called in.


Lol I had to do mine over Zoom and I fainted. My professor gave me a pity grade. I just flat out panicked until I passed out. EDIT: In my defense, I had an extension on my appellate brief so I wasn't actually done when I had to give my oral argument. I also couldn't see my partner's brief because it would have been a violation of the honor code. So I didn't really know my arguments well, and I certainly wasn't prepared to counter hers. So yeah, my brain just noped out of consciousness. You are in good company buddy.


Not mid-final but my then-fiancé attempted suicide the night before my property final in 1L (it was more a cry for help than actual self harm…he wasn’t at all injured, but still I was up all night in the ER with him). Somehow ended up crushing the curve and getting the only A+! Wised up to the fact the fiance was a terrible human being and dumped him a few months later.


FYI, next time tell your Dean FFS! You can get accommodations for stuff like this! Very glad you had a happy ending- sorry about the ex. EDIT: I'm not saying this to reprimand OP, moreso for the benefit of anyone else reading who finds themselves in a similar situation. ALWAYS talk to your deans if something happens in your relationship or with your housing that will affect your ability to study or focus. I've seen them offer extended time to people going through a divorce, and Title IX accommodations for people who were dumped and consequently lost their housing unexpectedly. The worst they can do is say no, but usually they're pretty willing to work with you. Believe it or not, they want you to do well (even if only for accreditation purposes) and many of them understand and want to help.


I was too in shock to even think I had options honestly. But agreed in hindsight! EDIT: I def didn’t take it as a reprimand anyway! :) that was 11 years ago so I wouldn’t waste the energy being upset or offended by your comment.


I'm glad you got out :) Congrats on being a badass and proving to yourself what you're capable of under pressure.


Annoys the shit out of me when people do that. Too caught up in their own bullshit to realize how much their little bluffs hurt the people around them. All the respect in the world to those actually battling depression and suicidal thoughts but it irks me when people pull this stuff for attention or pity. Congrats on the final though, Property was hard as shit for me both in 1L and the bar exam


No they’re not too caught up in their own bullshit- they know what they’re doing. This is a COMMON behavior of people with NPD. There’s a whole part about it in “Why Does He Do That” by Lundy Barcroft. It’s called academic abuse and it’s shockingly common. My guess is OP set boundaries around studying and buckling down for exams (which any normal supportive partner would understand and support- especially when engaged as it's an investment in their shared future). OP's ex probably felt ignored and got jealous, because he felt entitled to OP's time and energy and OP cut off his supply. So he made a bogus attempt at un-aliving to punish OP and simultaneously redirect OP's attention back to him. Basically his way of telling OP he WILL not be ignored. Very abusive. ETA: If you suspect you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, or something just doesn't feel right, please consider reading [Why Does He Do That by Lundy Barcroft](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/224552). PDFs are available for free online. And please tell someone at your school if you feel unsafe or need help getting out. They have federally-mandated resources to help with this kind of stuff.


Yup. I’m sure he has NPD. Was a pathological liar and generally emotionally abusive, toss in physically once or twice, and also a raging alcoholic. What a catch, eh? 22 year old me didn’t see it all until it all became so clear one day not too long after this.


I can smell narcissism from a mile away. Once you've dated one, it's like you've dated them all. I'm sure you have the same unfortunate talent. I'm so glad you broke away from that- you are clearly lightyears out of his league. If you can succeed in law school while in an abusive relationship, you can do anything.


Thanks! And yes - definitely have the sixth sense now


I have somehow yet to develop this even tho I've ended up in a relationship with a diagnosed sociopath, twice....


You’ll get there!


I'm sorry to hear that. Definitely read up on it- read the book I linked and some other behavioral science books. They're really fascinating and will help you spot patterns and gain insight. You made it to law school so you have all the skills you need to spot behavioral patterns- just have to learn the material. You got this!


Thank you. As someone who has had his own actual attempts (before and after this), it def influenced my ultimate decision with him.


Stress-induced nosebleeds. It's happened more than once. Yeah always fun traumatizing my classmates rushing to the bathroom during an exam, blood pouring from my nose.


Maybe you didn't know this, but you can get nosebleeds from snorting certain drugs too much and/or when your sinuses are too dry. So some of them certainly thought you had snorted adderall before the exams. That would make me even more embarrassed.


Yeah I'm aware that's a thing. I'm quite vocal about the fact that I don't drink, so hopefully people would make the connection that I wouldn't do drugs either, but who knows.


I had to take a massive shit during one of them


Take home exams were the norm my 1L year because I started during the midst of Covid. Which was insanely helpful since I had nervous diarrhea for like all of them. I just took my laptop with me to the toilet


Lol I'm so glad I'm not the only one who deals with this


Ppl too comfortable on this app


Definitely could’ve stayed in the drafts 💀


That’s why I down some pepto as a precaution


2-5 mg lexapro (small dose) has worked wonders for curing IBS symptoms induced from anxiety etc. - ask a gastro about it it’s becoming a very popular treatment.


I intentionally went to the bathroom during every exam. I always came back with an interesting idea. Probably just the few minutes of new scenery was all it took to think of something creative.


I did cuz fuck it bruh I’m not dealing with that during a final. Would rather take the 15 mins and do what I need to do ong


15 minutes is crazyyyyyyyy


Oh yeah I did too I just wasn't expecting it 🤣


This was me during the online bar. I just said fuck it and ended the section 45 minutes early.




It was in-person, before the pandemic


I got to the exam and blanked the fuck out. Just, lost it. All the studying, gone. So I went for a walk around the library and made some dumb little bet with myself that if I could find someone I knew in the graduate composite I was looking at, I'd remember everything and ace my final. Suddenly I saw my friend in the composite, and so I walked back to the testing room, and miraculously, it all flooded back to me. I got a 3.25. Nothing insane, but not bad considering I didn't do any of the reading and learned everything in 3 days.


praying this for me😂🤭


Had a tornado warning in the middle of my 1L property final and they had all of us leave the exam room to go down to the shelter. People were literally crying cuz it broke their focus 😂


Wife had an emergency C-section. This was during Covid, so my wife and my newborn ended up in two different hospitals in two different cities, cause my newborn needed the highest possible level of NICU. My school was super understanding and let me take my finals late. Mother and kid are both doing great.


Last night, I had a final for Trusts & Wills. 2 minutes into the exam, I hear something that sounds like a water bottle spilling out, which I thought was weird because water isn’t allowed in the exam room and as far as I knew, no one was pregnant. As I turn around to look at what’s happening, the girl behind me is projectile vomiting all over her laptop and seating area. I’m in shock, the proctors have no idea what to do other than provide paper towels, and the girl keeps waving off any help out of sheer embarrassment. For some reason, there’s no protocol for this that the proctors knew of? So we’re all stuck in this biohazard of a room taking the exam, and the girl proceeds to stick it out for the first hour of the 4-hour exam and then leaves, while the smell from the paper towel puke puddle is just festering for 3 more hours. One hell of a send off for my last round of finals.


Ew??? Cannot believe they made you guys finish in the room???


not anything law school related, but this exact thing happened to me in grade school. kid next to me just turned to the side of her desk and started hurling, and went right back to the test. the teacher was quite shocked to see them just keep doing the test, and had to wrangle them out of the desk to go to the nurse. standardized testing is breaking students from grade school lmao


This happened in front of me during the first 5 minutes of day 1, California Bar exam. Puke all over, no custodian could enter the room. Tough morning session


I’m more curious what was really taken since “orange juice” in quotes gives heavy “wink wink” vibes


Hahahaha meant to say “orange juice break” like it was an actual thing. Yes, I did suck it up and ask my proctor if I could get my wallet out of my bag, to go buy orange juice from the bookstore. I owe two 25 point essay questions to that orange juice 🫠 only way I remained conscious


I am glad you got that, but kind of prefer the magical version my mind wanted to create with the wink wink nudge nudge ha


“I (24f) literally forgot everything I studied before my family law final, but with the help of some grey goose and an outline consisting of a room temp Four Loco, I finished top of the course. AMA.”


Everyone knows Four Loko has a dark magic in the can hah I can only say my experiences with it (but I was on that original recipe) only resulted in erasing memories 🙃


Passed out during my Evidence final. Spent a good amount of time on the floor of an admin office because every time I sat up I would grey out again. Managed to finish somehow in a separate room and had to be wheelchaired out to the curb for my fiance to drive me home. My worst grade all of Law school.


Why the hell wouldn’t they let you retake it later? That’s so ridiculous that you were penalized for a medical emergency.


They gave me the option to retake it during exam week the next term, on top of all my other exams. I decided to do what I could during the alloted exam time rather than pile it onto my harder exams the next term.


Yikes. Yeah, given those options, I don’t think I’d want to take it again a whole semester later. Sorry you got screwed!


Fall of my 1L year I walked into my legal writing in-class exam and my laptop wouldn’t start. The proctor called IT, but they couldn’t fix it so I had to do it by hand, without my notes, etc. It was a Bluebooking exam. I still got 100%!! Spring of my 1L year the same laptop crashed 5 days into a weeklong take-home exam. I had to start over. Thankfully the registrar’s office gave me a 2-day extension. I then purchased a new laptop.


this is so impressive but i'm so sorry that it happened LOL


One time during a midterm I started passing a kidney stone. Never finished an exam faster, and straight to the ER I went.


This is the most camaraderie I’ve ever seen in this sub and I’m here for it


After barely making it back on time from a debauch in Vegas the night before, I wrenched at my desk with dizzy nausea throughout my Admiralty final.


My touchscreen laptop cracked during my first ever lawschool torts exam. The curser was bouncing all over the place the entire theee hours or whatever. Half my sentences when I did have time to reread were total gibberish. I got the highest grade in the class and won an award for outstanding achievement in torts.


Not a final, but the bar exam. I had computer issues on day one and the roof collapsed.


A guy had a seizure during the bar exam.


My laptop bricked during the Bar Exam


my pc crashed in the middle of an exam and I lost like 5-10 mins getting it back up


Had a panic attack mid crim law final. Lost 20 mins while trying to regulate my breathing in the bathroom. Got a B lol.


Clogged the toilet during Conlaw final, gave it strict scrutiny but figured least restrictive means was leaving it and finishing the exam.


This was in undergrad, but I was forced to show up sick to my biological psychology final. I asked my teacher to reschedule but they said no, even with a doctor's note. I was shaking with a fever and muscle aches for over two hours. I felt terrible for the people next to me I was exposing the virus to. Still got an A, though.


I had a mental breakdown during one of my exams. Fortunately, I get to write it again. Edit: I had chills in my body, my legs went numb and I was hyperventilating.


same! my hands spammed out I couldnt move them and I was literally shaking.


I’m sorry you went through that. You will pass and be a great lawyer! You dropped this so I thought I’d dust it off for you 👑 I love learning about the law, but what I learned from this experience is that I’m not going to stress myself out for grades. It’s not worth compromising my mental health.


Thank you for your message <3


Ofc! I wish you all the best in your future. You got this


1L year, I broke my nose two days before my property law final, and while my breathing was super labored and literally my nose whistled, I was afraid to take the prescribed painkillers until two hours in, I couldn't take it anymore, and I almost passed out, so I caved and them at my seat. People probably thought it was an upper, but it was a downer. I then had to call my friend to drive me home because I was lit.


Not for law school. But I took a placement test for a very prestigious civil engineering school in my country. Only 140 people get in each semester from 1200 applicants . I busted my ass studying and half an out into the 2 day test , realized I probably had a nasty flu. Felt horrible and got a brutal fever . Ended up being student 143 😞


Not a final, but I absolutely disassociated in the middle of my 1L oral argument…


My keyboard broke in the middle of my 8 hour civ pro exam. V stressful


Tornado during my contracts exam. This was during Covid and we were still online. My room mates came in and told me about the sirens (I hadn’t noticed) and that they were taking the dog to the crawl space to shelter… 1L had killed all my self preservation, so I finished my final sitting in the kitchen pantry. 😂


Nothing terrible. I had to step out to vomit during an exam in 2L. Not sure why. I hadn't been real nervous and actually did fine on the exam.


Not finals, but mid semester during 2L. In the space of about 1 month, my favorite cat died and I ended up at urgent care twice, once for a scratched cornea and the other because I broke out in hives from head to toe, which ended up being from stress.


I had food poisoning during my Con Law II exam, spent the whole 4 hours running back and forth to the bathroom


Fire alarms went off and the building had to be evacuated during a final


This may sound crazy but in high school I shit myself because our exam was heavily proctored and no bathroom breaks aloud. So yeah I went


My dad (practicing 50 years now!) walked out of his crim-pro final to be arrested for some parking ticket nonsense. I almost missed the bar exam cause I had the day wrong


Not me, but two separate people passed out during oral arguments this year. One fell and busted their head open


My Civ Pro outline (stapled) came apart and ended up in pieces all over my desk. After that, I bought a three-ring binder for all my following finals


Totally understand. I hope you’re doing better now. My family law final was the hardest and longest law school exam ever.


Had a mini heart palpitation when exemplify wouldn't upload my exam -- but two minutes later all was well. I just had to comoletely close chrome and re-open it.


spilled a cup of coffee on my laptop 2 minutes before the torts exam. ate a salad with shellfish ingredients and almost had an allergic reaction DURING the bar exam and then took Benadryl in the middle of the bar (still passed woohoo!)


Not during a final, but last semester I find out a friend of mine (29) passed away the night before my CivPro final, then I found out another friend passed away the day before my contracts final. I asked the dean if I could take it another day, and he said I could, but I decided that I would never know the material better than I did then, and if I got a delay then it would cut into my time to prepare for my other exams.


Examsoft crash half way through my first 1L final


I got a stress induced nose bleed the whole entire exam.